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单词 Alert
1. Try to stay alert while driving at night.
2. You must be alert to the hidden danger.
3. Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert.
4. All the Plymouth hospitals are on red alert.
5. She is alert to every sound and movement.
6. He is an alert boy.
7. Two alert scientists spotted the mistake.
8. The machine should help to keep the pilot alert.
9. The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.
10. We need to be alert to potential pitfalls.
11. The alert listener will have noticed the error.
12. He is a man alert in problem.
13. Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
14. His sudden disappearance triggered a red alert among his friends.
15. I'm not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night!
16. Be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously.
17. Soldiers and police have been put on alert.
18. The troops were placed on full alert.
19. The bomb alert was raised soon after midnight.
20. Her expression was watchful and alert.
21. A sparrow is very alert in its movements.
22. His voice was alert, not the least bit sleepy.
23. We all have to stay alert.
24. We must be alert to the possibility of danger.
25. Climbers need to be alert to possible dangers.
26. Her whole bearing was alert.
27. All our border points are on full alert.
28. I was hoping he'd alert the police.
29. The all clear was sounded about 10 minutes after the alert was given.
30. Every police car and foot patrol in the area is on full alert.
1. Try to stay alert while driving at night.
2. You must be alert to the hidden danger.
3. Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert.
4. All the Plymouth hospitals are on red alert.
5. She is alert to every sound and movement.
6. He is an alert boy.
7. Two alert scientists spotted the mistake.
8. The machine should help to keep the pilot alert.
9. The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.
10. We need to be alert to potential pitfalls.
11. He is a man alert in problem.
12. Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
13. His sudden disappearance triggered a red alert among his friends.
14. The all clear was sounded about 10 minutes after the alert was given.
15. Every police car and foot patrol in the area is on full alert.
16. I'm not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night!
17. The rabbIt'seems to be very alert all its life.
18. A nationwide alert went out for three escaped prisoners.
19. Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.
20. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement around.
21. The district was put on red alert during a terrorist's bomb scare.
22. In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.
31. She was alert to the slightest sound.
32. Troops sealed off the site following a bomb alert.
33. The baby is very mentally alert.
34. All the hospitals are on red alert.
35. The rabbIt'seems to be very alert all its life.
36. Alert defenders picked off three of Black's passes.
37. We downgraded the military alert from emergency to standby.
38. Troops were put on high alert.
39. Knowing that danger threatened, they were on the alert.
40. The whole navy was placed on full alert.
41. He had been spotted by an alert neighbour.
42. The security forces are now on full alert.
43. The bank is alert to the danger.
44. You must keep alert in class.
45. A nationwide alert went out for three escaped prisoners.
46. A monkey is very alert in its movements.
47. Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.
48. Troops in the vicinity were put on alert .
49. He has an alert mind.
50. The security alert brought the airport to a standstill .
51. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement around.
52. A couple of alert readers wrote in to the paper pointing out the mistake.
53. The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation.
54. A security alert was issued after four men escaped from the prison.
55. Thousands of police were put on full alert at all main roads leading to the city.
55. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
56. Due to a security alert, this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus.
57. More than 5 000 troops have been placed on alert.
58. The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.
59. Babies are playful and alert when they first wake up.
60. I managed to walk around unchallenged for 10 minutes before an alert nurse spotted me.
61. The district was put on red alert during a terrorist's bomb scare.
62. Police are warning the public to be on the alert for suspicious packages.
63. They rang the church bells to sound the alert and the villagers then fled.
64. The alert was called off when it was found that the bomb was not live.
65. The authorities should have been alert to the possibility of invasion.
66. He wanted to alert people to the activities of the group.
67. The rabbit seems to be very alert all its life.
68. He was as mentally alert as a man half his age.
69. The station was closed for two hours because of a security alert.
70. They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.
71. Police warned the public to be on the alert for suspected terrorists.
72. Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behaviour.
