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单词 Brusque
1. The doctors are brusque and busy .
2. His secretary was rather brusque with me.
3. The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.
4. His manner was self-assured and brusque.
5. His brusque manner hides a shy and sensitive nature.
6. They received a characteristically brusque reply from him.
7. Her brusque manner concealed a caring nature.
8. Mathison's brusque style tends to irritate colleagues.
9. Her secretary was a little brusque on the phone.
10. Off steps a brusque and bristling figure, carrying a kitbag and casual in a crew-neck sweater.
11. He is the kindest of men beneath his brusque exterior.
12. They are both logical and just a little brusque with me.
13. Major Hartley-Harrington's widow was a big, brusque woman, with muscular legs and a nose she could look down.
14. He was pale, of brusque manners, somewhat given to affectation, but of immaculate dress and generous to his enemies.
15. He went out thinking that, behind all her brusque banter, she was a kindly little soul.
16. In public he appears brusque and dismissive, but he is in fact a very caring person.
17. Then she smiled at me in a brusque, dismissive manner and directed me to the railway station.
18. It was just his usual brusque, impetuous way of speaking.
19. He had ranged ahead, limiting himself to brusque commands and a variety of signals.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Alienated by his brusque personality, many administration members and close Bush associates had made clear their reluctance to serve under him.
21. She was offended by his brusque reply.
22. Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque?
23. He is never brusque with his comrades.
24. Explain as little as possible without being brusque.
25. It is the spirit that underlay the Bush administration's brusque dismissal of the Kyoto protocol on global warming.
26. He limped over to the leg-press machine, his air brusque and withdrawn.
27. Normally so courteous and tidy, if Loi was fishing, he became brusque and rude, oblivious to his surroundings.
28. Richardson's enthusiasm made his visits great fun, but he could be brusque.
29. We had been informed only the night before that the board would proceed in this brusque and unprecedented fashion.
30. Pross, Miss, Lucie Manette's devoted nurse and protectress, rather brusque in manner but with a heart of gold.
1. The doctors are brusque and busy .
2. His secretary was rather brusque with me.
31. Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.
32. She was businesslike and brusque, with no small talk.
33. Eleanor was brusque and firm and businesslike.
34. Indeed, some point out that Britain has a long history of brusque and occasional brutish behavior.
35. His reply was brusque.
36. I thought him more sensitive and gentle than his occasionally brusque manner suggested.
37. For all his brusque bullheadedness, he had taken great risks to win a more secure future for Israel.
38. His manner was brusque.
39. But Mr Fenty's brusque style has alienated many of his constituents.
40. Some customers are not ratIT brusque and don't seem to like conversation.
40. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41. Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable, the hours were incredibly long.
42. His manner seemed easier and, while still not friendly, was certainly less brusque and not aggressive.
43. He was criticised from the outset as being brusque and confrontational.




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