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单词 Determining
1. Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
2. They are determining the serum - protein and cholesterol levels.
3. Genes operate together in determining the characteristics of an individual organism .
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate.
5. The age of a wine is a determining factor as to how it tastes.
6. Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character.
7. The third determining factor is finance.
8. Determining an executive's salary is not a straightforward task.
9. Again, budget is a determining factor in decision making.
10. Space is a determining factor on performance.
11. It means determining the gender for breeding purposes.
12. Depth, the Wildcats said, was the determining factor.
13. The determining factor should be the needs of patients.
14. Determining the extent of the evidence against Berenson is difficult, because her defense was limited by the judicial system here.
15. In determining whether there is a false trade description the court looks at the situation as an ordinary purchaser would.
16. Determining the shape all these negotiations will take is difficult because few flat tax plans have been spelled out in detail.
17. Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures)says. Joyce Meyer 
18. But there are no easy ways of determining the actual role of women in decision making in the use of birth control.
19. The majority of the Court avoided determining whether the first treaty prohibited a limited number of States from concluding a subsequent treaty.
20. Some banks manage customers' investment portfolios with the customer and/or bank determining overall investment strategy.
21. Given the serious clinical ramifications, most attention has been justifiably directed at determining whether antihypertensive treatments are carcinogenic.
22. To Governments Democracy is the right of people to participate in running and determining their own destiny.
23. Palatial observatories were founded at Paris, London, and Berlin for the express purpose of determining longitude by the heavens.
24. This alone could not take into account the much finer distinctions that it is necessary to look at when determining social class.
25. The influential Bell study gave them largely a clean bill of health as a model for determining disputes concerning entitlement to benefit.
26. How far are market forces in this area more influential in determining who gets what housing than state intervention?
27. It is becoming increasingly evident that the traditional scientific approach to determining reality has run its course.
28. First under the poll tax and now under the council tax, central control has replaced local democracy in determining spending.
29. Problems were now far more likely to arise in determining the rights of succession among competing members of a princely family.
30. The size of the body also plays a part in determining how quickly decomposition occurs.
1. Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
2. They are determining the serum - protein and cholesterol levels.
31. These results suggest that underlying health is much more important than age in determining prognosis after hospital care with community-acquired pneumonia.
32. It could be suggested that this is one determining factor in whether teachers are able to effect and sustain change.
33. Theology must somehow be playing on a different pitch, with revelation determining the rules and faith the outcome.
34. Interest rate levels also can play a decisive role in determining currency values.
35. All creatures contain, within themselves, their own individual characteristics of mind and being, determining their varying levels of intelligence.
36. Debt and economic difficulties are less significant than political priorities in determining access to education.
37. The first concern is determining the appropriate earnings to be capitalized. the second is determining the appropriate capitalization rate.
38. Often when determining the economic and financial feasibility of these projects, the additional costs of such programs tend to be overlooked.
39. It now seems that the time of injection may be of crucial importance in determining the effects of melatonin.
40. When determining whether information is public knowledge they have regard to the form in which it is available.
41. We will seek fairer and more rational ways of determining public sector pay within clearly defined budget limits.
42. Cast off a calculation determining how much space copy will take up when typeset.
43. This is important for determining the extent to which the congregation may participate in the prayer.
44. Determining the constituent morphemes is further complicated because there may be more than one possible segmentation for a word.
45. Thus(), product prices play a key role in determining the expenditure patterns of consumers.
46. The critical factors in determining the growth in the present study are all external; none are intrinsic to the science itself.
47. Simple belief is often the determining factor in economic matters.
48. It is interesting to ponder how the values of planners are formulated with respect to determining aesthetic criteria for decision-making.
49. Whether the stadium logs another round of lease-backed debt will go far in determining the fate of other major capital-improvement projects here.
50. The Profitboss therefore puts an immense amount of work into determining his final position prior to the negotiation.
51. Women would be much harsher in determining who should lose their right to own a gun.
52. Within this array of determining variables, great prominence is accorded to the ratio, the stock of real balances.
53. Such estimates may be based on calculations which use the determining variables.
54. The government crafted the bailout scheme with little public discussion and without determining who was responsible for the losses.
55. Furthermore, the role of the police is crucial in determining whether offences that they do know about are proceeded against.
