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单词 Grinning
1 He was grinning from ear to ear.
2 He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements.
3 Stop grinning and tell me what happened!
4 He just stood there, tonguetied and grinning sheepishly.
5 He stared down at her, grinning vacuously.
6 Jack was grinning all over his chops.
7 He lurched through the bar, grinning inanely.
8 He appeared in the doorway grinning broadly.
9 Mild-mannered Stanley morphs into a confident, grinning hero.
10 He lay grinning impishly up at me.
11 He turned around, grinning hugely.
12 What are you grinning about?
13 He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.
14 Don't keep grinning at me;answer my question.
15 He was grinning like an idiot .
16 He was grinning like a Cheshire cat.
17 He walked out of the pool, grinning widely.
18 He stood there grinning like an oaf.
19 She looked at us, grinning from ear to ear.
20 I can't help grinning at the funny things the child says.
21 He was grinning widely, waving to her as he ran.
22 I asked my grinning neighbor what the title meant.
23 Grinning shyly, he offered her a drink.
24 Young said,[] grinning at the thought.
25 Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.
26 He kneels by my head, grinning.
27 Grinning like pumpkins, the children squatted around it.
28 She sat back down again, grinning broadly.
29 There was Hoppy Harper towering over the crowd, grinning.
30 I walked away, still grinning.
1 He was grinning from ear to ear.
2 He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements.
3 Stop grinning and tell me what happened!
31 He was grinning now, his old soul-of-the-party trickster look.
32 Grinning soldiers crowded around the partition.
33 The boys thanked her politely and returned to the rest of the royal party grinning and clutching their gifts.
34 Janet had my breakfast laid out on the table and sat there grinning an insane grin at me.
35 Looking very solemn and Royal Academyish, I suddenly drew a fiendishly grinning devil playing a fiddle in the castle forecourt.
36 Shaker gave a loose salute, and the grinning ensign tapped his forehead with a finger.
37 And I catch the roots of my Enoch Dream: his grinning mug makes a brief appearance on-screen as an Inspiral slide.
38 It was pointed downwards, the jaws grinning, the muzzle close to the ground.
39 Then, as I turned before leaving, I saw she was grinning at me.
40 The grinning waiter set down a cup of coffee by my hand.
41 He tapped this malevolently against the glass, grinning all the while like a storybook bandit.
42 Amelia called out cheerily to Jake, who remembered grinning, a grin tinged with anxiety.
43 The tap-tap boy with the crooked gaze stood in the open doorway(), grinning as usual.
44 After Vorontseff had fallen off twice he was hoisted up by a grinning trooper and thrown face down in front of the saddle.
45 The jumpers stumble forward as they hit, grinning and laughing.
46 Henceforth I went around grinning like an idiot, which wasn't difficult.
47 The squirt is sitting on the end of the second row, grinning as Keith passes.
48 She took a cigarette from a monogrammed case and held it between her teeth, grinning.
49 Maria and Eliseo were holding hands and grinning at me.
50 Grinning and waving, he puts the car into gear and steps on the accelerator.
51 There were grinning gnomes worked into the iron filigree, running downwards helter-skelter.
52 I try and keep a straight face, but I can't help grinning at myself.
53 They slid along the floor silent as fog and hoisted themselves to the foot of the bed to sit grinning.
54 Long steps across the width of the pool invite a grinning entrance into the waters.
55 Two shiny hearses were standing outside, waiting; the black-capped drivers were standing together smoking and grinning over a joke.
56 The man on the floor who had jacked up grinned at her and she found herself grinning back.
57 He was grinning from ear to ear and pointing his finger up to the flies.
58 Except for one guy, with a beer and sunglasses, grinning and waving.
59 Corbett took his seat, trying to ignore de Craon who was grinning as if he had suddenly found something amusing.
60 She could see him now, grinning down at her with his sticky crimson teeth.
61 The grinning skull on the back of the mystery woman's jacket is keeping mum.
62 Look at singer Linda Hopper, quite literally hopping on the spot and grinning like a hyena in an amyl nitrate factory.
