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单词 Greedy
1 He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big rises.
2 The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.
3 Greedy folks have long arms.
4 He is a greedy little boy.
5 He looked at the gold with greedy eyes.
6 He is greedy like a hog.
7 Tom is greedy to do his homework.
8 You're being too greedy.
9 Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others cunning.
10 Don't be so greedy.
11 Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.
12 He's greedy for power/success.
13 Guy was greedy,[] amoral and dishonest.
14 He's a real greedy guts.
15 Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.
16 Nelson launched into a blistering criticism of greedy lawyers.
17 He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes.
18 You greedy pig! You're not having another chocolate biscuit!
19 The greedy pig's eaten all the biscuits!
20 You greedy pig! You've already had two helpings!
21 You greedy pig , you ate all the candy!
22 There is no peace where men are greedy.
23 He's not hungry; he's just greedy.
24 They are greedy for profits.
25 He was dominated by greedy egotism.
26 The greedy child brought up all he had eaten.
27 The greedy madam stopped at nothing to gain profit.
28 The shareholders are greedy for profit.
29 Have you eaten them all, you greedy pig?
30 Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 
1 He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big rises.
2 The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.
3 He is a greedy little boy.
4 He looked at the gold with greedy eyes.
5 He is greedy like a hog.
6 Tom is greedy to do his homework.
7 You're being too greedy.
8 Don't be so greedy.
9 He's greedy for power/success.
10 The greedy madam stopped at nothing to gain profit.
11 It was greedy of them to eat up all the candy.
31 She is greedy and selfish.
32 His diary shows him up as/shows him up to have been a greedy, arrogant man.
33 It was greedy of them to eat up all the candy.
34 He brushed aside talk of greedy MPs voting themselves a backdoor pay rise.
35 If he'd taken that five pounds, I would have marked him down as a greedy fool.
36 He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandizement from the beginning of his reign.
37 He who is greedy is always in want. Horace 
38 I have never seen anyone so greedy.
39 Tom was too greedy, and not very perceptive.
40 How I hate your mean, scrimping, grabbing, greedy guts.
41 Or maybe the greedy merchant is a personal friend.
42 Guy was greedy, amoral, obsessed with power and self-gratification.http://
43 Xenly was becoming greedy for food.
44 Four greedy eyes gobbled at her.
45 He was an ambitious man, selfish and greedy.
46 The maid's vacant expression was replaced momentarily by one of greedy expectation - shortly followed by disappointment.
47 The lucky boy accomplished the feat, and caught the evil, greedy king in a curse at the same time.
48 No one has ever looked on them and lived to tell of it, for they are greedy for the souls of Humans.
49 She was crying now, greedy for him again, desperate for something she did not understand.
50 Greedy children often tend to put on too much weight.
51 There were ten of us children in the family, and we were all greedy for attention.
52 A greedy Brahman might be reborn in the merchant class whereas a spiritual trader could return as a Brahman.
53 First Fraser, managing director of Neill's: The men are so greedy.
54 Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful. Warren Buffett 
55 The greedy pig! He didn't leave any pizza for us.
56 I got mad, because they were so greedy, and tried to shove them away from the chair.
57 At a deeper level, they rowed about greed - guilt about greed and protection from supposedly greedy women.
58 These foreigners are so greedy there's never anything left over for supper.
59 There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it. Maya Angelou 
60 According to him, greedy business people often looked to the government for help in maintaining their position.
61 A greedy man and an angry woman have never lived prosperously. Rajinikanth 
62 Not because they made bad or greedy investments, and lost all their money in shaky stock deals.
63 The fee limit is there to protect veterans from greedy lawyers.
64 There are many countries and many greedy persons who will suffer themselves to be gulled by my promise of mountains of gold.
65 Though not difficult to grow, they are greedy and prefer a rich, well-drained sandy loam.
66 Some landlords have become greedy and are demanding higher rents than people can afford.
67 Mrs Taylor kept an eye on us, ready to rap our knuckles if we got too greedy.
68 He was shrewd enough to know that to be too greedy with Jared Tunstall might lose him everything.
69 This, flanked by the contents of two tins of Spam, equally wafer-like, drew cries of greedy amazement.
70 Seeing him towering over the young hedgehog like that, licking his great, greedy chops ... Oh!
71 We all know the stories of greedy capitalists, child-labor exploiters, and robber barons.
72 What's outrageous is that one powerful and greedy bully, followed by its lackeys[http://], can hold the world to ransom.
