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单词 Stimulant
(1) Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.
(2) Tourism has acted as a stimulant to the country's economy.
(3) Increases in new construction would be a stimulant to the economy.
(4) Nicotine, the drug found in tobacco, is a stimulant.
(5) Doctor Baker came and gave me a stimulant.
(6) First, since nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant, it produces almost the same effects on the body as caffeine.
(7) It is not a direct stimulant, like a shot of adrenaline.
(8) Flanker Fox tested positive for the banned stimulant ephedrine following Neath's opening league game against Pontypridd on September 5.
(9) In small amounts it can act as a stimulant, in larger doses causing hyperactivity, headaches and insomnia.
(10) I looked at each phial of heart stimulant in turn, the files, the needles in their sterile jar.
(11) Indeed, neuropeptide Y is the most potent central stimulant of feeding known.
(12) It's treated with medication, medroxyprogesterone , a respiratory stimulant.
(13) Musk is used for perfumes and stimulant.
(14) A medication used as a central nervous system stimulant.
(15) An amphetamine tablet taken as a stimulant.
(16) Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant.
(17) It is a well-known fact that caffeine is a stimulant.
(18) It is hoped the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth.
(19) Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea[http:///stimulant.html], is a mild stimulant.
(20) But its use value is its power to satisfy consumer demand for some stimulant.
(21) It seems certain that to Modigliani she acted as stimulant(), irritant and catalyst for his work.
(22) But it can also be found in the writings of Defoe, who favoured high wages as a stimulant for home demand.
(23) Drink: It is well-known that tea and coffee contain caffeine and that caffeine is a stimulant.
(24) Marijuana exhibits characteristics of a depressant as well as a stimulant; however, it is classified as neither.
(25) Knowing that you are watching events, albeit from a distance, is a powerful stimulant to better performance.
(26) My presence is intended as he puts it, merely as a stimulant.
(27) From a theoretical perspective population growth is seen as a major stimulant to industrial development.
(28) Government expenditure, concentrated now on armaments rather than railways as in the late nineteenth century, also remained a major stimulant.
(29) Raducan's positive testing evidently came as a result of having taken a cold medicine, not a performance-enhancing stimulant.
(30) So, perhaps philosophy even from the sidelines, is of some use, at least as a cognitive stimulant.
(31) It is used in medicine for its stimulant quality.
(32) Pharmacologically, alcohol is an anesthetic, not a stimulant.
(33) Their principal active component is capsaicin, which is a powerful stimulant of afferent nerve fibres.
(34) Investigation reveals that on-line communication is a new way of interpersonal communication. If applied well, it will be a positive stimulant for the growth of university students.
(35) The physiology character of cardiac muscle includes stimulant, autonomic sex, conductibility and contractility.
(36) On farms in eastern China watermelons began exploding in fields, which was blamed on ill-timed applications of a growth stimulant.
(37) Conclusion: The most frequently used psychoactive substance by students in Maiduguri is caffeine, a Stimulant, which they use to enhance there study. This was followed by Alcohol and cannabis.
(38) Ketamine - or Special K as it has been dubbed - acts as a stimulant and induces hallucinations.
(39) At last, we use stimulant data to prove that the system has achieved anticipative effect.
(40) Stimulant analysis proved that tune mass dumper can control the vibration of crane effectively.
(41) A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.
(42) Regardless of being the arm punctures blue Mao Jianqing, has burnt quiff Wang Da the thunder, likely hit the stimulant to be the same.
(43) It'seems , therefore , that 3 - deoxy - HMT is a potent stimulant of the hepatic microsomal drug - metabolizing enzymes.
(44) It's also a known source of theobromine, a stimulant that has a lasting relaxing effect./stimulant.html
(45) Cinnamon is said to be antispasmodic, antiseptic, vermifuge , and a stimulant.
(46) As high temperature the temperature of exercise be caused by lifts gradually, can see nerve reflex is preclinical lengthen gradually, motorial stimulant reduce apparently.
(47) Betel Nut, Papua New Guinea. The Areca nut is chewed with the Betel leaf to produce a mild stimulant. Side effects include red teeth.
(48) Qnexa is a controlled-release formulation that combines low doses of two older drugs: the stimulant phentermine, which cuts appetite, and topiramate, which increases the sense of feeling full.
(49) Rodgers took methylhexaneamine, a stimulant commonly found in nutritional supplements and energy drinks.
(50) When the attractant or stimulant concentration exceeds the receptor limits, the offering is seen as food.
(51) Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant like coffee. However unlike coffee it helps sleep by virtue of its relaxing properties and generally helps achieve an overall sense of well being.
