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单词 Stonehenge
1 Your itinerary includes a visit to Stonehenge.
2 It is thought that Stonehenge was built using slave labour.
3 The video version was shot at Stonehenge.
4 Did I forget to mention Stonehenge?
5 He had loved the magic and mystery of Stonehenge since early childhood.
6 There are many theories but the mystery surrounding Stonehenge is as perpetual as the stones themselves.
7 Observatories go back many centuries, perhaps even to Stonehenge; but modern observatories in the West began in the sixteenth century.
8 Stonehenge has gone, so I reckon I can do me bit of growing up at Skipton Hall.
9 Hundreds of hippies converge on Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice.
10 The circle of stones at Stonehenge is thought to have originally been a temple.
11 Later accounts held that the Druids made Stonehenge, where they supposedly practiced human sacrifice.
12 Even Howie can't stand Stonehenge, and Howie's about as sensitive as the fire back.
13 Read in studio Stone circles like Stonehenge attract thousands of visitors each year drawn by the excitement of the ancient and unknown.
14 We took a helicopter ride over Stonehenge!
15 Stonehenge sits in the beautiful countryside near Salisbury, England.
16 Researchers believe that no people ever lived at Stonehenge.
17 The blue box surrounds Stonehenge with all the cameras.
18 A path leads straight to Stonehenge.
19 Now we will see Stonehenge from the air.
20 Stonehenge was certainly a meeting-place.
21 Secrets of Stonehenge casts a light on ancient technology.
22 Construction of Stonehenge took place between ca. 3000 and 1600 B.C.
23 Early Britons built Stonehenge from bluestone and a sandstone called sarcen.
24 In the Stonehenge, each two standing stone pillars are connected by a laying one, something like a shanty, and even a revolution from natural cave.
25 The comet last appeared in over Stonehenge about 4000 years ago.
26 Most modern archeologist discount a popular belief that Stonehenge was a temple of the ancient Druids.
27 The indoor table top games, such as treasure hunts and building Stonehenge, are aimed at improving management and team building skills.
28 Last Saturday we had a picnic at a place called Stonehenge.
29 The sound of the guns carries inland, into the heart of England, and as it does it carries back also in time to Camelot and to "starlit Stonehenge."
30 These type of structures began showing up near the end of the stone age all across Europe in what is called the megalithic age when people were energetically building structures such as Stonehenge.
1 Your itinerary includes a visit to Stonehenge.
31 Among 21 locations shortlisted for the worldwide vote is Stonehenge , the only British landmark selected.
32 Recent excavations suggest Durrington Walls closely mirrored Stonehenge, having its own impressive standing circle made of timber and an avenue that linked it to the River Avon.
33 Most of the stones of Stonehenge stand in incomplete formations of circles.
34 The initial stone circle at Stonehenge radiocarbon - dated to between 2600 and 2500 B.C.
35 Located in southern England,(http:///stonehenge.html) Stonehenge is an archeological site of mystery.
36 More dramatic monuments were the henges, the most important of which was Stonehenge in Wiltshire.
37 At Stonehenge , the size of those huge rock sand may be the place of magic blue stone cathedral.
38 Using 700 tons of granite imported from Norway, he had his own version of Stonehenge, which he calls the Circle of Life, built near his home overlooking Long Island Sound in Guilford.
39 For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge .
40 Bringing one of the great stones to Stonehenge is itself a religious ritual for these ancient Britons.
41 Analysis of their teeth showed that about half were from outside the Stonehenge area.
42 You need to understand that Stonehenge is in Crop Circle Country, and that there have been significant Crop Circles in fields right opposite the Henge.
43 How was Stonehenge built?
44 A major prehistoric village has been unearthed near Stonehenge in southern England.
45 Experts believe the builders of Stonehenge knew about design,() engineering and sound.
46 Stonehenge is the best known of a number of such ancient places in Britain.
47 Early Britons built Stonehenge from bluestone and a very hard sandstone called sarcen.
48 The first houses at Skara Brae, dating from about 3,200BC, are older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge.
49 The latest example is a new, life-size re-creation of Stonehenge nearing completion in Western Australia.
50 As Hardy evokes Camelot and Stonehenge, you might read this, understand this as, what?




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