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单词 Peaked
1 She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows.
2 His career peaked during the 1970's.
3 They peaked the oars and had a rest.
4 Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.
5 Temperatures have peaked at over thirty degrees Celsius.
6 Official figures show that unemployment peaked in November.
7 Sales peaked in August, then fell sharply.
8 You're looking a little peaked this morning.
9 Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday.
10 Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.
11 He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.
12 Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
13 Sales have now peaked and we expect them to decrease soon.
14 Cappellitti - shaped like peaked hats and stuffed.
15 Gold braid glowed on his peaked hat and epaulettes.
16 The bond-dependency ratio peaked this fiscal year, he said.
17 The upward movement peaked in 1810-11.
18 In 1952-53 membership peaked at a million.
19 Steel's production peaked at 35.8 million tons in 1953.
20 They peaked in 1985 when a record 191,000 petitions for divorce were filed.
21 The Dow Jones index, which peaked last year at 11,722, dropped below 9,500 before rallying.
22 Foreign investment peaked in November, when overseas investors took advantage of low prices.
23 The stock opened at 201 / 4, peaked at 203 / 4 and now trades at 9.
24 The rate of business relocations peaked in 1992, then fell in 1993 and 1994.
25 Bonds peaked in January, and suffered a big decline since then.
26 The little enterprise set up by Mr. Leo had peaked out.
27 Most of the rest of Sussex seems to have enjoyed the prosperity which peaked in the late thirteenth century.
28 A policeman got out of the Porsche, putting on his peaked cap as he did so.
29 But many dealers remain convinced that the mark has peaked against both sterling and the dollar.
30 The policeman he spoke to stood with his hands on his hips, had grey hair showing beneath his peaked cap.
1 She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows.
2 Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
31 Indeed, in the 1960s there was a surge of merger activity which peaked over 1967/9.
32 In April, the demands on farm labour peaked with lambing often coinciding with other spring work.
33 The national dailies peaked later, in 1957, but fluctuated within a comparatively narrow range.
34 A boom period of speculative house building peaked between 1928 and 1936 when construction of 118,000 dwellings annually increased to 293,000.
35 Its annual sales peaked at $ 201 million in 1988.
36 My door was opened and a very young-looking man in a peaked cap was shown in.
37 Control charts and statistical quality control generally became popular during World War Il and peaked in the late 1940s.
38 In the pre-punk 1970s, before working-class chic peaked, hipsters at art school would have out-posed middle-class Ruby.
39 Hearing the noise of the car she turned and he saw a peaked, delicate face framed with red-gold hair.
40 Birth rates for teens peaked in 1991 and have been declining since.
41 There was no escape from it and we longed for the luxury of sun glasses or a peaked cap.
42 Hongkong Bank steered clear of the mania to lend to third-world countries that peaked in the early 1980s.
43 The annual incidence of infection in New York peaked from 1982 through 1984.
44 A sweeping attack peaked when Greenwood played a one-two with Healey before pounding in for his hat-trick.
45 The gin palaces are out, polished brass, blaring radios and peaked hats, and they don't care.
46 To succeed, you needed to take great care that you peaked just as the winning-post hove into view.
47 Commentators feel that the Bears haven't peaked yet this season.
48 And her spectacles and peaked cap seem to add to the image of a beauty with brains.
49 In 1926, the exchange rate peaked at fifty francs to the dollar; later, it leveled off at twenty.
50 That wave peaked at nine stories above sea level at Yoshihama.
51 Instead of metal serving-dishes there was an officer's uniform laid out there, complete with peaked cap and well-shined high boots.
52 Looking back towards the Pan-Americana, the huge mud complex appeared ringed with peaked and desiccated mountains.
53 On Wall Street double-breasted suits and peaked lapels were considered a bit sharp, a bit too Garment District.
54 He was wearing a peaked cap of brown leather and a long black overcoat.
55 A chauffeur's peaked cap was pulled down over his high forehead.
56 A year ago this week the Nasdaq index peaked at just over 5,000 points.
57 He wore a heavy black coat, a maroon woollen scarf and a grey tweed peaked cap.
58 I he trade in tropical hardwoods has already peaked and stocks in some countries are rapidly running down.
59 The hotel below the line where the water had finally peaked was a complete mess.
60 Thomas' secular career peaked when he was appointed the archbishop of Canterbury.
61 Employment here peaked in 1975 and had somewhat recovered from its lowest level of 1981 by 1984.
62 A peaked cap was cutting its way through the crowd towards me and I recognized the Feldwebel.
63 And as the Saatchi shares peaked ahead of the 1987 stock market crash the seeds of its financial decline had already been sown.
64 Saunders' block was flanked with attenuated brick turrets(http:///peaked.html), each peaked with a red wooden globe atop a large blue triangle.
