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单词 Exaggerated
1. These figures have been greatly exaggerated.
2. The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated.
3. They exaggerated the enemy's losses and understated their own.
4. These problems have been exaggerated by the media.
5. The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
6. The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated.
7. Reports of his drinking have been wildly exaggerated.
8. She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance.
9. The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated .
10. They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.
11. The newspapers exaggerated the whole affair wildly.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. The story had been wildly exaggerated.
13. He looked at me with exaggerated surprise.
14. Demand for satellite television has been greatly exaggerated.
15. The danger had been greatly exaggerated.
16. Inevitably, the press exaggerated the story.
17. He apologized with exaggerated courtesy.
18. He made an exaggerated bow.
19. Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.
20. He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.
21. The reports were greatly exaggerated.
22. Press reports have been grossly exaggerated.
23. The problem has been exaggerated out of all proportion.
24. He spoke with an exaggerated New York accent.
25. He exaggerated the details to spice up the story.
26. The press exaggerated the whole affair wildly.
27. The story was grossly exaggerated by certain sections of the press.
28. His claims to an intimacy with the President are somewhat exaggerated.
29. The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.
30. The historical significance of these events can be easily exaggerated .
1. These figures have been greatly exaggerated.
2. The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated.
3. They exaggerated the enemy's losses and understated their own.
4. These problems have been exaggerated by the media.
5. The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
6. The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated.
7. Reports of his drinking have been wildly exaggerated.
8. She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance.
9. The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated .
10. They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.
11. His claims to an intimacy with the President are somewhat exaggerated.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.
13. He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them not into going.
31. He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them not into going.
32. They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures.
33. Traditional theories of autonomous man have exaggerated species differences.
34. Exaggerated claims and puffs appear through out the text.
35. White-male fears of reverse discrimination have been widely exaggerated.
36. Critics say that the report's figures are greatly exaggerated.
37. Meanwhile, his behavior became even more exaggerated.
38. The numbers killed in the massacre are probably exaggerated.
39. Rosie stared at her with exaggerated astonishment.
40. Its position is similar to that of Mark Twain: reports of its death would be greatly exaggerated.
41. The only rule here is not to go for exaggerated styles.
42. Rather there was a gradual change in tone and emphasis but one that should not be exaggerated.
43. No doubt, in many ways this gloom about the condition of Britain in the seventies was exaggerated.
44. The lanced foot has a grossly exaggerated flexion reflex for days.
45. Racial tensions in Fiji were exaggerated for political ends by leaders of the opposition.
46. That increase accounts for the large sales increase, exaggerated by the initial stocks sold to franchises.
47. With undercarriage down and full flap these symptoms are further exaggerated, and the speed comes back to below eighty.
48. All of these pressures are greatly exaggerated in the new lifestyles shown on the electronic media.
49. Out of this noisome soil grew some of the funerary customs of the upper classes, which today strike us as so exaggerated.
50. Very soon he slowed to a halt, and then moved back, with exaggerated dignity, to join his companions.
51. The exaggerated tonal contrasts Manet used added drama to his paintings.
52. The building trades are also riddled with extortionate practices, but here the influence of the Mafia is probably exaggerated.
53. That imbalance in brain chemicals also could lead to exaggerated responses to stress, resulting in extreme fatigue.
54. She had not exaggerated when she'd said she felt weary.
55. In the new workplace, all those with minim urn workplace literacy will be quickly hired, possibly at exaggerated salaries.
56. Fears that London's reputation as the world's leading financial centre has been permanently damaged are considered to be exaggerated.
57. His dialogue has a slightly exaggerated authenticity and his direction has pace.
58. The registration statistics revealed only 4.5% as non-standard entrants, and this may be a slightly exaggerated figure.
59. In our view the benefits of local economic development generally have been exaggerated while the costs have been largely ignored.
60. The WTO insists these concerns are either exaggerated or fabricated.
61. Anyway, there was always the suspicion that they were exaggerated by Stalin's propaganda machine.
62. There is also an exaggerated demarcation of social distance between ranks, and deferential behavior by subordinate ranks toward superiors.
63. Their interpretability, however, must not be exaggerated; their meanings are not necessarily wholly predictable on first acquaintance.
64. Holmes says that the rivalry between the two companies has been exaggerated.
65. Think of that story getting passed down the generations, each time they handed it on it became more colourful and exaggerated.
