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单词 Tidal
1) A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
2) Several villages have been destroyed by a huge tidal wave.
3) Many animals were drowned by the tidal wave.
4) The tidal wave dashed the ship against the rocks.
5) The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water.
6) The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland.
7) A powerful tidal wave struck Jamaica, killing 2000.
8) The river is tidal up to this bridge.
9) Voters were swept away on a tidal wave of enthusiasm.
10) The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply between 60 000 and 80 000 homes.
11) The water displaced by the landslides created a tidal wave.
12) The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.
13) A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill.
14) Thus,[http:///tidal.html] tidal forces can lead to synchronous rotation.
15) Economic fluctuations are unpredictable tidal waves.
16) How can we stem the tidal flow of change?
17) Blockbuster movies hit town like tidal waves.
18) Another clue is tidal forces and the atmosphere.
19) Tidal stress and gravitational asymmetries had pulled the sphere out of shape. Newtonian mechanics had done the rest.
20) She is suddenly engulfed by a tidal wave of self-loathing.
21) Just over half an hour later, the tidal wave swept up to the Over bridge on the outskirts of Gloucester.
22) Moreover, as their separation increases, tidal forces will also cause m to slow down to maintain its synchronous rotation.
23) Speaking through an interpreter, a Japanese fisherman gave his account of the tidal wave.
24) The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
25) All the pain and anguish inside her rose like a tidal wave.
26) A prothonotary warbler adds a splash of gold to a tableau of cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.
27) Ultimately there is a direct contest between internal gravity and the tidal forces.
28) He trailed along behind her through the sand dunes, along the edge of the tidal salt marsh.
29) Mungo imagined them shattering, burying the floor in a tidal wave of crystal.
30) As such a singularity is approached, some physical quantities diverge and all observers feel unbounded tidal forces.
1) A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
2) Several villages have been destroyed by a huge tidal wave.
3) Speaking through an interpreter, a Japanese fisherman gave his account of the tidal wave.
4) The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
5) The river is tidal up to this bridge.
31) We scudded over the Dorus Mhor which was conveniently quiescent, its frothing tidal step lurking in the depths.
32) He was immediately plucked off and we plunged downwards, drowning in a tidal wave of powder snow.
33) Also, tidal power generators must be designed to withstand severe wave action and the corrosive effects of seawater.
34) Her almost flat nose tended to widen at the nostrils, flaring over a tidal wave of a mouth.
35) It was more a tidal wave in a punch bowl.
36) Once merely quick, pentecostal growth has now reached the proportions of a tidal wave.
37) Were this asteroid to hit an ocean, it would create massive tidal waves that would roar far inland on all continents.
38) It was raining, as advertised, at a volume that seemed more appropriate to a tidal wave.
39) About 3000 years ago a tidal wave swamped the coastal lowlands of Greece, causing massive destruction.
40) On the legislative, judicial and administrative levels, there has been a tidal wave of movement to restrict inmates' rights.
41) The sea is potentially very destructive, with underwater remains being broken and scattered by currents, waves, or tidal action.
42) By keeping the tidal mudflats, the conservationists argue, the development will be both more imaginative and environmentally sound.
42) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
43) Crowds lined the river banks to watch more than twenty water sport enthusiasts brave the six foot tidal wave.
44) She clung to the raft of her identity as the hurricanes and tidal waves lashed her.
45) Thus the optimum conditions for coastal terrace development would seem to be areas with small tidal ranges.
46) Would you rather do this on a barnacled tidal ramp in a loaded plastic kayak or a loaded glassfibre kayak?
47) A tidal wave, coming from the depths of the waters, shook those coasts violently while the burial was going on.
48) Any orbital eccentricity produced by the collapse must have been subsequently removed by tidal forces.
49) Tidal schemes have the advantage of regularity, an integrated electricity system could organise itself according to high and low water.
50) By distorting them, supernova explosions may lead to the shredding of otherwise stable clouds by the tidal field of the nucleus.
51) Tidal energy is harnessed in much the same way as that of hydropower, by building a barrage across a suitable estuary.
52) From this apprenticeship to nature on tidal flats, I knew the strength of the environment in controlling cycles of marine life.
53) The tidal reach of the sea fills the lake so that at all times the water is brackish.
