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单词 Hardened
1. He is becoming hardened to failure.
2. Their suspicions hardened into certainty.
3. The snow hardened until ice was formed.
4. With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.
5. Your bread has hardened, how long?
6. Her face hardened into an expression of hatred.
7. Their hands hardened when they worked on the farm.
8. Attitudes to the strike have hardened on both sides.
9. The viewpoints of the two parties hardened.
10. His face hardened momentarily, then he looked away.
11. They had been hardened to the horrors of war.
12. Doctors are hardened to the sight of blood.
13. His mind hardened as he became used to difficulty.
14. His face hardened when talked about the battle.
15. I hardened my heart against him.
16. Public attitudes to the strike have hardened.
17. He became hardened to the suffering around him.
18. He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.
19. Joe sounded different, hardened by the war.
20. All of a sudden my heart hardened against her.
21. Sand was deposited which hardened into sandstone.
22. The positions of the two sides hardened.
23. The incident hardened her resolve to leave the company.
24. They were hardened criminals .
25. Her years of drunken bickering hardened my heart.
26. The river has hardened up.
27. Life has hardened me.
28. He hardened his voice when he saw she wasn't listening.
29. Teenagers should not be sent to prison to mix with hardened criminals .
30. Some of the fallen trees had left a clear impression in the hardened mud.
1. He is becoming hardened to failure.
2. Their suspicions hardened into certainty.
3. The snow hardened until ice was formed.
4. With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.
5. Doctors are hardened to the sight of blood.
6. His mind hardened as he became used to difficulty.
7. I hardened my heart against him.
8. The positions of the two sides hardened.
9. Their voracity is legendary and even the most hardened warriors cannot repress a shiver if one speaks about them.
31. Attitudes towards the terrorists have hardened even more since the attack.
32. His eyes hardened as he remembered how they had laughed at him.
33. His smile died and the look in his face hardened.
34. Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals .
35. His resolve was even more hardened to escape from captivity although it was impossible.
36. Their voracity is legendary and even the most hardened warriors cannot repress a shiver if one speaks about them.
37. You see all sorts of terrible things when you're a nurse so you become hardened to it.
38. The southerners are quite hardened to the cold weather here now.
39. He hardened with youthful vigour after three years' army life.
40. Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.
41. He, at last, hardened and talked about his own thoughts.
42. He was hardened to Teresa Darrell's tactlessness.
43. Like policemen, they have a hardened scepticism about humanity.
44. So far they have not hardened to ice.
45. Opinion against retaining the small company audit has hardened.
46. He did not become hardened or accustomed.
47. Cancun is not for hardened travellers.
48. Gordon seemed a little different, hardened by the war.
49. Hardened professionals were disgusted by the so-called dressing rooms.
50. Any man who had ever worked in a hardened missile site would have felt at home in Clavius.
51. Although the vast majority are hardened by their loss, others have been driven over the edge of madness.
52. Convictions have hardened, for better for worse, and the floaters have touched bottom.
53. The Church of Rome, on the other hand, hardened its attitude against birth control.
54. It has somewhat toughened and dark flesh, coarse skin, and a somewhat hardened breastbone cartilage. 6.
55. The girl had hardened her heart so much; there was no point in giving her further cause.
56. But the thick, hardened layers of dead skin sometimes press on the nerve[Sentencedict], causing a burning sensation when you walk.
57. His speeches were hardened a little, but he wasn't much good at abuse or jokes or stridency or sneering.
58. And their reluctance might turn into hardened resistance if you continue to confuse the two phenomena.
59. When Glover folded back the blanket her expression hardened, her face became the fixed eyes and mouth of a hawk.
60. By now Dad was sixty-five, and what little lenience he may once have possessed had long since hardened into steely inflexibility.
61. Much of the mountain consists of volcanic ash, long since hardened to jagged rock.
62. He had been reading Lenin's Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism, and his ideological position had hardened.