66. In the manner of converted preachers, he exaggerated the seeds of corruption sown in his youth.
67. Consider the death of Amtrak, to paraphrase Mark Twain, to be greatly exaggerated.
68. The estimate was exaggerated in proportion to the original exaggeration of the size of the fleet.
69. And the younger kids who wanted to be ultra-mod, exaggerated the look.
70. But whereas caricature depends on paring down character to exaggerated essentials, acting conveys shades, nuances and inconsistencies.
71. The exaggerated acid response to gastrin can be explained by the increased parietal cell mass present in duodenal ulcer patients.
72. I see that I enjoy an exaggerated reputation for probity among my compatriots.
73. All this, of course,(http:///exaggerated.html) is during a time of exaggerated relief following the Pleistocene glaciation.
74. It may be quite striking, with the head and extremities exhibiting gross, irregular oscillations exaggerated by voluntary movements.
75. We have, in recent years, exaggerated this distinction and created an awkward divorce between practice and research.
76. It would be a remarkable party, and already our apartment was acquiring a quality of exaggerated and unrestrained festivity.
77. I could see his cruel face, the hollows exaggerated by the flickering lights.
78. Officials insist, for example, that the scope for privatisation is exaggerated.
79. The scale of deprivation and the constraints on mobility within these cores should not, however, be exaggerated.
80. But the project was all massively exaggerated by O'Rourke, a Walter Mitty conman just declared bankrupt.
81. Earlier maps had underestimated the distances to other continents and exaggerated the outlines of individual nations.
82. Had she not wildly exaggerated the significance of the advertisement?
83. Meal times provide a marvellous forum for stories, some wildly exaggerated, others somewhat embarrassing.
84. I began to flutter my eyelashes in a rather exaggerated way.
85. If the theory is correct, the females in a species like peafowl must prefer those males with the most exaggerated tails.
86. Having exaggerated the likelihood of Labour's victory, the media are almost bound to exaggerate the significance of its defeat.
87. In an exclusive interview, Richard Feast discovers that his reputation for straight, sometimes controversial, talking is not exaggerated.
88. It is, of course, difficult as yet to say whether or not these fears are unduly alarmist or exaggerated or even groundless.
89. The gain was exaggerated by the return of striking aircraft workers, analysts said.
90. Meanwhile, though rumours of a Spinal Tap sequel are exaggerated, the band do plan a London concert this summer.
91. Two veiled female figures leaned in exaggerated mourning over an urn in the Grecian taste of the 1810s.
92. As they stepped out on to the pavement Charlie bade his partner goodnight with an exaggerated bow.
93. But these difficulties should not be exaggerated: most of them are, after all, suffered by the plaintiff as well.
94. The immediate effect of these changes can be easily exaggerated.
95. The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
96. The value of this annual increment of rich topsoil can hardly be exaggerated.
97. That may be an arresting statement, but it is hardly an exaggerated description of what they did.
98. In successive years the outline had grown more pronounced and the current rainless spell exaggerated them yet more.
99. Olivia played excerpts from I Pagliacci and Harry sang in an exaggerated voice, his hand on his heart.
100. Characteristically White's opulent bass comes with a pronounced vibrato which tends to get exaggerated on disc.
101. It covered the whole of her face, shaping to its contours and jutting out with an exaggerated jawline.
101. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
102. Each side exaggerated and widely publicized the acts of barbarism and cruelty committed by the opponent.
103. Such studies may yield exaggerated estimates of total soil loss.
104. Old repertoires break through, as similarities between present and past are seized upon and exaggerated.
105. The controls are very difficult to master, especially on Level 5 where exaggerated momentum makes the sprites virtually uncontrollable.
106. But the authority exercised by the leaders within each party in the period before the revolution should not be exaggerated.
107. Nor should the importance of the gender divide in politics be exaggerated.
108. He greeted them both with exaggerated gesturing and a brilliant smile which augured well for the next twenty-one days.
109. Thus the dark matter would be spread around in a way that mimicked but exaggerated the initial fluctuations.
110. Even quite ordinary forms of stress can have an exaggerated effect on an irritable bowel.
111. In an age so dependent on the horse, the depth and width of interest can barely be exaggerated.
112. But Wordsworth does not use any dialect expression, so that this difficulty need not be exaggerated.
113. Some stories have a ring of truth, if a little exaggerated: They do fit the known biography.
114. Reports of the electoral death of the Conservatives were exaggerated.
115. The men had exaggerated their black eye-sockets with kohl and mascara.
116. The woman pulled on her cigarette, then blew the smoke away straight up into the air with an exaggerated abandonment.
117. E-commerce hasn't significantly altered consumer behavior, experts say, adding that the death of malls was exaggerated.
