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单词 Locke
1 Locke originated this theory in the 17th century.
2 Locke was evidently not prepared to accept this.
3 Another big favourite was 75-year-old tenor Josef Locke.
4 Locke gives much the same explanation.
5 Gary Locke estimated losses totaling billions of dollars, as damage reports of highways, homes and businesses continued to trickle in.
6 Lawson and Locke sit in Section 4, Row K, closer to home plate than third base.
7 Locke also suggests that a man's presence in a particular state implies tacit consent to its political system.
8 Locke faces the objection that there is no historical evidence for his account of the creation of political authority.
9 His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan.
10 Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
11 One, deriving from Hobbes and Locke, regards the consent given as an expression of rational enlightened self-interest.
12 It is clear that for Locke the perception model of faith created an unsatisfactory barrier between those with faith and those without.
13 Philosophy and religion Locke and the sense of sight Locke's philistinism was in no sense an aberration.
14 Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion.
15 Unlike Locke, it does not possess the assurance of having won the argument on that ground.
16 He started a scrapbook of snippets from John Locke and other admired mentors.
17 For Locke the separate compartments for faith and reason, or reason and revelation, did not exist.
18 Here Locke draws a parallel between modes such as triangles, and substances such as gold and the Strasburg clock.
19 Against this background Locke begins his inquiry into the origin and extent of knowledge.
20 Locke is Obama's third nominee for secretary of commerce.
21 Locke: Work papers and stuff. I'm a home inspector.
22 Plato, Locke, Hegel, Spencer,() are such temperamental thinkers.
23 John Locke was very much influenced by Boyle.
24 The industrial estate was planned by the railway engineer Joseph Locke.
25 Without even bothering to change from his ultra closed stance, Locke produced a brace of exquisitely faded woods.
26 This passage, among other things, mocks a woman who reads Locke.
27 Apart from one being inward and the other outward, Locke regards reflection and sensation as being very similar.
28 Though it did not appear until relatively late in his life, Locke had been working on the Essay since about 1660.
29 Short of murder, whatever occurred between husband and wife was not considered by Locke to be of public concern.
30 A similar point was made by the seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke, who saw it as an insoluble mystery.
31 How does Locke characterize the state of nature?
32 Mr Obama nominated Gary Locke as commerce secretary.
33 Ok, now we come to John Locke.
34 Peter the Great has books translated from the west, including John Locke, into Russian.
35 Adam Smith drew from the physiocrats who drew from Locke. Tom Paine and the other "Friends of the People" found in Rousseau a like intermediary.
36 If you attempt to manipulate public opinion to force me to do so, I will expose your identity as both Locke and Demosthenes.
37 Locke: I think that's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack because you're a man of science.
38 The WTO panel's decision comes a day before Mr. Kirk and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke are scheduled to host their Chinese counterparts for annual trade talks.
39 The works of John Locke are of great social import.
40 Among them those with great influence include Locke, Leibniz, Russell, Wittgenstein, Kripke, etc.
41 Locke toured the engine center at Pratt Whitney , a U.S. company operating in Shanghai.
42 Visiting US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke attended the ground - breaking ceremony.
43 Locke ended up writing several well-read and enormously controversial essays in favor of religious toleration.
44 In 1688 William of Orange led the Glorious Revolution, and Locke was able to return to England.
45 The AFL-CIO also hopes Locke, if Barack does pick him to be commerce secretary, would help elevate the importance of worker rights in trade talks with China.
46 Locke said he has asked U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu to join him on "a trip to China focusing on energy and on environmental protection and climate change."
47 English writer John Locke emphasized that governments should protect these rights.
48 Western scholar Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , Rousseau expand and supplement the human rights theory from different respects.
49 Apply this insight of John Locke to the area of intellectual property.
50 IN late February, US President Barrack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce.
51 The first person credited with developing a comprehensive theory of human rights was British philosopher John Locke (1632-1704).
52 It was a fertile time for art (Rembrandt, Vermeer) and literature (Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal) and unfortunately, bad philosophy (Hobbes, Locke).
53 Also owns Locke analyzer, CTS - 22A/B ultrasonic detectors and WDW - 100 electronic universal material testing machine, to ensure the group of feeding-composting and semi-finished products of quality.
54 Locke does not seem to have reached a clear - out conclusion.
55 Locke provided English Whigs with rhetorical ammunition against the idea of the Divine Right of Kings in their revolt against James II.
56 Locke also visited the Tianjin facility of a joint venture between United Solar Ovonic, a subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, and Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company to convert U.
57 The writings of John Locke are considered the principal influence on American government; however, with the removal of the classics from American schools,( ) few know what Locke believed.
58 Locke, it can be assumed, would have thoroughly agree with this statement.
59 Locke probes into the balance of powers in civil society.
60 Locke: I think that's overdoing it just a bit... He should have a bandana on his head!
61 I especially want to thank the two departments and leaders who took the lead on this summit -- Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
62 "My father never imagined that one of his children could ever serve as the secretary of commerce in the United States of America, " Locke said at the White House announcement.
63 Locke : No, I don't have to show you anything.
64 Locke told the students that he begins his ambassadorship with confidence that the overall state of the relationship is strong and that it will grow.
