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单词 Sporadic
1 Her attendance at school was sporadic.
2 There has been sporadic violence downtown.
3 In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.
4 There were reports of sporadic fighting in the streets.
5 I make sporadic efforts to sort out my files.
6 Since then he has been on sporadic drinking binges.
7 Too sporadic to measure on the feh scale.
8 Major cities hit by sporadic uprisings and riots.
9 Sporadic gunfire continued through the night.
10 Sporadic friction with Madrid is inevitable and expected.
11 The next day they withdrew under sporadic artillery bombardment.
12 Sporadic sniper fire continued throughout Jan. 20 in Baku.
13 The sporadic gunfire, explosions and shouting in the depths of the forest,[] seemed to belong to a different world.
14 Our advertising campaigns have been too sporadic to have had a lot of success.
15 Why, after a campaign punctuated by sporadic Khmer Rouge attacks, was the election allowed to proceed relatively peacefully?
16 There was rioting and sporadic fighting in the city as rival gangs clashed.
17 The unpredictable, sporadic nature of storms on an open coast presumably render exposed shores unstable in this respect.
18 Perhaps it means that low-key, sporadic participation, which is the norm for most displays of citizenship, is not enough?
19 The sporadic shutting off of town centres by selective use of barriers is already under way to stop the bombers.
20 Hence, interest was slight and sporadic, and the works were not assimilated into mainstream western art history.
21 The next day, after sporadic incidents, violent disorder erupted at about 7.00 p. m. Disorder occurred again in 1986.
22 More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.
23 As the permanent workplace becomes a shifting work space, daily face-to-face contact with fellow workers is increasingly sporadic.
24 In many rural districts provision was still patchy and enforcement of attendance sporadic.
25 In addition, these authors reported the personal communication of three possible unpublished cases of carcinoids developing in patients with sporadic Zollinger-Ellison sydrome.
26 The free trade zone failed in various incarnations, and investment has been only sporadic.
27 Thus a considerable number of cases of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are sporadic or non-genetic.
28 They had lost a slew of close games, were getting minimal production from their frontcourt and sporadic play from the perimeter.
29 But the fossil record of the insects is far from perfect - very sporadic and selective.
30 Gold is distributed throughout mineralised quartz veins, not just in sporadic shoots.
1 Her attendance at school was sporadic.
2 There has been sporadic violence downtown.
3 There were reports of sporadic fighting in the streets.
31 This labyrinthine venue is good for new bands and has sporadic club nights.
32 There was now a lull in the battle, though sporadic cannon and musket fire were still heard.
33 A short time after arriving at the hospital, the contractions slowed down and became sporadic.
34 Domesticity need never intrude on the relationship; it may be sporadic, but when there it is always intense.
35 One of those cowardly specimens who observably flinched in the football tackle or too noticeably avoided the sporadic playground rough and tumble.
36 Previous studies on longterm results of fundoplication were based mainly on questioning patients, with only sporadic endoscopical examination.
37 In reality guerrilla action was largely indiscriminate with sporadic attacks on the occasional landlord, local official, or police post.
38 Other foster children with happy memories did the same, though distance and new relationships combined to make contact sporadic.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39 Secondly, familial cases have sometimes shown a lower age at onset than sporadic cases, which is consistent with aetiological heterogeneity.
40 The random background meteors that do not belong to discrete meteor showers are called sporadic meteors.
41 Thereafter the tribute was only paid to grease the wheels of Anglo-papal diplomacy, but even these sporadic payments ceased from 1289.
42 Time quickly passed as we savoured the views, enjoyed the sunshine and braved the sporadic showers.
43 I kept hearing aircraft passing low overhead and sporadic gunfire from automatic weapons.
44 North west winds become sporadic, except in Sardinia, where the Mistral settles in.
45 Sporadic attacks by small armed groups continued, meanwhile, against members of the security forces.
46 The next day the government declared a curfew from 9 p.m to 4 a.m., as sporadic rioting and shooting continued.
47 Different patterns of clinical involvement with genetic transmission or sporadic occurrence are recognised.
48 Sporadic talks on the issue have failed to reach any formal agreement.
49 Their acts of blockade and sabotage had been only sporadic: their chief action was simply to be there.
50 Medullary carcinomas can be sporadic or familial.
51 We know how Sporadic E affects VHF radio signals.
52 Sporadic cases of chikungunya have been reported since mid-February.
53 The Quaternary systems of loose deposits are sporadic distribution.
54 The sound of sporadic shooting could still be heard.
55 At the historic Taj hotel in the southern tip of the city late Friday, the air was filled with the sound of grenades,() sporadic machine-gun fire and helicopters hovering overhead.
56 Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported.
57 "Many believe there have been small sporadic battles being fought in some of Tripoli's districts like Souk al-Juma, " another witness was quoted as saying by the BBC on 8 April.