54) One might as well try to measure how many grains of sand will be moved by a tidal wave.
55) At Pevensey, reclamation of the adjacent estuary had reduced tidal scouring(), which had previously kept the river mouth open.
56) They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal energy.
57) With the reversal of tidal currents deltas can be built up at both ends of the strait.
58) Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects.
59) Studio heads and directors ignore the long list of artistic failures and succumb to the tidal pull.
60) Point Judith Pond, the eastern most of the tidal ponds, has been the most polluted by oil.
61) The tidal lagoon would provide alternative feeding grounds for birds displaced from the bay by the impounded lake.
62) The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.
63) As many as 2,500 people died as a result of the earthquake and the ensuing tidal waves.
64) The present tidal estuary is far from dormant; in fact, it's bursting with life.
65) On the other hand, thirteen percent hardly constituted the tidal wave of popular support that de Gaulle was looking for.
66) Helena, but no one was on the beach on the side facing the tidal wave when it arrived.
67) Huge tidal waves swamped the town, damaging almost half the buildings.
68) However, deltas can be built in areas of larger tidal range provided that conditions 3 and 4 above are met.
69) There is a fair amount of tidal movement but 5 oz plain leads are the order of the day.
70) It is very rarely still because of the strong tidal currents.
71) There is therefore a fundamental link between the curvature of space-time and the existence of classical tidal forces.
72) Love washed over him with the force of a tidal wave.
73) There are also plans for a major tidal power system on the Severn Estuary and research is continuing into wave power systems.
74) By 1978,[http:///tidal.html] Holocaust remembrance was becoming a national tidal wave.
75) There is a tidal wave of youth crime, and the Government have not begun to answer it.
76) Biofuels and wind power are regarded as the most promising technologies, along with small scale hydro and tidal power.
77) The environmental organisation detected radionuclides in zooplankton from the tidal currents which flush Mururoa's lagoon.
78) It is one of merged meadowlands ending in the great saltings and mud flats and tidal pools near the restless sea.
79) Its relationship both to the Gaussian curvature of two-dimensional surfaces and to tidal forces is discussed.
80) Then the tide turned, slowly at first, but consolidating into something close to a tidal wave.
81) We can also draw diagrams complementary to Figs 10.1 and 10.2 which show tidal accelerations.
82) The heartlands of Tiranoc were swamped by a succession of enormous tidal waves that drowned the plains and smashed the cities.
83) The stunned production team were dealing with the tidal wave as best they could when an awful realization dawned.
84) In furtherance of that, may I urge him to bend his considerable energies towards the development of solar and tidal power?
85) Atmospheric explosions will at best generate rather feeble tidal waves.
86) The best approach would now seem to be by a huge tidal boulder hop from Blackchurch, or by canoe.
87) This twice daily peristalsis creates tidal currents every six hours, pushing sea water first north, then south.
88) In 1992, tidal waves set off by a strong earthquake killed around 2000 people.
89) Their movements are therefore highly predictable, which gives tidal power a distinct advantage over many other renewable energy forms.
90) The Department of Energy study of wave power did likewise, as did the report of Government tidal power study group.
91) There has been a tidal wave of unemployment in the region.
92) You must be reasonably fit and be sure you can handle the prevailing wind, weather and tidal conditions.
93) Tidal ranges are rarely large enough to provide an attractive source of power.
94) Sea salt crystallizes from tidal pools when the water evaporates.
95) It therefore represents a tidal flow, without any overall increase.
96) Prorate the height of the tidal waves.
97) Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.
98) At Barnes the river is muddy, dingy and tidal.
99) There are numerous deep tidal channels herefanning out landward.
100) a tidal wave of crime.
101) It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest.
102) The serious non-point source pollution and cross-pollution in plain tidal river networks presented problems of environmental pollution and environmental safety.
103) By summing up work experience,[http:///tidal.html] this paper discusses several problems that should be considered in tidal zone engineering design.
104) Have a tidal wave come up and submerged every living thing.
105) Introduces briefly the current situation of the research on the numerical simulation of water environmental capacity in tidal river and analyzes the main problems to be overcome.