56. Within the same language, text type seems to be an important factor in determining the choice of pattern.
57. Invitro experiments show back titration to be very accurate and precise in determining the alkali content of standard bicarbonate solutions.
58. But it is notable for another reason: It has a peculiar way of determining the gender of its babies.
59. Finally, in determining your base, all relevant contractual terms should be examined.
60. For the first time the significance of lone pairs of electrons, in determining the overall shape of molecules was recognised.
61. Unfortunately, determining the physical properties of an asteroid be-fore its impact is quite challenging.
62. Gender is also a particularly important factor in determining whether or not individuals are supported or prevented in their attempts to live independently.
63. What makes the failure devastating is that education is probably the most important factor in determining human development.
63. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
64. But there is no identifiable general principle determining which acts of government require positive legal authorization in order to be lawful.
65. Arthur Andersen was requested by Benzina management to provide assistance in determining the value of the petrol filling stations.
66. The purpose was to discover precisely how important qualifications were in determining their occupational chances.
67. A thorough knowledge of such conditions is essential when determining the most advantageous international payment methods for your business.
68. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and Wilson disease were excluded by determining serum concentrations of alpha-1 antitrypsin and ceruloplasmin, respectively.
69. Lead is mainly excreted by the kidney hence urine or whole blood would be appropriate specimens for determining lead exposure.
70. The customary thwack on the bottom is still the best method for determining doneness.
71. Three determining factors were identified how bad the Z-Score, how steep the fall and how many years at risk.
72. Traditional methods of determining such risks have limitations: human operators can become tired and can be distracted.
73. Meanwhile the opinions of newspaper proprietors played a disproportionate role in determining politicians' views of what the public wanted.
74. But I think this will go a long way in determining where we are going.
75. Different schemes have different ways of determining how members' pension entitlements are calculated.
76. To provide financial information useful for determining and predicting the economic condition of the governmental unit and changes therein.
77. Data from the 1990 census indicate exactly how crucial higher education is in determining earning power.
78. So it will be obvious that we have considerable flexibility in determining the size of parachute.
79. My loving parents are determining my future, with only my best interests at heart.
80. However, it is a helpful way of determining whether any lessons can be learned for future projects.
81. One must have regard to the potential for legal expenses when determining the ultimate extrajudicial settlement figure in any case.
82. In determining what is a legitimate interest the librarian can safely rely upon one guide only - the law of the land.
83. They are evaluated and yet play no part in defining the criteria, determining the methods, or controlling the process.
84. In determining whether the City Code applies it is the nature of the target company which is relevant.
85. Ideology has been one major determining factor in the strategic approach adopted by unions.
86. Determining motivation in any human endeavor is a murky matter, but two motives stand out: making money and making law.
87. After two weeks I discontinued them after determining they were not significantly improving morale.
88. Finally, the reforms aimed to shift the balance of power in determining use of resources from hospital doctors to general practitioners.
89. This again serves to highlight the importance of the cut-off point in determining estimates of illness prevalence.
90. The Department of Employment does not gather such figures, especially under the new scheme of determining unemployment statistics.
91. In so doing they extended the problem of determining the relationship between rhetoric and reality into the early barbarian period.
92. Aside from team coordination, tactics play a huge part in determining whether you are on the winning or losing side.
93. Will social factors be given equal weight with medical factors when determining such claims?
94. He, himself, did not identity a shortfall in March 1992,(http:///determining.html) the context for determining that appeal then.
95. At present the Monopolies and Mergers Commission is charged with determining whether a proposed merger is contrary to the public interest.
96. Economic practices come into the literature in determining a fair price or a fair wage.
97. The method is particularly useful for determining the average relative molecular masses of polymers and other macromolecular substances.
98. Newborns seek nourishment and relief from discomfort, with their reflexes determining behavior.
99. The only notable factor in determining regional differences was the availability of building materials.
100. However, the issues involved in determining environmental impact are often complex.
101. Hence it will be necessary to take account of the structure in determining what leadership role is most appropriate.
102. The vendor selling the information would have absolutely no way of determining whether he was selling to one person or 500.
103. As we have shown, this is one of the main factors determining company decisions on output, employment and investment.
104. The press had become a prime mover in determining government policy and influencing public opinion.
105. The Group would review all proposals with an eye to determining issues of policy.
106. The materials used to construct biosensors, and their covering layers, are important in determining the practical success of the biosensor.
