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单词 Enlarged
1. The castle was enlarged considerably in the fifteenth century.
2. The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.
3. We enlarged the house by adding a west wing.
4. They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
5. Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.
6. We're going to have this picture enlarged.
7. The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.
8. Business is booming since I enlarged the shop.
9. An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.
10. Symptoms of the disease include an enlarged spleen or liver.
11. She followed up and enlarged on the work her mother had begun.
12. I'd like the photograph enlarged so that it's half as big again.
13. I'm going to get these two pictures enlarged.
14. The third had a grotesquely enlarged thumb.
15. Some actresses have had their breasts enlarged with implants for career reasons.
16. During the 1840s[Sentencedict], Clutterbuck's enlarged and modernised mill was advertised for sale or lease.
17. Enlarged lymph nodes; light sweat and low fever; can be itchy when warm.
18. More came, and it became evident that enlarged quarters were needed.
19. It is covered with enlarged images of the explosion, the rescue efforts and the implosion.
20. In the renovation, guest rooms were enlarged, with the total count falling to 194 from its pre-closing 253.
21. The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.
22. The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged.
23. If this is correct, the purposes for which parliamentary material will be admitted is enlarged.
24. Explosive breeders also show a further adaptation to male competition - the development of enlarged nuptial pads on their hands.
25. But in places the bare rock is showing and the joints have been enlarged by chemical solution.
26. The Royal Commission recommended a two-tier structure based on the concept of the enlarged city region.
27. A flap of skin between forelegs and hind legs, enlarged feet or a flattened body all help.
28. That was not in itself a new idea, but its content and significance were greatly enlarged by him.
29. The congress re-elected Budragchaagiyn Dash-Yondon as chair of an enlarged 147-member central committee.
30. The second type of rural landscape is the traditional mixed farm ... but mechanised and often enlarged.
1. The castle was enlarged considerably in the fifteenth century.
2. The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.
3. We enlarged the house by adding a west wing.
4. They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
5. The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.
6. Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.
31. Many of the old houses have been enlarged or improved, but historically are very interesting.
32. Its ventral fins are enlarged and flattened to form suckers on the underside of the body.
33. An example of this is the young man with the enlarged spleen whose story was told in Chapter 1.
34. The enlarged Group provides enhanced opportunities for portfolio rationalisation through sales and asset swaps.sentencedict .com
35. The output reading obtained with the enlarged input is then correspondingly scaled down.
36. Later the press bureau of the foreign ministry, so small before the war, was greatly enlarged and became the Nachrichtenabteilung.
37. Swollen mucous membranes, red and enlarged blood vessels; inflammation of all the tissues of the eye.
38. To manipulate the level of production also meant that the role of government must be enlarged.
39. The central committee was enlarged from 124 to 146 full members; no alternate members were elected.
40. And neither Aunt Maggie nor Uncle Cedric nor even Amy had enlarged on him.
41. Selfhood is enlarged by a process of identification and diffusion, rather than absorption.
42. The acquisition of Templar estates and of alien priories likewise enlarged the openings for royal clerks.
43. The size of the known world had, suddenly, been greatly enlarged.
44. The lateral arm plates on the proximal part of the arm are slightly enlarged.
45. A horse's natural desire for affection can be extended and enlarged.
46. They have no gills, but obtain their oxygen by absorbing it through the skin of their body and greatly enlarged tails.
47. It had gradually enlarged and began to leak some six weeks before his death and was heralded by the onset of headaches.
48. If there is heavy rain, the spillways must be enlarged to allow the floodwater to escape before the dam bursts.
49. The pixels can be enlarged until a few of them fill the screen and detailed manipulation can be done.
50. The pattern of the photo-reproductive screen is enlarged to become a characteristic painting stroke.
51. Intellectuals play a correspondingly enlarged role in Gramsci's Marxism, which perhaps accounts for its popularity amongst academic Marxists.
