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单词 Working-class
1. He felt scorn for his working-class parents.
2. The group is mainly black, mainly working-class.
3. She came from a working-class background.
4. He paints a very romantic image of working-class communities.
5. He has a working-class background.
6. She came from a good, honest, working-class background.
7. He came from an aspiring working-class background.
8. Her accent betrayed her working-class origins.
9. Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified.
10. The second survey was concerned with working-class culture more generally.
11. These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.
12. McClardy's power base is among working-class Catholics.
13. Working-class conservatism and Conservatism is a well known phenomenon.
14. Working-class leisure offended the susceptibilities of their betters.
15. These working-class women, they're like a sheep trial.
16. The statistics show that recorded crime is predominantly working-class.
17. I was from a working-class area.
18. The family lives in Roxbury, a working-class area of Boston.
19. I expect he found he'd sold his working-class birthright for a mess of Bloomsbury pottage.
20. The organization helps children from working-class backgrounds to go to university.
21. It was she who guided my every step in the working-class movement./working-class.html
22. The socialist party is expected to scoop up the majority of the working-class vote.
23. He is now very rich but his allegiance to his working-class origins is still strong.
24. The role of stay-at-home mother is more positively evaluated in working-class communities.
25. Berstein reinforced the belief that language and culture were major barriers in attracting working-class adults to education.
26. Death was a respecter of persons, and chances of survival were better in the upper and middle-classes than in the working-class.
27. There is no doubt that the outcome of that long campaign, the Act itself, was a bitter disappointment to working-class radicals.
28. Again, there were considerable variations between the townships, the greatest distinctions being between the working-class and middle-class communities.
29. Home, for Mr Kronweiser, was a large bedroom in a working-class house to the north of the town.
30. His theory about language codes was seized upon by those seeking to explain why working-class children under-achieved at school.
1. He felt scorn for his working-class parents.
2. The group is mainly black, mainly working-class.
3. She came from a working-class background.
31. Most of the members lived on the council estate and were from working-class or lower-middle-class backgrounds.
32. The Maritime Province was both the temporary home for working-class compatriots from the homeland and the base for patriots residing abroad.
33. Working-class political parties also came to serve a useful integrative function for monopoly capital.
34. Early nineteenth-century environmentalism had focused on sexuality as part of a general concern with the habits and morals of the urban working-class.
35. The loss of working-class support for Labour is the outstanding feature of post-war electoral sociology in Britain.
36. Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not.
37. These findings were welcomed as reinforcing the need for top universities to do more to attract working-class and state-school students.
38. It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male, working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.
39. Working-class women who endured hardship and self-sacrifice and survived with something of themselves still intact.
40. The naturalness and energy in Fields' performances made these films popular with both middle-class and working-class audiences.
41. Jenny was a mere servant, a working-class girl who needed his money to survive.
42. I loved her combination of cultured sophistication and working-class humor.
43. What this criticism draws attention to is the bitter truth about teachers' exclusive concentration upon creativity with working-class pupils.
44. But on the other hand, this respectable ideology was deeply rooted in the general experience of working-class life.
45. Marriage was essential for the young working-class girl, indeed an economic necessity, for she could scarcely have survived unmarried.
46. Previous editions had been published on cheap paper, crudely printed and illustrated, and aimed at a working-class readership.
47. Of the sixteen women in their survey who were currently working-class and had been in institutional care, ten had premarital pregnancies.
48. For example, it has often been suggested that distinctive working-class and middle-class subcultures exist in Western industrial societies.
49. Her working-class male counterpart is not usually ridiculed or disapproved of in this way, as some one whose language is inappropriate.
50. These appeals raise lots of suspicions, for such curricula have traditionally served to exclude working-class people from the classroom.
51. As a result, in the course of their rise through the party hierarchy, even Bolsheviks of working-class origin became intellectuals.
52. By far the rudest electors, in my canvassing experience, are old, white, working-class men.
53. In working-class areas, neighbours similarly look after each other's offspring.
54. Our institutions were set up by middle-class people and the staff, even when their own origins are working-class, reflect those values.
55. Photography was fast becoming a medium in which working-class people could present themselves to each other.
56. The days when politicians such as Roosevelt or Truman could appeal to a natural working-class constituency are gone.
57. Pensions then were equivalent to two-thirds or more of average incomes of working-class adults.
58. Working-class families, by contrast, are less likely to provide an environment that encourages scholastic skills.
59. In the pre-punk 1970s, before working-class chic peaked, hipsters at art school would have out-posed middle-class Ruby.
60. In antiracist analyses the irrationality of popular or working-class racism is conceptualized primarily as a form of false consciousness.
61. The family lived in a two-room rented flat in a predominantly working-class area.
62. The title came from the nineteenth-century paper produced by the Chartists that had combined satire with working-class reportage.
63. The provision of council housing has had an equalising effect both as regards reducing overcrowding and improving housing amenities among working-class people.
64. Middle-class voters have tended to support the Conservative party in Britain, and working-class voters the Labour party.
65. Commercial people lagged behind, but they were ahead of the textile workers, the first working-class group to show strong limitation.
