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单词 Use to
1 We use to go for a midnight walk during the midsummer.
2 I didn't use to like him much when we were at school.
3 Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.
4 I didn't use to like her.
5 It is no use to signify.
6 What do they use to sour the mash?
7 It's of no practical use to me.
8 Did you use to go there?
9 Did you use to go to church regularly?
10 I'm sorry,[] I've been no use to you.
11 I use to go there every Saturday.
12 You can throw those away-they're no use to anyone.
13 Is it any use to you?
14 It is no use to sermon me.
15 Did this building use to be a hotel?
16 Could this old coat be of use to you?
17 We use to go for a midnight swim during the midsummer.
18 A neurotransmitter is a chemical that nerve cells use to communicate with each other and with muscles.
19 When his employees were no longer of use to him, he pensioned them off.
20 The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.
21 Where did you use to live before you came to Manchester?
22 Perhaps his advice will be of use to you when you're older.
23 I didn't use to like opera but my husband has converted me.
24 These maps might be of use to you on your trip.
25 We didn't use to go out much in the winter months.
26 Is there a freeware program that I can use to produce my own clip art?
27 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela 
28 He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.
29 I don't want it, but it may be of use to someone.
30 Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.
1 We use to go for a midnight walk during the midsummer.
2 I didn't use to like him much when we were at school.
3 Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.
31 Did she use to have long hair? Note that the correct spelling is use to, not 'used to'.
32 Did he use to be the doctor in 'Star Trek'?
33 Why are you so bad-tempered? You didn't use to be like this.
34 She looks familiar but I can't place her - did she use to work here?
35 At some point kids start doing things they didn't use to do. They get more independent.
36 You didn't use to eat chips when you were younger.
37 Take this - it's of no use to me any more.
38 What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him?
39 What should I use to seal the joint between a carport roof and the house wall?
40 Cook separately, or use to stuff a turkey.
41 Beat egg, use to brush pastry.
42 Use to line the prepared quiche tins. 3.
43 The entries were not much immediate use to him.
44 But these models are no use to Clinton.
45 But all this was of no use to Bowman.
46 I wanted to be of use to some one.
47 I go to a gym regularly and I use to swim for Liverpool so swimming still keeps me fit.
48 Detailed analysis of the results reveals that icons have to be extremely obvious to be of any use to the consumer.
49 I didn't use to like Indian food, but Cathy's converted me.
50 The toothed whales have a set of teeth which they use to grasp large and quick-moving prey, mainly squid or fish.
51 Let me see if I can fashion a parable that will be of use to a politician.
52 When no one deserves to get the hook, what criteria can we use to determine who does?
53 However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey.
54 This is the bible that many investors use to analyze companies.
55 Moving through the rooms stealthily, he searches the house for the kit Skeeter must use to fix Jill with.
56 A disclaimer is an obvious and simple device for a trader to use to avoid committing an offence.
57 Every instrument that could possibly be of use to the mission found its way on board.
58 This it at once began to use to hamper the government's efforts to cope with the desperate financial situation.
59 The objects we use to do these mundane tasks each day reveal the inner secrets of domestic life.
60 The afternoon that she had intended to use to wrap Christmas presents was already dying.
61 Use to cover the whales, smoothing into the curves gently and tucking around the bodies.
62 The foot is reduced to a protrusion that they use to pull themselves down into the sand.
63 This has continued in use to the present day and carries a vast traffic between Oxford and Coventry and Birmingham.
64 Otherwise, my dear fellow, you will soon be of no use to wife, man nor beast.
65 I alternate the direction of these strokes, imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place.
66 What are you going to use to light the stage?
67 What specific approaches will you use to deploy help and reinforcement just in time?
68 The other method mushroom polyps use to reproduce is division.
69 It has succeeded without any of the marketing hype, environmental or otherwise, that rival firms use to soft-soap their customers.
70 Buildings were hastily demolished,[http:///use to.html] and ironwork likely to be of use to the natives was buried in a deep pit.