52. They made a great many improvements, built houses, restored the lakes and park and enlarged the mansion house.
53. Say font 3 is enlarged characters and font 4 is italics.
54. Those alterations included enlarged pueblos replete with central plazas and square kivas.
55. The Pentagon subsequently revamped and greatly enlarged its team looking into the issue.
56. Instead, the glucose remains stored in the person's liver, which becomes enlarged.
57. Meanwhile, Westminster Press and Associated slightly enlarged their chains, partly, as with Thomson, by new launches.
58. The mouth at the other end is surrounded by tube feet that have become enlarged into short tentacles.
59. It seems that the genuine offspring might gain some protection by becoming part of an enlarged brood.
60. He has enlarged on these in a privately circulated note.
61. Potentially at least, the concept of man was here greatly enlarged.
62. And the C-based virtual object command language has been enlarged to over 500 commands, making the system more accessible to non-programmers.
63. Laparotomy showed duodenal scarring with enlarged lymph nodes in the pyloric and duodenal areas and white nodules in the liver.
64. The building has twice been enlarged and now has temporary accommodation.
65. I can feel the bone hard and resistant and enlarged.
66. Each album benefited from and enlarged on an understanding of the others.
67. Its own conquests by land simply enlarged its territory; others' conquests by sea were appalling colonial adventures.
68. At Broomhill he constantly enlarged the house and developed the estate[ ], acting as his own architect.
69. Some men have an additional problem because an enlarged prostate gland can cause almost permanent incontinence.
70. Basically, a strip-mining machine is a steam shovel, exponentially enlarged.
71. At present this comprises twenty favourites, but is shortly to be enlarged by another twenty.
72. The middle part of Figure 1 shows a small selection of the retina enlarged.
73. They are white with a markedly truncated and enlarged anterior end due to the presence of the very large buccal capsule.
74. Enlarged ventricles have been found in an identical twin who develops schizophrenia, compared to the one who does not.
75. Patterns of dots from a painting program tend to fall apart when enlarged or coagulate into muddy puddles if reduced.
76. This represents a 3.63% share of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Stoddard.
77. Saliva flew in a spray from hideously enlarged and slack lips.
78. The enlarged Group made £1,371,000 profit before tax in the six months compared to £1,886,000 in the same period last year.
79. He uses his enlarged tail fin to regularly splash them with water, until they hatch about two days later.
80. The oral papillae are reduced resembling irregularly arranged, enlarged granules.
81. The interiors contracting operation, enlarged by the £26m acquisition of Plumb Holdings in May, improved profits to £1.6m.
82. But the City Council once more said yes, and the building was enlarged.
83. A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
84. The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece.
85. These images enlarged to a scale of 1:100 000 provide information complementary to that from conventional aerial photographs.
86. Terracing opposite the stand was enlarged to hold 24,000 spectators.
87. Enlarged Bundestag At the session five new members of the Cabinet were sworn in as Ministers without portfolio.
88. I too enlarged the material in Sur Incises, and the work had an immediate impact without my abandoning anything at all.
89. In a new departure, Change, somewhat forlorn rows of clay pots confront enlarged versions of coins of the Ottoman Empire.
90. It appeared in three subsequent editions in 1831, 1832, and 1838, considerably enlarged and brought up to date.
91. The building was enlarged in 1911, as seen here, to accommodate the seasonal toastrack cars used on the Circular Tour.
92. And crucially, the whole idea of the twist is diluted in intensity but enlarged in scope.
93. Small cracks should be enlarged by chipping out more concrete to make a V-shaped channel.
94. With modern methods of communication throughout the world, our perceptions are constantly being enlarged and our attitudes and values are shifting.