63. The epidermis degenerates and little trace of its cells remains in the fully hardened wings.
64. Leave to dry out, supporting the door with jars until hardened into position.
65. Hardened firewall hosts also offer specific advantages, for example: Concentration of security.
66. Even the most hardened commentators appeared shocked by the scale of the devastation.
67. Multicolored volcanic ash flows, long since hardened to jagged rock, reach into the sea like fantastic taffy mountains.
68. Opposition to the peace talks has hardened since the attack.
69. Once a happy, handsome country boy, Inman has become hardened, cynical, burned out.
70. He looked at Caroline like a man rising from a deep sleep, and then his face hardened.
71. The bullet grazed his chin, cutting a gash about an inch long that has since hardened into a scar.
72. Jonas's expression hardened to a remarkable likeness of his grandson's.
73. I have a suspicion that the justifiable coverage we got in the media hardened the hearts at Shire Hall.
74. Tim hers too may char and survive in structures[], or at least leave a clear impression in the hardened mud.
75. The ground was hardened by a sharp frost making the going firm on a fine, sunny day.
76. We need to prevent young offenders from becoming hardened criminals.
77. The third class of strategic targets is hardened ICBM bases.
78. I learnt things that are neither discussed in manuals nor by hardened divers who have seen it all before.
79. Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step toward peace.
80. The fresh pupa, having cast off its pliable caterpillar skin, had hardened and become black-brown.
81. Fears of a feud between the rival republican groups has also hardened positions.
82. In his first term, Richard's bounce had hardened to defensive, brittle pride.
83. When he had left her with a tiny baby, she had hardened her heart somehow.
84. Unlike many other adventures, Rex gives you three levels of difficulty to suit both amateurs and hardened adventures.
85. Hardened foes of abortion are unlikely to be persuaded by her arguments.
86. It was formed by the heating and crushing of shale,[http:///hardened.html] a sedimentary rock which has hardened from mud.
87. The other rib and limb bones eventually hardened from their vestigial origins in the cartilage of fishes.
88. Even the hardened expert will find something which illuminates in an original way some concept he has long taken for granted.
89. The world's most awful human problem, third-world poverty, appears to have hardened the hearts of the prosperous.
90. Isobel glanced at her husband, and saw his face had hardened, and that his eyes were angry.
91. Steel is hardened by heating it to a very high temperature.
92. She was a fine woman, unspoilt by childbirth, her body hardened by fieldwork.
93. The religious divisions also hardened to a considerable extent into national ones.
94. New secure units to hold hardened young criminals would stop bail bandits in their tracks.
95. Then they kicked out the hardened leg and let it fall on its face.
96. Many people become human relations victims over and over again without becoming hardened, insensitive or recluses.
97. After all, even a hardened reprobate like myself must have some standards to adhere to.
98. As a result, partisan lines between Republican and Democrats hardened.
99. Our consultant scientist-a man well hardened to criminal inventions!-declares it quite the strangest thing he has come across.
100. With a hardened aluminium cantilever and parabolic diamond stylus profile it retails for £1,350.
101. Puffs of hardened car exhaust linger in the air on busy streets.
102. The only effective remedy is to install hardened valve seats or a replacement cylinder head, both expensive options.
103. It hardened to a mask, and she lay under it for three days, wandering inside her body.
104. And exposed unprepared to view a patient whose appearance caused me to warn a hardened policeman!
105. It hardened him and hardness proved an extremely valuable asset in the ring.
106. John Sitter writes: By the mid-century, retirement has hardened into retreat.
107. They ate meat and bread that was hardened by the cold, but Bicker would not allow them to eat snow.
108. She hardened her heart and thought she should swiftly make it clear she had not come in search of him.
109. As these opportunities appeared, so at the same time the lines of religious party and sect hardened.
110. When hardened, smooth down with abrasive paper, then seal with plaster primer.
111. The buried forests became seams of coal and the strata of mud and sand hardened into shale and sandstone.
112. He hardened his heart and turned on his computer, smiling acidly at the screen.
113. In this detention centre, contemptuous and inhuman attitudes have hardened into set rules.
114. Once hardened, the repair can be shaped flush with a plane and chisel, before a final finish with abrasive paper.
115. But his father said, not a bit; hardened if anything.
116. It consisted of a cruciform church whose stone was hewn from hardened lava.
117. Probably he thinks the blood vessels of my brain are as hardened as my cervical spine.
118. Hearts hardened by the decline of corporate job protection, these workers are demanding[], mobile and self-reliant.
119. Hardened matrons and their brick outhouse sidekicks clasped their hands in front of their chins and let their eyes become wet.