65 His immediate predecessor, Jon M. Huntsman Jr., although steeped in China policy and, unlike Mr. Locke, able to converse in Mandarin, never generated such hoopla. Nor did those before him.
66 Melancholia, sleeplessness, fears of persecution—he writes to Pepys and to Locke and no doubt to others letters which lead them to think that his mind is deranged.
67 Locke was unanimously confirmed by the Senate as secretary of commerce, and the White House said it expected a successful confirmation process for his new post.
68 If confirmed by the Senate, Locke would become the 2nd Chinese American head of an executive department in Obama's cabinet, joining Energy Secretary Steven Chu.
69 Another difficulty is the infinite regress generated by the view of Locke and many other philosophers.
70 Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.
71 Don’t be fooled, citizens of China: Newly arrived U.S. ambassador Gary Locke’s humble do-it-yourself demeanor is all part of a crafty neo-colonialist plot.
72 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke delivered similar messages during subsequent visits.
73 So suppose for example, I mentioned um...couple of lectures ago about John Locke coming out with his speculation that God could make matter think.
74 Maybe that was part of the problem: searching. I found myself agreeing when I heard John Locke, the main character on "Lost, " say, "I found it just like you find anything else, I stopped looking."
75 With regard to the former,() natural-law theories from Grotius to Locke had been emphasizing that Christianity could safeguard moral foundation.
76 Locke : You don't even know what you're talking about, do you?
77 Charles Kingsleys Alton Locke is a response to ? ? the Mechanical Age ? ? as diagnosed by Thomas Carlyle.
78 Along with Locke, Steven Chu (Zhu Diwen), the 1997 Nobel Prize-winning physicist was named secretary of energy.
79 Locke stresses stressed that he is, first and foremost, an American.
80 Liberalism is regarded as against the autocratically monarchical power in its early appearance in which Spinoza, Locke are the early representatives of that thought.
81 Under his tutelage, Locke grows to lead the Bastards, delightedly pulling off one outrageous confidence game after another.
82 "Some journalists like to romanticize what they see out of a lack of knowledge and may hold Locke up as a mirror for Chinese officials, " the editorial said.
83 (Applause.) I especially want to thank the two departments and leaders who took the lead on this summit -- Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
84 Locke described his concept of liberty from the following three aspects: the abstract individual freedom, the natural state of freedom and political and social freedom.
85 Secondly, it comes from the theory of contract of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.
86 His name is Gary Locke, and he is American Chinese.
87 Several members of Congress, joined by Gary Locke, the U.S. Commerce Secretary soon headed to Beijing as the next U.S. ambassador, have lobbied hard against Huawei.
88 Mrs. Locke , when was the last time you took the boat out?
89 The sort of supposed perception of probable connections that Locke had thought was the basis of human reasoning turns out to be visual thinking.
90 (Laughter.) Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently traveled to Shanghai for the Pavilion's groundbreaking ceremony.
91 Augustine, Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm.
92 Three influential philosophers in this field have been Plato, John Locke and Karl Marx.
93 Locke was the man, John Locke. Two hundred years ago - more than that, even in his 'Essay concerning the Human Understanding,' he proved the non- existence of innate ideas.
94 U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke travel to China next week for high-level talks.
95 This article summarily reveals the development of the analyticity since Locke and Kant.
96 Locke and Montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the West.
97 Commerce Secretary Gary Locke called for "more equitable" trade with China in a speech last week and said China does not always follow through on its promises.
98 Washington state's Chinese - American Gov. Gary Locke agrees that " the outlook is promising. ".
99 Locke and Huntsman are in Hangzhou this week for the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.
100 We'll study the history,[http://] from philosophers John Locke and Benjamin Franklin to mythbusters Kari Byron and Jamie Hyneman.
101 Because the door's locke and we have not get the key.
102 Locke stressed that he is, first and foremostand, an American.
103 Hobbes 、 Locke 、 Rousseau is the three representatives of the social contract doctrine.
104 Where there is no desire, there will be no industry. - --- John Locke.
105 And I'm delighted to be here with my colleague, the Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke.
106 The Philosophical system of materialist empiricism has increasingly been attaining to perfection, since English philosophy of empiricism evolved to Locke, John.
107 If you look at the syllabus, you'll notice we read a number of great and famous books, books by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and others.
108 Free thought is ole core part of John Locke's Natural Law Theory. Locke is the founder of the Classic libertarianism and the Philosopher in England.
109 Locke: Mmm, and here I am thinking the funnies are the nicest part of the paper.
110 To the Guangming Daily, a Communist Party newspaper for intellectuals, Mr. Locke represents the dark forces of neocolonialism.
111 Third, the US secretary of commerce, Gary Locke, is also of Chinese descent. But Chinese youth's intention to cotton up to him did not result well.
112 "When international visitors come to the United States they spend money on a wide range of goods and services that support U.S. jobs," said Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke.
113 John Locke is both a supporter and detractor from the theory of Libertarianism.
114 Now these worries were raised by John Locke the great British philosopher, and he thought, this is too big a pill to swallow.
115 Discussed the thought according to the respective social contract, Hobbes and Locke have formed the statism theory and the limited government theory separately.
116 In 1632, Galileo was still publishing, and John Locke was born.
117 Locke stressed that he is , first and foremost, an American.




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