95. The boxed region is enlarged to show a dendritic branch and spine-like structure.
96. The picture is enlarged to show detail.
97. The landowner enlarged her property By repeated purchases.
98. The company scale of chemical industry has gradually enlarged.
99. Bronchography may reveal dilated enlarged ducts of hypertrophic gland.
100. Peripheral lymph nodes may be enlarged.
101. Mark's enlarged heart was failing to pump blood adequately.
102. Lymph nodes are enlarged and easily palpable.
103. Has enlarged the bank rate risk.
104. And for the financial system, an enlarged oil surplus looks like a relatively small problem compared with other trade imbalances and reckless monetary and fiscal policies.
105. Many movements in psychology, education, and training are focused on an enlarged self-consciousness. Most popular self-help literature also focuses upon this capacity.
106. Fathers has enriched the connotation of the old man of the wilderness due to his ethnical tolerance while Santiago has enlarged its denotation because of going beyond the American border.
107. Also , the other udder becomes hard hot, painful and enlarged, and the animal may not eat.
108. Objective To analyze the efficacy, reasonability and results of treatment of severe craniocerebral injury on frontal and tempus with enlarged pterion approach and resection of tempus muscle.
109. In his lecture the teacher enlarged on the uses of the English subjunctive mood.
110. Normal breast with non – invasive ductal carcinoma in situ ( DCIS ) in an enlarged crosssection of the duct.
111. This was especially obvious in patients with enlarged left atrium.
112. It is seen that enlarged air spaces is communicated with proximal respiratory bronchioles and bronchioles, no narrow or incompleted narrow bronchiole were found.
113. Tumor cells in some areas are more pleomorphic with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei, but I do not see mitotic activity or coagulative necrosis.
114. There is more than 600 thousand ha Salina. It mostly in the west region and the soil basification is continuing enlarged.
115. This charge was enlarged into assault on the bourgeoisie as a whole.
116. Covered in scar tissue, the enlarged organ is nearly twice the normal size.
117. The final phase, or sclerotic phase, is when osteoblastic activity predominates with formation of thickened and enlarged sclerotic bone.
118. Most of enlarged nodes was in the right peritracheal and tracheobronchial region, and showed homegeneous density on plain scans.
119. An enlarged dorsal spine accommodates additional avionic for the second pilot.
120. Results:Myocardial infarct size enlarged and serum CK level elevated and the number of myocyte necrotic cell in creased in MIR group.
121. He unilaterally enlarged life's scope to include a predominantly mechanical apparatus.
122. Itcan enlarge images without loss of high frequency information, and make the enlarged imageclearer and richer.
123. Low birth weight is associated with enlarged muscle fiber area and impaired meat tenderness of the longissimus muscle in pigs.
124. This is more often seen with a deviated septum or enlarged adenoids.
125. Any of various tropical Old World birds of the family Bucerotidae, having a very large bill often surmounted by an enlarged protuberance at the base.
126. In practice this is done on an enlarged photomicrograph of the porous medium.
127. Their function resembles the mirror system described above. They are also normally located in the window and provide shade rather like one enlarged louver element.
128. Zeus eventually becomes angry and reappears in his enlarged godly form.
129. The lesions on glans penis and the enlarged inguinal lymph node resolved spontaneously few weeks later.
130. Marx's analytic method of enlarged reproduction is the embryonic form of the long-term dynamic analytic method.
131. Objective:To investigate the surgical methods and results of enlarged translabyrinthine approach in the removal of large acoustic neuromas.
132. With simultaneous salmon ella or swine evysipelas infection, the spleen may be enlarged and dark.
133. It was also found that the interaction of the exuberance of internal heat toxin and fu-organ turbidness stagnation enlarged the risk of the onset of dementia after basal ganglia infarction.
134. Periodically , the lamellae become enlarged, forming flattened, membrane - enclosed vesicles called thylakoids.
135. The increased workload can put a strain on the heart, which can lead to heart abnormalities that are usually first seen as enlarged heart muscle.
136. Stipes crowded, 10-25 cm long, base slightly enlarged, triangular in transverse section.
137. Unlike the C5, which has a full boot, while keeping the enlarged opening provided by a hatchback, the C-Quatre is a more traditional 3-box (aka sedan or notchback ).
