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单词 Out of the way
1. The farm lies too much out of the way.
2. He shoved her out of the way.
3. She nudged me out of the way.
4. With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.
5. It's a great little pub, but a bit out of the way.
6. He cleared a space, heaving boxes out of the way.
7. Alan scrambled out of the way.
8. He has done nothing out of the way yet.
9. He elbowed me out of the way.
10. We were shouldered roughly out of the way.
11. He pushed her roughly out of the way.
12. Hey, you over there! Get out of the way!
13. David nudged me out of the way.
14. She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.
15. The election was safely out of the way, at last.
16. Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.
17. Move out of the way, please: I can't see through you!
18. I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way.
19. He warned the army to stay out of the way of the relief effort.
20. When Mac was safely out of the way , Peter came round.
21. When not in use it folds up out of the way.
22. She elbowed me out of the way to get to the front of the line.
23. The driver honked at me to get out of the way.
24. I tried to stop her, but she elbowed me out of the way.
25. Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way.
26. The plan has to remain confidential at least until the local elections are out of the way.
27. It's a very beautiful village but it's a bit out of the way.
28. The bull looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
30. They gave a great heave and rolled the boulder out of the way.
1. The farm lies too much out of the way.
2. He shoved her out of the way.
3. She nudged me out of the way.
4. With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.
5. It's a great little pub, but a bit out of the way.
6. He cleared a space, heaving boxes out of the way.
7. I tried to stop her, but she elbowed me out of the way.
31. I leaned forward to rumple his hair, but he jerked out of the way.
32. Why don't you tie your hair back, out of the way?
33. She pushed through the crowd, elbowing people out of the way .
34. I didn't see anything out of the way in his talk.
35. As soon as the contract's out of the way, we can start.
36. I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past.
37. He threw a glass at her but she dodged out of the way.
38. Now that problem is out of the way, it's full steam ahead to get the job finished.
39. Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don't trip up over them.
40. A policeman yelled at the crowds to get out of the way .
41. She screamed at me to get out of the way.
42. I'd rather get the interview out of the way in the morning.
43. I moved my car out of the way so that the heavy lorry could come by.
44. Can you move all your paraphernalia out of the way?
45. People were pushing each other out of the way in their eagerness to get to the front.
46. Ken screamed a warning telling people to get out of the way.
47. That wasn't very gallant of you, Paul, pushing a young lady out of the way like that!
48. He had to be bundled unceremoniously out of the way.
49. The player pitched the ball out of the way it was expected to go.
50. They would play chicken by driving head-on at each other until one of them lost their nerve and swerved out of the way.
51. "Get out of the way!" she shouted.
52. Reynolds moved out of the way into an alcove.
53. Hey, Mac, get out of the way.
54. People got out of the way of it I noticed.
55. The composer's cue was clear: Britten even gets his music out of the way at each dramatic turn.
56. Now that we've got that out of the way, we can celebrate the book.
57. Two huge boulders had to be moved out of the way before the trucks could get through.
58. She laughed often; a great sudden masculine sound[http:///out of the way.html], jerking her arms as if elbowing the air out of the way.
59. We trudged across the main shipping lane with tankers and coasters hooting irritably at us to get out of the way.
60. Last week he was walking through us and we didn't get out of the way in time.
61. But then, miracles of that kind only happen in holy books or in out of the way places, without scientific proof.
62. Then either blow them or push them out of the way with the articulated scraper.
63. I could see the marshalls getting everybody out of the way.
64. Taylor wanted to move the planer clear out of the way and position the anchor bolts by means of a template.
65. At one point, Blue thinks that he is looking directly at him and ducks out of the way.
66. Kali and Jit moved out of the way of the back staircase and the sheep flooded down past them.
67. Switzer is regarded as a figurehead who basically just stays out of the way.
68. She grabs the box out of his hand, shoves Talivaldis out of the way and disappears into the kitchen.
69. Obstacles which prevent young people from using their talents at home must be swept out of the way, he said.
70. The house is a little out of the way, but you should be able to find it.
71. Lozano had claimed that the motorcycle was aimed at him, and that he had no time to leap out of the way.
72. So Gloria had shoved it out of the way under the bed.
73. Given the quick nature of the divorce proceedings, it appears most of the hard negotiations are out of the way.
74. Mr Gubbay had already agreed to take early retirement in June but the government wants him out of the way before then.
