单词 | Understandable |
例句 | 1. Warning notices must be readily understandable. 2. It is understandable that parents are angry, and looking for someone to blame. 3. The instructions must be understandable to the average user. 4. Roger Neuberg writes in a simple and understandable way. 5. It was an understandable mistake to make. 6. Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable. 7. It's quite understandable that she was annoyed. 8. The instructions were not readily/easily understandable. 9. The general response was one of understandable bafflement. 10. Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances. 11. His unhappiness was understandable. 12. Taxes are unpopular — it is understandable that voters are against them. 13. But this desperation was perhaps understandable. 14. Under certain conditions, conformity thus assumes an understandable significance. 15. The reason for that oversight is understandable. 16. This attitude is unfortunate, but entirely understandable. 17. Their attitude is perfectly understandable . 17. 18. Their bitterness then, is understandable and not altogether unfounded. 19. BThat Pratt continues to generate excitement is understandable. 20. Your pain seemed understandable to me. 21. There is understandable anger among the victims' families. 22. We have an understandable aversion to bodily cessation. 23. Her anxiety about the pain of childbirth is understandable. 24. The report was readable and understandable to the layman. 25. The reasons for the split are understandable. 26. That's perfectly understandable, but it's not good sense. 27. Given the situation this is quite understandable. 28. He just can't face anyone at the moment, which is perfectly understandable . 29. That Northerners should feel superior on the racial issue was understandable. 30. You've got to put the facts into a form that's understandable to everyone. 1. Warning notices must be readily understandable. 2. It is understandable that parents are angry, and looking for someone to blame. 3. It's quite understandable that she was annoyed. 4. That Northerners should feel superior on the racial issue was understandable. 5. His unhappiness was understandable. 31. But it was actually quite understandable. 32. That different creditors should play at brinkmanship is understandable. 33. That teachers are annoyed about having so much extra paperwork is understandable. 34. They need a sympathetic response, that is understandable and starts at the beginning. 35. This is perhaps understandable, but it is stretching credulity to expect us to bless it as the highest human freedom. 36. In unfair dismissal cases, it is understandable that industrial tribunals tend to shrink away from complex arithmetic. 37. At Monticello he grew endless varieties of apples and grapes and flowers, so his use of gardening imagery is understandable. 38. This was an understandable reaction to the gruelling nature of the work. 39. The professor was likable, it was the sixties, not having your creative juices flowing was understandable. 40. In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission. 41. While condemning the Soviet coup, Marchais had described it as understandable in view of the failure of perestroika. 42. Fears to the contrary were understandable, but could not be justified under the known scientific facts about the disease. 43. This is understandable, but of course it can make others wary of getting into conversation with you. 44. The co-operation is understandable in evolutionary terms as the males and females in a single-female syconium are brothers and sisters. 45. The experience of those small business operators, shared with me in understandable confidentiality, is by no means unique. 46. Each turn is covered in sufficient detail for it to be understandable and achievable by most skiers. 47. The quite understandable confusion comes in the area of just what is meant by persuasion and permission. 48. If I were out in the country, miles from anywhere,(http://) this obsession might be understandable. 49. The need to develop management procedures which are understandable and credible to the institution's environment. 10. 50. This is understandable because the Gospels were written at a time when the Church had to exist in a Roman world. 51. It was an understandable choice in an age of burgeoning national myths. 52. Originality was only to be found in the words of songs, but these words were not understandable to western audiences. 53. The impulse to put safety first is understandable enough, but it is hardly a formula either for dynamism or for originality. 54. Not wanting to cause friction with your partner is understandable, but it is worth bearing a few things in mind. 55. It is understandable for health authorities to err on the side of caution, as these guidelines will not apply to everyone. 56. This was understandable since the Fellowship cultivated a quietist spirit remote from active engagement in politics. 57. In terms of his own situation and interests this attitude is perfectly understandable. 58. Much of the hostility towards civilization felt by people in the suppressed classes is understandable. 59. That is understandable, but it neglects the fact that press freedom is an issue for more than just the press. 60. Such information may actually be more understandable to financial statement readers and, therefore, more relevant to their needs. 61. Complex measures can not readily be turned into simply stated, understandable ballot blurbs. 62. Evasion of this kind, though most understandable because of the hurt at the root of things, is potentially very dangerous. 63. His move to a very much larger media group is understandable and we wish him well for the future. 64. The appeal to programmers of a doctor-and-copper combination is understandable, and Berry and Cusack make an engaging enough couple. 65. Public schools were probably the greatest victims of the asbestos hoax because of understandable concerns raised by anxious parents. 