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单词 hide
释义  hide1 /haɪd/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (past tense hid /hɪd/, past participle hidden /ˈhɪdn/)  1  [transitive]HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE to deliberately put or keep something or someone in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found 把…藏起来,隐藏hide something in/under/behind etc Marcia hid the pictures in her desk drawer. 马西娅把照片藏在她书桌的抽屉里。 She keeps a bottle of gin hidden behind a stack of books. 她在一堆书的后面藏了一瓶杜松子酒。hide something/somebody from somebody He was accused of trying to hide evidence from the police. 他被控试图对警方隐瞒证据。2  [transitive] to cover something so that it cannot be seen clearly 遮住,遮挡 The church roof was half hidden by trees. 教堂顶部半掩在树木中。 Her tangled hair hid her face. 乱糟糟的头发遮住了她的脸。3  [intransitive]HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE to go or stay in a place where no one will see or find you 躲藏,藏身 Quick, he’s coming! We’d better hide. 快,他来了! 我们最好躲起来。hide in/under/behind etc Harry hid under the bed. 哈里躲在床下。hide from somebody Weiss spent two years hiding from the Nazis. 韦斯躲藏了两年逃避纳粹的追捕。4  [transitive] to keep someone in a place where other people will not find them 把〔某人〕藏起来 The old woman hid him in her cellar for three days. 那个老妇人把他藏在地窖里三天。hide somebody from somebody We’ll have to hide him from the soldiers. 我们得把他藏起来,不让士兵找到。5  [transitive]HIDE/NOT SHOW to keep your real feelings, plans, or the truth secret, so that they cannot be known by other people 掩盖〔真实感情〕;隐瞒〔计划、真相等〕hide your disappointment/embarrassment/confusion etc She laughed to hide her nervousness. 她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。 He took off his ring to hide the fact that he was married. 他摘下戒指,想隐瞒自己已婚的事实。 He told the jury that he is innocent and has nothing to hide. 他告诉陪审团自己是清白的,没什么要隐瞒。hide something from somebody Don’t try to hide anything from me. 不要试图向我隐瞒什么。 → hide your light under a bushel at bushel THESAURUShide to make something difficult to see or find, or to not show your true feelings 把〔某物〕藏起来;掩盖〔真实感情〕He hid the gun in his pocket. 他把枪藏在口袋里。She tried to hide her anger. 她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。nThe actress put up a hand to hide her face from the cameras.conceal formal to hide something, especially by carefully putting it somewhere. Also used when talking about hiding your feelings, especially in negative sentences 隐藏〔某物〕,隐匿;隐瞒〔感情,尤用于否定句中〕Several kilos of drugs were concealed in the back of the truck. 卡车后部藏有几公斤毒品。He could not conceal his feelings any longer. 他再也无法掩饰自己的感情。nThe girl quickly concealed the photograph she had been gazing at.cover up to put something over another thing that you do not want people to see, in order to hide it completely 遮盖,覆盖People cover up cracks with wallpaper or tiles. 人们用壁纸或瓷砖来遮盖裂缝。I used some make-up to cover up the spots. 我用了些化妆品来遮盖斑点。nShe was wearing a thin shawl to cover up the bruises on her arm.disguise to make someone or something seem like a different person or thing, so that other people cannot recognize them 化装;伪装She managed to get into the camp by disguising herself as a soldier. 她假扮成士兵,设法混进了军营。nThe men had disguised the vessel as fishing boat.camouflage to hide something by covering it with materials that make it look like the things around it 〔用伪装〕遮掩,掩饰We camouflaged the plane by covering it with leaves. 我们用树叶作伪装盖住飞机。The troops used charcoal to camouflage their faces. 士兵们用木炭把脸涂黑进行伪装。nSoldiers had camouflaged the trucks with branches and dirt.obscure literary to make it difficult to see something clearly 使朦胧The view was obscured by mist. 薄雾中景色朦胧。nHis body was found, partially obscured by bushes, at the bottom of a shallow canyon.mask to make something less noticeable, for example a taste, a smell, a sound, or a feeling 盖住〔味道、气味、声音等〕;掩饰〔情感〕The lemon helps to mask the taste of the fish. 柠檬可以遮盖鱼味。Helen had turned on the radio to mask the noise of the traffic. 