120. Even the most hardened criminal would have been shocked by the brutality of the crime.
121. As a rule, even the more hardened cases respond to authority when they realise the game is up.
122. Her soft blue eyes hardened as they had never done before in her life and she met his gaze head-on.
123. An inverted, pirouetting helicopter can make even the most hardened flyer turn into a quivering jelly!
124. I will grant the most hardened criminal a reprieve rather than see him hang.
125. In fact, he was brutally cynical, ruthlessly efficient and hardened to every sob story under the sun.
126. Josie intends to join him when she has completed her assignment for Jones, a hardened veteran of the juicy tidbit wars.
127. Paint and wallpaper could be protected and hardened by a final coat of polyurethane.
128. She looked at him dumbly, and even McLeish's hardened investigator's nerve failed him.
129. The following day we used proper plaster over the hardened mortar, but cellulose filler could also have been used.
130. Even the most hardened empiricists start off with some idea of how the system might work.
131. We should not be softhearted towards hardened criminals.
132. The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.
133. Radiation hardened and ESD protected 64-channel analog multiplexer module.
134. The oil has hardened to tar.
135. Fifthly, relief work is extremely hardened.
136. Not only is democratization out, but repression hardened.
137. Dennis is becoming hardened to failure.
138. My heart was hardened to the Word of God.
139. Her pretty face strengthened and hardened on the instant.
140. Hardened counter pressure cylinder coated with special synthetic rubber.
141. Designed to machine tool steel, hardened materials.
142. I grew more hardened and audacious than ever.
143. The artificially hardened voice rose harshly and hung there.
144. Can hardened criminals meditate their way to a better future?
145. Anvil Roller uses the best available high speed tool steel , fully hardened to 62 + Rockwell.
146. The design of hardened high performance encryption card based on PCI local bus both resolves the speed bottleneck problem and it also can be used in other encryption processing.
147. LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants' sake, the tribes of thine inheritance.
148. Thermal expansion properties of hardened cement paste were reduced after fly ash and blast furnace slag was added.
149. Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them.
150. The effect of converter steel slag powder(CSSP), on the shrinkage characteristic of hardened GGBFS-PC mixed mortar is studied.
151. By means of extensive tests on nitrided and case hardened gears, it was attempted to discover the possibilities and the limits of nitriding for gears.
152. To the disappointment of hardened punters, depravity was lacking . No gambling, as such, was allowed.
153. Micromorphology and fine structure in laser hardened layer of grey cast iron have been investigated with scanning electron microscope and high-voltage transmission electron microscope.
154. The superficial hardening of non-quenched steels had been carried out on a surface grinder, the influences of grinding mode and cooling conditions on the surface hardened layer were studied.
155. But exhort one another every day, whilst it is called to day, that none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
156. The lava cooled and hardened , it formed layers of basalt rock to become The Giant's Causeway.
157. Unfortunately, they rarely reshape established processes and hardened attitudes at the speed of change.
158. But, strangely, she lacked that glossy veneer that he would expect a hardened adventuress to possess.
159. He seemed a sullen, patient child , hardened, perhaps to ill - treatment.
160. The experimental result shows that the depth of hardened zone and smoothness of surface can be controlled conveniently by varying the power output beam diameter and scanning rate of laser light.
161. During the monthly visits to the leprosarium, Liao helps cut and file the patients' hardened nails with utmost gentleness and care.
162. He was certain Sid would be eaten alive by the hardened criminals in the jail.
163. Hydration of free lime often leads to a volumetric expansion of hardened cement pastes.
164. It features a self-sharpening hardened steel blade, a cast metal handle with tension spring to secure in any position, and a safety guard rail with handle lock.