73. The patrol police on duty are on the alert against any possible disturbances.
74. Following the bomb blast, local hospitals have been put on red alert .
75. Strategically placed video cameras can alert police to any trouble.
76. I must alert him to the need to solve the problem.
77. He waited in the darkness, his ears alert for the slightest sound.
78. The army was put on alert as the peace talks began to fail.
79. There was a noise outside and he was suddenly alert.
80. The army was yesterday placed on a state of alert in case of more riots.
81. The water authority has issued a red alert until the cause of the pollution has been removed.
82. Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.
83. Although he's over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert.
84. There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.
85. In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.
85. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
86. Jack was as mentally alert as a man half his age.
87. The army was on red alert against the possibility of an attack.
88. Taking notes is one of the best ways to stay alert in lectures.
89. After the security alert, most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning.
90. You should always be on the alert for anyone who looks suspicious.
91. I felt stimulated - mentally alert, talkative and sociable.
92. Emergency services were put on alert.
93. He listens with an alert, humorless expression.
94. Schools need to be constantly alert to this problem.
95. The medicine can make it difficult to remain alert.
96. The alert began shortly after midnight.
97. Could she alert him to her danger?
98. Again they circled slowly, eyes locked, alert.
99. Their faces soot black, raccoon eyes grim, alert.
100. They blended together to form one flowing alert.
101. The National Health Service was put on red alert.
102. Minton was also alert to developments in contemporary art.
103. The men at the guns stayed alert.
104. Checks and balances required an alert and informed populace.
105. Report, page 11 Flu outbreak puts hospitals on alert.
106. Nevertheless, she is delightfully forthright, alert and amusing.
107. The Normans, that summer, began to mesh into the fabric of the new, alert life of the country.
108. Tot alarm wire alert FIRE chiefs yesterday warned parents to check the cables of baby alarms.
109. The girl's landlady had made a packed lunch from pork which is at the centre of a botulism alert.
110. Does it need 7,000 nuclear weapons on full alert, and three weapons laboratories?
111. His head came around, brown eyes alert as fitzAlan strode out of the alehouse, ducking his head to negotiate the doorway.
112. Note that while the dog's body remains still it is none the less alert and watchful, awaiting further instructions from its owner.
113. Slightly smiling, alert to the expressions on three faces, Oliver came out of the shack.
114. Their faces were alert and simple Like faces of little animals, small night lemurs caught in the flashlight.
115. It owes its second chance of life to an alert dock worker.
116. Coastguards ordered a full emergency alert as the vessel drifted away from the Amoco rig 120 miles east of Aberdeen.
117. His appearance follows a security alert in Oxford last night.
118. A sort of gauge with a dial that shifts from red alert to black alert ... to warn of fall-out.
119. The events which followed put the police force of a large northern town on full alert for a missing officer.
120. Too alert to sleep,(http:///alert.html) I fill my notebook with sketches of the nubble under the quarter moon while Margaret naps.
121. Regular exercise could help you - and your child - to feel better, look better and be more alert.
122. The perceptive consultant should also be alert to the way power is distributed in the organization.
123. Police were put on alert in case larger groups of demonstrators joined in.
124. Sander has emphasized that the quiet alert state in a young infant is extremely stable.
125. Early in the war Soviet southern troops were put on high alert.
126. But the alert was called off when it was identified as a dummy empty shell.
127. The subject remains conscious and alert, but can not control his muscles.
128. In addition, the automated check-in facility will alert readers to current issues of periodicals as soon as they are processed.
129. If you checked ten or more, this is a May Day alert.
130. Infants remain in this quiet alert state for an average of forty-three minutes during the first hour after birth.
131. Be sure to alert the local planning authority, which may not be aware of the subtleties of the legislation.
132. All these signs, of course, are only indicators that should alert reasonable educators to the possibility of abuse or neglect.
