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单词 double
释义  Related topics: Plantsdoub·le1 /ˈdʌbəl/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective [usually before noun]  1  of two parts 有两部分的TWO consisting of two parts that are similar or exactly the same 成对的,成双的 a double sink 双水槽 a double wardrobe 双门衣柜 the great double doors of the cathedral 大教堂宏伟的双开大门 Don’t park your car on double yellow lines. 不可以在双黄线处停车。2  two different uses 双重用途TWO combining or involving two things of the same type 有两种用途的,双重的 a double murder case 双重谋杀案 A lot of the jokes were based on double meaning. 许多笑话都语带双关。3  twice as big 两倍大INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many as usual 双倍的,两倍的 a double whisky 双份威士忌 The city was enclosed by walls of double thickness. 该城被两倍厚的墙围了起来。4  for two people 双人用的TWO made for two people or things to use 供两人使用的 → single Do you need a double bed or two singles? 你们要一张双人床还是两张单人床? a double room 双人房间 a double garage 双位车库5  TWOtwo letters/numbers 两个字母/数字 British English spoken used to say that a particular letter or number is repeated 〔字母或数字〕连续两个的 My name’s Robbins with a double ‘b’. 我姓罗宾斯,有两个b字母。 The number is 869 double 2 (=86922). 号码是869两个2。6. flower 花HBP a double flower has more than the usual number of petals 双瓣的,重瓣的 → doublyExamples from the Corpusdouble• The band has just released a new double album.• The room contained a double bed, a wardrobe, and a small chest of drawers.• Last year she suffered the double blow of losing her father and discovering that she had cancer.• A double brandy, please.• a double cheeseburger• These classes are taught over a double class period by one teacher.• I pushed the double doors open and walked into the office.• Johnson had not scored in double figures in the first five games.• The house had a double garage which Millar turned into a study and office.• Before talking about the types of window you can choose, let's look briefly at the question of double glazing.• Leave the dough in a warm place to rise until it is double in bulk.• She's doing a double major in political science and economics.• He helped her in a two-year battle against cancer and to come to terms with her double mastectomy.• Mortensen had a double motive for going to San Francisco: to see his kids and to apply for a job.• It hopes its own order book is solid but knows that double ordering is going on in the sector.• The report and photographs fitted nicely onto a double page.• During this time the best double petunias were named varieties raised from cuttings.• I ordered fish and a double portion of chips.• Double rooms cost $80, single rooms are $50.• President Clinton's nomination represents a double snub say critics.• She drove over the double yellow line and crashed head-on into a truck.• You cannot park on double yellow lines.double meaning• Civilization, in fact, has at least a double meaning.• Old rivalries are barely submerged and every quip has a deadly double meaning.• No, there was no double meaning in what he'd said.• Or perhaps she was merely responding to the possible double meaning of his last sentence.• Sniggers and the double meanings surrounded the subject which was one of the biggest taboos in our society.• This gives a double meaning to Blanche's hatred of naked light.Related topics: Baseball, Filmdouble2 ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  twice the size 两倍大 [countable, uncountable]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT something that is twice as big, as much etc as usual or as something else 两倍,双倍(的量、数) Scotch and water, please – make it a double. 请来苏格兰威士忌加水——要双份的。 ‘They offered me £10,000.’ ‘I’ll give you double.’ “他们向我开价1万英镑。” “我给你加倍。”2  room 房间 [countable] a room for two people in a hotel 双人房间 → single A double costs $95 a night. 一间双人房一晚的价格是95美元。3  TENNIS 网球doubles [uncountable]DS a game played between two pairs of players, especially in tennis 双打比赛 → singles the men’s doubles 男子双打 → mixed doubles4  baseball 棒球 [countable]DSB a hit in baseball which allows the batter to reach second base 二垒安打 Walker led the inning with a double. 沃尔克是那一局的第一个击球手,击出一个二垒安打。5  SIMILAR PERSON 相似的人somebody’s double someone who looks very like someone else 与某人极为相似的人 She’s her mother’s double. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。6  in films 在电影中 [countable]AMF an actor who takes the place of a more famous actor in a film, especially because the acting involves doing something dangerous 替身演员 I think they used a double in the shower scene. 我觉得他们在淋浴镜头里用了替身。7  at the double British English, on the double American EnglishFAST/QUICK informal very quickly and without any delay 尽快地,赶紧地 He was told to get back to Washington on the double. 他被告知要尽快赶回华盛顿。8. double or quits British English, double or nothing American EnglishDGG a situation in a game when you must do something that could either win you twice as much money or make you lose it all 〔下注的一种方式〕要么赢双倍,要么全输光Examples from the Corpusdouble• Double success at Engineering Two awards in quick succession have earned Courtaulds Engineering a gratifying safety double.• Goodrich worked as a double for John Wayne.• Rooms cost $95 for a double.• Had the ball landed, Johnson had a double or perhaps his fifth triple.• Hrbek led the inning with a double.• Three whiskeys, please - two singles and one double.• Caroline is virtually her mother's double.• a stunt double• Southern League Champions, Oxford are after the double.• If you roll two doubles for distance then the horses collapse with exhaustion and the model is removed from the battle.Related topics: Baseballdouble3 ●●● S3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT to become twice as big or twice as much, or to make something twice as big or twice as much (使)加倍double in size/number/value etc Within two years the company had doubled in size. 在两年时间内,这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。 