138. Cryopreserved homograft pericardium patch group, 15 cases, their RVOT were enlarged with cryopreserved homograft pericardium patches.
139. Objective To investigate the preventive managemnet of cerebrospinal fluid leakage in the removal of large acoustic neuromas by enlarged translabyrinthine approach.
140. He admitted that the practice of pro - active fiscal policy has enlarged China's financial deficit and debts.
141. The apical cell would develop into the head cells of capitate glandular hairs if the stalk cell rapidly enlarged longitudinally and was of vacuolization .
142. The discovery that his daimon was female not only enlarged Yeats's understanding of temporal and spiritual reality but also radically transformed his interpretation of the aesthetic process.
143. The famous London church began as a Benedictine monastery enlarged by King Edward in the 1040 s.
144. On enlarged photographs of the rose petal, the images are crystal clear.
145. Resident area expanded much based on the existed patches from 1988 to 1998, but new patches mushroomed from 1998 to 2003. Constructing area developed rapidly, and its land use scale enlarged.
146. SATIN STITCH COMPENSATION satin stitch length can be enlarged or shortened.
147. The assumption of equal signal and pump attenuation coefficients is no longer required, while the iteration step-size can be significantly enlarged even under saturated amplification.
148. Conclusion The different form first dorsal metacarpal artery reverse fascial flap is safe and feasible, and it enlarged the indication of clinical application.
149. DSA showed that the diameter of stenosed segment of carotid artery was markedly enlarged and circulation time and staining of ipsilateral intracranial cerebral vessels tended to be normal.
150. The enlarged, saclike portion of the alimentary canal, one of the principal organs of digestion, located in vertebrates between the esophagus and the small intestine.
151. Objective To study the diagnostic value of CT on enlarged iliopsoas bursa.
152. As a whole the variation trend was that the area of cultivated land, forest, town (city) was increased greatly, the water area was enlarged, but the grassland and badland was decreased.
153. The annual throughput capacity of berth was firstly computed using design criteria for an enlarged oil wharf.
154. A band pass filter and a trap filter made up of the filer circuit which filtrate the noise and interference effectively. The signal is enlarged by the amplifiers in the middle and the end class.
155. Enlarged veins of 2 glomus jugulare tumors drainaged into the internal carotid vein.
156. Note the bilaterally enlarged kidneys that nearly fill the abdomen below the liver.
157. Initially, the thyroid is enlarged and there may be transient hyperthyroidism,[] followed by a euthyroid state and then hypothyroidism with eventual atrophy years later.
158. The appearance of unemployment question and people who come off sentry duty formed a group of people of low income and weakness. This caused social unstable and enlarged income disparity.
159. Repeated ultrasound examination reealed mild hepatosplenomegaly and enlarged peripancreatic lymph nodes.
160. The results showed that aqueous extract from Chinese nutgall can remove the smear layer without enlarged orifices.
161. When I was 18, my mom found out that she had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—an enlarged heart muscle.
162. Normal breast with lobular carcinoma in situ ( LCIS ) in an enlarged cross – section of the lobule.
163. I expanded the impression that I found on it and then I enlarged the partial lettering.
164. Her eyes enlarged , and she involuntarily smiled in his face.
165. Open the double bulla, we can see cholesteatoma grew into the right bullae, and along with the time extending,() the circumscription of encroachment was gradually enlarged.
166. Robert's mother, who suffered from an enlarged heart, was dead by the time police arrived.
167. Increasing arresting force and improving low-speed aero characteristics can increase allowable maximal landing mass with an enlarged envelope area, but changing glide slope angle makes little effect.
168. Correspondingly, financial risks have been enlarged, and financial crimes have abruptly increased.
169. Also, the organ udder becomes hot, painful and enlarged, and the animal may not eat.
170. Excessive consumption of beer affects masculinity and leads to belly growth, enlarged lacteal glands and decreased potency.