75. When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening.
76. This was highly unusual, since most golfers prefer their caddies to be well out of the way for such crucial short putts.
77. And for once everyone is falling over themselves to take the Corgis for walkies to out of the way places.
78. Then, with the Frankish king out of the way, he besieged and killed his brother in the city of Vienne.
79. I am not the Leader - God is the real Leader. He calls me at times me to lead, at times to follow or at times to get out of the way. But most of all he calls me to encourage, appreciate, listen to and support GENEROUSLY those around me. I just try my best to pass on to others His inspired will and hope to not mess it up. Tom Krause 
80. And try to get out of the way fast as the trolleys thunder through.
81. As for the candidates(), they can serve us best by moderating their rhetoric and simply getting out of the way.
82. As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out.
83. Presumably not much time will be wasted with recriminations since Wimbledon got those out of the way when they sacked Egil Olsen.
84. She had to run to the sidewalk to get out of the way of the car.
85. This keeps sawdust out of the way without obstructing the line of cut.
86. Robin gestured for me to move out of the way.
87. As I drive over the herd with the submersible, they roll out of the way like tumbleweed before the wind.
88. Our region is poised for further growth once the election is out of the way.
88. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
89. It bawled whenever I got near it so Dad said I'd better keep out of the way.
90. I suspect that if the government gets out of the way, more charities will eagerly fill whatever gap is created.
91. Richie quickly moved out of the way, and Donald lifted a box down.
92. Get your ego out of the way and start convincing and not giving orders.
93. Instead of tripping over their shoes while doing quick changes, each chair had pockets where they could thrust them out of the way.
94. Good. Now that's out of the way, we can start working.
95. With home shopping out of the way, Pitcher will be able to concentrate on the football pools and high street retailing.
96. Instead, we teach our children to talk quietly, to talk less, and to stay out of the way.
97. A coot sat fidgeting on a bulky nest construction, flicking stems out of the way, pushing a twig into position.
98. In his haste to leap out of the way Vincent dropped and broke his paintbox.
99. Is a little sleeplessness and fist pounding so very out of the way?
100. At the same time use your supporting troops to tie up the enemy units you want to keep out of the way.
101. Fortunately he managed to duck out of the way of a lump of glass as it speared towards his neck.
102. Penny jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by the falling branch.
103. Again perhaps an initial discussion which does focus on the differences to get that out of the way might be helpful.
104. The schoolmaster skittishly slid his feet out of the way, lest a meatball come to rest against his glossy brogues.
105. She nods her head, steps back a step out of the way of him spreading toward her white shoes.
106. "Get out of the way!" he yelled, as the truck rolled down the hill.
107. It was inconveniently out of the way if you didn't have your own transport.
108. They are just nuisances to be bullied out of the way.
109. She stumbled backwards and I darted out of the way as she fell over.
110. But just getting out of the way of good ideas, important as it is, will not be enough.
111. There was a hush-hush meeting with Eliot and I was to keep out of the way.
112. Shall we fill in the forms first, and get that out of the way?
113. They lay their machetes down on the side of the road, out of the way.
114. I tried to be a good girl and stay out of the way.
115. He told police it was too dark to tell whether the woman attempted to get out of the way.
116. It is essential to fit wind generators as well out of the way as possible: on the aft pulpit, for example.
117. You then put it out of the way and forget about it for about an hour and a half.
118. It is clear that the problem is to get the card out of the way.
118. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
119. Workers were unable to push the car out of the way.
120. When a car approached, two of them gently slid Miguel out of the way.
121. As soon as my father was out of the way she became a holy terror.
122. They had their midday meal fairly early, soas to have it out of the way before their peculiar visitor arrived.
123. There's that great scene from 'Annie Hall' where Woody Allen, before dinner, tells Anne Keaton that he wants to kiss her so he could get all the nervous energy out of the way and enjoy his dinner.
124. The driver was in an even worse situation: his hatch could not been opened until the machine-gun turret rotated out of the way. If this turret was jammed, the driver couldn't escape at all.
125. Before getting out of the way , Steininger captured this digital photo with a 500 mm telephoto lens.
126. It ran out on the road between Salonika and Athens this August, where he was knocked out of the way by a car that appeared to be chasing another.
127. But must not too direct, do bad meeting to let edition advocate give put sb out of the way.
128. We had to kind of scoot him out of the way.
129. Get out of the way road rage. Here comes desk rage.
130. Go out of the way you pick up three points of love.
131. Fists doubled, the white man advanced, kicked the bicycle out of the way.
132. With the other bacteria out of the way, the resistant bacteria (i.e., the superbug) can multiply and sometimes cause problems.