106) The middle-level of tidal flat is presented as a zone of reworking, which is dominated by silt flats, or tidal channel systems, silt sediments and ripple bedding respectively.
107) The authors consider that the development of the deltas is related to tidal range, wave conditions, Sediment amount flowing into the bays, bsy volume and unenclosure of sea waters off their gorse.
108) The stainless steels exposed to tidal zone were attacked by pitting and crevice corrosion.
109) A method of using the tidal stream information is presented in this paper.
110) The paper has studied the characteristic and reason for flood in cities in tidal river area, and then has summed up the assignments faced with and existent problems in the area.
111) The theory of tidal friction is the concern of dynamic oceanography.
112) Haitan Strait is a south-north and long restricted channel strait, tidal wave in the strait belongs to progressive wave.
113) The formation of sand waves is controlled mainly by underset of tidal current, and also related to tectonic uplift.
114) The results show that the water quality at upstream and downstream in tidal river influences each other and the COD capacity of water environment is closely related to the fluctuation of tide.
115) Based on experiment analysis of hydraulic properties of tidal bore about bore height, propagation velocity and tidal current velocity, the relative tidal bore height exceeds 0.
116) Corrosion resistances of nickel alloys in tidal zone are better than in fully immersion zone.
117) Though often co-mingled, wave power is distinct from the diurnal flux of tidal power and the steady gyre of ocean currents.
118) Other cyclic variations in the relationships between Sun, Moon and Earth also affect tidal range.
119) The tidal forces of the galactic core are still too strong.
120) Tidal breathing measurements include analysis of tidal expiratory flow and of thoracoabdominal motion.
121) In this paper, the effects on velocity modeling with different eddy viscosity coefficients are discussed, the 3-D tidal flow model is developed based on POM.
122) The event, called "Stand With Japan," included a moment of silence followed by a walk around Washington's Tidal Basin.
123) Tidal waves in Bengal, India, killing some 10 000 people.
124) The achievements of this paper not only have provided gist for the flood prevention plan of NingBo City, but also is applicable to other similar hydrological problems of cities in tidal river area.
125) The tidal flat of China is a reserve land resources which increases at all times and has a potentiality of continuative expanding.
126) Others see a mix of solar, e thermal, tidal and wind power.
127) In the tidal difference daily variations, there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon.
128) The coastal villages of Crete were flooded and destroyed. The only major Minoan structure surviving the waves and earthquakes was the palace at Knossos, far enough inland to escape the tidal waves.
129) CNOOC used EURONAVY ES301 and ES323 to make coatings for large tugboat NO. 298 ballast tanks, the Pinghu oil and gas fields and Boxi oil fields 'oil platform tidal zone.
130) In contrast to the simple observations of the tides, tidal current studies are difficult and expensive.
131) A depth-averaged two-dimensional unsteady flow with uniform non-equilibrium sediment transport model is proposed to simulate the riverbed deformation in a tidal river.
132) The tidal predictions are expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. Add one hour for British Summer Time.
133) Single beam bathymetry is widely used in marine geologic survey. Tidal calibration is very necessary to guarantee correct results of the bathymetry.
134) The research result shows that the basic conditions for tidal bore formation are the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay and sand bar rising.
135) The tidal breathing, forced expiratory spirometry,[] and breathlessness scale were measured before and immediately after exercise.
136) The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses, a roaring tidal wave.
137) The first terrible barrage of pumped lasers, particle beams, and missiles struck the nearest inorganics at virtual point-blank range, like a tidal wave rolling over a shore.
138) The tidal river would push detritus into the most-used spots.
139) A 2-D tidal flow mathematical model of Xinghua Bay based on irregular triangular grid finite difference method was set up and numerical simulation of tidal flow field was carried out.
140) The 2 - D tidal current and sediment mathematical model for estuary is established.
141) In the autumn of 1910, an RL Tippins hauled a Maxim machine gun to the tidal mud of the river Stour in Suffolk and fired two bursts of about 30 bullets straight up into the air.
142) Termed the European tsunami, this will result in tidal waves 200 feet tall assaulting the UK coastline, rising to 300 feet up the Bristol Channel due to tidal bore.
143) In order to know chloride diffusion characteristics well in concrete at tidal zone, chloride diffusion rules in concrete were studied under the effect of dry and wet alternation and flexural load.