165. To enable them to withstand the heavy loading of opening the valve, the cams are required to be hardened to a good depth during manufacture.
166. The microstructure of hardened MTC pastes and its influence on the solidifying effect was investigated.
167. The Arenas of World of Warcraft give the most battle - hardened and cold-blooded fighters a place to compete against each other in gladiatorial battles for honor, glory, and power.
168. CDS Manufacturing builds table top roll sorters. Standard table top roll sorter system includes a pair of 12" case hardened stainless steel rollers, adjustable roller height and angle."
169. Although it resembles an impact crater, it formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock.
170. Value of fractal dimension (D) which can be used to describe the pore structure of hardened cement pastes decreased with the prolongation of hydration but increased with the augment of coal stone.
171. The tip of the screw driver has been made of hardened steel which has been ground to provide a long life and a precise carburettor set-up.
172. You must be sensitive to paint such things, and you need to be hardened to others' comments, yet you can't because you're an artist.
173. The dark branchlike areas may be the remains of channels that carried spring water and were filled with material that hardened.
174. Case Hardened : a case hardened fastener is a fastener of ferrous material having a surface which has been made harder than the core.
175. It formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock.
176. The fresh brain has a certain hardness after it is hardened by formalin.
177. Having studied the relationship between tempered hardness and tempering temperature for hardened carbon steels, a tempering behaviour model is set up between hardness and temperature.
178. They feature hardened and ground outer race and low-carbon alloy steel hardened studs and inner races.
179. Therefore, the content of low carbon martensite and volume fraction of undissolved carbide in the structure hardened files can he increased and their toughness and working life have bee...
180. Thus we show a kind of hardened situation or petrification from these two aspects of art and nature.
181. Single event upset maps and cross-section curves obtained from numerial simulation show excellent agreement with broad beam cross section curves and micro-beam upset images for 2 kbit hardened SRAM.
182. They sparkle because they have turned to substance that is somewhat like diamond. Their bodies have hardened, frozen into a kind of living stone.
183. In this paper, the neutron hardening ability of hardened X7805RH is studied and the neutron radiation damage threshold of hardened X7805RH with different loads is estimated.
184. There is plenty of salt in surface soil of Yellow River delta, which makes soil hardened and salinized .
185. Hardened - PHP : not as such a PHP security information website, but it does have security advisories.
186. The cracking of mortars induced by delayed ettringite formation is due to the uniform expansion of microcrystalline ettringite in the hardened mortars.
187. O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear?
188. Some small diametrical holes of the automobile parts are induction hardened successfully with a U-shaped induction coil. This paper presents the design and manufacture of such a coil.
189. She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes.
190. The Anasazi used hardened dry mud, called adobe, along with sandstone to form intricate buildings and were sometimes found high in the natural overhangs of the mesas.
191. The final structure obtained from tempering a fully hardened steel is called tempered martensite.
192. The probes forward transactions to a hardened Collector appliance on the network, where they are compared to previously defined policies to detect violations.
193. The clay had hardened, some time in this indeterminate day which had lasted a thousand years.
194. Thus, these rolls require a higher surface hardness and must be hardened to a greater depth.
195. The superplasticity research was carried out under constant temperature compression deformation for salt-bath cyclic quenched and high frequency hardened T10A steel.
196. A battalion of combat - hardened public - relations officers stood on red alert twenty - four hours a day.
197. Type 305 and 316 stainless cannot be case hardened and don't have the ability to penetrate steel.
198. But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.
199. They are all hardened rebels, going about to slander. They are bronze and iron; they all act corruptly .
200. Piston Rod: Hardened electroless nickel plated corrosion resistant, durable low wearing surface.
201. Hardness testing the depth and the trapezium of the carbonized layers and quench hardened layers.
202. I saw her: blond hair pulled back in a bandanna, thick - soled shoes, work - hardened hands.
203. The hardened professional smuggler is never troubled by such feelings.
204. Hot curing in 70 C dry-air is the optimal industrial curing mode and the best curing mode is hot wet-dry cycle curing of hardened hemihydrate gypsum-fly ash paste.