66. After the Thatcher revolution, nostalgia for the lost stabilities and decencies of the welfare state is understandable. 67. It is understandable: the child considers himself safe in the residential street and is inattentive on the way to school. 68. It is written in a reassuring way that should positively assist nurses, midwives and health visitors and allay understandable anxieties. 69. Such a reaction is both natural and understandable: the Constitution does exhibit those very characteristics. 70. With so many organizational changes, it is understandable that they are having problems. 71. In the case of a particularly large breed this is perhaps understandable, because of the sheer weight. 72. This idolatrous crowd postulates an ideal worthy of itself and appropriate to its nature, that is perfectly understandable. 73. Porter has a talent for making a difficult subject understandable and interesting. 74. This is perfectly understandable if in fact after passives the to infinitive evokes a mental construct. 75. If the Raiders were truly feeble, devoid of talent, then their recent history might be understandable. 76. This attitude is understandable, but in the end, not in the best interests of the children. 77. I think it's understandable if Trevor was put out by this favoured treatment Sinatra got. 77. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day! 78. The initial and understandable - impression of teachers was that children were thriving on country life. 79. The administration explains these frustrations as understandable, nay inevitable, given the difficulties of transition. 80. Joshua 6 and the rest are most readily understandable, and that is precisely why they are so alarming. 81. Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not. Galileo Galilei 82. But there are parents who lose control of their children most often for reasons that are entirely understandable. 83. For example, the speech we hear over a telephone line is perfectly understandable. 84. The salerooms For understandable reasons, salerooms are reluctant to discuss, or even let their employees discuss, individual salaries. 85. Looked at that way, she might have found the war criminals more understandable. 86. The reluctance of translators to use it is understandable to some extent. 87. Their philosophy may have seemed reckless and naive but, given the nature of the marketplace, it was understandable. 88. It is understandable that the public, disillusioned by what the system produces, find it easy to blame the producers. 89. Although the increase was understandable given the Government's vacillation, it made ministers even less willing to intervene. 90. It was illogical, but quite understandable, and she respected that. 91. If the software documentation is readable and understandable, this should be largely a matter of following instructions. 92. There was therefore an understandable reluctance to undertake regularly long voyages to windward in rough weather. 93. As far as I could tell she'd drunk a litre and a half, allowing for spillage, so her behaviour was understandable. 94. Understandable, maybe, if she had been caught unawares at a private dinner with friends or family. 95. Since the respective philosophies involve different methods and aims, the differences in results are quite understandable. 96. A warning notice must be readily understandable and clear symbols explaining the danger are required. 97. This is understandable, considering drug research can take 20 years and cost upwards of £200 million. 98. To lose love through death is hard but understandable; to lose love and not understand why is intolerable. 99. It's understandable that she doesn't want to see Bill again. 100. Nelson was headed home from work, which is an understandable reason to go out. 101. "My daughter's been selected for the Olympic team," she said, with understandable pride. 102. The gloom apparent among publishers when President Menem made his appearance to open the book fair was understandable against this background. 103. This is an understandable thing to do... and can be a wise or foolish thing to do. 104. On the whole, though, relatively short sentences offer the advantage of helping you to keep your writing clear and understandable. 105. Some at least of the leading Romans felt and behaved in a way which seemed to him perfectly understandable and eminently sensible. 106. The Opposition's approach is revealing, although entirely understandable with the way the polls are going. 107. It is very understandable for the person not to want to be aware that it probably will not fulfil its purpose. 108. Although I don't approve of his actions,() I think they are understandable. 109. This fear is sometimes understandable, but not all statutes divide Parliament on party lines. 110. Remember the math teacher you really liked, the one who made math understandable, even fun? 111. Undeterred by the understandable timidity of his acquaintances, Goma hit upon a masterstroke of irony. 112. The West's failure to seek authorisation from the council for military action was understandable but serious. 113. Thus, it is quite understandable to find the same transaction accounted for in different ways according to different systems. 114. In one sense, the error to be noted is the unstressed syllable rather than the others: plain for plane is understandable. 115. The only understandable reason to hold back would be if you didn't know the answer yourself. 116. This attitude is, to me, completely understandable, largely laudable and not at all unique to Mrs Clinton. 117. There is considerable sympathy for members of the public who commit some minor infringement under circumstances which are considered justifiable and understandable. 118. The facts made the contempt he had felt for her, six years ago at any rate, even more understandable. 119. This clause appears perfectly understandable from the viewpoint of a supplier of drivers. 