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单词 Insisting
1. They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement.
2. She kept insisting on her innocence.
3. He issued a press statement insisting on his innocence.
4. She kept insisting on her innocence / insisting that she was innocent.
5. The church has broken the agreement, by insisting all employees must be practising Christians.
6. The Kremlin is still insisting on a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
7. He died in 1987(), insisting to the last he was innocent.
8. Croydon Corporation were insisting on specially dressed stone setts.
9. Hodgskin expounded a minimalist conception of the state, insisting that government tended to shackle the energies and liberties of individuals.
10. Park officials defended their care of Yaka, insisting she died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.
11. This he did, insisting that Mr Bangemann's remarks reflected his own personal views.
12. But insisting on her promise, he led her up the cliff, on to the prairie, and away.
13. He shrouded their work in mystery, insisting that no outsider be told what they were up to.
14. He allegedly refused to treat the boy, insisting that he should be taken to hospital.
15. He would accept 20% of these offerings insisting that the bulk he kept for children and dependents.
16. Brown died in 1987, insisting to the last he was innocent.
17. In these circumstances the Committee felt justified in insisting that the new requirement be met.
18. The blasted Fabian Society was insisting on a postal ballot of all its members there.
19. He began thumping the table and insisting the paper install experienced management.
20. My insisting that you own full responsibility has absolutely nothing to do with gender at all.
21. After one recent ad campaign the chairman of Mexfam stepped down, insisting that Mexfam adopt a lower profile.
22. The two countries have been criticised in recent months for insisting on maintaining sanctions in spite of the catastrophic impact on civilians.
23. In practice the administrative shift away from environmentalism was much less dramatic than ideologues like Newman were insisting.
24. Buthelezi for his part had frequently called for such a meeting, insisting on meeting Mandela on an equal footing.
25. First Henman split from his long-time coach David Felgate, with both parties insisting it was an amicable parting.
26. This is a textbook example of how Hollywood undermines its best ideas, by insisting on happy endings, even when they are completely implausible.
27. Negotiations for the player's £60,000 transfer to Parkhead are ongoing with Bangor insisting that Byrne plays out the season here.
28. She was eighty-three years old but was now stubbornly insisting that she was only fifty-seven and in the prime of life.
29. This endorsement should not be applied where the policyholder has fitted the locks without us insisting on them.
30. Her husband, however, became extremely insistent and started following her and insisting that she must sign the papers.
1. They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement.
31. The hospital is now insisting that hi-tec scans will be available in all urgent cases.
32. The government has strongly rejected the demands, insisting that Congress is the only legitimate forum for negotiating national issues.
33. Ferguson raged at the fourth official when he indicated four minutes of stoppage time, insisting that it should have been 14.
34. In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms.
35. Will we see one day the government insisting that games have time limiters the way that some motor vehicles have speed limiters?
36. Pressing for a huge tax cut and insisting on his plans for a national missile defence fit this picture.
37. They're insisting we report the matter to the police right away.
38. She would feel like a spoiled child insisting that she wanted to go home.
39. You could not hear the voice of reason, only the terrible curiosity, insisting that it be satisfied.
40. Their father was authoritarian in the home, insisting on total obedience.
41. But it also reserves the right to do so by insisting on full membership for them, which includes nuclear deterrence.
42. Why was he insisting that her behaviour had been dishonourable?
43. Another refused to walk a quarter mile to school, insisting that daily transportation be provided.
44. There is a strong argument for insisting that he is the outstanding performer in any ball game.
45. With some landowners now looking towards insisting on third party cover for climbers, insurance is increasingly looking indispensable.
46. In insisting that no changes had been made to the original plan, his team was being economical with the truth.
47. For example, insisting on conditions that would in theory make the employment of women more likely often has the opposite effect.
48. The pope seems to have confined himself to insisting on the prohibition of lay investiture.
49. Nelson Mandela, who was not in court, reacted immediately,[Sentencedict] insisting that his wife was innocent of any crime.
50. The next day the rebels rejected the idea of peace talks, insisting that he should leave the country.
51. Our hosts were most generous, sharing their food with us and insisting on giving us their bedrooms.
52. Together the two books test what can be gained and lost by insisting on either innocence or experience.
53. The Treasury is understood to be insisting that only eight of the threatened 31 pits remain open.
54. Mauve kept insisting that he should concentrate more on studies from plaster casts.
55. Insisting on the primacy of language does not however answer the question how the skills of language-using should be taught.
56. Republicans have been diligent about insisting that their reductions in spending growth are not actually cuts.
57. Later that same day the opposition rejected these concessions, insisting on the legalization of political parties as a precondition to negotiation.
58. We are still insisting that the attack on Baghdad was carried out to protect the lives of our air crew.
59. I., has declined, insisting that the $ 5. 2 billion merger would never clear government antitrust hurdles.
60. Mr Major remained buoyant yesterday as he campaigned in Cambridgeshire, insisting that the Tories were on course for victory.
61. Seniors are bombarded with advertisements, phone calls and door-to-door salespeople insisting that living trusts work best for everyone.
62. Parastaev was insisting to me in London that the Soviet Embassy had no role to play in whether permission would be given.
63. Insisting that all it needed was a little Lux, he put the painting on the floor and began scrubbing.
64. What outcome are you insisting on and to avail?
65. Insisting on marxism is the forever symbol for marxists.
66. The company's senior executives were insisting on low profiles.
67. But they are no longer insisting that carbon abatement is none of their affair.
68. For a moment she regretted insisting that nobody should meet her.
69. Obama recently launched a new policy of engagement with the country's military junta, while insisting sanctions would stay in place until there were signs of real progress.