66. Middle-class and working-class people and men and women have quite different patterns of friendship.
67. Purists could be utterly ruthless about the menace working-class immorality posed to the middle-class home.
68. They were conscious of the ups and downs of working-class agitation for political rights, the vote - and more.
69. In so doing I depart somewhat from studies of working-class involvement in the formal political sphere during the twentieth century.
70. And it was this convergence that engendered a tradition among the working-class electorate of voting Labour.
71. The children of some middle-class parents have taken up working-class occupations.
72. Magazines of the day published architectural plans for craftsman bungalows that were affordable to working-class as well as middle-class families.
73. This sentiment was repeated a few years later by the Newsom Report in relation to average ability working-class adolescents.
74. Pat came from a working-class Catholic family in Denver, where her father had worked as an electrician.
75. These alliances consolidated the identification of Labour with the working-class electorate.
76. She saw her political and union commitment as grounded in a class consciousness developed during childhood in a poor working-class community.
77. This romance is duly mirrored in working-class politics - miners are the Clark Gables, the Reds of class struggle.
78. Working-class women cuddled their babies up in the warm as women had done for millions of years.
79. Territoriality was the key to urban working-class sporting loyalties and this was sometimes expressed in acts of violence.
80. Howdendyke is almost wholly working-class and current policies prevent in-migration.
81. Before 1914, neither peasant land hunger nor working-class militancy were abating.
82. This has not consisted simply of middle-class reformers defining the working-class family as problematic, for which there is a long tradition.
83. This change puts at greater risk those working-class boys and girls who fail to acquire any such paper qualifications.
84. As a populist Hopkins was well aware of the problems facing middle-class reformers in the dialogue with working-class audiences.
85. The much publicized working-class Conservative has yet to take command of the green leather benches.
86. Indeed, it seems highly likely that working-class families would have controlled family size through the old, rather than new, techniques.
87. This message had clearly coded racial overtones and appealed to many working-class whites, particularly in rural areas of the recession-hit state.
88. But at the same time another pressure is being applied to the least gifted children from working-class homes.
89. Working-class women are no less likely than middle-class women to express dissatisfaction with housework.
90. This indicator must be a characteristic that is easily identifiable, and which clearly distinguishes working-class students from others.
91. This can be traced in the working-class response to birth-control propaganda, which was often extremely hostile.
92. The revolutionary Marxist ideology adopted by the intelligentsia began to merge with the working-class movement.
93. My old dad got really wild if you said he was working-class.
94. A working-class housewife married to a machine operator declares: Housework is boring.
95. The major political parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals, were increasingly aware of the need to compete for working-class support.
96. All the resolution needed for maximum impact, I thought, was to have its sharp working-class rhetoric muted.
97. Despite the wry observations about the differences between working-class Hispanics and upper-class whites, this is not a story about culture clashes.
98. She was a pioneer in the development of working-class housing in the second half of the nineteenth century.
99. Working-class women, it seems, only entered these establishments as models and cleaning women.
100. It included government-sponsored contributory old-age pensions, and eight-hour day and improved working-class housing.
101. The Co-operative movement was a form of mutual aid with a wider working-class appeal although it also largely excluded the poorest.
102. They were areas with a shifting working-class population, and ideal for putting down bohemian roots.
103. The number of working-class children also rose, but the relative proportions remained approximately the same.
104. In the words of a working-class housewife living on a new council estate: It depends what you call friends.
105. Young working-class as much as middle-class respondents wanted home ownership, private pensions, meals out and foreign holidays.
106. His message is aimed at the religious right and angry white working-class voters.
107. It needed to focus on the reform of male sexuality and the improvement of working-class morals.
108. A number of studies confirm the differences between middle- and working-class people in their friendships.
109. Payment for councillors might also persuade more working-class representatives to come forward.
110. Working-class women live in increasing poverty and are more vulnerable than middle-class women to state interference and control.
111. Valley residents will simply love the characterization of the area as a haven for working-class yahoos.
112. The College has provided an important forum and resource for a wide variety of groups and individuals from working-class backgrounds.
113. Sociologists had long been interested in why many working-class pupils did not do as well as middle-class children at school.
114. Support for the extreme right-wing parties was strongest among city-dwelling,(Sentencedict) working-class men under 30.
115. This tension between change and continuity is the key to understanding the inner meaning as opposed to the outward form of working-class sport.
116. The lack of privacy in working-class homes, for example, was obviously a major determinant of mores.
117. What the football terraces offer young working-class males is a chance to escape the boring world of their everyday life.
118. The music halls, professional football and the noisy presence of working-class people at seaside resorts on bank holidays were all attacked.
119. In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life.
120. The same is not true of working-class people, whose social contacts tend to be confined within particular settings.
121. To assess whether this is an accurate picture it is necessary to address the question as to whether crime itself is predominantly working-class.
122. The poor representation of working-class women as well as working-class men among psychologists suggests this is not true.
123. Her family, like mine, was a respectable working-class one, her father being the groundsman at a private preparatory school.
