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单词 Cultivate
1, Because friendships enhance our lives,it is important to cultivate them. 
2, Father tries to cultivate my love for art.
3, The land was too rocky to cultivate.
4, Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.
5, He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.
6, One should cultivate good manners from childhood.
7, She tried to cultivate an air of sophistication.
8, The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.
9, The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.
10, The land by the river was cultivate.
11, He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press.
12, You should cultivate the habit of listening to what you are told.
13, Try to cultivate a more relaxed and positive approach to life.
14, They hope to cultivate a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defects.
15, Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries.
16, John always tries to cultivate people who might be able to help him.
17, He always tries to cultivate cadres who might be able to help him.
18, She did not want to cultivate the snob image.
19, I can actively cultivate an attitude of engagement.
20, The vineyards are hilly and difficult to cultivate.
21, I cultivate my garden,[http:///cultivate.html] and my garden cultivates me. Robert Brault 
22, She has been too busy to cultivate many friendships and too concerned about her public image to date casually.
23, Let a thousand flowers bloom while we cultivate and improve our own gardens through such efforts as the Pew group is undertaking.
24, It does mean learning to cultivate the exchange of ideas and viewpoints.
25, Elijah passionately urges him to cultivate his destiny as a 21st-century superhero.
26, Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.
27, It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people.
28, The Jorgensens bake lasagne in a solar oven, keep their showers short and cultivate an organic garden in their backyard.
29, Some make combs of their waste material on which they cultivate tiny fungal mushrooms.
30, Is it not a form of self desecration not to cultivate this primeval delight in flowers?
1, Father tries to cultivate my love for art.
2, The land was too rocky to cultivate.
3, Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.
4, Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.
31, Converse purchased a pint of Gold Leaf Cognac to cultivate the management.
32, That's why you carefully cultivate eccentric habits to set you apart from others.
33, Agricultural advisors often inadvertently encourage pests by advising farmers to cultivate more intensively.
34, It was useful, he dis-covered, to cultivate a reserved demeanor, to stay silent for long stretches of time.
35, Population growth is causing people to clear more woodland so that they can cultivate the land.
36, The most sophisticated farmers are the leaf-cutting ants, which cultivate fungus on fresh vegetation thanks to an assembly-line of specialised castes.
37, Her marriage allowed her to cultivate friendships with the Paris literary elite.
38, Getting money is not all a man's business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life. Samuel Johnson 
39, In six years she had never been able to cultivate that devil-may-care attitude that seemed to characterise the gentleman at the Feathers.
40, She would dig and cultivate her plants with great gusto and had one of the finest gardens in the Institute compound.
41, They must also cultivate the psychological flexibility to respond to ever-changing work, family, and individual needs.
42, How can one cultivate and cherish this rare fruit of the soul?
43, He tried to cultivate a reputation for dangerous magical power by engaging in narcotic shamanistic seances.
44, The slopes of the valley sides are often too steep to cultivate.
45, Since thoughts are so important to the emotions and consequently to happiness,[http:///cultivate.html] a man must learn to cultivate them.
46, When market forces cultivate such tastes, then forces of another kind must supervene.
47, They cultivate many types of fungus and are always searching for new ones to experiment with.
48, Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine. Gordon B. Hinckley 
49, Traditionally the landowner need not cultivate the land intensively to provide sufficient to maintain prestige and a very good life-style.
50, Together they cultivate an herb garden with rosemary, basil and lavender.
51, In Balance Ever since Stone Age man began to keep livestock and cultivate crops, farming methods have been subject to change.
52, The first question he put: Can you cultivate in yourself a talent for waiting?
53, To this end, he devised his Spiritual Exercises as a manual to cultivate the disciplined experience of both heaven and hell.
54, Growers who then choose to cultivate tobacco would do so without any subsidy or protection, he said.
55, Botanists praise the many qualities of the hellebore, but relatively few gardeners cultivate the plant.
56, Instead we cultivate and garden our landscapes into idealised versions of the world as we would like it to be.
57, They had to cultivate the live virus so they could fully study it.
58, Not nearly as crucial, but every bit as entertaining: Cultivate a talent.
59, Cultivate the affairs of the heart and of the soul.
60, Successful aquarists often cultivate this species on decorative roots together with fish of the genus Aphyosemion.