73 Now those landowners have become greedy and demand high rents - and we help to exploit the peasants by levying crippling taxes.
74 The creatures who inhabit it are cold and greedy and evil and corrupt.
75 The junta that overthrew the old Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974 brutally eliminated the tiny, rich and greedy elite around him.
76 Siward's were in the forest ahead, along with six thousand men far from home and greedy for booty.
77 We were the greedy ambulance chasers representing rancorous clients who clogged the court dockets.
78 After all, no greedy hucksters could steal or plunder them.
79 We are all born brave, trusting and greedy, and most of us remain greedy. Mignon McLaughlin 
80 Accusing the oil companies of being greedy is like saying the sun is hot.
81 Brenda has been swindled out of her alimony by greedy, unscrupulous Morty, a discount electronics magnate.
82 The physicality of their food consumption, decidedly hands-on, and their mutually greedy looks say it all.
83 This was in keeping with his nature, for he was boastful, intolerant and greedy.
84 Fox is a greedy billionaire who ignores his daughter and ends up turning her into gold.
85 Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty(), its riches or its romance. Theodore Roosevelt 
86 Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry. Thomas Paine 
87 She winced, smarting beneath memories of Giles's disbelief and the greedy delight that had turned to frustrated irritation.
88 She loved her lessons, always asking questions, swift to learn, greedy for more information.
89 Matthew: Matthew makes Judas out to be a greedy man who asked for money.
90 But I was a greedy child who knew nothing of cliches or social justice.
91 The vines are greedy - hardy, and they push deep roots down into the soil, but they are also vulnerable.
92 The greedy children were at constant odds with one an-other over control of the kingdom.
93 He was not naive, nor was he blind to the greedy practices of some merchants and manufacturers in his day.
94 One of the cats gets greedy and eats the other one's food.
95 Take your greedy fingers off that pie - you've had more than enough already.
96 I put the phone down on the greedy little tyke.
97 Yet this greedy pair have successfully sued a fertility clinic for giving them three healthy babies instead of two.
98 And the leading villain, of course, is the greedy oil industry, according to the conventional consumer bleat.
99 Don't be so greedy! Leave some cake for everyone else.
100 Social climbers are prone to telling lies; over- ambitious, greedy, and hedonistic people are more likely to lack honesty and truthfulness. Dr T.P.Chia 
101 He seemed to think that the others were too rowdy, too greedy.
102 The Third World should no longer serve as a playpen for greedy,[] killer interventionist maneuvers by aging cold warriors.
103 This material was hostile to life yet also greedy for life and jealous of life.
104 And it was mean to say you were hungry because it's simply not true, you're just greedy for biscuits.
105 He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandisement from the very beginning of his reign.
106 Or some one greedy for money, or open to blackmail?
107 The singles chart needs to be treated as a separate entity, and not as a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen.
108 If the greedy nutmeg makers raise the price, most of us will not notice or care.
109 To ask for more for herself and put herself in a position of coming first felt too greedy and dangerous.
110 I wonder why there is so much crime or is it the world we live in which makes people so greedy?
111 She would have liked to stay longer, but realised that would have been greedy.
112 The world is a zoo of thinking, ethical, selfish, greedy and hypocritical animals - men. The world is full of good and bad people, passionate and good-hearted people, mean and evil-hearted people, honest and unscrupulous people. Dr T.P.Chia 
113 Greedy for profits and market share, they shaved profit margins and incurred unwarranted risks.
114 You're just being greedy, you lot, she shouted, your eyes are bigger than your bellies.
115 What about the indigenous artists who are ripped off by these greedy con merchants?
116 Man, a greedy tyrant, ribald , hard and grasping.
117 Long long ago, there 's a greedy man.
118 To a greedy eating horse a short halter.
119 She was greedy for intrigue.
120 Michael Beard is rackety, quarrelsome, competitive, greedy, ambitious, politicking.
121 The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.
122 That big bellied fellow was very greedy and cruel.
123 An innocently greedy pleasure lit the young man's face.
124 Herzog remembered him as a greedy eater.
125 And it's greedy... just like sin.
126 These priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious.
127 His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.
128 Destructive and greedy as a harlot.
129 Immoderately desirous of wealth or gain; greedy.
130 The complexity of GCDG is compared with both exhaustive search algorithm and traditional greedy search algorithm, and then its efficiency is proved in the small alarm overlapped domain.
131 Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out.
