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(1) Vines spiraled upward toward the roof.
(2) Melons grow on vines.
(3) He staked his tomato vines with bamboo.
(4) Long vines swirl round the tree.
(5) Not all virus infections are necessarily harmful to vines.
(6) Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light.
(7) The vines had been attacked by mildew.
(8) With care, the vines will last indefinitely.
(9) Grape vines overarched the garden path.
(10) The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.
(11) Vines enlaced the tree.
(12) The vines are propagated by cuttings.
(13) Vines slithered out of the brush.
(14) Weedy morning - glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.
(15) Vines of morning glory overran the rainforest canopy.
(16) Vines and almonds, lemons and oranges, pomegranates and sugar.
(17) A thermal blanket of warm air protects the vines in the winter months and hastens maturity through the summer.
(18) I get beautiful vines and flowers, but eventually the flowers fall off and the stems turn brown and dry up.
(19) For example, the Vines operating system from Banyan, a direct competitor of Netware, is based on Unix.
(20) He watered the vines so little that the leaves drooped and the tendrils withered.
(21) Most of the vines looked lifeless, their leaves drooping from the woody stems and curling into cylinders.
(22) Vines are another source of great beauty as well as food.
(23) The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.
(24) Many areas have been devastated by blights which destroyed cereal crops and vines.
(25) The communal borderline between Chouilly and Cramant slices through the middle of these slopes, the higher vines belonging to Chouilly.
(26) They are tough, tensile; part of the structure of the poem rather than decorative vines creeping around it.
(27) It is surrounded by beautiful gently rolling countryside, where the hillsides are often covered in vines and the valleys richly wooded.
(28) He has recreated the mood of his beloved Provence in a lyrical mural of clustered vines.
(29) Within days of the first autumn frosts a large brown patch of vines can be seen growing out from this area.
(30) I looked out the filthy window of the room, stared at the vines climbing the brick wall of the building opposite.
(1) Vines spiraled upward toward the roof.
(2) The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.
(3) Melons grow on vines.
(4) Grape vines overarched the garden path.
(31) Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.
(32) The south side of the cut dips down into a beautiful hollow of vines, all but the lowest locations being ideally situated.
(33) After the failure of the vines in 1852, the area of sugarcane increased.
(34) A canister of Red Vines licorice sticks, $ 5 at supermarkets.
(35) Any vines that dare to lean against this tree risk being vigorously chewed.
(36) The best vines are those closest to the village growing at a height of between 140 and 200 metres.
(37) Prune grape vines before the sap begins to flow again by cutting all side shoots back to one or two buds.
(38) Below the olive groves, sloping fields produce lush vines and the valleys are full of sunflowers, tomatoes and maize.
(39) Images of sprawling tomato vines, twiggy raspberry bushes and zucchini leaves powdered with mildew all contribute to this prejudice.
(40) There is a wall, old and high, covered with vines and jasmine.
(41) The corn was already ripening and the vines in full leaf, with bunches of grapes hanging thickly.
(42) Electrical cables draped it like jungle vines; cement peeled from its facade like slabs of granite from Junagadh mountain.
(43) It was from these vines, which stretched into Verzenay, Mailly and Verzy, that the wines of Sillery were made.
(44) Just under a thousand of vines - but it's some of the best land there is.
(45) Growers can get around the ban by planting vines for quality wines rather than table wines.
(46) The vines from these slopes produce wine of an extremely dependable quality.
(47) Wrapped in old greatcoats, we left at sunrise in two trucks and drove across a plain covered in vines.
(48) The hot sun drew a rich scent from the honeysuckle vines.
(49) It roots out vines, truffles for lemon trees painfully heated by charcoal to three degrees above freezing.
(50) She could look out beyond the tangle of the shore at islets garlanded with trees and vines and carpeted with moss.
(51) Jacques was speaking enthusiastically about the crop of grapes which the vines had produced, and was prophesying a bumper harvest.
(52) They drilled with one of the groups out there, living in open huts made of eucalyptus logs and assorted vines.
(53) She divided the jonquils into clusters and planted them under the vines, and behind the jonquils, the ferns.
(54) Domestic vines and orchards, in patches of garden overgrown with poppies and clover, straggle as far up as the fortress.
(55) If the wines show a certain lack of intensity, it is probably a result of the youth of the vines.
(56) The hills are planted with row upon row of grape vines.
(57) The cacti are unique to the archipelago, but many have been strangled by vines.
(58) They were interspersed with rows of vines, whose high branches must have made the harvest very hard work.
(59) It owes its position to the fame of Sillery which, equally overrated, owes its reputation to the vines of Verzeray.
(60) Baby Suggs leaned back into the peppers and the squash vines with her hoe.
(61) On either side of the village the vines are exposed on north-facing slopes, ranging between 140 and 200 metres in height.
(62) The vines are greedy - hardy, and they push deep roots down into the soil, but they are also vulnerable.
(63) Extensive branching leads to numerous contacts with the host, and ultimately covers the host with a tangled mass of vines.
(64) Q: We planted grape vines more than 10 years ago.