海伦打开收音机来盖住来往车辆的嘈杂声。He did little to mask his contempt. 他并不掩饰自己的轻蔑。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushide• She's coming - we'd better hide!• Ask me anything you want - I have nothing to hide.• Dad's coming. Quick - hide!• Dale hid behind some garbage cans in the alley until the men passed.• So my secret can be hidden behind the sleight of a venial fib after all.• Most of his face was hidden by a beard.• On one tank I had, the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting.• You would conspire with him to hide from me what I desire to know?• "That's OK, " she said, trying to hide her disappointment.• A pair of mirrored sunglasses hid her eyes from view.• I used to hide his cigarettes from him so he couldn't smoke.• José was unable to hide his embarrassment.• He hides his real feelings under that big smile.• Some cameras are so small they can be hidden in a reporter's baseball cap.• The agency has been criticized for being too secretive and hiding information from the public.• They put the money in a small box and hid it under the bed.• I tried to hide my anxiety from the rest of the family by pretending that everything was normal.• The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.• She somehow hid the fact she couldn't read throughout her schooldays.• He took off his ring to hide the fact that he was married.• Low clouds hid the top of the mountain.• Where can we hide these presents so the kids don't find them?• The cat always hides under the bed when we have visitors.hide in/under/behind etc• The wild boar had been hiding behind a large and actually rather unconvincing bush for a hundred years or so.• Amiss stayed hidden in his enclosure, nervously examining his body for signs of damage.• They have a genuine side, and the false one hides behind it.• Investigators said the bomb was hidden in the bushes in front of the two-story building.• He could hide behind the door and club them down one by one when they came in.• Cleo stood on tiptoe, trying to see who hid behind the door.• Markert, who researched the issue for a paper, said people are hiding behind the new technology.• Fortunately or unfortunately there is an impressive message hidden in the physical presences of any kind of material.hide somebody from somebody• We'll have to hide him from the soldiers.hide something from somebody• Don't try to hide anything from me.Related topics: Outdoorhide2 noun [countable]  1. British EnglishHBBDLO a place from which you can watch animals or birds without being seen by them 〔可观察鸟兽行动的〕隐匿处,埋伏处 SYN American English blind2  HBADCan animal’s skin, especially when it has been removed to be used for leather 〔尤指已剥取用于制皮革的〕兽皮 ox hide gloves 牛皮手套3. have/tan somebody’s hide spokenPUNISH to punish someone severely – used humorously 剥了某人的皮〔指严厉惩罚某人,幽默用法〕4  somebody’s hide spoken used to talk about someone when they are in a difficult situation 处于困境的某人 He would say anything in court to try and save his own hide (=save himself). 为了保全自己,在法庭上他什么话都会说。5  not see hide nor hair of somebody spokenSEE to not see someone anywhere for a fairly long time 许久没有见到某人的踪影 I haven’t seen hide nor hair of him for ages. 我已经好久没有见过他了。Examples from the Corpushide• a buffalo hide• It was the flayed hide to a bull, winging on the tide out to sea.• His hide is removed with head and paws attached and arranged upon a rack to look alive.• The alligator, though pursued for its hide and much reduced in numbers, is not in present danger of extinction.• If you brush against their hair it rasps the hide right off you.• If the meticulous and demanding rescue work succeeds, birdwatchers using the hide will be in for a treat.Origin hide1 Old English hydan hide2 Old English hydhide1 verb →THESAURUS1hide2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  someone keep or to put deliberately Corpus or in something




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