107. Obtaining good current legal advice is an important part of determining a point of view about the disease.
108. As a result there are areas of ambiguity in determining the value of state support for the railways.
109. Until a decade ago, the kingdom had greater flexibility in determining its level of income and expenditure.
110. The later the process of formation of States, the less the importance of domestic factors in determining their creation.
111. Recognition of cursive handwriting is especially prone to errors due to the difficulty of determining the correct segmentation of a word.
112. The current basis for determining whether or not a person is mentally handicapped is the IQ test.
113. There was considerable debate within this school about the overlapping concepts of motive, determining tendency and set.
114. Eventually reason will prevail, but only after the determining structures have developed.
115. Issey Miyake continues to delight audiences at his beautiful shows by determining his own uniquely futuristic fashion logic.
116. An important feature of McGregor's approach is that it shows how management assumptions are important in determining motivation and morale.
117. Trusting relationships between children are a crucial determining factor if we want them to collaborate spontaneously.
118. The process of implementation had a large role in determining the ultimate outcomes.
119. Article 20 gives the government responsibility for determining and conducting national policy.
120. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy on to the female figure, which is styled accordingly.
121. The proceedings now have moved to the stage of determining a penalty.
122. Given this, determining the nature of the interactions between the variables becomes a matter of major difficulty.
123. It is easy to say that genes condition our nature rather than determining our fate, but it is not very satisfying.
123. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
124. This shows that slope form and soil moisture status are particularly influential in determining erosion rates.
125. Nevertheless, there does seem to be ample latitude in determining how many tests will be conclusive in a given case.
126. Policy maker and planner: determining values, establishing aims and objectives, prioritising and communicating them. 6.
127. The mathematical principles of determining where the rate of change is maximal are, for mathematicians, very straight forward.
128. The important role of consumer demand in determining the types and quantities of goods produced must be emphasized.
129. Laid on top of this choice is that of determining the extent of the investment in co-ordination of the various operations.
130. The ultimate responsibility for determining rewards falls back on those who receive them.
131. What other data would be useful in determining the change in economic welfare? 3.
132. Lincoln's role in determining the future of the Barnes is bound to be contested bitterly.
133. ERS-1 will also measure sea temperature, contributing to studies into the role that the oceans play in determining global climate.
134. In recent years a powerful new radar technique for determining the shapes of NEAs has become available.
135. These factors play a significant role in determining how long it will take to train a network.
136. A second way of determining gender is to leave it to the environment.
137. Determining the costs and benefits of regulating insider dealing is by no means a straight forward task.
138. The use of the corpus is vital for determining the probability of grammatical transitions.
139. Such formations are believed to have been used for determining the solstices and other events and are quite rare.
140. We must weigh that in determining whether kids should watch a given show.
141. The physical strength of these bodies is a major factor in determining how hazardous they are.
142. When determining planning applications planning authorities are required to have regard to structure and local plans.
143. In such situations an assessment of the slope of the experience curve is vital in determining the likely profitability of new investments.
144. The kind of firing set-up used is obviously important in determining the firing atmosphere achieved.
145. But there are no such guidelines for determining compensatory damages.
146. Thus the study of reproduction is determining the pattern of the study of production.
147. Nolla etal made a more thorough analysis, determining fluid transport on days 4, 6, 9, and 13.
148. On the other hand the thesis allows maximum flexibility in determining the scope of authority.
149. Program evaluation is concerned specifically with determining the worth or values of efforts expended to achieve a given purpose or objective.
150. In short, genetic factors are regarded as crucial in determining the eventual performance n sport.
151. He said those details include determining where and how firefighting and emergency medical equipment will be dispersed throughout the city.
152. Given consumer tastes, product prices are of fundamental importance in determining consumer expenditure patterns.
153. In the classical theory of comparative advantage(Sentence dictionary), there is no role for government in determining the location of industry.
154. We should not abandon the search for a better way of determining pay for all health service staff.
155. The frontispiece can sometimes provide another piece of valuable evidence in determining the edition or issue of a book.
156. Section 0403 below sets out the procedures to be followed in determining if a client is a corporate finance client.
157. Tax planning and accounting objectives are frequently of crucial importance in determining an appropriate form of consideration.