71 It's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive shapes.
72 Use in oriental-style dishes and sprinkle it over meat before grilling it or use to liven up leftover boiled rice.
73 In fact the props of the speech are important and not too difficult to use to help your presentation.
74 A garden designer who doesn't wish to look at her garden is of no use to me.
75 It would have been a good excuse to use to get Mr Parnham off his back.
76 When he demonstrated the type of wood he will use to build the vessel ... it sank.
77 Q29 Examine the main dimensions or bases which a marketing manager might use to segment his market.
78 That job may well be a valuable interim vehicle that you use to take you to your new work destination.
79 Public libraries frequently have computers that people can use to brush up on their skills.
80 Use to cover the cake, smoothing around the sides and over the cake drum.
81 What means do these governments use to protect, regulate, subsidise or stimulate the sector?
82 What seems to be of more use to people are specific things they can do to help them achieve these states.
83 The methods doctors use to treat obesity do work in the short term, which is what keeps them going.
84 The equipment they use to perceive sound waves in the air is, however, quite new.
85 That generated plenty of dollars the government could use to repay debts.
86 The selling division is thus motivated and the buying division has information it can use to arrive at proper economic decisions.
87 It also explores their use to evaluate and cost negotiating options during formal negotiating meetings.
88 The theories which sociologists and economists use to explain business life are almost entirely at odds with one another.
89 And among the primary vehicles families use to mirror us to ourselves are the family stories we hear about ourselves.
90 They continuously transmit coded signals and time data that receivers use to compute latitude and longitude.
91 It is conceivable that quotas may come into future use to encourage or limit the numbers of certain types of applicant.
92 Offering to buy him breakfast out of town is the device I use to hasten the leaving process.
93 Proposals likely to lead to the development of ideas or resources of use to others will be given priority.
94 When considering value the principal concern is the use to which that evidence will be put.
95 I was using the very fast 12-shot per roll film which estate agents use to make houses look good in the rain.
96 It is of no use to put forward a partial plan for the revitalization of our education.
97 It requires field use to be rotated annually, or fields to be left fallow every one or two years.
98 Pipe some icing down one short side of the hutch door and use to secure it to the hutch.
99 Religion can be part of the technique you use to get there in an age where technology is supreme.
100 A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes.
101 Of what use to the mosquito, one may ask,[http:///use to.html] is its ping?
102 Detectives have a phrase they use to help determine the trail of guilt from crimes of venality: Follow the cash.
103 Not stay and wait to be thrown out after they'd ceased to be any use to the old baggage.
104 What can I use to get these wine stains our of the tablecloth?
105 He regarded gay men as perverted degenerates who were no use to society and should be put to death.
106 It describes a number of techniques that the teacher can use to involve students in active viewing.
107 What words would you use to describe your emotional characteristics?
108 Their use should minimise water use to making good losses through evaporation.
109 Before that time, alcohol had been in general use to deaden pain, though some sturdy souls rejected it on principle.
110 As compensation, the Lakers are awarded a 1979 first-round draft pick, which they use to select Magic Johnson.
111 What committees and / or forums to use to integrate across functions or units 4.
112 Cut out strips and use to cover the board, trim the edge and smooth any joins.
113 How we view power directions is often a function of the conceptual model that we use to understand behavior in organizations.
114 Scarlet was enormously prestigious: the thirteenth-century sumptuary laws of the kingdom of Castile and Leon restricted its use to the king.
115 By managing the directory, VeriSign has data it can use to market wireless communications and other services.
116 But a sleek sailing boat that spends all its time in harbour is no use to anyone.
117 In use To start with, the Dimension was dead on arrival.
118 In others, central research laboratories produce wonderful results which are of no use to the business.
119 Break the lettuce leaves into small pieces and use to line a large salad bowl or individual salad plates. 2.
120 The more recent studies of discourse analysis have captured the tones which people use to talk of others.
121 The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. Oscar Wilde 
122 Coelenterates have stinging cells which they use to paralyse their prey.
123 Cut off a narrow strip around the edge and use to line the dampened rim of the pie plate.
124 Funds obtained by this method are not limited in their use to balance of payments difficulties.
125 There have been many investigations of the factors animals use to ensure that they mate with members of the same species.
