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单词 Affecting
(1) The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.
(2) A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.
(3) Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
(4) Widespread flooding is affecting large areas of Devon.
(5) The real disease affecting the country is inflation.
(6) The reduced consumer demand is also affecting company profits.
(7) It was an affecting sight.
(8) Affecting nonchalance, I handed her two hundred dollar bills.
(9) The radio news reported power outages affecting 50 homes.
(10) These cells carry a mutation affecting the prevention mechanism.
(11) Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.
(12) A computer model is used to predict forces affecting the aircraft in flight.
(13) The strike affecting the country's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies.
(14) Lack of parking space is affecting the town's all-important tourist industry.
(15) Pollution is affecting many creatures lower down the food chain.
(16) The troubles that are affecting the company are more than just growing pains.
(17) He promised to tackle the workaday matters affecting people's daily lives.
(18) She is constantly under pressure and it is affecting her health.
(19) The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.
(20) Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78% of children under five years old.
(21) They may make representation to government on matters affecting their organization.
(22) Violent crime is one of the maladies affecting modern society.
(23) Domestic problems are affecting his work.
(24) The main factors affecting the accuracy are: 1.
(25) Wednesday brings surprise news affecting future cash decisions.
(26) It's still affecting their lives 18 months later.
(27) Everyone is involved in major decisions affecting the plant.
(28) It's her feeling that the recent outbreaks of violence are a symptom of the dissatisfaction that is currently affecting our society.
(29) In Celtic languages such as Welsh, there is a process of mutation affecting the beginning sound of a word[http://], according to the word which comes before it.
(30) They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.
(1) The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.
(2) A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.
(3) Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
(4) Violent crime is one of the maladies affecting modern society.
(31) He asked them to identify areas in which operating costs could be brought down without significantly affecting store revenues.
(32) We noted above that the major legislation affecting insurance companies is contained in the Insurance Companies Act 1982.
(33) The environment calls the tune and the strategic behaviour of individuals is a response to the circumstances affecting their lives.
(34) Why do the Government not act on the huge injustices currently affecting business people, such as original lessee liability?
(35) Within the living memory of the older inhabitants of Dornie, there have been radical changes affecting both these waterways.
(36) The effects of large-scale unemployment and changes in the laws affecting trade unions have sapped militancy on the shop floor.
(37) These will be considered in relation to factors affecting the learning process.
(38) For programs affecting the health and safety of the entire population a single average value serves well.
(39) In the past century the institutions and the external stimuli affecting the relation between finance and industry have been chopped and changed.
(40) The life of activated carbon is limited - factors like gallonage and stocking levels affecting it.
(41) The are leaving your firms as a result and that is affecting your bottom line.
(42) The case touches upon decades of tradition in Dubuque,[ ] and dramatic changes affecting health care nationwide.
(43) Free individual choice in matters affecting this right should, in my opinion, be accorded very high priority.
(44) Climate can affect marine organisms directly, through temperature intolerance, and indirectly, through affecting food resources.
(45) This means we can add the constraint without affecting the optimal solution.
(46) What would be the likely consequences of specific changes in the current set of fiscal measures affecting forestry?
(47) It identifies key issues directly affecting the company and gives advice on strategy or operations.
(48) The helmet is designed to limit the rotational forces affecting the head during an impact and is currently undergoing bench tests.
(49) Some financial decisions, such as those affecting company or personal pension planning, need to be taken as early as possible.
(50) The same source also mentioned excess molybdenum in soils which was affecting cattle in the area.
(51) At the same time there are a series of practical problems affecting all consultation with users.
(52) Growth failure is a major problem affecting up to 50% of children with Crohn's disease.
(53) Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area.
(54) This turnabout is affecting the whole ski business in Britain(), not least the magazines.
(55) The capital gains tax controversy coincides with another heated national debate affecting white people.
(56) The density and elastic properties of rock are both important in affecting the passage of seismic waves.
(57) To monitor, advise and produce guidance notes, when appropriate, on all new legislation affecting work of the section.
(58) The problem is occurring because of low river flows and breaches of the flood defence affecting many miles of riverbank.
(59) They can be real and strong, affecting the way we lead our lives.
(60) The right to be consulted about matters affecting their home or their tenancy.
(61) The survey showed that consumer concern about the economy was the single biggest factor affecting the building business in 1993.
(62) Predominantly affecting young women, the central feature of this disorder is an abnormally low weight achieved by extreme caloric restriction.
(63) But it indicates that the idea of allergies affecting the mind - and viceversa - is not implausible.
(64) Turnover grew by a quarter and margins would have been maintained but for strikes and other special factors mainly affecting the aerospace business.
(65) How the House conducts its affairs, particularly on questions affecting taxation of our constituents, is of great importance.
(66) Hepatitis B is a disease affecting the liver which can lead to death through liver cancer or liver cirrhosis. 2.
(67) Thousands can be lost without seriously affecting the vigour and power of the army.