61, The Mayans grew maize, beans and pumpkins, and were the first to cultivate cocoa.
62, Other aromatic varieties are either too delicate to cultivate in Champagne or too late ripening to bear fruit.
63, Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can. Louisa May Alcott 
64, Careful as he is to cultivate bankers, Mr Murdoch borrows to avoid being controlled.
65, If we cultivate compassion for those who have hurt us, we have the possibility of overcoming our anger,pain, and fear. Compassion is a great medicine. Goldie Hawn 
66, There, thought the rector, is a personality trait I desperately need to cultivate.
67, The great need, in his view, is to cultivate selfless or detached action to the exclusion of egocentric activity.
68, Moscow wished to cultivate this strand of the policy of the non-aligned states to strengthen their political dispute with the Western powers.
69, Prices were falling and far-sighted men were looking for something else to cultivate.
70, When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose. Brene Brown 
71, Gradually it was found more profitable to cultivate vines and olives rather than grain.
72, If you are determined to cultivate fruits, then the safest bets are berry bushes and nut trees.
73, In the Edwardian era, with company revenues falling, the companies began to cultivate the suburban commuter.
74, The new land would thus cost more to cultivate and earn less when harvested.
75, In response peasants cultivate bulkier but less nutritious crops, such as cassava.
76, The ripply stream is the heaven to cultivate myself!
77, We'll thoroughly cultivate these mus of lands this year.
78, Cultivate them with team spirit and professional ethics.
79, Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit.
80, AIM:To cultivate primary human odontoblast.
81, Plant, fertilize, cultivate, spray, irrigate and harvest crops.
82, Demonstrative helianthus is in China wide to cultivate.
83, Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.
84, They were the first people to cultivate taro.
85, Cultivate poverty love a garden ITb, love sage.
86, For example, the Banpo people cultivate millet , is from the north common ancestor Setaria nurture formed.
87, Functions: Relax the bowels and debar toxic, invigorate the spleen and replenish the kidney, fortify the blood and eliminate blood stasis, reduce fat and cultivate the face.
88, It aims to let the track man adapt new match system, cultivate whose adaptability, keep being on whose game, improve the whole effect of Track and Field training.
89, To cultivate strong competitiveness of large enterprise is become the important target in state-owned enterprise reform.
90, The medium mainly containing rice and the pupa of silkworm was used to cultivate the sporocarp of Cordyceps militaris.
91, It is impossible to cultivate Fly Agaric and since it does not occur naturally in the Indus valley, it is likely that it gradually passed into the mythical realm.
92, Should maintain and develop this one powerful momentum, expand farming cultivate extroversion economy quickly?
93, P-nitrophenol showed no sign of thermochromism. The title compound, p-nitro-phenol hydrate was synthesized in solution. It's monocrystalline was cultivate.
94, The father is blind, from a disease called river blindness, which is transmitted by black flies, and cannot cultivate the fields.
95, It can cultivate effectively many excellent moral characters and mental qualities such as assiduity, tenaciousness, steadiness, determination, bravery, deploitation and enterprising.
96, The aim of English teaching is to cultivate students'linguistic communicative competence and written expression skills. However, students of non-English majors can't do well in spoken communication.
97, This paper deals with how to guide students to appreciate the poetic images from pictures, emotions, and music in the teaching of poetry and how to cultivate students' teste in beauty.
98, In the course of exploitation, we should turn cultural superiority into economic superiority, pay attention to cultivate the known products and integrate various cultural resources.
99, Using cotton seed hull, saw-dust, corn cob to cultivate as substrate, the result shows that the optimal cultivation compost as substrate is cotton seed hull.
100, For example the plant such as the clove of bad news oxygen, cordate telosma, if put in the head of a bed, or what cultivate indoors is overmuch, can cause anoxic symptom.
101, In general, farmers cultivate these sloping lands without any soil conservation practices.
102, The equipment is managed to cultivate a number of cans, while the production of different varieties of liquid bacteria can work continuously, without geographical, seasonal restrictions.
102, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
103, Forth, Confucianism is the best culture material to cultivate and carry forward ch. people's spirit in contemporary.
104, But definitely the enormous limit the capital artificial flower with gold-foil , will win over the mobile subscriber, to cultivate in the market.