(65) The concrete garden path has been bricked over and vines adorn the white-painted exterior.
(66) It is now so overgrown with vines and creepers that it has half returned to the jungle.
(67) Every morning he begins his 10-hour day soaked with the dew on the vines.
(68) Better yet, we could start a vineyard, plant the vines ourselves, begin it from the ground.
(69) We ducked down by the vines, heaving tomatoes at each other.
(70) Immediately after fertilising operations have ceased, banking-up is performed by ploughing an angled blade between each row of vines.
(70) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(71) Above Krems, the slope is terraced to its summit with vines.
(72) Color: Light blue collars a pale neck, behind writhe thick green vines, exploding ultramarine blooms.
(73) In a green robe, sunshine-splashed and spattered with the songs of thieving birds, you came sauntering between the vines.
(74) Women did what strawberry plants did before they shot out their thin vines: the quality of the green changed.
(75) Look for resistant varieties if you remain dissatisfied with your present vines.
(76) I stood under trees, surveying the stone walls and vines of the Villa Diodati.
(77) It can now find some of the seeds, shoots and vines which it has learned by example are good to eat.
(78) The island of Porto Santo grows cereals, vines, figs, market garden produce, melons and pumpkins.
(79) Quite apart from the vines, I have a heavy day ahead of me - a lot of serious talking to do.
(80) In a week the displaced honeysuckle vines, the wild roses, the grapevines, the grass, would be back.
(81) In the fall, Boston ivy vines take on red hues.
(82) Gradually it was found more profitable to cultivate vines and olives rather than grain.
(83) Vines shaded it, and pots of brilliant flowers had been placed on the balustrade.
(84) If the quota's exceeded, growers could be forced to stop planting new vines.
(85) There are winding streets, museums, half-timbered houses and lush gardens of figs, mulberries, sweet chestnuts and vines.
(86) It wants Brussels to consider bringing some table wine vines into its quality wine scheme.
(87) Area Serai, intertwined vines and plant species richness.
(88) Chardonnay and Pinot Noir vines thrive in limestone soil.
(89) Vines are straggling over the fences.
(90) Do not trim those wisteria vines.
(91) He slashed at the vines with a machete.
(92) Vines coiled round the oak tree.
(93) Even now the vintners are prowling the prodigal vines.
(94) One or more vines were used to tread on.
(95) AIM To vines Ampelopsis verify the effects of flacer.
(96) Parasitic vines that strangle the trees.
(97) The vines grow on a clay and schistous soil.
(98) One has to be careful in watching the vines.
(99) And the suspension bridge from hanging vines.
(100) Vines run along the sides of the road.
(101) Wall vines and ground cover insulate against summer heat and reduce reflected radiation.
(102) Sevenhill was established in 1851 when the Jesuits who settled in the area planted vines to produce sacramental wine.
(103) Plants crowd my space. I am surrounded by large banana leaves -- huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color -- and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.
(104) Next spring all over Patroclus's potato field grew running vines, and in the fall Giants'heads.
(105) Soon we had left behind the hills above Picton, and were running down to Blenheim, through a flatter landscape of orchards and then past rows of vines smudged by an early tinge of autumn.
(106) I am surrounded by large banana leaves -- huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color -- and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.
(107) This louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
(108) The vineyards of this propety overlook Saint Emilion and face south-east. This wine is poduced fom 70%Melot, 30%Caernet Sauvignon from 25years old vines.
(109) The night breezes were pleasant with the scent of jessamine and wild honeysuckle vines.
(110) When Lars first arrived in the late sixties, nothing but two tattered crosses marked the graves, overgrown with vines.
(111) Fruit electric short cut is mainly used for fruit trees, vines, mulberry tree planting, gardening and landscaping pruning work.
(112) Aged 12 months in French oak. Originally sourced from 100 year old vines. Intense ruby in color with red fruits evocations of blackcurrant chocolate and cigar box.
(113) When I way back childhood, I always toughly stood under the vines, to wait them, comes out.
(114) Any of numerous chiefly tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea, many of which have edible tuberous roots.
(115) The tomato vines had blackened and the redglobes had burst.
(116) Selected from old vines planted on red loam with ironstone.
(117) Now, a vinery winery in Canada has imported a natural way to control its grape vines.
(118) Their relationship is somewhat ambiguous, it is convoluted like hemp vines.
(119) They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.
(120) Finally my nerves gave andand bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation , tangled vines and rustling leafage.
(121) Red Vine Leaf extract comes from the vines of Vitis vinifera Linne.
(122) American tennis player Ellsworth Vines in play at Wimbledon, London on June 26, 1933.
(123) An unholy prayer that makes the animating vines of the Manikin regrow at incredible speed. Damage sustained by a regrowing Manikin will quickly heal.
(124) The muddy Flint River, running silently between walls of pine and water oak covered with tangled vines, wrapped about Gerald's new land like a curving arm and embraced it on two sides.
(125) In certain areas the Spanish steppe produces wheat, maize, sunflowers, and vines.
(126) They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines.
(127) There in the vines at the window sat a songster -- one of our Southern Orioles.
(128) The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines.