126 I had no contacts that might be of use to a composer.
127 The words people use to describe this event are not the event itself and are only abstracted re-presentations of the event.
128 It serves no earthly use to recapitulate the damage that they do, and which we know they do.
129 Use to cover the base and the lid of the sarcophagus, easing into the corners and hollow.
130 Roll out half to a large square, place the roof-sized pieces of paper over and use to cut out the icing.
130 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131 The next question is, what type of training routine do you use to increase pulse rate?
132 You need to consider what consequences, what additional motivating events or rewards you can use to keep you going.
133 That sport television networks use to deliberately bore football, baseball, basketball and hockey fans.
134 Does anybody make pinions which I can use to put into the transfer box to replace the existing ones?
135 Sea anemones possess stinging cells in their tentacles, which they use to protect themselves and to capture food.
136 Key said there was untapped potential for cycle use to grow if the road environment is to be made more friendly.
137 The picture that emerged was unflattering; but it wasn't much use to an aspiring blackmailer.
138 Who controls the budgetary process itself and what means do they use to do so? 5.
139 The larger sized boards are also suitable for beginners though footstraps and mast track will be no use to a novice.
140 Local authorities are also constrained in the proportion of capital receipts they may use to support capital expenditure.
141 Brush pastry edges with water. Roll out remaining pastry and use to cover the pie.
142 It is then hoped to expand its use to other joint surgery which requires precision drilling.
143 The stomach is a biological structure that animals use to adapt to their environment.
144 I felt I had absolutely nothing of use to give or to share.
145 Application: mainly use to shave rust and oil paint.
146 Use to create a tabular report of windows.
147 What can we use to finish off these bugs?
148 Use to add an hourglass for measuring time.
149 Use to list textual declarations in your behavior diagram.
150 What can I use to fasten on this clip?
151 She felt it no use to conjecture his motives.
152 Root canal? What did he use to open?
153 Is this reference book of any use to me?
154 Adds an additional vanishing point that you can use to change the perspective of individual shapes.
155 But even the most intimate person's, can't use to be like us, either so of order tone.
156 Tangible plant assets, with the exception of land, are of use to a company FOR only a limited number of years.
157 That statement is probably the most truthful statement in the whole movie. It is the type of statement that people use to keep themselves busy working away to pay bills.
158 Mucus - roller flower - printing oil use to inner - wall tile and rustic tile.
159 In the phrase, borrowed from Sappho , that the social scientists use to sum up the common perception, what is beautiful is good.
160 This article provides a step-by-step guide you can use to perform a cross-platform heterogeneous system copy of an existing SAP system across different platforms using a redirected restore operation.
161 Some companies use to ban dating among employees,[] but now they have realized it is something in avertable.
162 This is an applet that students use to respond to questions in class.
163 If it is of any use to you, you may have it for keeps.
164 The engineers also wrote the procedures that Navy technicians use to calibrate the goggle testers.
165 One of the key techniques project managers use to monitor and control progress on their projects is the Critical Path Method (CPM).
166 In teaching the traditional curriculum, law teachers in almost all the law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic Method.
167 After getting the key out of it, a good income - you may use to get it.
168 To search image by content, you must first import an image, or draw a sketch, that you can use to query and present images from a collection.
169 Very soon most manufactured items, from shoes to cans of soup, will contain a small sliver of dim intelligence, and screens will be the tool we use to interact with this transistorized information.
170 Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence.
171 It provides a development and testing environment you can use to build database objects and applications.
172 Specialists kept their low rank but were allowed a moment at the high table when their skills were of use to the royalty.
173 Use to add a mainframe or supercomputer to your system diagram.
174 Use to unscrew Flame Adjuster Nut & Pump's Stop Nut.
175 Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide.
176 The circuitry that use to alternate back and forth between two states.
177 I use to be Yao Ming back at home, but now I am mostly a bench warmer.
178 So this is very, very low-cost to buy, and actually, the objective lens in the microscope, the very powerful lens we use to image the atoms, is also from a CD player.
