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单词 Well-meaning
1. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.
2. I know he's well-meaning, but I wish he'd leave us alone.
3. A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends.
4. The system, though well-meaning, is open to abuse.
5. Even well-meaning attempts at conservation can bring problems.
6. He's very well-meaning, but he doesn't really understand what's going on.
7. She's very well-meaning, but she only makes the situation worse.
8. Winning meant post-race parties, hobnobbing with well-meaning sponsors.
9. I identify with the well-meaning compassion.
10. Even well-meaning parents cannot protect their children from everything.
11. Without laws, thoughtful policy statements are merely well-meaning rhetoric.
12. It was a well-meaning effort to help the poor.
13. Well-meaning relatives gave me all kinds of advice.
14. They were an elderly and well-meaning couple who appeared very protective towards her.
15. But surely this smacks of charity; well-meaning but in many cases misguided.
16. This well-meaning law will have little effect on the type of owner at whom it is primarily aimed.
17. This statement will anger many well-meaning vegetarians and vegans, but they must face the biological facts.
18. There are a lot of well-meaning people in this who worship Ross Perot.
19. Turned out that some well-meaning wally had given it a tankful of unleaded two-star.
20. What should stop is the paternalistic and well-meaning indulgence of the sub-culture of thuggery./well-meaning.html
21. In her well-meaning way, she always put the best face on everything, whether it was true or not.
22. Aid agencies say that although well-meaning, the volunteers are threatening official relief work by making aid lorries vulnerable to attack.
23. We can debate all we want over funding for this or that well-meaning government program aimed at reducing teen pregnancy.
24. Most black dance students of the time tended to be steered by well-meaning teachers into the more welcoming field of modern dance.
25. Mr Cottle looked up, his eyes beseeching Mary Ann to find another object for her well-meaning pity.
26. In convulsed countries around the world, too much food donated by well-meaning people feeds murderous gunmen instead of needy families.
27. The trip was to become the epitome of the affair: misconceived, well-meaning, disastrous, courageous, deceptive and surreal.
28. Indeed, the governments of the region seem quite ungrateful when the well-meaning secretary of state turns up on their doorsteps.
29. The World Bank presidency has a habit of surrounding its occupants with a warm, well-meaning aura.
30. As it was, it was impossible for even the most servile and well-meaning to avoid offence.
1. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.
2. I know he's well-meaning, but I wish he'd leave us alone.
3. A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends.
31. The well-meaning individuals rallying to keep the de Young in Golden Gate Park want to stay in the comfortable past.
32. I'm playing a guy who's well-meaning but kind of dim.
33. You can not just take two well-meaning people, give them a baby, and expect them to parent equally.
34. It was fun being whisked to Plymouth, though she hadn't much in common with this well-meaning but heavy family.
35. But despite the well-meaning ring of colorblind ideals, you can not demand sameness of language while perpetuating segregated education.
36. Very few students now choose to adopt a well-meaning motherly landlady or a battleaxe with inflexible house-rules.
37. What is striking about these undoubtedly well-meaning suggestions is how irrelevant most are to the actual crisis of transmission.
38. Yet the whole magazine is like this, an expensive, well-meaning, worthless blast of hot air.
39. Awkward questions Sometimes even well-meaning interviewers will throw you a really awkward question.
40. The black nationalists were portrayed as well-meaning, earnest ideologues lacking the resources to defeat the establishment.
41. Horror stories of what can happen at the hands of a well-meaning but inexperienced neighbour are legion.
42. In the very next county, he alleged, five or six well-meaning men were suffering for having published mild religious sentiments.
43. And what would be the fate of these creatures once they were sold to well-meaning but probably ignorant people?
44. Alas, even the most well-meaning opera buffs have an unfortunate habit of making their favorite indoor sport sound impossibly complicated.
45. Well-meaning ineptitude rises to empyreal absurdity.
46. Due to the published day was April Fools' Day, so some of people call these 2 files as a well-meaning or vicious joke.
47. When your well-meaning mom sends you an email telling you that SLS causes cancer or Propylene Glycol causes brain damage, it can make even the most caviler chemist nervous.
48. Everywhere he goes, Dennis' wide-eyed curiosity, well-meaning attempts to help out and his youthful nature always seem to lead to trouble.
49. Well-meaning people acting in what they feel is the public good have censored or bowdlerized everything from the Bible to The Wizard of Oz.
50. Some well-meaning organizations, focusing on outstanding service,[http:///well-meaning.html] choose to recognize only a few people.
51. Nine years after the father's death, a series of events conspired to break the depressing cycle of constant pessimism from a well-meaning medical profession.
52. This type of criticism will help you live a better life and while it may be difficult to hear, is ultimately well-meaning.
53. All are the sort of well-meaning and thoughtful films that the Academy likes best.
54. He was a well-meaning but cowardly debt collector who had fallen in love with a beautiful ghost.
55. What she found was a deluge of well-meaning advice being issued to singles that, while offered with the best of intentions, not only wasn't working but was making singles' skin crawl.
56. Right now, solar panels cost so much that only well-heeled, well-meaning westerners can afford to install them.
57. More than half of us have been infected with the HSV-1 virus, usually from well-meaning kisses from relatives or romantic partners.
58. The explanation could be down to the post-Christmas malaise, pressure from well-meaning friends and relatives or New Year's resolutions.
59. Throughout the book, Dr. Epstein paints an unforgettably nuanced portrait of Western efforts in Africa: well-meaning, vitally necessary and yet often so misguided.
60. Don't overcorrect by using made-up words like waitron or co-opting an in-group's slang or usage—no matter how well-meaning you are or how hip you want to appear.
61. I care for you? Hehe probably not. Your well-meaning crammer my life is pain. Maybe you should know.
62. A team of highly paid, well-educated professionals has a detailed project plan forced on them by a well-meaning project manager.
63. It seems that the giving of gifts, so well-meaning (usually), is increasingly a minefield.
64. Celebrity endorsements and well-meaning Californians aside, the question now is whether wealthy Chinese in Asia can be persuaded to stop eating shark's fin.
65. Well-meaning friends or family might advise us to get up and take a walk, or worse, shake it off- and we can't!
66. It may have been well-meaning, but we now talk and think about maternal health, child health, old people’s health,” he says. “This artificial compartmentalization marginalizes older people.
67. But a lot of the time, well-meaning people will discourage friends from trying something that's difficult but achievable.




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