63 The mood was contagious, and despite myself I started grinning mindlessly.
64 Dolores stood back grinning, urging Ruth to go on in.
65 B is grinning like a baby: Her whole face, her whole body is grinning.
66 He came to the door with Foggerty the games master, who was grinning like an ape.
67 I signed it without speaking, incredibly delighted, grinning like a maniac.
68 He just climbed up into his cabin, still grinning, occasionally giggling, and started his engine.
69 I was in Heaven, smelling everything, grinning from east to west with the salivary promise of an upended cornucopia.
70 He turned back to stare at me as he was hauled off and he was still grinning.
71 She threw on her denim jacket, and grinning, lied tie door open for Penelope.
72 The grinning face of the fairground boy leers in through the wire.
73 He lay grinning up at me on the water, spreadeagled on his back with his arms splayed.
74 But behind the mask of self righteousness he was grinning.
75 One man just sat there in silence, looking at the camera, grinning and folding and refolding his six fivers.
76 That breath and her limited vocabulary were snapping me out of grinning aw-shucks-ness.
77 Still grinning faintly at such unaccustomed fancies, he grasped the iron handle and carefully pushed the gate open.
78 Loulse at the wheel still had her pout on, but he was grinning like a golfing fool.
79 "The baby's due in March," Caroline said grinning and patting her stomach.
80 He hadn't seen the body of the figure, only its face grinning at him, the eyes bulging like sap.
81 One morning I saw Mrs Goreng's chauffeur grinning as he went about his chore of servicing the jeep.
82 Two or three of my colleagues are also standing out there, grinning like goons.
83 It'd still be there when they were all dead, grinning at everyone with its horrible eyeless stare.
84 She was holding the baby,[] and grinning from ear to ear.
85 Mr Barraza was grinning, his teeth bright, his bulk overshadowing both of us.
86 Bowring's control broke, and he swung the axe toward the unbearable sight of the grinning face.
87 Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.
88 This he unveiled with grinning blatancy whilst clasping his wife ostentatiously round the waist.
89 In wild expressionist style, the work portrays a slain woman lying at the feet of a grinning king.
90 The white shape hung there in the blackness of the short corridor inside the entrance to the cathedral, grinning at them.
91 She kept grinning at me as if we were old friends.
92 Cut to Ross emerging from a hallway, grinning inanely.
93 Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
94 As I walked onI was grinning in the dark.
95 Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned.
96 Ah Duo watched from the porch, grinning.
97 Are we ready to face his grinning hideousness yet?
98 He was very polite, boyishly cheeky (always grinning), and a lot (if possible) better looking in real life than on tv.
99 Grinning, ducking my head for balance, I start to spin as wildly as I can.
100 Liverpool fans would have been grinning all the way back to Merseyside last night.
101 A lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently.
102 Jess is also cast in stereotypical light , the " grinning " negro, " all eyes and teeth ".
103 When I pointed out that we were together she shot me a shitty "back off" look and then went back to grinning up at him inanely.
104 At first glance the middle-aged man, grinning widely to reveal missing teeth, holds the kind of shabby cardboard sign used by rough-sleepers the world over.
105 Young Donald was grinning at him with his new look of mockery.
106 The thought of grinning politicians telling people how happy they are is truly Orwellian.
107 The bucolic woods, vineyards and meadows of the south-west were such a delight after the Great Sandy Desert that we rode along grinning in our helmets and saying: "Corners!
108 Ground of our grinning cheekily scolds : Poor clever boy, true firm of your boy helper, be gutty!
109 They take each other's photographs on mobile phones, grinning, thumbs-up life beside death.
110 I quickly followed suit , and descending into the barroom accosted the grinning landlord very pleasantly.
111 He was grinning broadly, but his smile collapsed suddenly and his eyes closed in pain.
112 The totem of this clan is a blood - red face grinning out of a sunburst.
113 A picture of a grinning, freckled teenage boy was on the right. On the left side was a shot of a young woman in a graduation gown and mortarboard.
114 You never forgot the picture that popped up in February 2007: a spacey Britney holding a razor to her head and grinning at the slowly balding pop princess before her.
115 In the sea of grinning, unfamiliar faces he caught glimpses of friends.
116 The angry fire had burned up the grinning happy husband and the fat adorable babies.
117 When dive teams drill through the frozen surface of the White Sea off the north-west coast of Russia, they are greeted by grinning belugas.
118 Nevertheless, we are convinced by his niminy-piminy grinning that he would be the first escaper when encountering terrorism attack.
119 A man with a carefully oiled black quiff is introduced to me by a grinning volunteer as Shakin' Stevens.
120 " the ground says foliaceous teacher grinning: "Heard you to call me the teacher eventually!
121 I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious.
122 The sights and smells were arresting: giant slabs of shea butter, grinning cats picking at fishmongers' leftovers, piles of brightly-coloured fabric and rows of hastily stitched football tops.
123 Mario tries his podgy, gloved hand at everything to keep his mustachioed mush grinning out from your TV screens.
124 He looked out and saw Dipa Ma in the air near the tops of the trees, grinning at him and playing in a room she had built in the sky.
125 I thought about the photo of me grinning ear to ear in the middle of that fixer-upper kitchen and it occurred to me that I don't remember that room at all.




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