133. Hunt alert: Huntsmen in Northern Ireland have been alerted by police after letter bombs were sent to two hunt members.
134. Some authors have suggested that the clicks are made to alert other cats to the presence of the prey.
135. Voice over Elsewhere investigations are continuing into a separate security alert in Gloucester City Centre yesterday.
136. Be alert to the possibility of change to cross-talk between four people, which is much more difficult for the speechreader.
137. The therapist should be alert to the possibilities of a patient losing all hope.
138. A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption.
139. Personally, I don't have much faith in them, especially those designed to alert the neighbourhood.
140. Three major rivers have already flooded, and two more are on red alert.
141. Even though it was just a small black cube, it somehow always looked more alert when it was listening.
142. His arrest followed a major security alert before a visit by the Prime Minister.
143. Edward tried to be alert to their onset, but Emilio hid a great deal.
144. Being aware of this, you will be alert and attentive to meaning.
145. Echoes of the signal alert them to possible prey, at ranges up to 80-90 metres in shallow waters.
146. Again, the viewfinder image will alert you to the problem by showing you how the camcorder is seeing the scene.
147. But security chiefs in the province intend to keep their men on full alert.
148. They were to stay on the alert for any soldier unlucky enough to go overboard.
149. Because of the potential seriousness of the incident, a site alert was announced.
150. High-sounding jargon or pointless platitudes cut little ice when one is alert to the actual message being conveyed.
151. First Alert, the market leader, said the detectors were fine.
152. Time allowed 04:56 Read in studio A red flood alert has been issued tonight for one of the region's rivers.
153. Read in studio A city centre is still sealed off following a security alert earlier this afternoon.
154. When I come away from working with Slatkin I always feel more mentally alert than when I started.
155. He was alert and neurologically normal with a Glasgow coma score of 14 on admission.
156. A spokesman for Walton Hospital said security would be put on full alert in the wake of the incident.
157. Chital are extremely wary animals that alert each other to danger with a whistling call.
158. The alert, attentive mind, the intense concentration needed, is very demanding.
159. A man struck by lightning was awake and alert Friday, but had no memory of the flash that knocked him unconscious.
160. Third parties need to be alert to the possibility of change and to the actual practices of the body.
161. He moved down the corridor and around the corner, where two more armed guards stood, alert, against either wall.
162. It was the normal state of red alert, panic, and disarray in the Bronx County Building.
163. However, the teacher was still alert to the possibility that some children might use collaboration as a cover.
164. This applies both to the mentally alert and the mentally confused.
165. With their many variants and subdivisions they provide a wonderfully expressive earful for the alert feline as it goes about its business.
166. Jamie Shepherd was well over eighty, yet he was as mentally alert as a man half his age.
167. If we bypass the decision we simply move into autopilot and the red alert comes into play.
168. I assume this is an isolated incident(), as the Windows message that comes up would surely alert any keen quality controller.
169. They pursued the fugitives for about nine miles and then lit bonfires on the hill-tops to alert the local peasantry.
170. Safety is a matter of active attention and alert work practices, not blind obedience to arbitrary rules.
171. They even set up a neat military system of two-man sentry duties, to make sure they stayed alert.
172. She sank deep down again, unable to stay alert, and saw without wanting to a giant Catherine-wheel in the sky.
173. All of which keeps the pilot alert and in control, even on the most fatiguing of journeys.
174. Kim woke and lay there in the darkness, strangely alert, listening.
175. The mind may still be active and alert. 9 Don't lie awake for ages wondering why you are not sleeping.
176. Then he ran to his car and drove five miles to alert police and park rangers.
177. Only once was the congressional retreat beneath the Greenbrier Hotel put on alert and readied for possible occupancy.
178. The wireless remote receiver also can be connected to your home security system to alert the police.
179. The study was limited by researchers' inability to interview patients who were unconscious or not sufficiently alert to give complete answers.