(52) Chocolate contains three substances, caffeine, theobromine and phenyethylamine that might be related to this myth. Caffeine acts as a stimulant.
(53) And the Yemeni habit of chewing a leaf called qat, a mild stimulant not conducive to clear thinking or dynamism, is almost as pervasive as ever.
(54) Caffeine is by far the best and safest natural stimulant.
(55) This paper repotted the characters of Terahertz pulse radiation to stimulant sand - dust storm by using THz - TDS.
(56) The experimental result has some deviation because of the differences between stimulant cold frame condition and actual cold frame.
(57) Any of various preparations of ammonium carbonate and perfume, sniffed as a restorative or stimulant especially to relieve faintness and headache.
(58) Shilajit Gold is a powerful sex stimulant, which improve sexual health and acts as a rejuvenator to increase stamina, vigour and vitality.
(59) It potentiated both the stimulant effect of cardiazol and the depressant effect of sodium pentobarbital on central nervous system of mice.
(60) Conclusion: The stimulant method for myringoplasty may promote regeneration and healing of tympanic membrane by mechanical stimulation.
(61) The rate of drug takers is significant as well. Around 8.4 percent of interviewees had direct or indirect contact with marijuana, "Ice, " a deadly stimulant drug, or other drugs.
(62) These signals provide an important reference of the gain of antenna, the time reference, the phase reference and the frequency of carrier wave for generating stimulant echo signal.
(63) In survey of this phenomenon, using spot date, physical and mathematics stimulant method, flowage and diffusion are studied and wellbore flow and air diffusion model of CO are established.
(64) Although you may not see results as readily as with combining exercise with a stimulant fat burner- NON stimulant thermogenics are available to help you reach your fat loss goals!
(65) A bitter, colorless alkaloid, C7H8N4O2, derived from the cacao bean, found in chocolate products and used in medicine as a diuretic, vasodilator , and myocardial stimulant.
(66) A powerful stimulant drug.
(67) Theobromine, a weak stimulant, is also present, in slightly higher amounts.
(68) It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant.
(69) Ten (1.8 percent) of the youth in the sudden-death group were taking the stimulant methylphenidate.
(70) Before or during transport, there shall be no use of synthetic tranquilizer or stimulant.
(71) The ventral tegmental area is a clump of cells that make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and sends it out to many brain regions [when one is in love].
(72) That settled, he administered a stimulant called atropine to strengthen her heartbeat.
(73) Hence, I cannot tangibly warrant incense an undeniable stimulant, but, I can, nevertheless, cite many semi-credible theories in support of incense's stimulatory power.
(74) Chemoreceptor An organ or structure that responds to a particular chemical stimulant.
(74) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(75) Dried leaves and flowering tops are used medicinally as a stimulant, tonic, carminative, diaphoretic, and for infantile colic.
(76) In the second trial, children with PDD and hyperactivity were treated with the stimulant methylphenidate, which is commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
(77) An ampoule of amyl nitrite or butyl nitrite used as a stimulant drug.
(78) Our results indicate that sinalbin is an important indicative chemical or feeding stimulant in host plant part preference by the cabbage aphid.
(79) According to physical signification, three metrical methods are introduced: optical communication stimulant method, extremal measure method and frequency doubling modulation method.
(80) A basic stimulant of prosperity in the 1920's was expansion in the construction industry after 1918.
(81) A mixture similar to the protein content of egg whites activated these cells, triggering the release of the stimulant orexin.
(82) Today, devil's claw is used for degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis, for low back pain, and as an appetite stimulant and digestive tonic.
(83) Methods: A 3-D FEM model of lower cuspid was established by using DICOMdata and stimulant mechanical experiment was carried out on the model.
(84) Despite being classified as a depressant, alcohol initially acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system.
(85) Besides the sugars and acids, other soft drink ingredients are of concern. Caffeine, which is added to many of the most popular soft drinks, is a mildly addictive, stimulant drug.
(86) Catalyst for all herbs, stops bleeding inside or outside body, circulation; heart, use with Lobelia for nerves, use as a stimulant, reduces fevers, inflammation, heals ulcerations, stops shock.
(87) Modafinil is a novel central stimulant for the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.
(88) Infrared ray can make skin temperature elevatory , systemic blood velocity of flow is accelerated, metabolism increases, make of human body stimulant strengthen.
(89) The lowering of interest rates will act as a stimulant to economic growth.
(90) Praise is a stimulant.
(91) Chocolate is one of the foods cross-over aphrodisiac foods. Chocolate contains a chemical (phenylethylamine) that is a stimulant perhaps related to stimulation and arousal.
(92) It is both a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant, giving rise to what has been described as a euphoric sense of happiness and increased energy.




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