132 However,[ ] I was too greedy and added too much hot mustard sauce!
133 A greedy person , a glutton w ho looks the part , big belly and all.
134 Note: The name honeysuckle comes from the sweet nectar flower produces to intoxicate the greedy bee.
135 This man always watches with a greedy eye for the main chance.
136 In addition to being clever, the headman was also very greedy. Collecting the king's taxes was not enough reward for him.
137 One - side love like a greedy leech absorbed my time and my mirth.
138 The greedy shop keeper often cheats customers by selling fake goods.
139 He is a greedy, superstitious, proud, spiritless and stupid fellow.
140 The greedy Sheriff of Nottingham was eager to capture Robin Hood.
141 Finally, the Russian "Father Frost" rewards a poor girl and destroys her greedy, rude stepsister in an offering for the New Year.
142 He stated that he refused to condone wars which greedy men make against others.
143 That big - bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy.
144 DCAS algorithm reduced computational complexity by a new greedy method of updating ant's best position and a random neighbor selection method.
145 He strongly criticized the genetic industry as greedy anarchical, predatory, and confused.
146 Achieving the global best tree is an NP-hard problem, so greedy method is the most common and fast way to get a relative good solution yet seldom the global best one.
147 The commercialisation and dumbing downof football is our fault - for being so greedy.
148 This paper adopts dynamic programming method and greedy method to solve such problems, then analyzes and compares the differences of two algorithms.
149 They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure.
150 Based on the relationship, a compounded greedy genetic algorithm and an ant colony algorithm are proposed to derive a minimum unsatisfiable subformula.
151 At the same time, the branch-and-bound algorithm and greedy algorithm are developed to solve the model, and a numerical example is given to illustrate and test the algorithms.
152 Most people do not want to be associated with a company that is seen as greedy or exploitive.
153 A constraint satisfaction scheduling model for the initial scheduling problem and a greedy algorithm for it are given based on the constraints analysis and some basic hypothesis.
154 Out comes some greedy calendula (trust me, we have lots) where they have swamped the chilli plants and chard.
155 While Brezhnev calmly selected his victim, I reflected on the vulnerability of the greedy.
156 The greedy eaglet reminds me of our own foolishness when we try to get for ourselves something that belongs to someone else (James 4:1-5).
157 Capital is in essence the permanent greedy pursuer of profits.
158 All Asian countries should BEWARE of greedy commie China, Do whatever it take to protect your own country.
159 You may say that I am greedy but in New York, the annual salary 1000000 to be a middle class, I actually do not request high.
160 The invention discloses an entomogenous fungi pulvis for controlling pine greedy scale and a production method and usages thereof.
161 Especially, the water-filling method with the integer bit constraint is researched and a modified greedy method and a bisection bit allocation method are proposed, respectively.
162 In this paper, we use the greedy method, give the detailed design and code of the algorithm for the activity selection problem, and use example to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.
163 Retreading machine's detail always has the mark to follow, needs to purchase plays the family please to inspect, is sure not to greedy for petty profit is penny-wise and pound foolish.
164 For the parsimony this paper presents model a polynomial time greedy algorithm and a compound algorithm that combines the greedy policy with the branch-and-bound strategy in a uniform framework.
165 The algorithm is an improved greedy algorithm which combined the part of enumeration method with the greedy algorithm, thus to make it a better performance guarantee.
166 So he who would not exploit or contribute to the cause of war must cease to follow tradition, cease to be greedy, ambitious, self-seeking.
167 Members of Congress will be fearful of challenging a president who has public backing and greedy to enact popular laws that they can bring to their constituents in the midterm elections of 2010.
168 Senior Tropical House Keeper at Newquay Zoo, Dan Garrick is an expert in feeding these greedy bullfrogs.
169 In a screenplay co-written by star Jason Segel, the Muppets reunite to save their old theater from a greedy oil tycoon (Chris Cooper).
170 He had turned into a dragon while he was asleep. Sleeping on a dragon's hoard with greedy, dragonish thoughts in his heart, he had become a dragon himself.
171 Instead the atmosphere . the streets and the bars was a sort of greedy get - it - while - you - can consumerism.
172 Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest.
173 Ann: In my teacher's opinion, he said that the author, Jonathan Swift, criticized the human evil nature, such as greedy, brutal(), and savage.
174 Long long ago, there 's a greedy man. He wanted to harvest but did nothing.
175 This paper introduces the concept about the question of job scheduling with time limit, a general method of solving this question using greedy method and a fast algorithm which is improved.
176 Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it's being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude.
177 In my teacher's opinion, he said that the author, Jonathan Swift, criticized the human evil nature, such as greedy, brutal, and savage.
