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单词 Rainy season
1. The rainy season has set in.
2. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
3. Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.
4. The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
5. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
6. Soon the rainy season sets in.
7. It was shallow, except during the rainy season.
8. In the rainy season it offers little protection.
9. Recharge normally happens in the winter or rainy season.
10. When to go: To avoid the rainy season, travel mid-December to mid-May.
11. During the rainy season, Motabeng was subjected to a type of desert rain.
12. Once the rainy season has ended, the surviving toads burrow once more deep into the desert soil.
13. During the two months of the rainy season, they may do so every day.
14. The rainy season came on and restored her to time and change.
15. In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours.
16. Once the rainy season began in April, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and scurvy began to take their toll.
17. But now it is the rainy season there is little demand for his services.
18. Rainfall during the December-April rainy season was under 10 percent of normal, and the country's maize crop has been devastated.
19. During the rainy season, that mountain was covered by a cloud.
20. We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.
21. They were working under the gun to get the bridge repaired before the rainy season set in.
22. The houses are built on stilts to prevent flooding during the rainy season.
23. But we were full of enthusiasm, essential to survive that first rainy season in the forest.
24. At the height of the Harmattan, in the cool nights of the rainy season, I wrote.
25. The best time to hunt is during the August rainy season, when he fetches several a night.
26. They can survive long periods of drought encased in mud, until the next rainy season.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. There were crowds of people herding from one pub to another like wildebeest in the rainy season.
28. About thirty years back, he said, because during the rainy season goats and sheep got foot rot.
29. The Chari River is gorged with water during the rainy season, and often floods.
30. I asked if she came here often, and commented on the rainy season.
1. The rainy season has set in.
2. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
3. Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.
4. The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
5. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
31. The rainy season is over.
32. The river is navigable during the rainy season.
33. The rainy season has ended at last.
34. The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.
35. The rainy season alternates with the dry season.
36. The rainy season is backward this year.
37. Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season.
38. In the rainy season things get damp easily.
39. A floating fishing camp drifts in the Sudd, one of Africa's largest wetlands-more than 20, 000 square miles in the rainy season.
40. It was during the rainy season in 1533, an auspicious time for a coronation, and thousands of people were packed into the main plaza of Cusco to celebrate the arrival of their new teenage king.
41. We had much rain at the close of the rainy season year.
42. EXAMPLE : During the rainy season the valley became an impassible morass.
43. But the reports continue, and things could get a lot worse if the hoped-for rainy season does not arrive next month.
44. Methods Altogether 97 water samples in dry season and 101 samples in rainy season were collected, and the mutagenicity was detected by the Vicia faba root-tip micronucleus test and comet assay test.
45. It is a more ideal method to wrap silage in half water contents of Alfalfa in pluvial age or rainy season areas.
46. The body count seems to go down during the rainy season.
47. Meanwhile the tropical monsoon rain belt has propagated westward to South Asia and formed tropical monsoon rainy season.
48. The weather won't clear up until the rainy season is over.
49. We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.
50. The antibiotic epidemics usually start stop when the summer rainy season begins.
51. Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable. Its seeds can be planted during the short rainy season. Then the land is free to be planted with sorghum during the best growing season.
52. The 30-day fluctuation period is an intrinsic fluctuation of the pentad precipitation in rainy season of Yunnan Province.
53. During the rainy season and ever since rain barriers were reinstalled, trucks take two weeks to travel to Bangui.
54. The Kenyan rainy season has begun and the tiny paths that connect homes and businesses have turned into a slippery clay-like sludge.
55. The pits in the earth of the village turn to mud puddles in every rainy season.
56. The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our labour will be lost.
56. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
57. B : We havea rainy season and a dry season.
58. The rainy season is coming. It's a matter of great urgency to repair the drainage and irrigation equipment.
59. In the hot, dusty village of Diaba in Podor, malaria is an ever-present problem, especially during the rainy season.
60. In Thailand, cephalopod catches are very poor due to the rainy season and prices are increasing on the European market.
61. A legend passed down by generations says that there was a little white dragon in the celestial lake who often amused itself by stirring the water and induced a lot of flash flood in the rainy season.
62. This move is bound to jeopardise the flow of the Brahmaputra, the lifeline of the Assam valley, causing devastating floods during the rainy season.
63. Thousands of people stampeded Monday during a festival celebrating the end of the rainy season in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, leaving at least 349 dead and hundreds injured.
64. They sowed the crop right in the middle of the rainy season.
65. But the start of the rainy season has moved speech indoors to a conference center.
66. In rainy season, 80 percent of the disruption of railway road and sea-route is caused by mountainous calamity, mountainous calamity happened every year in yunnan province, China.
67. The fastigium of weed occurrence was 20-40 days after the new root planting or old root harvest in water sugarcane land, while 20-50 days after the rainy season begin in arid sugarcane land.




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