105, The probing into teaching method as a new didactical mode can cultivate the students' questionary consciousness.
106, Bring nature to enter room, want to a balcony goes only, can cultivate the helianthus that summer blooms, also can plant vegetable.
107, Objective To cultivate nursing personal with comprehensive capability and improve nursing quality geriatrics department.
108, The capitalists of our times continued vigorously to cultivate white chauvinism.
109, Furthermore, since 2001 The bodega cultivate 100 Ha of Organic vineyards.
110, Sanming City is heavily polluted by the industry. Sanming Suburb National Forest Farm surrounds Sanming City lying on the moutains. To cultivate the antipollution forest is the urgence to the farm.
111, Laboratory scale EGSB was operated to cultivate and acclimate anaerobic sludge treating mono - chlorphenols ( 2 - CP , 4 - CP ) simultaneously.
112, The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.
113, So why did Mr. Fu write "Chinese Guanxi," an advice book that teaches people how to cultivate social connections with dinners, expensive gifts and "red packets," or cash-filled envelopes?
114, Methods: Cultivate Ganoderma in glycyrrhiza waste residue, and determine the polysaccharose content by phenol - sulfuric acid reaction system.
115, It is important to cultivate poplar that can resist insect. Transgenosis technology has become main means to improve the quality of insect-resistant of present plant by creating new varieties.
116, To accelerate GDP growth, he forced people to cultivate wastelands and reclaim lakeland to expand farmland.
117, We cultivate and harvest a variety of species including Eucalypts, Chinese fir, pine and others, ensuring plentiful and stable supply of wood fibre for our manufacturing facilities.
118, Crown tidy, branches and leaves bushiness, easy to cultivate, fewer pests, flower fruit is delicious, and thus as the lovely field, home of the garden greening garden plant good.
119, The SCET emphasizes the students' quality education, aiming to cultivate comprehensive developed talents.
120, In the past, drought lacks water here, cannot cultivate, lose uncultivated land for a long time.
121, Yves Lion offers the vision of a Paris engulfed in forests and fields where every citizen would cultivate their own vegetable patch.
122, We should establish individual basic account system, cultivate vocational individual credit evaluation agency, build scientific and strict credit evaluation index system, create n...
123, However, as prices of the Indian tobacco touched records, farmers are tempted all the more to cultivate it, Babu said.
124, We have never known it and we won't admit it, because the education we have received since we were born aims to cultivate weak and chickenhearted coward.
125, This is the first period that farming cultivate experiences, namely difficult make a stand against period.
126, It is emphasized that the focus of teaching is to cultivate and develop creative thinking and creativity of learners.
127, Mei flower is a widely used flowering tree in landscape design. It has multiple fine qualities: not only beautiful in posture, well-pregnant in meaning, but also easy to cultivate.
128, With the self awareness born via mankind, the Biosphere triggers the Homosphere, the environment we cultivate.
129, Personal art training: We have dancing, drawing, handwriting, ceramic art and electronic piano courses to cultivate their taste and enrich their lives.
130, It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness.
131, Today season trousers is haler and forthright, clipping of cultivate one's morality but be not clingy body.
132, Summer arrived, a lot of people like to cultivate houseplant in the home, decorate household not only,[http:///cultivate.html] the health to family also is in benignantly .
133, The teaching scheme can not only present the living materials for the observation of paramecium and hydra, but also cultivate and raise students' professional interests and synthetic abilities.
134, Plane composition , as the basic course of design speciality, mainly cultivate students ' imaginal thinking capability and devisable and creative capability.
135, I emphasize these subtle details and exaggerate their illogicality to cultivate my own version of invented creatures.
136, It is conceivable that students taking parttime jobs can cultivate their independence and team-work spirit.
137, It is important to educate the young to establish good reciprocal relationship with others, cultivate the spirit of collectivism and advance their all-around development.
138, In this paper, the experiment of"Holograph"is used as an example to discuss how to cultivate studentS' ability in the experiment.
139, For example , teachers need to cultivate a pro - democracy teaching environment, inculcate in students independent thinking skills.
140, The goal of training accounting majors is to cultivate highly qualified accountants with both solid theoretical knowledge and a perfect mastery of operational techniques.
141, At the same time, we supply freely debugger, overhaul, fittings and help to cultivate maintainable staff.