205. Sinter-hardening has developed into a highly cost effective production method for the production of through hardened P/M parts without the need for additional heat-treatments.
206. The surface hardening of 40Cr steel was performed on a surface grinder by transverse feed grinding; the changing trends of microstructure and wear behavior of surface hardened layer were researched.
207. It reduces dehydration temperature and solubility of dihydrate gypsum, makes gypsum crystals thick and wide[http:///hardened.html], and reduces the strength of hardened body.
208. Boldwood was listlessly noting how the frost had hardened the surface of the snow.
209. The dried, hardened remains of the lahar persist today, a streak of barren rock on a landscape that is otherwise richly vegetated.
210. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today, " that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
211. Fruiting bracts connate at base, semiorbicular, ca. 7 mm wide, basal centralpartswollen and hardened, margins green, with finely undulate teeth.
212. A toolmaker's flat is a circular hardened steel surface plate having a high - quality lapped finish.
213. The paper brings out the complex technology which is after laser discrete hardened pretreatment on basal body, chromate treatment can improve the service life of chromium plated gun barrel.
214. CR hardened stem with mirror - like, burnished finish for longer packing life.
215. Body: The body is kept afloat by a material called syntactic foam, which consists of billions of tiny air-filled glass spheres embedded in an epoxy resin, like hardened Styrofoam.
216. Output Shaft: Hardened electroless nickel, corrosion and wear resistance, oversize diameter for increased strength and rigidity.
217. The presence of aggregates in cement-based materials might modify the pore structure of hardened cement paste, and its dilution effect and tortuosity effect could reduce chloride transport properties.
218. Insects evolved hardened eggs and with them a special appendage, an ovipositor, which some use to sink their eggs into the tissue of Earth.
219. This place was grimy and low, the girls were careless and hardened.
220. An unsaturated polyester resin was synthesized from dicyclopentadiene, maleic acid and ethylene glycol. This resin can be moulded by casting and also can be hardened in air.
221. While Mullah Omar may be long gone, his hardened followers are hell-bent on staying.
222. In the cement composite, a hardened cement product is coated with a substance block agent composed chiefly of an aqueous dispersion of synthetic resin, a swelling clay mineral and a pigment.
223. These two constituents form a eutectoid structure known as pearlite when the steel is cooled slowly enough to reach equilibrium, but by rapid cooling the steel is hardened.
224. The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense.
225. The photograph was made using a camera obscura and a sheet of pewter coated with bitumen of Judea, an asphalt that when exposed to light, hardened permanently.
226. According to the procedure used, steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion, or it can be softened to permit machining.
227. And the experimental results of laser hardened V-guide slide were compared with those of common heat treatment.
228. Generously dimensioned ball or roller bearings, case hardened forged and ground gears, and internally and externally reinforced gearboxes ensure a long, low maintenance service life.
229. Our company is the specialized factory manufacturing mud pump liner metric and British system chrome –plated liner(), hardened steel liner and ceramic liner.
230. Japan is a large—in some cases the sole—supplier of intermediate goods to the world's electronics and automotive industries, from the hardened glass on Apple's iPad to gearboxes in Volkswagens.
231. The grinding affected layer of carburized and hardened gears has been studied by means of metalloscopy, microhardness measurment and X-ray diffraction in the paper.
232. In response, Japan's pro - whaling position appears only to have hardened.
233. In the selective examination to observe the sealing effect of grouted curtain on Geheyan water conservancy project, it was surprisedly found that some paste had not hardened.
234. Fine granulated carbon ( graphite ) is mixed with clay and hardened.
235. Though full of hardened criminals, your heart will go out to these men as they display the most basic of human emotions, and deliver some of the most quotable lines in a film to date.
236. The chilled cast iron roller, covered densely with the half-moon grooves on its hardened surface for hot-rolling the mild steel checkered plate , is a typical hard-to-machining workpiece.
236. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
237. Polymers may be incorporated in concrete in two ways:either added to the unhardened concrete slurry or impregnated into the void structure of the hardened concrete.
238. He hardened himself against the angelic action and the gentle words of the old man.
239. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
240. Their bodies have hardened , frozen into a kind of living stone.
241. The acklay's foreward slashing claws are actually hypertrophied fingertips sheathed in hardened skin incapable of feeling pain.
242. Only by taking part in practice can the young people be toughened and hardened into steel.
243. But as the years have passed, what were once fresh ideas have hardened into hoary dogmas.
244. I specified youths who were hardened and determined, and ready to make sacrifices for their country.
245. This was the time just before sexual identity got hardened into these labels, so we would call what these men were doing homoerotic, but during that time they didn't really have those labels.
246. Before a new programming technology can be considered for commercial use, it must be hardened by feedback from an active user community.
247. Her mind hardened at the thought of the difficulties awaiting her.
248. The eyes boring into her had hardened, Celia thought, and were making an appraisal.
249. For example: screw lift (worm) - (2.5 tons -200 tons), SN series of small hardened helical gears geared motor , high efficiency (95%), torque, small in size.
250. Level 3 - The battle - hardened Centaur Warchief can absorb mammoth amounts of damage; he gains + 36 Strength.
251. Level 1 - The battle - hardened Centaur Warchief can absorb mammoth amounts of damage ; he gains + 12 Strength.
252. The results revealed that the non homogeneous distribution of the carbide caused the "zonal structure" appeared in the joint of drill rod which is hardened and high temperature tempered.
253. The results indicated that the inner self-desiccation degree of hardened cement paste containing UFA reduced more than that of ordinary hardened cement paste.
254. But they only sowed the seeds of economic disaster and hardened the common people against them.
255. The heat treatment of ferronickel submerged arc furnace slag has little effect on reducing drying shrinkage of hardened cement paste.
256. The plants, which were transplanted to the field, were previously hardened off by transferral outdoors for 14 days.
257. The core sand mixture using alumina as refractory particle, barium hydroxide as binder, and aluminium power as additive can be hardened by CO_2.
258. The cause of the grinding crack on medium frequency induction hardened cam shaft made of spheroidal cast iron was analyzed.
259. Lancers are such soldiers; experienced and hardened warriors that have made war their profession.
260. Therefore. it is put forward that experience formula to determine hardness relation between big wheel and little wheel of gear pair hardened tooth flank.
261. The device is designed to be radiation hardened to more than 100 kilorads of total-dose radiation, and enables correction of errors in high-speed communication channels.
262. The grind-hardening for two kinds of widely used middle carbon steels were carried out on a surface grinder by creep feed dry grinding, and the characteristics of the hardened layer were studied.
263. When the outcome at Bunker Hill became known in the last week of July, it only hardened the King's resolve.
264. Grind - hardening of non - quenched steel was performed with creep feed grinding mode and different cooling conditions. Microstructure and properties of the surface hardened layer were compared.
265. Although the present study limits to two-passes grinding, the forming mechanism of the hardened layer is applicable to grind-hardening of multi-passes or quenched steel.
266. He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him take an oath in God's name. He became stiff-necked and hardened his heart and would not turn to the Lord , the God of Israel.
266. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
267. Gear grinding is extremely important because it is the main way hardened gears are machined.
268. His expression hardened with determination, the boy managed five short, unsteady steps.
269. I hardened my heart and took the smoke - rocket from under my ulster.
270. And so, I remember night after night, you'd hear all these men, these really hardened criminals, huddled around John James, reciting, "Take that, Spidey!
271. The friendless childhood of Nydia had hardened prematurely her character.
272. But I will make you as unyielding and hardened as they are.
273. Equipped with high rigidity iron, X, Y, Z axes are hardened.
274. LTS-1 replenishment of pumping concrete of densitied silica fume can markedly improve the pumpability of pumping concrete and obviously increase the quality and strength of hardened concrete.
275. Practice had hardened me, and I grew audacious to the last degree.




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