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单词 Intoned
1. 'Mom,' she intoned, elongating the word.
2. The dogs intoned to the strangers.
3. He quietly intoned several prayers.
4. "But Jesus is here!" the priest intoned.
5. The priest intoned the blessing.
6. His words were intoned with suspect.
7. Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.
8. Uncle Danny intoned the prayer in Hebrew.
9. Loudly he intoned some short Latin prayer(), then crossed himself again and turned.
10. The priest intoned the prayers in a nervous voice, pulling at his beard.
11. That same year Iggy Pop intoned the chorus to her feminist ballad Daw da Hiya.
12. Sad and profound chants are intoned in the wind and I am in the presence of a numberless and devout congregation.
13. The priest intoned the final prayer.
14. " Virgin most faithful, " her mother intoned.
15. Ground control to Eastern Seventeen, " a controller intoned.
16. She threw down her basket and intoned a peasant dirge.
17. "It's time that we wake up, " he intoned, speaking solemnly through a wireless clip-on mike.
18. " Mine, " the skeleton intoned stretching its bony arms toward the sweeper. " Mine ! "
19. Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.
20. Their chantlike intoned prayers.
21. An unctuous clergyman who had not known Sam intoned religious platitudes.
22. 'Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?' intoned the priest. 'I do,' murmured Carlos.
23. Even when the clergyman appeared from the vestry and began the service, the prayers he intoned brought me no help.
24. With each drop the name of the plague is intoned.
25. "You've assaulted government agents with a deadly weapon, " one of the men intoned officiously. "That is a crime punishable by imprisonment. "
26. "THE tiger is under grave threat," India's finance minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, intoned at one point in his budget speech on February 29th.
27. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust - we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.
1. 'Mom,' she intoned, elongating the word.
2. He quietly intoned several prayers.
3. The priest intoned the blessing.




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