144) Total Oxygen Uptake with Two Maximal Breathing Techniques and Tidal Volume Breathing Technique: A Physiological Study of Preoxygenation Pandit JJ, et al.
145) With the economic integration, our national economy will be in harmony with the world tidal current.
146) And so there is deformation,friction effects,tidal effects and so on.
147) EDSS is a comprehensive software system for water quality management in tidal river networks in general and for the Pearl River Delta in specific.
148) The tidal flow around Hiroshima Bay has been simulated and discussed.
149) A tidal estuary of southeastern Connecticut flowing about 24 km ( 15 mi ) southward to Long Island Sound.
150) Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.
151) Tidal flat is a very active zone between sea and land, and also an important area lor development of economic and scientific cultural undertakings in modern limes.
152) The model is applied to numerical simulation of tidal bore successfully.
153) We can largely get diversified information about our astrospace by the new tidal wave of technical ...
154) By application to a certain tidal river showed that the computational method both in theory and practice were feasible.
155) Let vermin Corp. expand, let Chang Zhou City tidal current be popular for.
156) The cornerstone of the memorial is the "Stone of Hope, " a large granite sculpture which depicts King overlooking the memorials of former presidents on the shore of the Tidal Basin.
157) There are other issues with the memorial, set on the Tidal Basin between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials, too.
158) Wielding their inspired pens , some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore.
159) Tidal channels, deltas, and washover fans are characteristically associated with offshore bars.
160) The initial tidal propagation conditions are also obtained by the observed data.
161) Further analysis suggests that narrowed river channel increases flood current velocity and silted riverbed slows down tidal wave propagation velocity.
162) Systematic tests are carried out to study the erosion of the man-made island of the Jiangsu LNG Terminal with irregular waves and tidal currents by using natural sand in the model.
163) Tidal current that moves toward the shore is called a flood tide.
164) The obliquely inflowing current forms an asymmetric geomorphologic system in the tidal inlet,[] the tidal deltas are more developed on the east side of inner bay and on the northeast side of outer bay.
165) Current in tidal river shows a complex periodic characteristic, and it is unsteady flow moving alternately backward and forward.
166) Shenzhen City is tidal belt of land for flood alluvial loess.
167) It is admirably coherent, in a way the new World War II Memorial is not, and the landscaping elegantly surrounds and highlights the adjacent Tidal Basin.
168) These fossil date indicate that Ningbo Formation is marine-continental transitional sediment, maybe belonging to tidal zone.
169) The tidal current comes and goes, but the nature of life is permanent.
170) The outer coast of the tidal inlet is shell sand bar created in higher sea level period and is reformed by current hydrodynamical processes.
171) Visitors get a water view of the Cherry Blossoms surrounding the Tidal Basin in Washington.
172) A new wetting and drying method for the numerical tidal flow model is developed to deal with the moving boundary due to tidal waves at the tidal flat.
173) The study fills the empty of tidal gravity observation in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China and can provide the effective reference and service to ground surface and space geodesy.
174) The center control computer observes the tidal discharge by sending orders to the water lever and velocity instruments through the optical fiber cable automatically.
175) There is a huge tidal sand system which is composed of the old sand body distributing in the coastal plain and the radial sand ridge distributing in south Huanghai Sea.
176) The progression of tidal effects is both elegant and stately.
177) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has set up a seismic detection system to monitor earthquakes and predict the possible arrival of tidal waves for Pacific countries.
178) Particularly, the solution for impermeable silt-layer can be used to describe the tidal fluctuation in a confined aquifer under a tidal river separated by an impermeable layer.
179) Sedimentary system and distribution features of early Tertiary in Liaohe tidal zone are studied by using seismic stratigraphy , sequence stratigraphy , and logging sedimentology.
180) SELO 360 Science and Technology: Prime goods. Professional service. Led still the tidal current expense new concept.
181) This kind of multi - dimensional teaching system enables Singapore's students to adapt the internationalization tidal current.
182) These inclined beddings can be divided into 4 bedding assemblages to represent different development stages of tidal sand ridges and to correspond to different postglacial sea-level rise periods.
183) It was found that pitting rates of stainless steels in tidal zone were bigger during 1 to 4 years, after which the pitting rate diminished.