180. Above, our full combat air patrol was on the alert.
181. I often caught the glint in his eye as he kept ever alert, staring at my face.
182. Unless I am alert and purposefully listening for them, they do not enter my consciousness.
183. The big defender's low drive from close range was blocked and then cleared by the alert Severin.
184. The second effort was another wonderfully alert piece of rugby.
185. Continual clashes of this type should alert parents to the fact that this approach is not useful with their child.
186. Postal facilities and other government offices around the country were warned of the attempted bombings, and were put on security alert.
187. The orchestral accompaniment her was again alert, matching the pianist's skill in fine style.
188. Each Mouse Alert system comprises a network of up to 360 strategically placed infra-red electronic sensor boxes.
189. An alert pediatrician has an excellent opportunity to nurture this.
190. He was a well-cared-for man of sixty, with thick silver eyebrows that hung over alert eyes.
191. Mr. Zimmer is still alert, despite his age and the frailty of his body.
192. All hospitals in the area were put on alert to receive casualties.
193. As he retraced his steps of the past day avoiding streets and roads, he stayed alert to the sounds around him.
194. She was unusually alert, for her health had deteriorated in the brief time since the upset of Theda's near-dismissal.
195. The security alert, involving five hundred people, cost ten thousand pounds.
196. Alert Asleep A nutcase Attackers are always on the lookout for a potential victim, some one who will succumb easily.
197. Even many of the civilians in Charleston, which lay three miles across the bay from Sumter, were alert and anxious.
198. Hospital workers once alert for the sound became inured to it, like city dwellers to the sound of sirens.
199. Then their wedding night in a luxury hotel was cut short at 6am - because of a fire alert.
200. Realistic gardeners encourage this diversity while remaining alert to early symptoms of disturbance.
201. Alphanumerical display to alert cashier when to insert vouchers. 10.
202. Some, though, cause changes that can be selected by an alert breeder.
203. She owes her life to an alert farmer, who spotted her car in a ditch and called the emergency services.
204. The public eye, too, is alert for misdemeanour in this situation above all others.
205. Some of the other children were sitting up, alert now, as they caught the drift of what he was saying.
206. You have to get it for yourself, by updating your skills constantly and staying alert to new opportunities.
207. Since most babies wake at dawn, parents will find it is a time when babies are most playful and alert.
208. It has a range of sounds and frequencies to alert other monkeys to danger.
209. If nothing was heard from us, then the shore station would alert the rescue authorities.
210. There are various symptoms that should alert educators that some form of abuse or neglect is taking place.
211. Custodians keep an alert lookout for any female without a wedding ring, as lipstick is not good for marble.
212. Blue gags on the image, tells himself to stay alert.
213. Regular grooming with a special fine flea comb should alert you to the presence of these troublesome parasites.
214. Children who are very passive and uncommunicative should alert us to the possibility that problems exist in the life of the family.
215. Frank had to leave-he'd burnt so many bridges Blue Watch were on red alert.
216. The spark ing leapt to his fingertips, and he was in her trance, his own skin alert to hers.
217. The reader is asked to be alert to that important distinction as this narrative unfolds.
218. Alert, she stalked the jackrabbit, her stiletto poised for a deft jab.
219. The alert library media specialist will have recognized at once that mainstreaming is, after all, a kind of integration.
220. Visitors were intrigued by the live specimens, marionettes and innovations such as the Mouse Alert and the mini bubble.
221. Not all defences need be kept at full alert at every moment.
222. Despite these disadvantages, many older people have been able to maintain their social status by remaining active, alert and healthy.
223. All at once Jeanne rose to her feet, and Ellen felt herself suddenly go on a physical alert.
224. Divers alert: A major rescue operation was launched yesterday after two divers were reported missing off Redcar.
225. In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
226. If anything goes wrong, she is there to alert the nurse.
227. Hauserman said a First Alert detector sounded in his office, where the only source of carbon monoxide is the nearby interstate.