142, The arrangement of this course not only could help students to understand the economic issues related to health care and eldercare industry but also would cultivate their research ability.
143, Expressive leaders cultivate a personal relationship staff in the group.
144, This article studies how to cultivate students' safety and innovation consciousness in metal technology practice.
145, To lead students to assemble radios, cultivate students hands-on capacity, operating capacity.
146, RE . major of normal universities is the cradle which cultivate teachers for the middle school , the main difference with other RE college is that they train teaching fugleman .
147, Personnel management departments must be preconscious and give priority to the development of talent resources so as to cultivate more talents to meet the knowledge-based economy era.
148, Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate and it is good forand physical health.
149, The key to cultivate and develop the green market and establish and form the green price system is to develop the green industry and make the green industry development policy.
150, The directing idea of sci-technology hortation is encouraging innovation, establishing bestir system to cultivate talents, promoting the combination of scientific research and social development.
151, The cultivate bacteria are mainly inoculate ones when sinusitis induced shorter than 2 weeks.
152, Secondly, the team of us engaged in education often talk about:"Cultivate the ridgepole for the state" or" cultivate qualified persons".
153, Stemming from the attention on food security, the state government encourages the use of marginal land to cultivate non-food crops, such as cassava, sweet potato, sugar cane and sweet kaoliang.
154, After the Civil War, American business began to cultivate Navassa's rich bounty.
155, The hermetic photobioreactors used to cultivate microalgae were introduced, including fermenter style, tubular and flat plate bioreactor. Illuminated system were also discussed.
156, The pronoun of upscale product in follow under the idea hair industriously cultivate of the business enterprise will become the wet goods market.
157, Countries as diverse as Canada, China, France and Indonesia have vowed to cultivate greenery in an effort to fertilise their wilting economies.
158, Cultivate social support. The buddy system works. Buddies can be co-workers, family members, friends.
159, So enterprise should cultivate and carry out humanism idea in practice.
160, The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management, and carry out outsourcing strategy.
161, In his address on self-culture, William Ellery Channing defined it by writing, "To cultivate any thing, be it a plant, an animal, a mind, is to make it grow.
162, Methods Common methods in Chinese Pharmacopoeia(edition 2005) were used to cultivate culture media dilution, using recovery rate of the bacteria in the comparison experiment.
162, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
163, This tractate discoursed upon how aiming at the teaching content partially transmit "game teaching method" into teaching practice, gradually cultivate them the design ability.
164, Solonchak agriculture is a kind of agriculture which uses diverse saline soil and uncropped land irrigated with saline water or seawater to cultivate economic halophyte .
165, The blades were guided to variation in order to select and cultivate new strains of Porphyra haitanensis that were high quality and high yield.
166, In the world, as a woman, you can marry with a good guy, you can cultivate a excellent child, in a word, you will achieve a effulgent future except like a man to strive.
167, Fishing is an outdoor sport that can cultivate the mind and is good for people's health.
168, The method to deal with this is to cultivate a commercial society in China-the cultural ecological environment needed by western law systems.
169, Peptone is an enzymatic digest of protein used to cultivate non - fastidious organisms, producing low - level growth.
170, Among the various kinds of strategy, the most effective and necessitous strategy is to innovate the traditional teaching mode and cultivate new-style elite for society in the future.
171, Zakat Al-Fitr is meant to alleviate the pain of the poor and to cultivate the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslim community.
172, We should cultivate the monocracy culture along the rational value orientation to further the man' s comprehensive development.
173, Diligence and high self-esteem are meant to be virtues, but it will become exaction to demand every thing be perfect. it will neither help to cultivate one's mind, nor will it make one happy.
174, Through the idiographic anatomy to heroism and take out it's distillate in the paper will have active meaning to perfect the hobbledehoy's personality and cultivate their individuality.
175, Flatters human resources inspector general who becomes second nature the grandson to cultivate, confuses by attractive Pei is not oneself, will keep them out invincibly directly.
176, Law 12 Keep others in suspended terror: Cultivate an air of unpredictability.
177, During this process, campus culture can cultivate emotion of mould, temper will, excite interest, develop imagination, train fine quality, rich perceptual experience and so on.
178, Do you cultivate their habits of courtesy , co - opration, and helpfulness naturally?