124. Boxers fought an enormous number of contests by modern standards to satisfy a working-class public who wanted to see regular bouts.
125. The Tories have also put on their blinkers, choosing fewer candidates from working-class origin and fewer Etonians.
126. Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
127. Liberal parties were able to make minimal impact on peasant and working-class constituents.
128. Working-class heroes have often flirted with delinquency in adolescence: it is hard to find the right channel for extraordinary energy.
129. It usually investigates working-class subjects by testing them against norms obtained from middle-class samples.
130. Of respectable working-class background with some pretentions to gentility, without formal education, she nevertheless possessed an instinctive refinement of manner.
131. The working-class occupations may be divided into skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled strata, and life-chances broadly differ according to the skill level.
132. And the genuine fusion of Marxism with the working-class movement was reflected in the changing social composition of the party.
133. I was doing a thesis on working-class education in the late nineteenth century at Chelsea College.
134. Although he later affected contempt for the poor, Walters had grown up the son of a working-class Leicestershire Communist.
135. Importantly, this provided him with the working-class raw material for his early empirical studies of language.
136. It was a city as resistant to working-class solidarity as San Francisco was hospitable to it.
137. Younger black families were moving up from Watts and settling by working-class white families newly arrived from the South and the Midwest.
138. Nor do fans see themselves as engaging in a kind of working-class resistance to the commercialization of football in any straight forward sense.
139. Its support began to crumble alarmingly even in its own working-class strongholds.
140. Whereas with us, it's the young, working-class housewife who suffers most from isolation.
141. Female access to other forms of working-class self-help also remained extremely limited.
142. Because regional variations tend to be more pronounced among working-class speakers,() it is also a class variation.
143. But for his weakness and vacillation, peasant unrest and working-class militancy could have been kept in check by efficient and unwavering repression.
144. With an anti-immigrant message appealing principally to racist working-class males, the party nevertheless retained an antisemitic ideology.
145. The same can be said for working-class, black and other oppressed groups.
146. Considerable skill was required in the making of corduroy, working-class fabric or not.
147. But I started off as working-class rubbish, so I tend to appreciate anything I get.
148. Ringway One was an inner ring road running largely through working-class areas of housing stress.
149. This suggests that theories linking football hooliganism to changes in working-class community life are based on a somewhat dubious history.
150. No working-class party immediately burst on to the scene to dance on the floor of Parliament.
151. They had invented a new social custom but they had also annexed a significant part of the working-class experience.
152. But neither passage is really written from a working-class viewpoint, for they impose middle-class values on working-class taste.
153. The relative autonomy of law has to be constantly maintained by successful working-class mobilization into politics and the labour movement.
154. Only about 4 percent of the sons in manual work had professional or managerial fathers, but 70 percent had working-class origins.
155. It follows that working-class people have benefited from this, but they are still more likely to be overcrowded than non-manual groups.
156. However, a resurgence of working-class agitation during 1833-4 alarmed the Whig government and the propertied classes in general.
157. The larger working-class and poor population generally finds it necessary to engage in multiple economic activities at the household level.
158. Inpart, this is due to the higher profile of socio-legal agencies on working-class housing estates where the user is more visible.
159. He's the missing working-class novelist, the link between Lawrence and Sillitoe.
160. The largely working-class suburbs pay higher rates for shared services to make up for the high percentage of Detroit residents who default.
161. Such opposition to bureaucratic intrusion drove a wedge between many working-class people and the Fabian socialists.
162. Consequently, more attention was paid to working-class and popular culture.
163. Yet community education in working-class communities has not grown to offer a radical alternative to traditional adult education provision.
164. Moira seemed to think that since I wasn't a black, working-class musician then I could have nothing to offer Jett.
165. All these conditions make for a higher incidence of illness among working-class than middle-class babies.
166. This year it proclaimed the housing shortage as the major challenge to poor and working-class communities in the Bay Area.
167. According to McKibbin, the Labour Party became the vehicle of working-class aspirations by the early 1920s.
168. Life is far more richly graded and shaded, in reality, than terms like working-class and middle-class allow.
169. Ed was born of working-class parents in Brooklyn, New York.
170. In the early nineteenth century the quality of working-class houses, as structures, deteriorated rapidly.
171. This could be Pat Buchanan(http://), beating the drum of working-class Republicanism.
172. Middle-class moralists might be ardent, even strident, but working-class patterns continued to be remarkably resistant and independent.
173. The official criminal statistics present a picture of crime as being predominantly a working-class phenomenon.
174. So for young people from working-class backgrounds in particular, it certainly seems still to be an option to live with kin.
175. Golshiri was born into a working-class family in the historical and industrial city of Isfahan.
176. The reverse is true for men, however, with a smaller proportion of working-class men marrying than their upper-class contemporaries.
177. And West Ham was not the only predominantly working-class area that gave rise to a political authority seemingly remote from popular allegiance.
178. All the band come from good, solid, working-class backgrounds.
179. Mouthing spleen about the...working-class cause.
180. He launches a frontal attack on working-class organizations.
181. Working-class voters form the bedrock of Labour's support.
182. Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth, good, working-class people.




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