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单词 Cot
1. The baby lay gurgling in her cot.
2. The baby lay in his cot, cooing and gurgling.
3. In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.
4. He lifted the baby gently out of its cot.
5. Harry outgrew his cot when he was about two.
6. He must have climbed out of his cot.
7. She bunked me in cot.
8. The baby is prattling happily in her cot.
9. The baby is fast asleep in his cot.
10. He lifted the baby out of its cot.
11. We can't stop Tom climbing out of his cot.
12. The boy is prattling happily in his cot.
13. Put a selection of baby toys in his cot to amuse him if he wakes early.
14. One or two clattered into the cot.
15. She dumps the baby straight into his cot.
16. Alice leant over the carrying cot.
17. And don't pile soft toys in the cot.
18. She was on the small cot bed.
19. A cot swathed in draperies and blue ribbon stood isolated in a corner.
20. Immediately he sprawled sideways across the cot in a loose posture of sleep and began snoring loudly.
21. Alan left him howling in the cot again while he went for a bowl of water.
22. My earliest recollections are of my mother bending over my cot.
23. A new machine no bigger than a 10p piece could help save babies from cot death.
24. The study showed a significant correlation between the baby's sleeping position and the risk of cot death.Sentence dictionary
25. Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot.
26. Douglas went down to the cells to talk to Marco, who was lying face down on the narrow cot.
27. Two-year-old Bethany Hudson's alarm started to smoulder and smoke as she lay in her cot.
28. The royalties go to Birthright; let's hope they find a way to prevent tragic cot deaths.
29. She slid out of bed and sat on the edge of his cot.
30. Colourful pictures give your baby something to focus on - tape a smiling fact inside the cot in the first few weeks.
1. The baby lay gurgling in her cot.
2. The baby lay in his cot, cooing and gurgling.
3. My earliest recollections are of my mother bending over my cot.
4. A new machine no bigger than a 10p piece could help save babies from cot death.
5. The baby is fast asleep in his cot.
31. These simple precautions observed, Kirov relaxed and sat down on the edge of his small cot, smiling with relief.
32. Her cellmate said nothing as she lay motionless on her cot, staring at the ceiling.
33. The gaunt young inmate fished his bowl out from under his cot.
34. Fon took Patrick away from him and settled him into his cot.
35. Where stated a baby's cot can be supplied at a charge of £5 per week.
36. Rebecca Mossman was found dead in her cot in Sutton, Surrey.
37. Feeling hopeful rather than confident, Kirov lay back on his cot and fell into a deep sleep.
38. I sat on my cot, playing cat's cradle with handcuffs, and kept quiet.
39. Rachel went straight into her carrycot and stayed there until she was four months when she moved to the cot.
40. He told Kasturbal how to distribute his few personal belongings that lay around the cot.
41. I saved money on cot sheets by making my own from single sheets.
42. She turned this way and that, imagining Catherine in her cot beside the bed in which Mike slept alone.
43. After recovering from an attack of shallow breathing he recovered and one nurse said he was smiling and cooing in his cot.
44. The results of this study suggest that the incidence of cot death can be reduced.
45. Cot quilts £15.99, reversible duvet cover £10.99, wallpaper £6.99 a roll, borders £6.99 a roll, curtains from £45.
46. The two changes in infant care practice had a temporal relation with mass publicity accompanying fund raising for the Cot Death Association.
47. Over on her cot, Frank shook an enthusiastic fist in the air toward Oliver.
48. Finally I shook myself out of my trance and rolled over on the cot, facing away from her.
49. The coroner concluded he had choked to death when he tried to climb out of his cot.
50. I lay under my cot and prayed that our hooch would not take a direct hit with a rocket.
51. Alan wrapped one of his cot blankets round his shoulders and took him to the kitchen to make a drink.
52. The New Zealand cot death study was a nationwide case-control study carried out from 1 November 1987 to 31 October 1990.
53. The couple and four children share a bed and a fold-out cot in the only bedroom.
54. He lies there in the peeling pyramid of the attic bedroom,[Sentence dictionary] on his cot shaped like a gutter.
55. I lie clueless in the cot until - until when?
56. He sat by Abigail's cot, not wanting to remember, but knowing that now he must.
57. The nurse, mouth tight with disapproval, took the baby, and he was put unprotesting in his cot.
58. She found him lying in a pool of blood in his cot.
59. He says the sun will only shine on him if it rains for at least a month. Cot death mix-up.
60. Sometime in the middle of the night I woke with a start, as Clarisa climbed on to the cot.
61. She was in a cot in the back room with a row of night-lights set along the floor.
62. They undressed in the dark, kissed lightly, and lay down, each in his separate narrow cot.
63. Although the number of cot deaths is now falling, three babies still die unaccountably each day in the United Kingdom.
64. She devoured it, not having eaten for twenty-four hours, and then stayed on her cot until Duncan and Myeloski arrived.