184) A bicyclist rides past cherry trees in bloom next to the Tidal Basin.
185) The tidal flat, paludal and the deltaic plane paludal environments during the Taiyuan and Shanxi periods are most favorable for coal generation.
186) Use WASP5 to simulate the water quality of tidal river network controlled by gates. And optimize WASP5 model in accordance with the specific characteristics of tidal river network.
187) A demonstration of the working principles of an energy-accumulating tidal power generating facility. It is composed of a tidal wave producing system, tidal basin and tidal power station.
188) The flexible management taking one kind of brand-new management pattern will follow the knowledge economy to arise. It is representing the future knowledge organization's tidal current and the trend.
189) Author discussed the prediction of mine disasters by macro precursors, image force theory and the effect of tidal force.
190) The results show that the movement of tidal currents near each harbour are all of the rectilinear current type, while the tidal currents are different from each other in property.
191) Hydrokinetic (wave, tidal, and current) power technologies could harness these widely available major energy sources — and mitigate climate change — in developed and developing countries alike.
192) By means of mathematical models of wave, tidal flow and sediment, numerical study is carried out on deposit-promoting schemes in the reclamation project of Wenzhou shoal at Oujiang estuary.
192) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
193) The results showed that the areas of land for building, water area and fishery land increased. Paddy field, dry agricultural land, tidal flat, forest land and saltern decreased.
194) Sited on a built archipelago in the tidal zone of the Arabian Gulf, the Louvre Abu Dhabi will be uniquely placed to become a global cultural destination when it opens in 2012.
195) However, the inning and land use of the tidal flat have caused a decrease in biodiversity along the coast and the reduction of self-adjusting function of the ecosystem in the tidal flat.
196) Temporally, the suspended sediment concentration in the jiaojiang river estuary neap - spring tidal cycle and flood - ebb fluctuations.
197) In 2003, the first commercial power station to harness tidal currents in the open sea opened in Norway.
198) The 20-minute boat ride through a maze of tidal rivers and marshes is wonderful.
199) Numerical study of tidal circulation and nonlinear dynamics in Lunenburg Bay, Nova Scotia.
200) The 2 - D tidal current and sediment mathematical model for Feiyunjiang estuary is established.
201) Function IDCB 2 contains ink area - driven and the control circuit tidal volume controller.
202) Large tidal volumes are useful until circulatory impediment and barotrauma become a concern.
203) In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.
204) The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy.
205) Perhaps the Daily Mail should take a leaf out of Jonathan Swift's book and instead of blaming changes in English on "a tidal wave of mindless Americanisms", start calling those damned poets to book.
206) I have a toy of Tidal Wave in Transformer_Energon. I like it. Today I shall introduce the toy to you.
207) The company Atlantis Resources is to install a 50MW tidal farm in the Gulf of Kutch on India's west coast, with construction starting early in 2012.
208) And a strange sight in the nation's capital Monday: Local news crews were on the scene as 2 large bucks were pulled from waters near the Tidal Basin in Washington D.
209) Lastly, the good performance is demonstrated through a case study of tidal flow computation for the southern branch of the Yangtze estuary.
210) This leads the researchers to suspect that a white dwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole and was ripped apart by tidal forces.
211) Central and southern light loamy soil with mild and moderate salinity tidal wave of soil salinization.
212) Study and introduction to the applications of local models in tidal flow numerical simulations in coastal and estuarine waters are made through two case calculations.
213) Of necessity they are sited near the coasts or tidal water.
214) The tidal current field of Jiaozhou Bay is numerically simulated using the splIt'steps finite - element method.
215) Lived at the repair neoclassic style to become the tidal current, neoclassic parquet-floor each floor is gradually already completed splicing.
216) We show solicitude for fad ceaselessly with keen optesthesia tidal current, give customer per one brand-new feel , record every wonderful moment.
217) We are now in a position to introduce tidal forces.
218) This corporation lawyer tidal bore has given the explanation regarding this.
219) Often a tsunami is incorrectly referred to as a tidal wave, which, strictly speaking, describes the periodic movement of water associated with the rise and fall of the tides.
220) The Storm-surge error range due to the tidal hour and tidal level prediction error is discussed.