(68) There seem to be three main factors affecting overall gradient: 1.
(69) There is, however, one further difference affecting the top half of.the diagram.
(70) The probe can be easily implanted in muscle, liver, kidneys etc and even intravenously, without affecting blood pressure.
(71) This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
(72) Treasury sources said that the Chancellor, Gordon Brown,[] believes child poverty is one of the most serious problems affecting Britain.
(73) The Children Act could also open up much wider possibilities, affecting whole groups of travellers.
(74) Of the rest, twenty mentioned various kinds of community-level effects which I would classify as affecting the local way of life.
(75) Tobacco smuggling into the UK is seriously affecting the profits of legitimate importers.
(76) Governments were paralysed, hoping the storm would blow itself out without affecting their friends and families and favourite projects.
(77) Your prayers could make the difference, affecting the final outcome.
(78) We will examine whether certain regulations affecting individual citizens within their own homes could be made advisory, rather than mandatory.
(79) Another factor affecting the way schools work is the way they have always worked.
(80) But trade in slaves has been a universal phenomenon, affecting all primitive societies.
(81) The Senate would have the power to veto legislation affecting Melanesians, but would have restricted powers over financial legislation.
(82) Her work centers on the social issues affecting women in her country.
(83) She wondered whether there was something else that she had blocked from her conscious memory which was affecting her feelings towards men.
(84) Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
(85) Occultists also claim to cast out demons affecting or possessing one of their number, and even friends outside their magic circles.
(86) The limited empirical work on the importance of uncertainty as a variable affecting investment decisions yields some support for this argument.
(87) We will reform recent legislation affecting the independent channels to entrench the interests of quality broadcasting and to guarantee political independence.
(88) There are constraining elements affecting the owner-occupied sector, and those impinging on social housing.
(89) Looks at the economic and technological forces affecting the nature and location of work, and the implications for sustainable housing development.
(90) This has to be achieved without adversely affecting design quality, a task that can prove quite challenging.
(91) That law has prompted a Supreme Court peek into the matter, with no decisions clearly affecting the Sabino Canyon situation.
(92) First, social trends and policy changes are affecting low-income families in ways that leave studies rapidly out of date.
(93) It handles similar subjects to his - monetary policy, delicate decisions affecting the money markets.
(94) The pressure is usually transmitted to the available servicing personnel affecting their performance.
(95) But with his conservative views on welfare and other issues affecting women, he was hardly our ideal candidate.
(96) Various adjustments are made to allow for special circumstances affecting local costs of providing particular services.
(97) Government takes the lead responsibility in social and environmental policy, including that affecting provision and use of electricity.
(98) The politically optimal policy toward the foreigner may be precluded by the inequality of factors affecting the balance of bargaining.
(99) Nutritional factors that affect your cholesterol: Saturated fat is the single most important factor affecting blood cholesterol levels.
(100) There may be all sorts of social and economic difficulties affecting the family of which the school is unaware.
(101) The use of restraint must be within a narrow context and affecting only a very small number of residents, he said.
(102) Abrams explained this in terms of a particular configuration of economic factors affecting the United States at this time.
(103) The issue of abortion rights is obviously not the only factor affecting the female vote.
(104) If politics did not interest them,[ ] neither did they see it as affecting their lives.
(105) In fact, innumerable changes will result affecting agricultural, housing, medical, clothing and amusement policies.
(106) Ordinary heat didn't come from inside the way microwave seemed to, affecting you all at once.
(107) In Paris a cabby would have commiserated upon the unfortunate malady affecting his legs, but the Viennese were different.
(108) Syer discusses how deterministic thinking is one of the aspects of institutional racism, affecting all subject areas.
(109) Although most directly affecting secondary schools, this constraint has a backwash effect on primary schools.
(110) Secondly, there were restrictive covenants affecting land and so imposing a burden on the land rather than on any person.
(111) As with all questions affecting retirement, it is sensible if possible to plan ahead.
(112) As on land, local topography plays an important role in affecting the distribution of organisms.
(113) Indeed Parliament has legislated on matters affecting every aspect of our lives.
(114) Fifthly, non-diplomatic personnel are increasingly either having diplomatic influence or being involved in activity affecting diplomatic ties.
(115) Later, in the 1980s, conclusive evidence pointed to the fact that lead in the environment was affecting children's development.
(116) The alcohol is now affecting her balance and slowing the brain cells governing learned social behaviour and inhibitions.
(117) By now there were more serious difficulties affecting Charlie's behaviour that became considerably more alarming.
(118) The first day of the conference is to be devoted to corporate tax issues affecting national and multinational corporations.
(119) The abandoned mines would fill with water contaminated with iron, acids and chlorides which could seep through ground waters affecting rivers.
(120) The theme selected for the research was an investigation into social factors affecting output.
(121) The impact of this capacity is expected to start affecting revenue growth in the second quarter of 2000.
(122) We want to hear your views about any issue affecting the countryside.