133. Columbo's question thus catches them off their guard and they answer him without thinking just to get him out of the way.
134. On March twenty-second, NASA again ordered the astronauts on the linked space station and shuttle Discovery to move out of the way of another piece of debris from a rocket.
135. You've cleared all the jelly - fish out of the way.
136. Thanks, John. You really go out of the way to make me feel welcome. Thanks you very much.
137. With LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire and other big-ticket free agents out of the way, Tracy McGrady expects to get on the free-agency express himself one of these days.
138. A lot of bands go out of the way to sound like someone because that's what they like.
139. Long Beijing have applied to fly to Montevideo ticket out of the way e-ticket votes.
140. In the coping styles, the symptom group preferred fancy, self-reproach, keeping out of the way and rationalization.
141. When CNC G code is used in the CNC lathe programming, using G02(G03)out of the way easily causes the programming error.
142. Had I been sharing the roomette, she would also have made up a top bunk that folded out of the way during the day.
143. Walking home I looked up and got out of the way quick - here came this black cat running like greased lightning and right behind him was this big dog chasing him so closely.
144. Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
145. US markets are closed for Memorial Day, but European stock closed today flat to neutral, with investors keeping out of the way in thin market volume.
146. Within NATO, unenthusiastic partners like Germany and Turkey need to at least stay out of the way even if they continue to stand aside from the fighting.
147. When the silly season is out of the way, one hopes this most inevitable and even desirable of returns home can be conducted without unnecessary rancour.
148. From Uraniborg, Brahe accurately measured the positions of 777 stars,[http:///out of the way.html] getting a lot of legwork out of the way for future astronomers.
149. The sturdy tie clip allows the microphone to be easily attached in position, secure, worry free and out of the way.
150. Soon get out of the way of the road is surrounded close windtight gangsters.
151. Even successful people often fail at first, so right now now is the perfect time to get those hiccups out of the way.
152. All the cars go out of the way to let the ambulance past.
153. At least since Reagan, the consensus was that you just had to make the pie grow, and the best way to do that was to unshackle markets and investors, and then get out of the way.
154. A teamster cursed as the Poor Fellows ordered his wagon out of the way.
155. Let's get this out of the way right off the bat.
156. By getting this basic information out of the way, you avoid cluttering up the open-ended questions that provide the attitude clues needed to make a hiring judgment.
157. He felt a little out of the way for riding the wooden horse.
158. With the guide rope now held by the tow rope, he unhooked his van and drove it out of the way.
159. Shelf space can be used for storing empty suitcases and seasonal items up and out of the way, storing folded sweaters, and so on.
160. With that thorny issue out of the way the rest followed easily.
161. Somebody ever asked me: Laojiang, you look can help me give put sb out of the way the first website.
162. Overhead lights signaled to engineer Rich Campana that the passenger train ahead was out of the way, and they could resume their normal speed of 40 miles per hour.
163. Some people become depressed and withdraw from their peers or go out of the way to avoid the places or situations that remind them of the person who has died.
164. Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors.
165. Madam Hooch : Come back down this instant! Everyone out of the way!
166. A lot of vegetarians I know don't expect you to go out of the way to cook something especially for them but it's definitely the nice and considerate thing to do.
166. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
167. I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the way.
168. The laser would ablate part of the junk's surface, creating a bit of thrust to move the piece out of the way.
169. You really go out of the way to make me feel welcome.
170. In the face of so keen competition, how the media go out of the way of a feature becomes a embarrassing question for the numerous TV at the provincial level.
171. And as a person, as a psychophysical roganism, I can learn how to get out of the way, so that the divine source of my life and consciousness can come out of eclipse and shine through me.
172. Okay ? but be sure to move the goldfish out of the way this time.
173. No matter how hard he tried to skitter out of the way, he always ran smack into Bei.
174. For those who want history and a cruising experience, but in a more out of the way setting, cruising on Lake Nasser is a must.
175. Here again they differ from original Marxist theory which says:"The middle class owner of property must be swept out of the way."
176. If I stepped between the two of them while we were all walking along the Zambezi River, she'd push me out of the way.
177. To leave before the guest of honor would be out of the way.
178. But they will have so many other resources in terms of getting out of the way and restarting.




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