58 Sporadic laughter is a sprinkling of dope that fills the air.
59 The sporadic outbreaks of the disease have worried the researchers.
60 SVCs are use in situations where data transmission is sporadic.
61 This article analyzed the manifestations of the MR images (made by 2.0T system) of the 28 children with sporadic cerebritis.
62 The eclectic subject matter and stylistic execution has been developed extemporaneously by each artist as they work on-site in shifts according to their own sporadic schedules.
63 Most of the multiple glomus tumors are sporadic but some are hereditary or congenital.
64 One alternative hypothesis is that the "ghost experience" is caused by the interaction of some infrequent/sporadic, external stimuli with an individual's neuropsychological makeup.
65 Suddenly , a sporadic cannonball bombed in the battle field.
66 Sporadic E arises when clouds of intense ionisation form in the region of the E layer.
67 Sporadic flow of auxiliary pumps and pressure tanks alternately job to start the auxiliary pump.
68 The frequency and impact range of Society Important Sporadic Event(SISE) is increasing,[] but the relevant management theory and practice is quite insufficient in our country.
69 It'settled back to sporadic, harmless streaming like a simmering kettle.
70 Before that, records are sporadic and anecdotal — and that is not enough to see the bigger picture.
71 Most of the multiple glomus tumors are sporadic but are hereditary or congenital.
72 Objective: To study the change of myocardial enzyme spectrum and its clinical significance in sporadic cretinism patients.
73 Flash imitation downstream of rabbit hair yarn sporadic demand price trend mainly to stable.
74 The area has been the scene of sporadic artillery duels over the last six weeks.
75 Familial cases have been reported but most cases are sporadic.
76 The illusionist murmurs an occasional "non, " while Alice speaks in sporadic bleats, a minimalism that recalls how Tati used fragments of dialogue more for their noise than for their meaning.
77 The Herpes simples viruses that has been found in sporadic cases of upper and lower respiratory infection.
78 Much of the poultry farm work requires sporadic use of a crew of several workmen.
79 Commonly a sporadic disease, actinobacillocis occasionally occurs in high incidence.
80 Based on a typical Russian common family with sporadic and universal misery, Rasputin summarizes social situation and the people's exist crisis in Russia.
81 Sporadic flow of water through the bypass pipe straight without Kai pumps, water-saving, all-closed system without leakage, without the maintenance of pools.
82 Methods PCRSSCP and DNA sequencing were used to analyze the PTCH gene mutations in 12 OKCs, including 10 sporadic and 2 nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome(NBCCS) associated OKC.
83 Objective To explore the mutation of RET exon 13 in sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma.
84 US and Afghan troops in Marjah come under sporadic rocket fire and heavy machine-gun fire.
85 Destination:Clinical speciality, error diagnosis factors, treatment and prognosis etc of psychonosema type sporadic cerebritis weredefailled.
86 Commonly a sporadic disease, actinobacillosis occasionally occurs in high incidence.
87 County near the county seat and the north - west, the distribution of sporadic small plain.
88 Outside in the night, sporadic machinegun fire rippled through the darkness.
89 It is found that the sporadic E ionisation clouds move.
90 A mixed outbreak of chikungunya, with sporadic cases of dengue has been reported in Andhra Pradesh state, India.
91 Front deltaic pinchout area, which mainly consists of large pinchout area, and disperses sporadic surface reservoir.
92 In Hungary, human trichinellosis has not been reported for many years, however, sporadic cases were recorded in swine over last 2 years.
93 KLF 6 gene may be involved in carcinogenesis of sporadic NPC.
94 The majority of aberrations are sporadic although on rare occasions a chromosomal disorder is directly inherited.
95 After the Six Day War, sporadic fighting continued between Israel and the Arab States.
96 We have evidence that the olfactory tracts and cortexes are frequently involved in sporadic CJD.
97 This is not wrong because the over - the - counter trading, but only sporadic trading floor.
98 These two types of the MR images manifestations correspond in the main with the etiologic and pathologic classifications of the sporadic cerebritis.
99 Apomixes is divided into three types, including sporadic, constant and periodic.
100 Results The low echo may be either sporadic or diffuse.
101 As Fucai procurement professional nature, and sporadic incidents, the owners to purchase less realistic, but most are hidden materials Fucai, the most prone to jerry-building link.
102 Despite the deployment of UN peacekeepers in 1964,[] sporadic inter-communal violence continued forcing most Turkish Cypriots into enclaves throughout the island.
103 Most of the smaller hornblendite bodies contain about 5 - 10 percent magnetite, with only local sporadic enrichment.
104 Conclusion:there, are no linkage disequilibrium of above detected RFLP fragments between the sporadic aneurysm patients and other neurosurgical patients in this investigation.
105 You know this better than I. I received only sporadic news about it.




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