(123) Baptiste was standing on the bottom step of the wooden staircase, affecting surprise at the sight of her.
(124) In Braintree 234 people suffered from food poisoning last year, with some outbreaks affecting ten or more people.
(125) National Park Service phone lines were jammed with calls throughout the night, affecting emergency service, a park statement said.
(126) But it appears that pricing is not the only problem affecting investors in the Dumenil group.
(127) No way at all that a few hundred words are going to do justice to this deeply affecting novel.
(128) Such a person manages the curriculum in an important but strictly limited way by affecting the conditions within which it is delivered.
(129) While he did not provide exact numbers, that could mean cuts affecting hundreds if not thousands of positions.
(130) These programs help students, estimators-in-training, and experienced estimators stay abreast of changes affecting the profession.
(131) The decision of he judges is final, as is that of the Editor in all other matters affecting the competition.
(132) Research also suggests that individuals can adjust to, and offset, the changes affecting them in middle and later life.
(133) The clusters of hot spots were yet another case of inside affecting outside.
(134) This chapter presents a brief overview of the major elements of the tax structure affecting financial planning and financial decision making.
(135) The biggest local impact will be in Santa Clara County where 19 branches will close, affecting 137 employees.
(136) Running alongside these personal connections, however, were material changes affecting these societies during the late nineteenth century.
(137) Probably the most common lesion in dogs made hypersensitive by previous exposure is pedal dermatitis(), affecting particularly the inter-digital skin.
(138) Both EDs would require auditors to refer in their reports to inherent uncertainties affecting the accounts.
(139) Other factors affecting growth explain why not all plants welcome unlimited light.
(140) There must therefore be another process at work affecting performance, a process which is engaged for certain tasks but not for others.
(141) Police say they have to make decisions affecting hundreds of lives in minutes.
(142) Similarly, people with physical handicap affecting the quality of life would have less claim on resources.
(143) But the results are intriguing because they seem to indicate that caffeine is affecting more than just adenosine receptors in the brain.
(144) After all, the construction of one motor car may differ from another without affecting its performance.
(145) It is up to you to investigate how the drugs you are taking may be affecting your sleep.
(146) Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs.
(147) Are past ground shakes affecting your ability to build faith for tomorrow?
(148) Though you try to keep a lid on those growing feelings, eventually they erupt, affecting those you love the most.
(149) To achieve efficiency, pruning of low-scoring readings may take place at certain points without greatly affecting the accuracy of the system.
(150) The private Acts of Parliament affecting local authorities were numbered in thousands.
(151) The most serious charge was that the bank did not address the most critical factors affecting the location of economic activity.
(152) That it is therefore one of the most affecting we have.
(153) In this case, however, mutations affecting the expression of any one factor invariably affect two adjacent parts of the flower.
(154) Many neurologic disorders affecting the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord posterior column may cause dizzy sensations.
(155) Most legal experts believe that few, if any, further important changes affecting company pension schemes are likely to ensue.
(156) This then multiplies and can spread through the body often affecting vital organs.
(157) Is all this affecting the quality of life of society in general?
(158) Users must have the technical knowledge to manage the bandwidth requirements of the Internet traffic to avoid adversely affecting corporate backbone traffic.
(159) During the meetings ministers were not expected to raise objections to decisions affecting other ministries, much less to challenge the chair.
(160) As with all the economic forces affecting firms' behaviour, the impact of change is uneven and defies generalisation.
(161) Surely a treaty vitally affecting the United Kingdom electorate's future democracy must be brought before Parliament before negotiations are concluded.
(162) For many months there was a very stable weather pattern affecting most of the northern hemisphere.
(163) The Centre aims to maintain a strong focus on those questions affecting the voluntary sector and to maintain close links with it.
(164) Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
(165) In the sections below we divide them into policies affecting imports, exports and countertrade.
(166) As factors affecting this requirement are sometimes not known until departure date, we can not always notify you in advance.
(167) It can have far-reaching financial consequences affecting not just you, but your home and family too.
(168) He found that support mechanisms and institutional settings are not key factors affecting research advance.
(169) Surely the House appreciates that some problems go beyond national frontiers, particularly those affecting pollution and international trade.
(170) Its scientists next plan to assess whether potential contamination carried in air or the food chain could be affecting islanders' health.
(171) If you draw your pension, you can earn up to a certain amount a week without affecting it.
(172) Uncertainties affecting peace and development are on the rise.
(173) At this affecting invitation , Pinocchio made a jump.
(174) He listened to them, affecting an amused interest.
(175) The disease is affecting his eyesight.
(176) The tears less affecting, the reconcillations is less sweet.
(177) events affecting the daily lives of millions of people.
(178) Haywire: I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.
(179) Many developing countries could reduce public spending without slowing economic growth or adversely affecting the poor.
(180) She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.
(181) " Oh, yes,'said Drouet, now affecting not to see. " Who is he? ".
(182) The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia.
(183) Experiences in the past become a part of us, affecting our tomorrows.




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