120. Welfare rights services, for example could be defined in a variety of ways which may not make them readily understandable. 121. Since they are mostly overseas workers undertaking taxonomic or project-based research, this is understandable. 122. It is less understandable when the union is caricatured in more seriously researched publications. 123. For understandable reasons, Toyota wanted no part of the Fremont location and its history of intractable problems. 124. It's understandable that she would want to resume her acting career after having children. 125. Sadly, I must concede, that it was an understandable response in that milieu. 126. I couldn't possibly know, but that outburst, understandable as it was, greatly disturbed me. 127. This is understandable as, given the choice, no one wants to go through great suffering or pain. 128. If this was in fact the case, it makes Rolle's aversion to church music more understandable. 129. Understandable as it is, this reaction is plainly not altogether reasonable. 130. That was perfectly understandable, because what we were proposing was so essentially and uniquely horrible. 131. The ambivalence of a host government is understandable to a degree. 132. He took his job very seriously and made me rewrite the book to make it understandable to nonscientists like himself. 133. Microsoft made the appropriate adjustment is understandable. 134. I believe this goal is reachable and understandable. 135. This is understandable also for commissariat current advocate channel. 136. His peremptory style became more understandable. 137. Keegan and company approached the game with understandable caution. 138. His reluctance to agree is understandable. 139. Their fear of reversals and upheavals is fully understandable. 140. A rule against griping is perfectly understandable. 141. Indignation at its profiteering is understandable. 142. For example,(Sentencedict) the reference below to "The Dogs of War" is easily understandable as representing war. 143. Natural Language Generation(NLG) is the subfield of artificial intelligence and computational linguistics that(focuses) on computer system that can produce understandable texts. 144. It is understandable that girls all wish to be in great shape. 145. Takahashi stressed that the central government in the recovery operation before the work "is understandable." 146. After all, making understandable translation is more important, whether it is grammatically right or not. 147. And so it's an understandable ploy on Milton's part that he needs to vilify Shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with Comus. 148. Architects, "were fascinated by the idea of a completely fresh start. And that's entirely understandable after the debacle of Nazism, " architect Albert Speer says. 149. I have another post percolating on that subject (working title: Get Thee Behind Me, Data) but the Google Books thing has a much more immediate and understandable interest. 150. So there have been understandable questions as to whether Yahoo (YHOO) actually had tied a muzzle to Bartz's golden parachute. 151. I question how much of television's nightly news effort is really absorbable and understandable. 152. soaplib' s development appears to have stalled, which is perhaps understandable given the huge body of work that Secret Labs undertakes these days. 153. The shaft of light which penetrates the darkness does not explain the darkness , does not illuminate and render understandable the darkness . 154. That's understandable. So is punishing those who purloin classified materials. 155. In order to design an XML database without redundancy, a succinct and understandable approach to define the dependency relationship between XML data is necessary. 156. Trying to find a mechanism for describing something that is understandable by both humans and computers is the role of the "human/computer interaction" (HCI) subdiscipline within computer science. 157. So there's an understandable urge on the part of researchers to find new measures that will better predict who is at risk. 158. It's understandable that the constitution should downplay central authority and boost the notion of local authorities. 159. While 12.8 percent said premarital sex was immoral, they also said it was understandable. 160. Energy Department leaders say that, however understandable the local concerns, they are getting in the way. 161. The trans-Atlantic paradigms of the 20th century became inadequate, but an understandable desire to cling to them persisted in Germany. 162. He ushered in the study of the water cycle as an orderly and understandable phenomenon. 163. Given that to that point no European botanist had seen tea growing or evaluated it in its living state, the Linnaean Society's confusion on the subject is understandable. 164. Based on the official rules of the world's leading Rock Paper Scissors League, this is a very easily understandable game, which provides both longevity in game play and a quick fix of RPS fun! 165. Nested functions are perfectly understandable when they are invoked in the same lexical scope in which they are defined. 166. One-eighth of those interned are believed to be children. In light of the Tigers' record of deploying women and children as fighters and suicide-bombers, some caution is understandable. 167. A whole range of reactions to natural disasters is understandable anxiousness, dread or even resiliency./understandable.html 168. He was very nervous during his first job interview, which was understandable. 169. The Latin name for great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, literally means "ragged tooth," an understandable moniker. 170. It is understandable for them to do these in respect that pets are able to company with them when they feel lonely. They can pour out their worry and annoyance, they also can play with their pets. 171. Experimental results show that this algorithm could obtain simple and understandable rule set. 172. Its design offers the following benefits: data is presented in a common and understandable format, common set of messages, and simple standard interface. 