228. For a compulsively pensive person, to be fully alert but free of thought is a form of ecstasy....
229. She looked wonderfully healthy and alert, as if she had just returned from a dacha.
230. If he had been alert to everyday things he knew he would have heard it sooner.
231. An alert artistic temperament is the first requirement for the creation of these so impressive two dimensional figures.
232. The partnership hopes to receive more than $ 160 million, according to industry newsletter Thrift Liquidation Alert.
233. I remember it was a night drive, and everybody was on full alert.
234. It was going to be another protracted day; he had to stay alert and miss nothing.
235. Enabling people not just to keep alert but to feel they are still learning and growing makes economic as well as moral sense.
236. This system would require the fitment of special electronic transponders to each bus in order to alert traffic signals.
237. As it is,(http:///alert.html) I've stretched my neck out by ordering a full alert in the West Country.
238. Bernhardt stated that she continued to sculpt into old age to remain mentally alert.
239. I told Thompson to alert all the guards on duty to be on the lookout for a small brown rodent.
240. No siren will be used and the alert will be given by verbal warning arranged by the Police.
241. Music publishing companies are always alert to the possibility of signing new songwriting talent.
242. Could the mayor of Vienna please have some fire fighters kept on alert around the parliament building, just in case?
243. When we find kids circumventing them, we alert our members and try to get the information out as quickly as possible.
244. Passengers should try to stay alert at all times, and report any suspicious packages to the police immediately.
245. Thus, we respect a worthy opponent in the sense that we are alert to his strength.
246. He had been the largest of the brood, always alert and playing.
247. The alert and attentive reader, however, usually brings critical attention to what is being read and reacts in some way.
248. The overnight explosion not only destroyed the chapel but also sparked a security alert in Dartmouth, Devon.
249. Worse, nothing in the data itself would alert us to this fact.
250. Stopped Thousands of residents were ordered to stay indoors and close all windows before the alert was finally called off.
251. In the case of ongoing work stress, after a while this combat alert begins to take its toll.
252. It is First Alert that has targeted low concentrations and caused most of the nuisance alarms, he said.
253. Several families were evacuated from their homes in Ulster last night after a bomb alert.
254. But in postoperative testing, both children were visually alert with full eye movements, although each showed intermittent strabismus.
255. But working in this sort of hospital you are always aware of the potential and you have to be alert.
256. Several Devon roads were closed with the Otter and Dart rivers on red flood alert.
257. We have been on a very high state of alert.
258. Bailey said that if even one of the fuel rods leaks, Palo Verde officials would put the plant on alert.
259. I will feel more alert ... more wide-awake ... more energetic.
260. He should mention it, alert her in their mutual interest.
261. Thefts alert: Police are warning householders to beware of sneak thieves after a series of burglaries in Newton Aycliffe.
262. So my conclusion is that we blanked due to a combination of the bream being well fed and very alert to danger.
263. Local hospitals were taken off the alert for crash victims.
264. Images Street Image She's busy and alert, writing in her notebook, or studying a street map.
265. But I wish to alert him to a situation fraught with dangers, namely the position of black people in his country.
266. Simmons has so many irons in the fire some one should alert 911.
267. All I could do was frantically reach for my safety whistle and blow like crazy to alert the raft crew.
268. My choice had to be made with the greatest care and the most alert diagnostic skill.
269. Sorrel, asleep on the settee, suddenly became alert and looked expectantly in the direction of the kitchen.
270. Fabio, alert to fish her out the moment she slipped, sat on the bank and watched.
271. Oh, and all border points are on full alert - guards doubled, searchlights on the border working overtime.
272. Behind his fabulous trumpet playing and cheeky alleged humour there's an intelligent, alert, artful mind at work.
273. Sirens sounded an end to the red alert.
274. Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied.
275. The radio alert ed the citizens to prepare for the hurricane.




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