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单词 Lurid
1. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
2. You can read all the lurid details of the affair in today's paper.
3. The papers gave the lurid details of the murder.
4. Accurate reporting takes second place to lurid detail.
5. She gave us a lurid description of the birth.
6. She was wearing a lurid orange and green blouse.
7. That's a very lurid shade of lipstick she's wearing.
8. He told me in lurid detail what would happen to me.
9. The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder.
10. The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months.
11. A lurid miasma dazed his vision.
12. The carpets were a lurid shade of green.
13. Yellow street lamps looked lurid in the greyness.
14. Sharp's graphics became more lurid.
15. Lurid rock videos cheek-by-jowl with classic films.
16. A lurid tattoo on his thigh commemorated his victory.
17. Disappointment followed, the lurid projector of mental pictures shut down and I was left feeling I ought to have known better.
18. There were several lurid reports of atrocities in the border area.
19. There were dinosaurs painted in lurid green and red, and two big yellow Tonka trucks.
20. For good measure, he had added a lurid red moon opposite it.
21. Paula Corbin Jones are as lurid and titillating as the legal issues at stake are important and complex.
22. Hideously lurid glass panel in brass frame with matching chain.
23. We shuddered in the lurid light and turned away from the brooding peaks to north and east.
24. A spillage of lurid neon light, yellow and orange, dribbled from the windowsill to the floor.
25. The dark wood was now lit up with lurid flashes of artillery and the firefly sparkle of rifles.....
26. She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. The injury done on that October night in Lambeth was certainly a lurid reminder of the reality of extremist campaigning.
28. These days the cast are younger and prettier, the stories more lurid.
29. He has in his grasp the ability to reduce anyone to tears, through a snappy headline or lurid story.
30. She turned to the next cutting in the hope of finding a less lurid account of the case.
1. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
2. You can read all the lurid details of the affair in today's paper.
31. Lurid nonsense about somebody being pushed out of a window twenty years ago.
32. Withdrawal from heroin, usually described in lurid nightmare language, is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
33. The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.
34. The reader will not find lurid accounts of a vast, secret conspiracy coiled and ready to strike again.
35. The scientists involved blame the press and its lurid headlines for giving people the wrong impression about Zeta.
36. A nearby nebula, orange and pink, was the lurid gaseous residue of an explosion.
37. These electric sweetmeats are lurid bouquets in a garden of watts.
38. When Margo Adams announced years ago that Wade Boggs had chartered her as a road-trip mistress, that was lurid.
39. Moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminescence.
40. "Yea, woman, thou sayest truly!" cried old Roger Chillingworth, letting the lurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes.
41. Until courting couples learn this rule, girls will go on ending up with drawersful of unwearable slippery camisoles in lurid colours, and men with racks of acutely embarrassing ties.
42. There was a lurid, gloomy canopy above ; the elm - trees drooped their heavy blackish green.
43. He has little turn for figurative language — an odd defect for a poet, but by its restraint curiously suited to his lurid stories, its almost clinical detachment enhancing their reality.
44. You could hardly a magazine or newspaper without a dozen of their lurid ads.
45. This paper first used "technocracy" in March 1933, when a book reviewer bemoaned the "lurid prominence" of the term.
46. At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.
47. Lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism.
48. To cash in on Spillane's success, competing paperback lines sprang up, each trying to outdo the others with lurid, sexy, painted covers and titles like "Say It With Bullets" or "Kiss My Fist!"
49. Some Western journalists like to colour their stories up with lurid details of people's private lives.
50. His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated, but they had a tremendous impact.
51. Last night I met a wild and lurid , gruesome and grisly bandit.
52. It is a rare excursion into gothic melodrama for the director, but he is not shackled by formal restrictions and indulges in a lurid nightmare sequence and a sitar-infused soundtrack.
53. Jack London's is the better novel in being rather less lurid and rather more consistently grim.
54. Like spilt quicksilver, hoarse growls rolled over the lurid weeds like thunders.
55. His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated.
56. Certainly the allusion to Faustus' compact with Mephistopheles casts a lurid light over Frost's use of the verb "possess."
57. The lurid sunset puts a red light on their faces.
58. Out falls a sheaf of lurid pictures including two graphic images of naked women.
59. His hatred of you burns with a lurid flame - the flame that never dies.
60. The Chinese-Canadian actor and singer quit the entertainment business last year,[sentence dictionary] after weeks of lurid headlines and pictures in Hong Kong erased his previously clean-cut image.




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