179 What criteria should I use to choose between these two business process implementation types?
180 For solving the problem which DEA only can use to evaluate relative efficiency, a method of choosing reference DMUs is proposed.
181 It can effectively use to hydrologic and hydraulic calculation of the flood control and river control, the planning programming of the river project, the river management and the clearing barrier.
182 It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.
183 Use to create data structure diagrams, memory object diagrams, structural diagrams, functional decomposition diagrams, and memory diagrams.
184 However, standard computer languages such as Fortran and Basic can be very difficult to use to write the programs. A special simulation language, known as GPSS, is discussed.
185 The reporter on the spot sees in the meantime, the shade tree of the wayside ascend all is directly nailed last nail, exclusively use to hang mop.
186 Use to add a disk drive icon to an interface.
187 Do not use to give oneself more recollections sedulously so - called.
188 Use soap sparingly: If possible, limIt'soap use to your face, armpits, genitals, hands and feet.
189 It is of no use to talk to him; he is as deaf as a post.
190 Use to add a group of mainframes or supercomputers to your system diagram.
191 Dumbbell. Dumbbells are small, hand - held weights that you can use to strengthen upper body.
192 Use to include a stream from an encoder in the playlist.
193 JCS is a caching system written in the Java language that you can use to create Java desktop and Web applications.
194 Working Capital usually refers to net working capital and is the resource that a company can use to finance day-to-day operations. It is calculated by taking current liabilities from current assets.
195 Having Grounding ready for the Death Coil, first Drain Life, or perhaps the Curse of Exhaustion they'll use to start kiting means much more than any of the other talents available.
196 A control word is a specially formatted command that RTF uses to mark printer control codes and information that applications use to manage documents.
197 Use to add a laptop computer to your system diagram.
198 We must take care to reappraise the historical data we use to estimate the regression equation.
199 They are also all on the same physical and logical network, although there are no limitations on the network topology that you can use to install Lotus Symphony.
200 Students' understanding on the existence property of inverse function is better relatively, but methods they use to judge whether a function have inverse function or not are simplex relatively.
201 Petri dish is a cylindrical container with a lid where biologists use to study cells.
202 He also says that it is prudent to restrict ketorolac use to no more than 5 days, particularly in elderly patients.
203 He gave me an aluminum putter that I use to - day. ".
204 Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses.
205 Finally, set the pattern of previous programs to sum up the use to arrive at a new set mode and set examples for the new mode of analysis, the new model of the benefits of setting elaborate.
206 What does denaturation of eye ground yellow spot use to medication?
207 Some firms give their workers luncheon voucher , which they can use to buy a meal.
208 On probably by city discarding in quoin child no use to.
209 This was a kind of a motor cipher that you can encode into the muscle system and use to induce a variety of ideas in participants.
210 Even 100 bits per second would be of great use to stroke victims who would otherwise be confined to menu-driven interfaces.
211 The breeze copies to connect Lian to use to pester a blade earthquake to open nearby one flower petal and flustered and frustratedly says.
212 Use to estimate turning radii for a typical small tractor with single semitrailer.
213 Use to create a basic room layout. Stretch to resize.
214 This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.
215 Lumme, hubby, I bought them, it is no use to reproach me!
216 "Motherese" -- the special voice mother's use to communicate with their babies -- is scientifically recognized.
217 Preparation of arc and then use to generate nano - steam heating.
218 The syntax-aware reflow we use to wrap long lines is based on the parse trees (abstract syntax trees) for the language, and some other things need per-language customization.
219 Learn the best tube to use to make a rain stick with expert crafting instructions in this free online percussion instrument video clip.
220 I use to be Yao Ming back at home [Sentencedict], but now I am mostly bench warmer.
221 Feedlot and other industrial farming systems that provide the majority of supermarket meat rely on heavy antibiotic use to speed the animals' growth and prevent disease in their filthy conditions.
222 And then it can be translated to a sentence, 'a file container is on the biohazard container, ' which we can directly use to build the scenario content.