171. The thymic lobule of experiment group increased, the thymic cortex incrassated and the lymphocyte became coarctate, the portion of thymic medulla decreased and thymic corpuscle enlarged and increased.
172. Saw palmetto, however, was recently found to have no effect in reducing the frequent urge to urinate or other annoying symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
173. Very often the infected tongue is enlarged, distorted, nodulated and ulcerated.
174. "Will Doctor Franklin be so good as to peruse it, " he wrote in his cover note, "and suggest such alterations as his more enlarged view of the subject will dictate?
175. Practice shows that due to the application of the equipment, the molten steel quality is improved, and the ultralowcarbon steel and electrical sheet production can be enlarged.
176. Doctor: Your tonsils are very much congested and enlarged with several white spots spreading over their surface. My diagnosis is acute lacunar tonsillitis.
177. Grip the enlarged handle of the hook and feed the wire loop through the button hole.
178. It is showed that by above method presented in this paper, the development quality difference among the evaluated districts and the collectivized development trend are enlarged.
179. An autopsy showed he had an enlarged heart and a blocked artery that ruptured.
180. Such an enlarged prostate can obstruct urinary outflow from the bladder and lead an obstructive uropathy.
181. Results The enlarged cavernous sinus and the enlarged superior ophthalmic vein appear distinctly in the same plane, that is the characteristic appearance of arteriovenous fistula in cavernous sinus.
182. Then we study the way to transfer FLT form to FST including the material and the texture of the 3D model, and the problem of the speed becoming slow when the scale of system is enlarged.
183. This enlarged and dilated heart has a large ventricular aneurysm.
184. The world's major commodity ETF trading volume were significantly enlarged,(http:///enlarged.html) and recorded a inflow of funds.
185. Vocational college students always have a small vocabulary, which can be enlarged through context, phonetic symbols, word-building, association and revision.
186. fat young men in T-shirts sculpted to their rounded bellies, their stocky bottoms and thighs artificially enlarged by the empty, flapping pockets that covered their knee-length shorts.
187. The standard treatment is a combination of the drugs diethylcarbamazine and albendazole, but these cause side effects such as fever, headache, dizziness, and enlarged lymph nodes.
188. The original ingate was enlarged by side cutting and roof cutting under the condition of filling behind wall by grouting, and then be supported and reinforced by the secondary support technology.
189. This paper makes the prediction on the input gap for the library cause, analyzes the reasons why the gap exists and is enlarged, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.
190. The capital is the important source of the enlarged reproduction, plays an important role to the economic growth.
191. The upper medial petal, called the labellum or lip (6), is always modified and enlarged.
192. An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.
193. Consolidated already collective economy, enlarged operation, established good company image again, obtained remarkable economic benefits.
194. The promulgation of the new system of accounts is puts into practice, enlarged the spaceion of select of the accounting treatment.
195. Numerical results show that the region of combined resonance is enlarged with the increase of magnetizing electricity and nonlinear permeance , and the decrease of synchronizing reactor.
196. At higher magnification , the enlarged prostate has glandular hyperplasia.
197. Results The average transverse area of vertebral canal was enlarged by 2.3 rates.
198. Such an enlarged prostate can obstruct urinary outflow from the bladder and lead to an obstructive uropathy.
199. The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
200. The network of alveolar capillary enlarged flatly and fused together as a dense sheetlike network.
201. Garibaldi then offered the territory as a gift to the now enlarged Piedmont, which, as much to avoid the spread of republicanism as for any other reason, sent its armies south to meet him.
202. Methods Pripheral blood analysis was done in all 20 cases with fever, angina, enlarged lymph nodes and enlargement of liver and spleen. Heterophil agglutination test was done in 15 of these 20 cases.
203. The cervical, mediastinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes were extremely enlarged, edematous and rarely congested.
204. For this, I adopt the new differential input stage to make input common mode range enlarged, and as far as possible not reduce its gain.
205. An enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) , usually affects men over 60.




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