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单词 Assessor
1, When the damage assessor called, he cut a check for $139.
2, The assessor stated that the fire damage was not as severe as the hotel's owner had claimed.
3, Only the tax assessor noted their existence.
4, Keane wanted assessor for his brother George.
5, How would you become a subject assessor?
6, Intensive Subject Assessment Have you had a subject assessor visit recently?
7, Others hold office as county clerk, assessor, or recorder of deeds and a few are congressmen and state legislators.
8, The assessor asserts that he insmerted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.
9, The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.
10, New Orleans now has one elected tax assessor - instead of seven, each overseeing his own fief.
11, Candidate will be working with an assessor or individually,(http:///assessor.html) completing activities and assessments for each unit.
12, Query the Assessor Management system to get a list of the assessors who could assess the accident damage based on postcode and car type.
13, When either the Approver has completed or the Assessor has accepted, the approval information is returned.''
14, Prior to becoming Assessor - Recorder , he served as Executive Director of the Asia Law Caucus.
15, Peoples assessor system actually exists in name only in most areas in China.
16, Certificates referred to an assessor at least takes 4 - 6 weeks to return to us.
17, When the assessor came in to tell him that he didn't have fire insurance.
18, More important was the backing of Frank Keenan, the county assessor and a far North Side ward boss.
19, They are normative because the assessment will depend inpart on the value judgements adopted by the assessor.
20, Then you are ready to undertake duties as a fully-fledged subject assessor.
21, George would have loved it Funny how people love to be assessor, haw!
22, This series of articles about model-driven development focuses on using an end-to-end tooling perspective for the external claims assessor scenario in the merger of two companies.
23, While not wanting to be identified as the great tax assessor and, hence, promising to cut taxes for most citizens, Obama is actively seeking ways to increase taxes for a host of Americans.
24, The judge standard of the fault adopts job standard and combines evaluation behavior principle , expert assessor system and the party's agreement standard.
25, There will be no automatic follow up by the assessor.
26, Note that when no actions have been identified for completion on the improvement plan, the assessor can select the answer "Actions completed by date due" as it can be considered complete.
27, Why to get this child to circle stage act as an assessor along circuit?
28, Both major and minor nonconformities will be followed up by the assessor.
29, The partners with which the process communicates are represented by the UML partitions (also known as swimlanes): customer, assessor, and approver.
30, There are costly delays in the selection and follow up by an external claims assessor.
31, The Chinese People's Assessor System is more like trialofLaw although its name is Chinese jury system.
32, The mainly influential factors to the construct validity of assessment center are dimension, exercise, assessor, assessee and rating method.
33, The assessor may or may not revise this assessed value every few years, meaning that the appraised market value is likely to climb much more quickly.




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