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单词 Typhoid
1. The encouraging news is that typhoid is on the decrease.
2. They still get cases of typhoid there.
3. Typhoid is an example of a notifiable disease.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection.
5. He took down with typhoid fever.
6. An outbreak of typhoid followed.
7. Have you had your typhoid and cholera shots?
8. Typhoid fever sneaks in when sanitation fails.
9. In these areas, typhoid and cholera are often caught from contaminated water supplies.
10. Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine.
11. A sudden attack of typhoid cut him off in the prime of his life.
12. People are dying in their thousands from typhoid, cold and starvation.
13. Early colonists ravaged native populations with syphilis and typhoid.
14. In 1896 her son died of typhoid.
15. Cases of typhoid are relatively infrequent in Northern Europe.
16. Rajam's death from typhoid in 1939 was the most shattering blow of Narayan's life.
17. Hopkins died in Dublin 8 June 1889 of typhoid fever.
18. Bubonic plague, typhoid, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea still afflict much of the world.
19. Both children then fell seriously ill with typhoid fever: Nannerl nearly died.
20. Three years later, Nicholson suffered an attack of typhoid which prompted his return to London.
21. Everyone who is going abroad will need to be immunized against typhoid.
22. Everyone who is going abroad will need to be immunised against typhoid.
23. They had given out that he had died of typhoid.
24. The usual vaccinations required for certain countries are cholera, typhoid, and yellow fever.
25. Two years later she applied to nurse in the Boer War and died from typhoid fever at Simonstown, aged 37.
26. A spokesman said that Soglo was suffering from fatigue following an attack of typhoid fever.
27. Thanks to the widespread availability of antibiotics diseases such as typhoid have largely been eradicated.
28. When he was seven the boy almost died of typhoid.
29. Mig in hospital with horrible jaundice, me in the next room with suspected typhoid - but it wasn't!
30. After a wild success Raymond died at the age of 20 from typhoid brought about by eating oysters.
1. The encouraging news is that typhoid is on the decrease.
2. An outbreak of typhoid followed.
31. Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.
32. Health Protection recommended against malaria, cholera, typhoid, polio, tetanus, hepatitis.
33. Once the rainy season began in April, malaria, yellow fever(Sentencedict), typhoid and scurvy began to take their toll.
34. At sixteen she was stricken with typhoid fever, which took her a long time to get over.
35. He is very low with typhoid.
36. She took down with typhoid.
37. Familiar with the etiology, infection passage and pathogenesis of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and amoebiasis.
38. Fluoro-quinolones still remain the drug of choice for the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
39. Objective To study the epidemic situation of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Linyi city from 2003 to 2005(), and establish effective measures for prevention.
40. First developed by Louis Pasteur in 1864, pasteurization kills harmful organisms responsible for such diseases as listeriosis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and brucellosis .
41. Salmonellosis Any of several Bacterial infections caused by salmonella, including typhoid and similar fevers and gastroenteritis.
42. Fluoroquinolones and the third generation of cephalothins still the drug of choice for the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
43. Got typhoid fever to those treat a method excuse me?
44. They carry germs that cause such serious diseases as malaria, sleeping sickness, and typhoid fever.
45. Typhoid fever spreads through contaminated food and water or through close contact with someone who's infected.
46. He developed typhoid fever.
47. The mapping technology will revolutionise public health approaches such as monitoring and vaccination programmes of managing disease like typhoid fever, especially in the developing world, he adds.
48. We make the house wrapped in the typhoid blue, the lamp is flashing bloodred, I put all kinds of cigarette packs with glue and affixed on the wall, thereupon the flowers blossom out on that blue wall.
49. My mother came down with typhoid fever and spent the entire trip's infirmary.
50. it "proved," in the eyes of Charles Dickens Jr, "often the source of, or rather, perhaps, the means of spreading, serious epidemics of typhoid, diphtheria, and scarlatina.
51. Objective To know the causes and epidemic factors for outbreaks of typhoid and paratyphoid fever at schools, to provide basis for the control of epidemic diseases.
52. That's what Typhoid Mary said, and clearly, her friends buckled.
53. Outbreaks of typhoid fever in 1934 and 1937 carried off a total of some 5 , 000 people in Lhasa.
54. The experiments indicated that hypothermal activity of Jierejing oral liquid was observed in experimental animals with fever caused by yeast and a vaccine combination of typhoid, paratyphoid A and B.
55. He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever.
56. The mean evaporation and mean air pressure were correlation to the incidence of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever.
57. Methods A descriptive epidemiological analysis was made on the data of epidemic situation monitoring for typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever in the whole province.
58. Indoxyl causes appendicitis, typhoid fever and other enteric fevers and answers 90% of the questions asked by people who seek to improve their health.
59. Mothers with septicemia, active tuberculosis, typhoid fever, breast cancer, or malaria should not breast - feed.
60. In 2000 the WHO recommended that school-age children should be immunised where typhoid is a substantial public health problem.
61. Many people agree typhoid Mary is not a type of su - perstition.
62. Being good at research he became assistant bacteriologist at St Mary's and was involved in treating servicemen against Typhoid in the First World War.
63. Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi, as the spread of acute gastrointestinal disease.
64. The world is going mad at an accelerating rate and television is the Typhoid Mary of this madness.
65. Objective : To observe the effect of Shanghan Herbs Tea ( SHT ) on typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever.
66. Yet any insecure PC can harm everyone, because all are vulnerable to one Typhoid Mary.
67. Objective:To reevaluate the diagnostic value of Widal test and some problems concerned in children with typhoid fever.
68. Doctors are already seeing a spike in illnesses like typhoid and shigellosis, which arise from contaminated food or water.
69. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) typhoid, for example, is associated with greater clinical severity of illness and more complications than the non-resistant form of the disease.
70. There is no reason to believe that typhoid or scarlet fever or phthisis can be successfully treated by a woman physician in one way and by a man physician in another way.
71. As with cholera vaccine,[http:///typhoid.html] typhoid immunization is not recommended in displaced person situations or following natural disasters.
72. Mr. Wang feels that his neighbor's wife is typhoid Mary.
73. Typhoid fever is a life - threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi.
74. Physicians have used newly discovered organic chemicals successfully to treat malaria, typhoid, dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis.
75. Objective To compare the microbubes gel technology ( MGT ) in diagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid with WR.
76. In 1828 , Mary began became sick with tireful and typhoid fever.
77. Objective: Explore the patients of student's community typhoid nurse management.
78. A culture of typhoid bacilli, used to test for the presence of typhoid fever.
79. The aim of this project is to popularize novel detection technology for Salmonellosis, Listeria monocytogenes, pullorum disease and fowl typhoid.
80. Conclusion: Reinforce community student's community patients'nurse, prevent typhoid propagation and extend.
81. Leland Stanford Junior was just short of his 16th birthday when he died of typhoid fever in Florence, Italy on March 13, 1884.
82. Methods:28 cases of serum specimens from the patients with typhoid fever were examined by ELISA and Widal's test.
83. Like flu, typhoid fever, shed a head to wait, also reportorial malaria, relapsing fever waits can cause vitreous body muddy.
84. Wilbur Wright died in 1912 of typhoid fever when he was only 45, but Orville lived a long life.
85. Lassa fever is difficult to distinguish from many other diseases which cause fever, including malaria, shigellosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.
86. Typhoid fever can be prevented and can usually be treated with antibiotics.
87. And then Salmonella Typhimurium were applied to study the problems of human typhoid fever since it could lead to the same disease in murine.
88. Indications : It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery.
89. Curtiss. After Wilbur's death from typhoid, Orville established a new aeronautical research company.




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