173. The magazine, Reader's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers. 174. The safety-first attitude of clubs in postponing matches, despite playable pitches, appears to be undermining the point of undersoil heating, but caution in the face of a cold snap is understandable. 175. It is a pleasure to rewrite the Jataka stories in modern English understandable by western readers. 176. Use a synchronous protocol with a request-response interaction pattern, and define faults that are understandable by the end user. 177. It would have been understandable, if not forgivable, had David Cameron ducked a showdown with Leviathan. 178. Flagging is understandable and is not your fault but Ghosting is. 179. During the design process, we made some modification to the device status machine of the HART datalink layer, so as to make the change of status more understandable. 180. A show trial will not help Libya in its understandable passion to lay the foundations for a freer society. 181. He uses mutually understandable language to communication and acts in consonance with society values. However, cultural differences, habits and personal style affect the language behaviour. 182. Concerning this issue, Chen Dunlin that developers propose land understandable. 183. This paper provides an intuitive and easily understandable overview of some fundamental ideas in the area of theoretical computer science, especially those related to logic and semantics. 184. Despite the varying lines or colors, each pattern represents a conventional message, unvoiced but understandable to the audience. 185. People want content delivered in familiar, easily understandable, and digestible formats - audio and video. 186. There is first the understandable aesthetic power, the power of the beauty of Milton's verse, an aesthetic power that's often thought or felt to inhere somewhere in the poetry itself. 187. That's understandable: Jobs was an iconic iconoclast who thrived as a businessman and as the envy of his field. 188. These are the very things that qualify him as a college man, and arouse an understandable pride in his parents. 189. In no feelings clear before the ambiguous stoning to ask for directions, the understandable. 190. Believing that symptoms are caused by a food allergy means that there is an understandable cause. 191. The Lusitania and the Titanic are often thought of as sister vessels; they in fact belonged to two separate owners, but the error is understandable. 192. Prof Mellish said: 'The system will use a technique called Natural Language Generation, where complex data is translated into simple and understandable text. 193. While it's understandable that many people have learned to enjoy off flavors in oils, there's a good reason to recognize staleness and rancidity for what they are and avoid them. 194. The default is 2, but set it to 0 if you want to produce output understandable to other tools that read diff. 195. This demands a robust and resilient modular system architecture, easily accessible and understandable for all development staff. 196. To elevate the policy's propagable ability. The policy propagable ability includes three points: understandable, the unhindered approach and the proper measures, the efficiency of the results. 197. Assumed tendency may be understandable,but(sentence dictionary),it's necessary to reckon any case sanely. 198. In a country where the threat level remains "severe"—notwithstanding whispers that it may be dropped a notch over the next year—a focus on foiling terrorist plots is understandable. 199. By the advantage of effective mobility power flow method, power transfer rules are understandable not only of every structure, but also between the joint structures. 200. A dim brain is understandable, but a dim smile is unforgivable. 201. It is understandable after analysis that one phase feeder circuit breaker may trip and another will not due to the different short circuit current and different residual voltage. 202. Test suites that are understandable only by their owners are ubiquitous. 203. What he does grasp and very much wants to convey is that Ed Lazar was someone special. "He was not your average C.P.A., " he writes with a son's understandable pride. 204. I like Chinese culture and this is the main reason I am learning Chinese, " Cina told Xinhua in her halting yet understandable Mandarin. 205. Understandable, but there's a universality to that story which transcends ethnicity. 206. In some classes, teachers actually broke down projects into manageable, doable, understandable steps. 207. Given this history, cynicism about the idea of eradication is understandable. 208. It was understandable that for historical reasons Rewi Alley avoided making known his position on certain sensitive political issues. 209. Given what sulfurous deposits smell like, it's understandable Tarkin and Anakin hold their noses. 210. The tendency can be understandable that taking for granted. but it is necessary to estimate any situation sanely. 211. Here's the key:The values you use must be defined so that they are relatable to agile, easily understandable (not full of abstract notions or business jargon), and resonant. 212. Our Navy's great effort to find them is understandable, though I admit a bit undisciplined. 213. This is understandable, but it may not be an insurmountable obstacle. 214. We opted for a simple and easily understandable project and decided to include workshops at the park with smooth lines which are connected to the park floor with their declivity. 215. It would be understandable if the Clintons treated their Whitewater investment largely as a much needed tax shelter. 216. There are others who draw a parallel between my mishap to whatever is now happening in Hong Kong, and that is understandable. |
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