118. Libertarian emphasis on the radicalizing effect of restricted employment opportunities, too, appears exaggerated.
119. The joker exaggerated Lilley's plight, but gave an indication of a dilemma he was about to face on the hustings.
120. This was a monstrous busy lizzie which started out quite small, but is now rather exaggerated in size.
121. Maybe I had exaggerated things and Gilly wasn't such a bad old stick after all.
122. The front wings were less exaggerated, the rear overhang shorter and the tail a little taller.
123. She had not yet learned how greatly Brian exaggerated his financial problems in order to keep her in line.
124. They need not be exaggerated by anyone who, for whatever reasons, is offended by it.
125. Yet many historians would argue that these claims were fraudulent, or at least greatly exaggerated.
126. Media coverage continued to suggest that the dangers of dioxin had all been exaggerated by emotional environmentalists.
127. Thus I was only too aware that the realities of psychic phenomena were somewhat exaggerated by these treatments.
128. Philippa's fear was exaggerated, as if a bridge had started to collapse under her.
129. Drugs, hormones, food, distension, and emotional stress elicit exaggerated motor responses.
130. The fact is that both the benefits of affirmative action and the white-male fears of reverse discrimination have been exaggerated.
131. The minute we step off the plane, we see Mami has not exaggerated.
131. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132. They grumble about the Ossis' exaggerated expectations and leisurely working habits.
133. There were exaggerated expectations for one thing, a more or less inevitable consequence of those golden years.
134. She had been a scamp in those days, he said, sighing with exaggerated wistfulness.
135. Hence also the exaggerated tribalism, the bullheaded racism of an Alf Garnett, the dogged male chauvinism of an Andy Capp.
136. Their untrained but nervous eyes, and rumour, vastly exaggerated both the ferocity and size of the advancing army.
137. Perhaps it is because of a hearty dislike of chauvinism and exaggerated nationalism that I have not become an intense patriot.
138. No one was killed or even harmed, except for the emotional trauma caused by the exaggerated reports of peril.
139. Some wildly exaggerated claims have been made about this so-called "wonder-drug".
140. He gave an exaggerated stretch, displaying the powerful biceps and the soft inside skin of his arms.
141. Yet even Peter's ascendancy over the nobility must not be exaggerated.
142. Their personalities are easily exaggerated, their foibles ripe for caricature or psychotherapy.
143. But his physique was not impressive, and I fear he must have exaggerated.
144. Let's also agree that my observations are exaggerated by 15 percentage points.
145. Like other bystanders, they felt the fuss over color was exaggerated, particularly since they had seen it happen before.
146. Kenneth Haley, an economist for Chevron, supported lifting the embargo on principle but said both sides have exaggerated the impact.
147. The extent to which educational skills are needed in broadcasting can none the less be exaggerated.
148. In the past, anthropologists have made the most exaggerated claims concerning the supposed typicality of their observations.
149. Machismo is an exaggerated cult of virility which expresses itself in male assertions of superiority over females, and competition between men.
150. A certain mental and physical deterioration of course occurs with age, but its speed and effects are popularly exaggerated.
151. All demonstrate an exaggerated sense of entitlement.
152. As usual, imagination exaggerated the possibilities for her.
153. John said it was grossly exaggerated.
154. This report seems somewhat exaggerated, and should be verified.
155. Exaggerated angulation is as faulty as too little.
156. Reports of spider bites are greatly exaggerated.
157. The matter is much exaggerated.
158. The fact is incredibly exaggerated.
159. He enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity.
160. Their statement unjustified also great - exaggerated view cause.
161. To solve the problem of exaggerated angle pulse in the ratio driving and tracing measuring technique in testing in situ for large gears, the programmable dynamic frequency doubler has been developed.
161. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162. The most famous element is the musical scene where Red performs and "Wolfie" reacts with lusty howling and exaggerated amorousness .
163. I don't think the importance of this defect should be exaggerated.
164. People close to the Obama's transition team caution against exaggerated expectations related to the stimulus plan.
165. Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder.
166. He also missed last weekend's trip to Tarragona with a troublesome knee, although yesterday he reacted sharply to suggestions that he has exaggerated injuries.
