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单词 Foundering
1, The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity. 
2, The ship foundered in the heavy seas.
3, Mohammed was the founder of the Muslian religon.
4, Their marriage began to founder soon after the honeymoon.
5, The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.
6, The first safety razor was invented by company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.
7, He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.
8, He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.
9, The boat foundered on rocks near the harbour.
10, France is a founder member of the European Union.
11, The project foundered after problems with funding.
12, The ship foundered on the rocks.
13, Dr Hardy was a founder member of the club.
14, The talks foundered on the issue of compensation.
15, The talks have foundered,(http:///foundering.html) largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals.
16, A New York jury brought criminal indictments against the founder of the organization.
17, The initiative foundered because there was no market interest in redevelopment.
18, The mare foundered under the heavy load and collapsed in the road.
19, The school has a memorial tablet engraved with the name of the founder.
20, The ferry foundered in a heavy storm, taking many of the passengers and crew with it.
21, By 1992 her marriage was foundering.
22, According to court records, Dubroff's business was foundering and he was facing eviction.
23, Foundering in shoreless gulfs the world is done.
24, The lifeboat soon got abreast of the foundering ship.
25, The Obama administration's push for high-speed trains is foundering, as Congress moves to clamp down on funding and a showcase California project encounters new hurdles.
26, The United States is unhappy, divided and foundering both at home and abroad.
27, But they're hard to miss in foundering blue-collar and low-end service communities across the country.
28, Just before last year's Copenhagen summit, it enacted an emissions-trading scheme just as an Australian attempt to do the same was foundering.
29, President Barack Obama told Congress in February the administration would likely need more money to stabilize financial markets foundering on the mountain of souring debts.
30, Men's difficulties are hardly evident in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street. But they're hard to miss in foundering blue-collar and low-end service communities across the country.
31, Ranging from jump-starting TV and Web convergence to pumping life into the company's foundering search product, Vista promises to push the broadband envelope.
32, As a result, he adds with a sigh, "We have been foundering from the moment we set foot on the moon."
33, In Europe and the United States, the end of fiscal stimulus has left communities and industries foundering.
34, With global climate-change negotiations foundering, the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor. But the money must be found from somewhere.
35, With global climate - change negotiations foundering, the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor.
36, And then of course there is Afghanistan, where Mr Obama remains commander-in-chief of an army at war in a foundering campaign.




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