178 If you think commercializing your blog is evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame, greedy, obnoxious, or anything along those lines, then don't commercialize it.
179 Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.
180 At the end of the paper , it proves that the Ant Colony Algorithm is good through comparison it to the greedy method.
181 He told of the cutting wheel of torture, the reward for the greedy in hell.
182 This paper presents a polynomial time greedy algorithm and a compound algorithm that combines the greedy policy with the branch-and-bound strategy in a uniform framework.
183 Another popular money-making scheme saw some "greedy princes" expropriate land from commoners.
184 Persons who are greedy and selfish an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.
185 You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb.
186 Do not be greedy for windfalls and overdrink yourself either.
187 Tere is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.
188 'I am a greedy person, ' he adds. 'I want to have the best of both worlds, I wish to be an idol and to have a girlfriend in real life.
189 Drowning person greedy tour information, immediate retribution, the surface of Dayton festered.
190 The automatic encasement software system based on SQL technology and density greedy algorithm is designed with three modules by VB6.0 and SQL.
191 He's a big , greedy , etc eater, ie He eats a lot, eats greedily, etc.
192 A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure is presented to tackle the independent tasks assignment problem in heterogeneous environments.
193 Through the investigation of the reconfiguration practice in a certain plant, the conclusion is attained that the greedy method based on matroid model is efficient and practicable.
194 Using a greedy algorithm to select the users set in each subcarrier, our objective is to minimize the total transmit power while satisfying the target data rates of all users.
195 Racoon RJ says that over the hedge live greedy creatures called humans.
196 Based on set partition, heuristic greedy arithmetic and edge exchange algorithm, this paper presents a feasible optimizational algorithm for the logistics distribution.
197 In our actual test experiments, each instance can be completed better by delimitation greedy algorithm than hitting set algorithm.
198 Combining with dynamic programming, linear programming and greedy method naturally, the system can be used for many goals.
199 Be used as a women, my love man, respect them, say what man of greedy selfish, say what ascending half body and descend a half-length need, the man is on the hoof in fact and really very not easy.
200 It's true that a lot of his arguments can seem like the ravings of a Luddite: his accusation, for instance, that modern lawyers and doctors make people more irresponsible and greedy.
201 It is, of course, very easy to improve the efficiency of the greedy algorithm.
202 In the growing stage, active contour is attracted to the vicinity of the approximate image by using greedy method.
203 At the same time, a large number of experimental data shows that the delimitation greedy algorithm has better results than the hitting set algorithm.
204 Lanchon was in his fifties, an ugly baldheaded stumpy legs and a greedy, twitching mouth.
205 At other times, perhaps unwillingly, he implies that the industrial order is crude, greedy, and destructive.
206 In this paper, the complexity of optimum-solution schedule arrangement algorithm is polynomial degree by using greedy method.
207 Then, the stack data is moved into stack on-chip memory, and the size and global variables of data on-chip memory is determined by using greedy method under chip area limitation.
208 Greedy heirs waited for the old man to snuff out.
209 Bankers may be greedy, self - serving egomaniacs , but at least they are consistently greedy, self - serving and egotistical.
210 Greedy beggars !'he observed , making for the provender.'Why did not you invite me, Ratty?
211 In order to effectively direct the translation process by syntax information, a greedy direct decoding algorithm is proposed for the syntax-based tree-to-string statistical translation model.
212 Based on set partition, heuristic greedy arithmetic and edge exchange algorithm, this paper presents a feasible optimizational algorithm for the logistics distributio.
213 After a discussion on the basic operations of neighborhood heuristic algorithm, a simple heuristic greedy method is presented in this paper, in which only distances between all the cities are used.
214 For this type of issue, greedy strategy can sometimes choose to design a better approximation algorithm.
215 Heapsort is a kind of quick sort algorithm, the minimum(or maximum) can be found by the greedy algorithm.
216 Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.
217 In this world, human nature of greedy, hypocritical, brutal and bloodthirsty is exposed with nothing left.
218 Greedy algorithm is a simple approximative method in graph coloring.
219 A new dispatching rule bases on greedy strategy is proposed to generate initial solution.
220 It is pointed that the scheduling made by genetic algorithm gained lowest cost and highest support level, greedy algorithm and SPT rule are better than FCFS rule, LPT rule is worst here.
221 Her captain, a mean-mouthed, flinty, kettle-bellied man with close-set, greedy eyes, was a bad cyvasse player and a worse loser.




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