70. I signal hint to his smile and let him feel at home, but he still keeps insisting on to contribute efforts to us and says and contributes efforts to our good person like this, he feels very happy.
71. Four of the nine justices dissented, insisting that the merger, like any commercial contract, was simply a sale of property.
72. In insisting the foundation of judicial principle, build up various outlets, solve various disputes in time and availably, is inside need of the harmonious society.
73. You kept insisting and resisting, that you would not fall again.
74. Insisting does not move the owner has not thought of unexpectedly some people to break barbarically theirs store.
75. Mr. Pistole is insisting that he won't bargain over security policies, pay and benefits, qualifications or disciplinary measures.
76. But I also know why my dad was insisting on that diploma, because, as B. B. King put it, "The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you."
77. Sell the home however anyway does not admit, insisting stubbornly is my bang up.
78. Rather than blindly insisting there is zero error in fingerprint matching, we should acknowledge the obvious[sentencedict .com], study the errors openly.
79. The opinion insisting on the necessary connection between legal person and independent liability is questioned when we examine the connotation and characteristics of the legal person.
80. And we want to have more interdependency because customers are insisting.
81. John is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
82. Insisting on the advancement must require college education to adapt to Chinese advanced productive power and advanced cultural development continually.
83. Insisting the principle of "community being primary and language being secondary", we can overcome the tautological errors in defining such concepts as "language" and "community".
84. At the press conference to unveil the document Mr Volcker was typically modest, insisting it was more an agenda for discussion than a hard-and-fast blueprint .
85. The company, insisting on technology, innovation, unyieldingness and challenging, participate actively to international economy cycle, and contribute to the nation's development.
86. On Sunday, the Holy Father launched his fiercest attack on gays, insisting that the World Pride festival in Rome was "an offence to the Christian values" of the city.
87. Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel, not the law, to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living.
88. One way of ensuring reliability is insisting on guarantees and warranties.
89. The parliamentary committee blames a former Tehran prosecutor, who had a reputation as a hardliner, for insisting the detainees be sent there despite being warned about the conditions.
90. S. changes created an unlevel playing are insisting new rules are in place this financial year.
91. Insisting the new industrialization the path, realizes the traditional industry new and the new industrial formalization.
92. The Court was sharply divided, however, with four dissenters insisting that Pennsylvania Coal was controlling.
93. The Premier Zhu Rongji give the college of the national accountancy a phrase" trustworthiness is this, the personal integrity is heavy, insisting standard, do not do the false account".
94. Instead, he kept insisting that the end was imminent, only quitting in 1728 when death itself succeeded in silencing him.
95. Insisting that we were not tired, we urged her to go on.
96. He is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
97. Under the prerequisite of essential positivism of insisting on the leadership of the CCP, there are two kinds of standpoints about the rule of the CCP: formal positivism and formal passivism .
98. In addition to bringing everyone together for a wrap-up of the day's activities, insisting on a few standing family meals creates ritual and routine that kids come to expect and look forward to.
99. At last, points out that insisting on the advancing to market-economy firmly is the only great choice to reform and refresh the endogenously determined mechanism of urbanization in China.
100. You are insisting that Dalian be the loading port, right?
101. And this Jap fucker is insisting the liaison must be present before we do anything.
102. While insisting on the doctrine of numerus of IPR, there is no conclusion that we should be against judicial activism and restrict judge-made law.
103. Insisting on the faith of 'customer first', we will, at the fastest speed, develop products that can meet the special demands of the customers from different countries and regions.
104. The night before the princess wed he tried to steal into her bed, insisting that if he could not have her hand, he would claim her maidenhead.
105. A few hours earlier Gabonese officials had angrily denied reports of Bongo's death, with Ndong insisting he was "alive and well".
106. It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo.
107. Draghi expressed strong resistance to the ECB being used as a lender of last resort, insisting that it was not its remit.
108. Moon Rabbit Group Ieads a sustainable developing road insisting on taking market as guidance, taking progress of science and technology as center, taking brand as vinculum .
109. Insisting the value orientation of representing people, our party can make up correct route, policy and realize the great socialist goal definitely.
110. Insisting that the whole world resource sharing the republican international system info industriously, demands takes.
111. Instead of insisting that you hash it out at that moment, schedule a time to readdress the issue.
112. But in this case,Origin this great allegorizer, is insisting on the literal reading.
113. Western diplomats say that insisting on a reduction to pre-war levels is unrealistic.
114. Sri Lankan politicians have severely curtailed English education, insisting that Sinhalese should be taught only in Sinhala and Tamils in Tamil.
115. The Sun Ray decision follows the federal pattern of tolerating broad delegations but insisting on safeguards.
116. China refused to be mollified, insisting it owed an apology and compensation.
117. She had screamed and jeered, insisting he resell his ticket and get the money back.
118. Insisting (Chen Tingwei) is an orphan from birth, would then have the power generation function, sudden, a lot of jokes.
119. By insisting on carrying the heavy suitcase, fixing your own cable box, and opening every jar of pickles, you're proving what a strong, modern woman you are, right?
120. They can only be read with certain, proprietary readers, something analogous to insisting that the libraries require patrons to read their books by the light of one preferred manufacturer's lightbulb.
121. Should that strike us as romantic reassurance, staunchly insisting that love is all around, or as a sly debasing of the currency, hinting that the simple meeting of mouths is no big deal?
122. She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained “illegitimate”.
123. He an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
124. In essence, Hippocrates and Maimonides were insisting that their students practice nutrient therapy.
125. Insisting on the faith of seeking progress in stability, our company has established firm foundation for its stable development.
126. If you want to be stubborn, just keep on insisting.




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