65. Jeanne sat hunched up on the wooden cot which served as a bed.
66. The family had a history of cot deaths, and the baby had a heart condition.
67. Fortunately she left the cot, so baby slept quite well.
68. The specimens resulted from therapeutic abortions, miscarriages, and cot deaths.
69. Now they slept with Timmy's cot wedged between the partition and his bed.
70. I did break the rules and go over and cuddle her in her cot, but not pick her up out of it.
71. We were in soft class which meant you had a bed to sleep on - a sort of cot.
72. Gandhi lay on a white cot in the prison yard under a spreading mango tree.
73. This may give some clues on how overheating contributes to cot death.
74. Theresa left them to their business, and retired to sit beside the cot.
75. Let me tell you something about sleeping on a cot.
76. She lived on the other side of Chelmsford and Alice took Catherine there in the carrying cot on the bus.
77. In July 1990 a television advertisement by the Cot Death Association advised against placing infants to sleep prone.
78. My earliest memories are of my mother bending over my cot to kiss me goodnight.
79. Saturday I made a patchwork cot cover by hand, I have good practical skills.
80. Her son had been stabbed twice through the back with a carving knife, as he lay in his cot.
81. He could hear Karen's regular breathing coming from a cot near the back.
82. The daughters slept in one bed, the parents in another, the son on a cot.
83. High Road has tackled all kinds of issues from pit bull terrier fighting to cot death in order to illuminate character.
84. She lay there, face down on her cot, her long,[http:///cot.html] ash blonde hair spilling out across her naked shoulders.
85. She was making a patchwork quilt for the baby's cot.
86. She laid Thomas down in his cot and tucked him up.
87. He appears to have removed entire systems of organs from cot death children, but most were never used in research.
88. Their male nurses, strong men, would carry them up the stairs and settle each one on to a cot.
89. But at least the snapper was quiet, sleeping in its cot.
90. The bedroom has Chloe's cot, our bed, a chest of drawers and there is no room for anything else.
91. Doctors have found a new clue to the riddle of cot death.
92. Larry slept on a cot in grubby clothes but made it a point to shave every day.
93. She plops down on the empty cot and lifts a curtain to peer out the window.
94. I lay on the army cot and stared at the joists and let the tears run off my face like rain.
95. He was teased about it but nevertheless would fetch up most evenings on my cot, smoking his chillum in companionable silence.
96. The Skopos Challenge exhibits 150 contemporary works selected by leading quilters, showing bed and cot quilts and wall hangings.
97. So each night was full of expectations as I lay on my cot.
98. He watched Dupard in the shadows, sitting on the infested cot, showing an empty stare.
99. Daycare Cot 2 SHEET set Monkey Jungle Print!
100. I cot a wisdom tooth.
101. Doctors still aren't sure what causes cot deaths.
102. Regardless of whether you agree with the methodology of Spock, no one can deny that many children probably died of cot death as a result of his advice to put babies to sleep on their stomachs.
103. In addition to the facilities listed, the hotel has massage facilities, manicure and chiropody, cot, special menu for children, CCTV in parking spaces and a dentist surgery.
104. We had obtained new information which indicated the true roles of Cot and Labarthe.
105. Presently he decided to retire, and picked a cot, also removing his shoes.
106. Try not to let the worry of cot death affect the first few months getting to know your new baby.
107. I'd been provided with a sagging army cot and a card table chair.
108. The walls were lined with white cot - baskets in which babies lay.
109. Cot death, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is also directly related to smoking.
110. In a pinch, you could even set up a small cot and sleep in it!
111. In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.
112. The French artist of Academicism, Pierre Auguste Cot, was renowned for his classical and allegorical paintings, and was highly appreciated for his sweet and realistic depictions.
113. The girl lay on an army cot, all doped up with Valium.
114. Why do other people get a bamboo cot to sleep on while I don't?
115. He twisted on his cot and felt pity for himself.
116. A baby whose mother smoked during pregnancy runs a higher risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome - known in the UK as Cot Death),[http:///cot.html] as does an infant who is exposed to secondhand smoke.
117. Maternal smoking remains one of the biggest risk factors for cot death.
118. The baby hurt itself when it fell out of its cot.
119. At night he would lie sleepless on his cot, suffering an almost unbearable frustration.
120. The cot was mine when I was little and the blankets are by Nicola Mcghee, our newest Papa Stour artist, she does beautiful wool blankets that all come in vintage bags.
121. If you have a baby , a cot would also be necessary.
122. He Finally got up and, throwing off his clothes, climbed into his iron cot.
123. Intimate relationships were limited to a stack of old nudie magazines with well-thumbed pages, which he kept on the floor beneath his cot.
124. But Minetta found himself still looking at the vacant cot.
125. He sat on the edge of his cot , running his fingers through his wild hair.
126. The danger of feeding babies formula or pasteurized milk, devoid of enzymes, can be seen to be a major factor in the cot death problem .
127. Beijing Women and Children's is one of the capital's more progressive hospitals,(http:///cot.html) and allows one parent to sleep in a child's room on a cot.
128. However, studies linking bed-sharing with an increased risk of cot death and fears that a mother will roll over and smother her child means that women are generally advised against this.
129. Research also indicates they are also at higher risk of cot death.
130. The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained.
131. But, its side effect also shows distinguish itself in very much in many types of antipsychotics, such as: fat, the blood sugar going up, blood fat , cot death , the diabetes etc.




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