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单词 Mukden
1. The Mukden Incident of September 18 broke out.
2. The date was the 79th anniversary of the Mukden incident, a plot by Japanese Imperial Army officers that helped provoke the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
3. In Mukden, they were shackled with heavy leg irons and isolated in separate cells.
4. The Mukden Incident (18 September 1931), which gave the Japanese an impetus to create the Manchukuo state, took place near Shenyang.
5. Separated in Mukden, Downey and Fecteau would not see each other for two years.
6. This is "Mukden" sources.
7. The army then took control of Mukden in a single day.
8. Our first stop there was Shenyang ( formerly Mukden ), capital of Liaoning Province.
9. The second part of the outbreak of the Mukden Incident and the fall of the Northeast.
10. With the building of the South Manchurian Railway, Mukden became a Russian stronghold.
11. They mark the anniversary of the 1931 "Mukden Incident" that led to Japan's occupation of north-east China.
12. After their first five months in Mukden, the men were moved to a prison in Beijing.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Due to the Mukden Incident, from which point of view, he is wrong.
14. The two CIA officers, with a dozen armed guards, were then taken by truck and train to a prison in Mukden (Shenyang), the largest city in Manchuria, almost 300 miles away.
15. This event is known by various names, including the Mukden Incident.
16. You could see them any day in the city of Changchun, then cut off from Mukden by Communist raids against the railway.
17. The Manchurian Incident took place as members of the Kwantung Army blew up a section of South Manchuria Railway lines in Liutiaogou (Lake Liutiao), outside Mukden (currently Shenyang).
18. The first part of the historical background of the Mukden Incident.
19. For several years Great Northern had rented a palatial compound from a Manchu prince, who had returned to Mukden after the revolution.
20. The official name was changed to Shengjing in Chinese, or Mukden ; in Manchu 1634.




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