65 Pike took off the peaked cap and tucked it inside his overall which he then zipped up tight to the neck.
66 The dark-haired child was wearing a white woollen coat, white trousers and a blue peaked hat.
67 But the Treasury warned that it was too early to predict whether the unemployment rate had peaked.
68 In the mid-1970s, public spending peaked at over 49 percent of our gross national product.
69 Do I look silly with the peaked cap?
70 The crisis peaked in July 1974.
71 The little business Parker had started soon peaked out.
72 The snow peaked Fujiyama is the trademark of Japan.
73 The visor was acutely peaked.
74 On the old hats and peaked shoulders it was piling.
75 It was of small dimensions, with a peaked cottage roof, and not much else to be seen, the dirt being raised five feet all around as if it were a compost heap.
76 The diners too, the most prosperous of Londoners, had a peaked and shabby look.
77 Then the ratio began to increase gradually and peaked at ( 2.87±0.35 ) %.
78 Utopian socialism arose in Europe in the sixteenth century, peaked in nineteenth century.
79 The severity of his drug withdrawal syndrome peaked the next day.
80 In the last cycle they stopped hiking rates three months before the CPI peaked. CPI will be the best thing to settle market sentiment.
81 The rates in American Indian boys peaked in 2007, but declined only in the above 95th percentile group.
82 Modernist housing in America probably peaked in the early 1970's, and Richard M. Nixon delivered the coup-de-grace in January, 1972 when he killed what little public housing policy the U.
83 The weight lifter's strength peaked just in time for the competition.
84 The number of U. S. military deaths in Iraq peaked in May with 126 troops killed, then declined to 21 deaths in December - the second lowest monthly total of the war.
85 Production has already peaked and is in decline in some 50 nations.
86 Otherwise, the team is elegance itself in its striped knee breeches and loose shirts, colored stockings and peaked caps.
87 He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.
88 Drag onto the page, then right - click to show peaked roof or sump.
89 Sky - blue, both sides is setting peaked cap of maize edge.
90 "We have not peaked," Michelle Applebaum, an independent steel industry analyst in Chicago, said on Friday. "Raw material prices will continue to rise and so will steel prices."
91 The height of the jejunal villus increased from natality , peaked in the postnatal 3rd month and decreased from then on.
92 Yet we still don't know if the unemployment rate has peaked.
93 The lap game peaked in popularity a decade ago. It is a spectacular outdoor game that advertises the power of cooperation.
94 He is very shy, so he wears his hair long with the peaked cap.
95 It peaked in the Oligocene Epoch around 34 million years ago in Eurasia, and again in the Miocene Epoch about 10 million years ago in Eurasia and Africa.
96 But, according to Mr Gaddis, his prestige had peaked by 1948. After that, Kennan became increasingly sidelined for opposing what he judged to be excessive militarisation of his containment strategy.
97 Thus at the start of this decade , when lay - offs peaked, it hugely understated true unemployment.
98 The most important way to expand one of the credit - the U.S. current account deficit has peaked.
99 That is also the longest period on record, and is a full six weeks longer than the average when total unemployment peaked in 1982.
100 The percentage seed germination of C. tubulosa in all three species peaked at 82%, and the percentage haustorium formation of C. sala peaked at 52%.
101 Gross retail sales peaked at $ 3.1 billion in 1995 - 96.
102 Where Tim the ostler listened. His face was and peaked.
103 But matched against late July, when the backwardation peaked at $70-$75/ton, the change is enormous.
104 Chatelaine of nifty wide margin of peaked cap collocation, black is tight slope of pants, rivet follows round head shoe or new fund follows short boots high to be deduced another pattern time.
105 In countries like Cote d'Ivoire and Kenya, prevalence has peaked and declines are now being registered year after year.
106 Atmospheric oxygen levels peaked around 35 percent, compared to 21 percent today.
107 For chaffs, its peaked at anthesis(0 N) or milk-ripe stage (200 N).
108 Real estate prices have cooled and stock prices peaked in October 2007 after a two-year boom that saw shares rise six-fold in value.
109 The back skull is flat, without receding either laterally or backward and the occipital bone is not highly peaked.
110 Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore.
111 Mass participation was a sign that the market had peaked.
112 Output peaked in 2002 and may peter out in a decade.
113 A month elapsed, the girl was narcose all the same. The boy was peaked and pined, but he still believed that she would get better one day.
114 The world did not come crashing down after December 29th 1989, the last trading day of that decade, when the stockmarket peaked.
115 Training for the Meuse crossings: a unit of the 7th Panzer Division at the Moselle in early 1940. Erwin Rommel, the division's commander, is in the peaked cap on the far left.
116 Pierce says that because this active landfill is still growing, production at the 20 year old Puente Hills landfill gas plant has not yet peaked, and averages about 50 megawatts.
117 On the head is a manteau - like peaked cap as long as to the shoulders.




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