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单词 worried
释义 Word family  noun worry worrier adjective worried ≠ unworried worrying worrisome verb worry adverb worryingly worriedly  wor·ried /ˈwʌrid $ ˈwɜːrid/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  WORRIEDunhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen 担心的,焦虑的 She gave me a worried look. 她担心地看了我一眼。worried about I’m really worried about my brother. 我真的很担心我弟弟。worried by Local people are worried by the rise in crime. 当地老百姓因为犯罪率上升而感到不安。worried (that) I was worried we wouldn’t have enough money. 我担心我们的钱不够。 His parents must be worried sick (=extremely worried). 他的父母肯定担心死了。2  you had me worried spokenCONFUSED used to say that someone made you feel anxious because you did not properly understand what they said, or did not realize that it was a joke 你让我虚惊一场〔用于表示某人令自己感到担心,因为误解对方的话或不知道对方在开玩笑〕 You had me worried there for a minute! 你把我吓了一跳!n3  the worried well healthy people who are worried that they might be ill or become ill Health tests for the worried well should be strictly regulated. —worriedly adverbn COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/really worriedWe were really worried about him during the divorce.increasingly worriedThe family became increasingly worried about her safety.seriously/deeply worriedHazel was now seriously worried. Why hadn’t he come back?desperately worried (=extremely worried)All this time I was desperately worried about my family.a little/slightly worried (also a bit worried British English)I was a bit worried about my exams.not unduly worried (=not very worried)Jerry did not sound unduly worried at the prospect of going to jail.verbsbe worriedI was so worried!get/become worriedYou should have called me. I was getting worried.look worriedDon’t look so worried! It’ll be fine.phrasesworried sick/stiff (=extremely worried)Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick!nounsa worried expression/lookJohn came in with a worried look on his face.a worried frownHer worried frown deepened. THESAURUSworried not feeling happy or relaxed because you keep thinking about a problem or something bad that might happen 担心的,焦虑的I was worried that you had forgotten our date. 我担心你已经忘了我们的约会。nIt’s awful if you are worried about money.nI was so worried that I couldn’t sleep at all.anxious worried because you think something bad might happen or has happened. Anxious is more formal than worried, and is often used about a general feeling of worry, when you are not sure what has happened 焦虑的,担忧的〔anxious比worried正式,常用于表示因不确定发生了什么而感到担忧〕 A lot of employees are anxious about their jobs. 许多员工为自己的饭碗担忧。Anxious relatives waited for news. 亲人们在焦急地等待消息。nervous worried or frightened about something you are going to do or experience, and unable to relax 紧张不安的Everyone feels nervous before an exam. 考试前人人都会感到紧张。nThe thought of going into hospital was making me nervous.uneasy a little worried because you feel there may be something wrong and you are not sure what is going to happen 心神不安的When she still wasn’t home by midnight, I began to feel uneasy. 到午夜时她还没回家,我心里开始不安起来。nThe total silence was making me feel uneasy.concerned formal worried, usually about a problem affecting someone else or affecting the country or the world 〔对影响他人的问题或国家大事〕关切的,担忧的Many people are concerned about the current economic situation. 很多人对当前的经济状况感到担忧。5The school received dozens of calls from concerned parents.学校接到许多忧心忡忡的家长打来的电话。nPolice say that they are concerned for the safety of the missing girl.bothered [not before noun] worried by something that happens – often used in negative sentences 〔为发生的事〕烦恼的,担心的〔常用于否定句〕She didn’t seem particularly bothered by the news. 这个消息好像并没有让她特别不安。troubled very worried, so that you think about something a lot 不安的,烦恼的〔因而对某事思虑过度〕She fell into a troubled sleep. 她带着不安入睡了。a troubled expression 烦恼的表情n‘Are you okay, Ben? You look troubled.’apprehensive especially written a little worried about something you are going to do, or about the future, because you are not sure what it will be like 〔因对将要做的事或对未来没有把握〕略感忧虑的,担心的I felt a bit apprehensive about seeing him again after so long. 隔了这么久又要见到他,我感到有些不安。stressed (out) informal very worried and tired because of problems, too much work etc, and unable to relax or enjoy life 极其焦虑的;心力交瘁的5People who are stressed at work are more likely to become ill.工作压力大的人更容易得病。He’d been working ten hours a day for ages and was stressed out. 他一天工作十个小时,心力交瘁。nan extremely stressed single motherExamples from the Corpusworried• What's wrong? You look worried.• He's very worried about drought and very enterprising.• We're very worried about Grandma.• I'm not really worried about how much it will cost.• Marion was worried about losing her job.• And is it because of them that you're worried about the future - do you get depressed as a grandparent?• I'm getting worried because my account still hasn't registered a check I deposited a while ago.• Helen looked at me with a worried expression.• Local people there have been worried for some time about safety factors which affect the tunnel.• I was worried if I washed it, it might shrink.• She had such a worried look on her face!• They were getting that worried look you see on people's faces on the Tube.• Dave could see how worried she was, and he tried to reassure her.• He too was worried that he had been unfair to Angel.• She says she does get worried that she might miss a change.• She rushed to the station, worried that she might miss her train.• We are worried that we can't provide the level we have provided in the past.• You look worried - what's the matter?worried about• You shouldn't be so worried about your weight.wor·ried adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus because or unhappy a problem, keep you thinking about




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