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单词 helter-skelter
释义  hel·ter-skel·ter1 /ˌheltə ˈskeltə $ ˌheltər ˈskeltər/ adverb  FAST/QUICKDISORGANIZEDdone quickly, in a disorganized way 匆匆忙忙地,手忙脚乱地 He ran helter-skelter down the slope. 他匆匆忙忙地跑下山坡。Examples from the Corpushelter-skelter• There were grinning gnomes worked into the iron filigree, running downwards helter-skelter.• Then a flaring swish as its propellant ignited, accelerating it helter-skelter accumulating redoubtable kinetic energy.Related topics: Outdoorhelter-skelter2 noun [countable]  British EnglishDLO a tall structure in a fairground which you sit on at the top and slide round and round to the bottom 〔游乐场内的〕螺旋滑梯Examples from the Corpushelter-skelter• Then gently place the children into the helter-skelter, and make a pile of mats at the bottom.• Place one flag in position at the top of the helter-skelter and another at the base to mark the pile of mats.hel·ter-skel·ter1 adverbhelter-skelter2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a way quickly, disorganized done in




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