The church has doubled its membership in the last five years. 这座教堂的会众在过去的五年里增加了一倍。double the size/number/amount etc (of something) A promise was given to double the number of police on duty. 已有承诺要将执勤的警察人数加倍。► see thesaurus at increase2  [transitive] (also double over/up)FOLD to fold something in half 把…对折 Take a sheet of paper and double it over. 拿一张纸,然后把它对折。3. [intransitive]DSB to hit the ball far enough to get to second base in a game of baseball 〔棒球比赛中〕击出二垒安打4 double as somebody/something phrasal verb USE somethingto have a second use, job, or purpose as a particular thing 兼任,兼作 The school doubled as a hospital during the war. 战争期间这所学校兼作医院。5 double back phrasal verb RETURNto turn around and go back the way you have come 原路折回 The driver doubled back and headed for Howard Bay. 司机从原路折回,向霍华德湾方向驶去。double back on yourself We kept getting lost and having to double back on ourselves. 我们不断迷路,得不断折回原路。6 double up phrasal verb a) (also double over)BEND to suddenly bend over at the waist because you are laughing so much or are in pain 〔笑或痛得〕弯下腰 Emilio doubled over, grabbing his leg. 埃米利奥弓起身子,抱住自己的腿。be doubled up/over with laughter/pain etc Both the girls were doubled up with laughter. 两个女孩都笑得直不起身。b) SHAREto share something, especially a bedroom 共用〔尤指卧室〕 with You’ll have to double up with Susie while your aunt is here. 姨妈来的时候你得和苏茜同住一间房。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdouble• The mess deck doubles as the movie lounge, with a video library housing thousands of films.• The bass may however, always be doubled at the octave below if desired.• Welfare spending will nearly double by the year 2002.• The number of female bank managers doubled from 104 to 208.• In those thirty years, San Francisco doubled in size.• Allow the dough to rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, until it has roughly doubled in size.• In all the nine studies of monitoring, the number of cesarean deliveries was doubled in the group that was monitored.• The federal government has doubled its tax on liquor.• Building costs have doubled since then.• In Leicester youth court, the influx of 17-year-olds has doubled the number of juvenile offenders coming before magistrates.• Quarterly losses at Freeserve, Britain's biggest internet service provider, doubled to nearly $ 27m.• Cleverly used it will double, treble, even quadruple the size.• So the thought of watching a film in which he doubles, triples and quadruples was frankly a most scary prospect.• Ralph doubled up his blankets and put them at the foot of the bed.double the size/number/amount etc (of something)• According to a recent survey, one in four new borrowers takes out unemployment insurance, double the number of three years ago.• Her only other suggestion was to double the amount of vanilla, to give it a flavor boost.• In one facetious article he promised to show the government how to double the number of jobs in the railroad industry.• It was the custom then to double the size of most infantry battalions and of many gunner and other units.• Since February buyers have taken up 1.5m bales, double the amount in the same period last year.• Telephone-answering machines, intended to make phoning more efficient, double the number of phone calls made.• The way to outvote them was to double the number of people who held to the old ways.• We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 urban areas.double4 ●●○ adverb  1 be bent double BENDto be bent over a long way 弯得很厉害 The trees were almost bent double in the wind. 这些树都快被风吹折了。 → see double at see1(28)Examples from the Corpusdouble• As Kasparov knows full well, the years count double once a chess player passes 35.double5 ●●○ predeterminer  1 INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTtwice as big, twice as much, or twice as many 是…两倍那么大[多]double the amount/number/size etc We’ll need double this amount for eight people. 八个人的话我们要加一倍的量。 The value of the house is double what it was. 这幢房子的价值比原来翻了一番。Examples from the Corpusdouble• The house is now worth double the amount we paid for it.• Over 30% of marriages end in divorce, which is double the number 20 years ago.double the amount/number/size etc• It has just about doubled the amount of candidates.• Telephone-answering machines, intended to make phoning more efficient, double the number of phone calls made.• It specialises in motor insurance and has doubled the number of policies it sells each year as well as moving into household insurance.• We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 urban areas.• Her only other suggestion was to double the amount of vanilla, to give it a flavor boost.• It will double the number of vehicles that will come into King's Cross or St. Pancras during the morning peak hours.• This roughly doubles the number of young from a spawning.From Longman Business Dictionarydoubledoub‧le1 /ˈdʌbəl/ adjective twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many as usual, or twice as big, much, or many as something elseThe number of men receiving professional degrees today is still nearly double that of women.doubledouble2 noun [countable, uncountable] something that is nearly twice the size, quantity, value, or strength of something else‘What did they offer you?’ ‘Ten thousand.’ ‘I’ll give you double.’doubledouble3 verb [intransitive, transitive] to become twice as much or as many, or to make something twice as bigThe costs of providing medical insurance for employees has doubled in recent years.GE plans to more than double the size of its railcar leasing operation.→ See Verb tableOrigin double1 (1100-1200) Old French Latin duplus, from duo “two” + -plus “multiplied by”doub·le1 adjectivedouble2 noundouble3 verbdouble4 adverbdouble5 predeterminerChineseSyllable   Corpus consisting are two parts that Business of




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