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单词 Mantra
1. A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.
2. The Treasury Secretary has stuck to his mantra that 'a strong dollar is in America's interest'.
3. Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.
4. His mantra is hope[/mantra.html], growth and opportunity.
5. But the mantra serves mainly to remind me of my deep attachment to the nubble.
6. This is a mantra that has proved to be a winning argument in the past.
7. Flattening tax rates has fast become the mantra of reform-minded politicians.
8. We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.
9. The replies above apply to all mantra sheets.
10. We all know the mantra: reorg, runstats, and rebind.
11. These words are called mantra in Sanskrit.
12. Our mantra is eat well and live well.
13. Aid campaigners have their new mantra well honed.
14. Pandora's "anytime, anywhere" mantra seems like manifest destiny now.
15. She repeated a Chinese mantra that it opposes attempts to politicise these issues or use them to erect new trade barriers.
16. The first such technique is the howitzer mantra. Prepare a mantra that works for you.
17. 'I have a mantra: You can do more for yourself than I can do for you, ' says Raymond Scalettar, a Washington, D.C., rheumatologist and former chairman of the American Medical Association.
18. A veneration of the ancient is the movement's mantra and han fu is its uniform.
19. He closed his eyes and began to recite a Buddhist mantra.
20. Think of it in terms of science if you like, but say the mantra anyway.
21. Yet each year they continue to chant the get-tough mantra: more funding, more firepower and stiffer sanctions.
22. John sits down on the bed and recites a mantra under his breath.
23. Continually, they stand at the Dispatch Box and repeat the mantra that they are committed to the guarantee.
24. The meditator is required to focus their mind upon the mantra in an effortless, relaxed way.
25. The cycle of the music and mudra is a key to opening the flow of Kundalini. It also opens the chakras for the full effect of any other mantra.
26. Pressure for men to be tall is on a level with the "thin is beautiful" mantra. And, people are going to drastic lengths to conform to unrealistic standards.
27. The new Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, at his Senate confirmation hearing harped on that old Treasury mantra about China "manipulating" its currency to gain trade advantage.
28. Quelling Disasters means that if a calamity is due , reciting the mantra will make it disappear.
29. Eat and exercise more - it long been the mantra extra pounds.
30. As this suggests, Israel will, ostrich-like, push policies born of the security mantra way beyond their rationale, only changing course when its critical friends raise their voices.
1. He closed his eyes and began to recite a Buddhist mantra.
31. Mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation.
32. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken.
33. In 2008, the rich are likely to be uttering a new mantra -- downsizing.
34. If one has been deceased for many years already, and if the urn cannot be opened, the Mantra Wheel papers can be placed on the urn, and held in place with shrinkwrap or such./mantra.html
35. When you get to the last two steps, repeat them over and over like a mantra, as long as necessary until you drift off.
36. Although the mantra is definitely efficacious, still, you have to samadhi.
37. Gu got to the Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Pure Land Mantra of Amitabha.
38. Unlike the U.S., China doesn't aspire to remake the world: Its longstanding mantra is "nonintervention" in the internal affairs of other countries.
39. Recite the mantra quietly, with deep attention, and let your breath, the mantra, and your awareness slowly become one.
40. Sharing programs like Bike Share have recently increased in popularity as Americans adopt a kindergarten mantra: Share and share alike.
41. As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the mantra of Guru Nona in calligraphy.
42. Hearing the vibration of the Hare Krishna mantra automatically reminds one of Krishna's pastimes.
43. For Korean brands, a key mantra has been to globalize their corporate identity.
44. The next few weeks will determine whether this mantra means anything.
45. Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother - Buddha.
46. Pick a working title Start a blog (this is a great founder blog) Look into the legal structure Pick a mantra over a business plan.
47. The 80 - year - old Kentucky great-grandmother followed that mantra in her first outing as a deer hunter.
48. For example, the meditator may focus on a mantra (a specially chosen word or set of words), an object(), or the breath.
49. Unendingly miraculous and mysterious, it's extremely hard to fathom. The Shurangama Mantra is quite esoteric and its changes and transformations are inexplicable; it's not easy to figure out.
50. Sanskrit mantra is a mystical energy encased in a sound structure.
51. Is the Low - Fat, High - Carb Diet Mantra a Myth?
52. The mantra of feature detection also helps and these days, we have library support from the likes of Modernizr to support responsive web design.
53. "I've always had this nice little mantra, an Alexander Pope couplet: "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man."
54. Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra a mantra as well as a special relationship.
55. Shortly afterward, the Master cited bell ringing, and lead the next block a variety of spells and Zhongseng chanted mantra.
56. The central bank's mantra on the exchange rate, even as policy makers continue to pull the strings, is that it is guided by market forces.
57. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you.
58. May I ask You for caligraphy of Dragon King mantra?
59. Disciple Jui Khin sent me the sitatapatrawh. jpg file that shows the Mantra Wheel of the Protectress the Great White Umbrella as drawn by Patriarch Nona.
60. If by the tongue you chant Hare Krishna mantra, and by the tongue you taste prasadam, you will be perfect, simply by executing these two things.
61. Robert Green may have gifted the USA a point with his absurd goalmouth fumble, but the England players are admirably sticking to Fabio Capello's mantra of positive thinking.
62. External link, which is also the mantra of the problem, not described.
63. Question: Have you heard about aspects of Vedanta like mantra and initiation?
64. "Prayer Wheel", also known as " Mani Wheel", represents hand-spinning mantra of the "Six True Words" – religiously known as " Mani ".
65. The thought pattern created by mantra are positive, beneficial, calming ones.
66. Pressure for men to be tall is on a level with the "thin is beautiful" mantra.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67. In this parallel universe, consumer rights have acquired the status of a fascistic mantra.
68. Organic growth, rather than cost - cutting, is the banks'new mantra.
69. The affect of this mantra and mudra is that it tunes you into the Divine energy that is accessible to all of us.
70. It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes The Divine Presence stronger.




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