223 The material of super Invar is advised to use to minish the disadvantage of thermal deformation.
224 A template is a model that you use to create other documents.
225 Belward expects the pressure on land use to remain relentless, and says the Landsat program must remain in place to keep track of the changing landscape.
226 Second, shifting from free use to non - gratuitous use of forest ecological value.
227 Oxygen could be use to breath and Hydrogen could be turned into fuel, the rocket fuel.
228 This will start FluidSynth with 10,000 audio buffers each of size 10,000 -- plenty of space to use to reduce the choppiness.
229 Do not immerse in water and do not use to vacuum water.
230 Because these islets carried the kind of peptide that spleen cells use to reeducate the immune system, they were able both to control blood sugar and to end the autoimmune response.
231 The dispassionate euphemism "underperformer" is one that I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves.
232 Listing 3 shows an example of the Merge command you would use to merge the files specific to DS1.
233 Which crops do these lowland farmers use to feed their livestock?
234 If it's of any use to you and if you like it, you can for keeps.
235 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor general-purpose dynamic web scripting language, use to create dynamic web pages.
236 A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity.
237 Calamity use to discontinue the peace process of social life and disorganize the normal movement of social orderliness.
238 As a better immunogen and mucosa immunoadjuvant it can be use to develop mucosa vaccine.
239 These days, all eyes are on Mr Parker, who sniffs and sips and then awards the wine a score out of 100, which the buyers and sellers in the market use to establish a price.
240 Reusable code of good use to help learning and development.
241 Use to estimate turning radii for a typical tractor with semitrailer and full trailer.
242 You failed in the examination, but it's no use to pull a long face.
243 Well, it's a special technique we use to get the kayak upright when it overturns.
244 Use to add a group of laptop computers to your system diagram.
245 Red: Represent brave , justice, power , and royalty , mostly use to courage and uprightness people.
246 Customers can instead use digital cash, an online account into which customers deposit funds and then use to pay for purchases.
247 Did I want to use to use his laptop, asked the helpful New Zealander.
248 By that I mean decisions about hardware need to be made on the basis of much more reliable data, in sharp contrast to the phony , biased data that they use to make decisions now.
249 Have you ever wanted to learn how to create a client side application which your users can use to access and update data in your DB2 database?
250 The suspension quantitative bactericidal test was use to examine the sporicidal efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water(EOW) with high redox potential.
251 Shake well before use. Test in an inconspicuous area prior to first use to avoid discolouration.
252 Cellular respiration is the process cells use to convert the energy in the chemical bonds of nutrients to ATP energy.
253 What kind of relative clause do we normally use to modify anon - nominal antecedent?
254 Use to estimate turning radii for a typical large tractor with single semitrailer.
255 System. AddIn. Contract. Automation namespace contains interfaces that components use to access type information and invoke type members.
256 Use to fix up and stronger welding line. Connect, cut caused damage.
257 Use to get brushstroke money, two people are consultative attack Internet bar is extortionate gold.
258 Foundation Fieldbus is here, active and proven in use to deliver quantifiable unmatched benefits.
259 Use to include files in a directory ( and subdirectories ) in the playlist.
260 This article discusses the proper approach to use to measure permanent mold tool life.
261 Commonly use to treat skin condition the skin and easing pain and inflammation.
262 Soak disposable chopstick in hot water before use to release carbon dioxide.
263 As a psychologist, I'm interested in the techniques we use to get at these questions: Can other creatures share, cooperate, punish cheaters, show empathy, and act altruistically?
264 Use to indicate a choicepoint ( diverging transitions ) in your behavior diagram.
265 If the book will be of any use to you, you can have it for keeps.
266 A PDS connection-factory directive to provide the collector the interface to use to connect to the PDS and the configuration to use when connecting.
267 Teilhard de Chardin wrote about this enterprise many years ago and would be appalled by the prosaic nature of the tools we will use to bring it about.
268 Using the new DataBlade API routines, you can write a general purpose user-defined routine that can you can use to audit any table and any trigger event.




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