221) IN BLOOM: Cherry blossoms were reflected in the waters of the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, Thursday during the National Cherry Blossom Festival.
222) On Byron Island[sentence dictionary], the skull of a sei whale rests in a tidal creek—until the next storm.
223) Area counties formed a center for urban and peri - urban flow of short - term tidal flow.
224) Considering the tidal current of M2, the model of 3D tidal flow based on POM in Dalian Bay is built.
225) A tourist uses her Blackberry to snap a picture of the cherry blossoms as she tours the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, April 1, 2010 during the National Cherry Blossom Festival.
226) The simulation helps to clarify the tidal flow characteristics and law of sediment transport in the river mouth. The calculation results accord with observation data.
227) Analysis of the calculated value reveals some peculiar characteristics of tidal flow in estuaries of strong tide as in Qiantang Estuary which are somewhat different from that in other estuaries.
228) The Qiantang estuary model was established , and the formation and propagation process of tidal bore was simulated.
229) The parameters such as the sea area at spring tide time, the area of tidal zone, and the accumulated current flux are obtained.
230) Newer treatments, especially so - called boosted protease inhibitors, wash over the virus like a tidal wave.
231) Tidal channel , tidal-flat bar , river mouth bar and front sheet-like sand microfacies are main favorable reservoir belts in the area.
232) To independently start an undertaking is the time tidal current, is the university graduate's bounden responsibility.
233) Korea was basically destroyed due to significant Earthquakes, new volcanos followed by the tidal bore.
234) New to the area of the tidal basin, facing the Jefferson Memorial, a memorial to Franklin Roosevelt lies on the Potomac River which hosts millions of visitors each year.
235) In this paper the application of the self-tuning controller to the boundary control of the tidal model is discussed.
236) The city outcomer the novel has its unique narration pattern as one kind of creation tidal current.
237) Coquina of shoal facies, micrite of neritic facies and sandstone of tidal flat facies may constitute the reservoir rocks in which the fractures serve as reservoir space.
238) At moments like this, one can sink into deep reverie, a motionlessness that is not sleep, but where one is somehow held by the sound of the surf, lulled by the tidal movement.
239) The Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied to numerically simulate the tidal flow in the vicinity of the river mouth of Yellow River.
240) Combining the engineering practice of large-diametersinking pipe structure which is sunk on-site while precasting at tidal zone, it introduces the problems needing attentions in st...
241) Buried tidal marsh or coastal forest soils point to sudden land subsidence of about 1 meter occurring at the same time from Vancouver Island to Northern California.
242) The tidal flow may trigger a spring bloom under ideal light and nutrients conditions.
243) Similar to a wind turbine, many tidal stream generators rotate underwater and is driven by the swiftly moving dense water.
244) Submarine pipelines land generally from deep water to shallow water, through tidal zone.
245) Ostracod faunal characteristics and ecological distribution are diverse from each other in different qualitative substrates of the tidal zone.
246) As an example, the impact of the levee realignment project on the flood control of Wenzhou city is studied by a 2D tidal flow mathematical model.
247) GPS-RTK bathymetric survey technique without tidal observation was successfully applied in Yangtze Estuary Channel Regulation Project for monitoring of river regime near leading jetty.
248) Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
249) In the spring, crowds expect a beautiful show as the trees blossom along the edge of the Tidal Basin next to the Jefferson Memorial.
250) Based on triangular grids and finite element method, a planar 2-D unsteady tidal flow mathematical model is established in the article.
251) Mines are the important resource and environment for human being. Author discussed the prediction of mine disasters by macro precursors, image force theory and the effect of tidal force.
252) At the estuary of tidal river,[] sedimentation occurs when sediments river by tidal flow.
253) A harmonic analysis for short data series is suggested to check the variation of the sensitivity and phase lag during the tidal observations.
254) An inlet of the Gulf of Alaska in southern Alaska west of the Kenai Peninsula. It is a major fishing ground for salmon and herring and has the largest tidal bore in the United States.
255) The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight.
256) When perigee and perihelion coincide tidal range is at its greatest.
257) From just the entrance, in the southern part of the bay, up to a second slack water area, about midway up the bay, tidal currents are ebbing.




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