179, The author experiments on banana jelly medium to cultivate fruit bat and achieves success.
180, Ferreous mesua, or make " Tie Li wood " , " Tie Li wood " , cultivate in a few kinds of hardwood in planting, grow the most loftily.
181, Be a diligent gardener and cultivate a purposeful, productive and happy life.
182, Two, cultivate optimism: visualise a future in which everything has turned out the way you want it, then write it down.
183, It should mainly select the evergreen varietal Cotoneaster to cultivate in Shanghai area, because the evergreen varietal Cotoneaster can adapt the megather- real climate in the summer of Shanghai.
184, The government has done everything a tidy - minded Scandinavian country can to cultivate these start - ups.
185, To cultivate a leader, we should build his superorganic characters, such as his personality, wisdom, judgment, apprehension, will power and kindness.
186, We should cultivate a group insurance market adaptable to economic restructuring initiatives in order to achieve strategic transformation of the group life insurance business.
187, Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
188, Design is novel, hand power generation function helps to develop children's intelligence, cultivate children's interest in science.
189, The formerly owned legal building ownership, superficies rights, tenant farmer rights or cultivate land 375 leasing deeds will be revoked or terminated.
190, Secondly, the ideology of Sufi clan were influenced by the Buddhism, and they were used prayer beads to cultivate themselves according to the Moslem doctorine.
191, The strategy of market segmentation can help to cultivate customer loyalty and achieve benefit maximization.
192, Tilth 's the quality of a soil which makes it easy to cultivate and easy for the roots of plants to grow.
193, This paper expounds how to cultivate enterprise's kernel competitive power.
194, "They must cultivate themselves according to religious doctrine in the evenings and go to sleep early, although they could acquire information online,[http:///cultivate.html] " the source said.
195, They also grumble that the Chinese do not pay taxes. Others, however, agree that the Chinese do good for the region because they cultivate the land residents of Chelyabinsk don't want to.
196, To cultivate students' mathematics ability by partial intelligence learning course is exceed other instruction mode .
197, In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.
198, Willing to think, cultivate ourselves, and take mindful action, there is nothing we cannot achieve.
199, Objective To investigate antibiotic sensitivity test of 1050 cases sputum cultivate and 701 bacteriums. and direct clinic practise.
200, Buddha says: Is cultivate according to a religious doctrine , demon is heart demon.
201, In the postmodern existence context that stresses technical rationalism, complanation and sense, we specially need to reconstruct value rationalism and cultivate lofty spiritual ideal.
202, It can help us to establish the study goal, kvetch us finish study task, encourage us solve problems independently, cultivate us to have a good studying habit.
203, But the image that it would like to cultivate, as a responsible, unthreatening, emergent superpower, is constantly being undercut by two of its leaders' habits.
204, The teaching of eurhythmics should cultivate students' behavioral spontaneous sensation, expressive force and musical accomplishment, then effectively achieves the best teaching effect.
205, Finally, we should aim to achieve its future ideal of the socialist ecological civilization, cultivate and help the people to pursue and realize the ideal and target value.
206, Conclusion:Beforehand probation is important to cultivate students'clinical teaching ability in noviciate of pediatric.
207, During this process, Implicit curriculum can develop imagination, train fine quality, excite interest, temper will, cultivate emotion of mould, and so on.
208, You are not cast iron, how dense is hard fatheaded to pace of this cultivate land!
209, It was concluded that the family sports implement period is the optimal time to cultivate children's lifelong interest and love of sport.
210, With youthful enthusiasm and desire to know, I am about to finish the four-year journey seeking knowledge, a better university life, cultivate my strict scientific way of thinking.
211, Some place can cultivate medicinal materials, also benne because local people eat benne as main oil.
212, Put differently, Chinese managers cultivate ties not only toward associates with the expertise or resources they need, but also toward those who are connected to these individuals.
213, "We're the first to cultivate this bee and the first to provide as much evidence of its potential as a red raspberry and blackberry pollinator," says Cane.
214, Starting from the living wisdom of wild gooses, this paper points out that the library should learn the wild goose spirit and cultivate more abundant connotation of professional spirit.
215, He says China needs to cultivate innovative talent, develop free-thinking at universities, and bring in the best brainpower by opening up to the outside world.




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