167. Design of bright - coloured colour, exaggerated gave us never-failing daydream.
168. The shift is even more exaggerated when they're not happy with their current partners, said Kristina Durante, a social psychologist at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
169. The short seller alleges, among other things, that Sino-Forest fraudulently exaggerated its tree-plantation assets.
170. Side wrinkles are desirable, but should never be exaggerated into dewlap.
171. He greeted his mother with an exaggerated hug which she barely returned.
172. This exaggerated elevator swash mix will accomplish the same function of a 140 CCPM radio setting.
173. The lobster likely uses its exaggerated claw, or cheliped, to defend against other crustaceans.
174. Questions need to be pertinent to students' educational background; otherwise the university creates an incentive for false or exaggerated information.
175. He held the words of Montanus to be really those of the Paraclete , and he characteristically exaggerated their import.
176. They are often misshapen or exaggerated in shape or expression.
177. An exaggerated vertical scale is useful, however, when dealing with low dips and subdued topography.
178. Fears about the fragility of the global recovery are exaggerated .
179. And, microsoft also exaggerated the action of new plan, underestimated relevant cost expenses.
180. Fourth, worries about exposure to an overheated property market are exaggerated.
181. Chandler takes Monica to a work party, as well as some outings with Chandler's boss and his wife; Monica learns that 'Work Chandler' is a suck-up with an exaggerated laugh.
182. So, parents, lighten up . The stakes have been vastly exaggerated. Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness .
183. Inevitably her exploits were exaggerated and she became known as an adventuress .
184. Hans - J ü rgen Papier , the court's president, thinks its reputation for activism is exaggerated.
185. Dr Kirsch believes published data give an exaggerated view of a drug's benefit.
186. Normal range of the pituitary response during early follicular phase was established. 78% of these amenorrheic patients revealed normal or exaggerated response.
187. Should pay attention to the distinction between "exaggerated the extent of loss" and the fictional subject of insurance in the "over-insurance.
188. Conclusion:The persistently exaggerated expression of VEGF in ectopic endometrium and eutopic endometrium in patients with EM may be related to the pathogenesis of EM.
189. Moderate but not exaggerated exercise increase the activity of the white blood cells, particularly the natural killer cell activity.
190. Yeah. The pharmaceuticals companys purposely exaggerated the H1N1 epidemic situation and its perniciousness.
191. In order to avoid falling flat on his face, the meditator leans back, causing an exaggerated hollowing in the lower back.
191. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
192. Perhaps Methuselah lived hundreds of years. Perhaps this is only an exaggerated account.
193. But the contrast, though in some respects genuine, should not be exaggerated.
194. The whole company began laughing in an exaggerated manner in order to pay him court.
195. This strange result has nothing to do with forecasters making exaggerated claims, or with the innate cussedness of the climate.
196. In the novel, the author portrayed Lady Wang, a typical hellcat image with the exaggerated writing technique. Meanwhile, he offered a series ways of treating one's jealous psychology in it.
197. Covet is be murdered, self-condemned, hypochondriasis more, by pilfer, poverty or exaggerated covet.
198. Skip , the bartender made the sour planters'punch with exaggerated, ironic care.
199. Photo Gallery: Abu Simbel A painting at Abu Simbel shows Ramses II beating war captives. Here Ramses exaggerated his size—and possibly his heroic feats.
200. Exaggerated modelling, Technicolor makes the new style that children furniture design and room decorate.
201. Class struggle exists objectively in socialist society . It'should be neither underestimated nor exaggerated.
202. The puppets are intricately crafted and feature highly exaggerated expressions.
203. The article also applies the Salop"s circle model to demonstrate that over competition in the industrial clusters will cause exaggerated number of enterprises and increase of the price in the field."
204. His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated, but they had a tremendous impact.
205. Actually speaking, I don't like over exaggerated bloodiness and violence very much.
206. Can much suggestion sex includes " rejuvenescent " , time feeling is lost, exaggerated covet and inspect richly psychedelic.
207. Turkey has said the numbers are exaggerated and the deaths not deliberate genocide.
208. Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect.
209. The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.
210. To assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental attitude; attitudinize.
211. The value of his work as a masterpiece of logic has been very grossly exaggerated.
212. The nuclear winter theory also remains controversial, with some scientists saying the predicted effects have been exaggerated.
213. Some people claim the problem of moral hazard is exaggerated.
214. Monica learns that "Work Chandler" is a suck-up with an exaggerated laugh.
215. Q : He was taking up some quite exaggerated positions to return your serve. Is that disconcerting?
216. This photo, with highly exaggerated color, shows Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS).
217. Sufferers generalized anxiety disorder have persistent and exaggerated worries and constantly expect disaster.
218. Exaggerated sections distort the shapes of folds as well as bed thickness.
219. The average estimate may give an exaggerated impression of the enduring loss of productive capacity.




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