158. While there is no third party mechanism for determining this, the breakdown into bilateral relationships will continue.
159. It could be charged with the task of determining priorities for primary care funding.
160. One of the best methods for determining significance of change is the technique of graphing.
161. These regional differences in trade patterns are important in determining regional attitudes to alternative arrangements for allocating scarce foreign exchange.
162. They answered questions about, for example, determining key indicators in their area and about getting everyone involved in quality improvement.
163. Such difficulties of determining the impact and the timing of adjustment make generalisations about trade policies elusive.
164. Factors such as temperature and acidity play a crucial role in determining how well the process works.
165. This is a serious omission, given the importance of sentence lengths in determining the overall size of the prison population.
166. Finally, price is important in determining the relative standing of one product or product line vis-a-vis another within the product mix.
167. It must evaluate the input signals, determining the strength of each one.
168. Party loyalty used to be a powerful force in determining legislative action.
169. The successful application of competition to increase value for money should be an important factor in determining performance pay.
170. The relationship between these factors in determining the spatial distribution of the elderly is unknown and probably varies historically.
171. Of particular relevance in determining whether to accept an acquisition engagement are: Engagement risk.
172. The Bill deals with the treatment of asylum seekers and procedures for determining their claims.
173. In the past, national presidents have imposed their will on the party, not only determining policies but leaders.
174. Alternatively, judges might become deeply involved in determining budget policy, including whether Social Security or Medicare checks should be stopped.
175. Smoothly synchronised endocrine function, an intrinsic factor in determining youthfulness, is also notoriously liable to become unbalanced through stress.
176. He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
177. The federal formula for determining funding amounts, Atha says, is based in large part on unemployment rates.
178. Only the most senior officials may be in a position to have some impact upon determining their own interests.
179. You will get a good sense of his professional expertise, as well as determining whether the chemistry is right.
180. Answer guide: There are two main reasons why estimates are used in determining absorption rates.
181. Enter glasnost and perestroika, along with the issues of determining where they would lead, and how fast.
182. Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale, which is another criterion in determining what we consider cruelty to animals.
183. When the astronaut is in a uniform gravitational field he is incapable of determining his motion by any mechanical means.
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
184. Clearly the financial standing of the drawer and drawee are important in determining the rate of discount.
185. Determining the top defensive backs in the draft today and Sunday is easy.
186. Interestingly but not surprisingly, a higher proportion of men than women took occupation to be the principal factor determining class.
187. The planning department of this sixth company questioned the usefulness of determining key environmental issues, particularly given the effort involved.
188. Humans have no problem in determining that this is the past tense of the verb preach.
189. The serum potassium level is sometimes helpful in determining acid-base status.
190. And Monday's game will go a long way towards determining Wright's future.
191. Much effort may need to be spent in determining the level of salary paid to expatriates working overseas on fixed-term contracts.
192. Clearly, therefore,() factors other than the cumulative amount of alcohol consumed are involved in determining which patients develop liver disease.
193. It should be stressed that income is only one factor in determining consumption patterns, however.
194. If the parties wish to adduce evidence in support of their cases, the appropriate way of determining the rent is by arbitration.
195. Morris claims that shaping the campaign strategy was not as simple as taking a poll and then determining what Clinton would say.
196. Determining the oblateness is extremely difficult.
197. Are the underlying assumptions for determining the baseline reasonable?
198. Countries differ greatly in determining taxable earnings.
199. The key to determining Mars's internal activity is given by quakes.
200. The task of determining the stress intensity factor is by no means a simple one.
201. Carrie went out and there he sat, determining to do something.
202. Naturalists differ much in determining what characters are of generic value.
203. A method of device interconnection for determining interruptpriority by connecting the interrupt sources serially.
204. But once their use in determining seasons was realized, their importance to agriculture became very great.
205. In such fine sediments, cohesion is an important factor in determining critical conditions.
206. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.
207. The log decrement are suitable for determining interface bond damage.
208. There remain many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life.
209. It is less reliable than serologic tests in determining immune status.
210. We may use the plane stress analysis for determining deflections in the midplane of the beam.
211. In seminar classes that's an important factor in determining a student's grade.
212. In the polymerization systems studied, segmental rearrangement is the important rate - determining phenomenon.




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