(129) Small genus of Australian woody vines with small violet flowers; closely related to genus Kennedia.
(130) Sometimes, as we waded amid razor-sharp vines and spiky palms,[] the water was up to our necks.
(131) and in Australia alone, dealing with this disease costs an estimated $100m per year, largely through the fungicidal chemicals that are used to protect vines.
(132) Never trim back the long vines, though, even though they're not particularly attractive.
(133) The vineyards of this propety overlook Saint Emilion and face south-east. This wine is produced from 70%Merlot, 30%Cabernet Sauvignon from 25 years old vines.
(134) Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genus Bryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine.
(135) Also with white flowers Stipple vines lining in the black for the CD.
(136) The 2004 vintage was perfect for this cuvee thanks to the selective use of old vines.
(137) Take for us the foxes , the little foxes , which do damage to the vines; our vines have young grapes.
(138) Pine, Rocks and Wistaria by Li Shan of the Qing Dynasty. Vines climb up a pine tree, under which the peonies are in full bloom.
(139) Unusual hydrangeas , exotic clematis-type vines covered with white starlike flowers, and bushes spotted with heart-shaped leaves and lilylike flowers bloomed everywhere.
(140) Fixed a bug where Monster Shrines could affect Druid Vines.
(141) Then I see it. It is surrounded by fields, rape or wheat or vines in the Palatinate, lavender in Provence.
(142) Any of several herbs or woody vines of the genus Aristolochia having showy, malodorous, purplish -brown to yellowish flowers with peculiar or unusual shapes.
(143) A jungle island thick with tree and vines. Powerful monsters lurk here.
(144) When phylloxera reached the Rioja in 1890, it was already a major force in the international wine trade and growers were able to avoid worse damage by planting grafted vines.
(145) But roof gardeners also have to think about winds that can knock over tender vines.
(146) Howell Mountain Vineyards 1999 Beatty Ranch Zinfandel , Howell Mountain – Planted over 90 years ago, the Beatty Ranch vines have a reputation for producing wines that are big, bold and intense.
(147) Description: Perennial herbaceous vines, with milky juice , glabrous throughout.
(148) Every roadside and every croft is adorned with vines; which here, as in Italy, they train to grow about dwarf elm trees, whose leaves are stripped off to feed the cattle.
(149) Studies on comparative wood anatomy of 16 species of vines and trees in Celastraceae.
(150) In the half-barrels I use, I have grown many different vines but have found that the effect of scarlet runner pole beans is really a knockout with their gorgeous red flowers and you can eat them too.
(151) This burrowing plant louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
(152) The vines twine about the frame and form a shade.
(153) Vines are a group of plant that cannot stand erectly by themselves; they need to draw support from other plant or backstop to grow upwardly.
(154) Unfortunately, chardonnay vines are shy - bearing and susceptible to a myriad of maladies.
(155) Any of various tropical American shrubs or vines of the genus Chiococca, having white globular fruit and small yellow or white flowers clustered in lateral racemes.
(156) The winery was established by the Irish doctor John Lagan who arrived in Margaret River in 1968 and planted his first vines in 1977.
(157) Not long after, the wall was flecked with green vines and leaves.
(158) Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.
(159) Nerve-cell tendrils readily thread their way through tiny semiconductor tubes, researchers find, forming a crisscrossed network like vines twining toward the sun.
(160) He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well.
(161) One day, I found surprising, Alocasia leaves droop a few vines, the top is a small bud, I finally made the effort to return.
(162) He berried (buried) the vines so the root system could continue to grow. He fed the plant of (a) mixture container (containing) fish and seaweed.
(163) Imagine trying to walk down a narrow path that is hemmed in by thorny vines and low hanging branches and you're wearing a backpack overstuffed with the many things you think you need.
(164) Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest.
(165) There I found Camponotus schmitzi workers crawling on pitcher plants that grow as vines at the base of the meranti.
(166) The night breezes were pleasant with the scent of Cape jessamine and wild honeysuckle vines.http:///VINES.html
(167) Any of several vines or shrubs of the genus Jasminum, native chiefly to Asia and having usually compound leaves and white or yellow flowers. Some of the fragrant species are used in making perfume.
(168) Frontenac's overall viticultural performance and excellent wine quality are directly responsible for its success in Minnesota, where more of its vines are growing than any other variety.
(169) He hurtles earthward , linked to the 35 - metre structure by vines, one tied to each ankle.
(170) No copper meant no copper sulfate, which was used to spray the vines against mildew and oidium.
(171) Seeing her land miraculously unhurt , but failing to notice the vines, he dived to his death.
(172) They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat.
(173) The soil composition of vineyards is one of the most important viticultural consideration when planting grape vines .
(174) He buried the vines so the root system could continue to grow.
(175) Flowering vines sent up creepers from every crack in the wall or pavement, and young trees had taken root in the walls of abandoned shops and roofless temples.
(176) Finally my nerves gave away and I turned and bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation, tangled vines and rustling leafage.
(177) Description: Herbaceous vines, glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes, petioles, and leaf margin.
(178) He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore figs with sleet.




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