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单词 Walk through
1. He conceded us the right to walk through his land.
2. The river is not deep; we can walk through it.
3. It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.
4. I walk through deep snow down towards the lake.
5. We walk through this user-friendly dump, exchanging salvage stories.
6. Bernice continued to walk through the endless corridors.
7. The forest was cool and fragrant, and the walk through it calmed my spirits.
8. You may want to embellish the walk through the woods and the dwarfs' house,[/walk through.html] and even name the dwarfs.
9. If Earnhardt must walk through the valley of the shadow of death, nobody is immune.
10. As you walk through the door, however, you see something that exists nowhere else: a secret garden.
11. White Peak Way An 80 mile circular walk through the white peak area designed for walkers staying at youth hostels.
12. Walk through any suburban neighborhood at dinner time on any weekend evening this time of year.
13. Shiver as you walk through this animated museum depicting scenes from Stoker's spine-chiller.
14. I took a last walk through the churchyard to the marshes.
15. Walk through the doors at the Slab and the just-out-of-the-oven aroma of fresh-baked cones assails the senses.
16. The jungle is so dense you cannot walk through it.
17. It must be truly wonderful to walk through life guarded by such a shield.
18. This is known as the talk through or walk through method of task analysis.
19. After a morning walk through the meadow, my shoes were completely soaked through.
20. No one bothers us as we walk through the busy streets.
21. I'm sorry I'm late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
22. Her legs were covered in scratches and bruises after her walk through the forest.
23. The fine scenery will spread before you when you walk through the forest.
24. We're coming to a farmyard I suppose we can just walk through.
25. Of particular importance to the family was the proximity of the synagogue itself, a mere few minutes walk through the park.
26. Visitors to the ceremony were frisked and asked to walk through metal detectors.
27. Some people just talk through life. They talk, talk, talk and life is over. Some people walk through life. They walk, walk, walk and arrive at their destination. RVM 
28. At ten I put my coat on and took a solitary walk through the storm, trying to settle my heart.
29. In another hour, the drifts would be too deep to walk through.
30. They say that the spectres of the murdered children walk through the grounds at night.
1. He conceded us the right to walk through his land.
2. The river is not deep; we can walk through it.
3. I'm sorry I'm late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
4. It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.
31. Earlier in the day passengers were forced to walk through an underground tunnel after a train partially derailed.
32. I think I will go outside, and walk through the graveyard to the church, and talk to Maria there.
33. Carla took her shoes off and loosed his arm so that she could walk through the lip of foam.
34. I walk through the photography exhibit at the Kyoto Museum thinking again about what a photograph really means.
35. All through the day, local people will walk through, treating the cafe as an extension to their home.
36. Either one of them could walk through the door into the hall and end this angry and unhappy meeting.
37. We walked out on the bridge and then took a walk through the town.
38. Few know when they may see their husbands,[http:///walk through.html] or what to expect when they walk through the gates.
39. As I walk through the hotel lobby in Manila I know that something is up.
40. The metal detector shrilled as Whitney attempted to walk through.
41. Walk through the Matthias Gate and this great castle becomes increasingly fascinating.
42. For had she not experienced all of these emotions as she had watched Johnny walk through the garage wall?
43. And at mid-day Wednesday, she was rehearsing her walk through the convention hall.
44. On the next afternoon, Jen and Cally went out for a walk through the woods.
45. If the delay is too long, people will not walk through smoke to an emergency exit.
46. We walk through the snow, now pockmarked and honeycombed, towards his barn.
47. They got it all stacked up against you before you walk through the door.
48. I walk through the dark to find my slippers, slide my robe from the closet.
49. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Mahatma Gandhi 
50. A good lad but as they say, a walk through the ocean of his soul would scarcely get your feet wet.
51. Walk through into the courtyard to find remains of the late 16C designs of the Labours of Hercules.
52. Once across the ford leave the track and walk through the fields by the burn side.
53. It is more of a walk through the literature and recent trends.
54. Simply walk through a town centre of your choosing wearing nothing but army boots and a jockstrap.
55. He had to walk through thorns to find people, but he did find them, three of them to be exact.
56. And children walk through it to schools which now lack even the most basic equipment.
57. These two-dimensional planes cutting through nine-dimensional genetic space give some feeling for what it means to walk through Biomorph Land.
58. But a walk through lush green countryside reveals an environment remarkably short of wildlife.
59. It was a quiet walk through the marsh and dune land and the patchy pasture.
60. On arrival the boy was cranky and refused to walk through the airport.
61. We took a leisurely walk through the gardens.
62. Excuse me, sir. Please walk through the metal detector.
63. Please walk through the metal detector.
64. The second fragment is a recursive method to actually walk through the document representation and perform the modifications.
65. For my five-year-old self, who could derive rapture from a single butterfly, to walk through the Field Museum was to walk through Eden and see all that passed there.
66. An early walk through the town showed six fine beeves already slaughtered. The meat is of a superior quality, and very cheap.
67. You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green.
68. Jenny smiled, and they went for a long walk through the neighborhood.
68. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
69. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest.
70. Then he took us for a long walk through the terraced hills.
71. "Clear the track there, " said the man with two big baggages as he tried to walk through the crowd.
72. Push an unclosed iron door and walk through a tract of grass, you will see Omalley's is hidden in one corner of the garden and it gives forth an odor beyond that of a suburban.
73. The zip/next call iterates to the next node in a depth-first walk through the tree.
74. Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs circle around the stands.
75. Though we might not see it as we walk through wood or copse or forest, the soil and " dead " leaf - litter beneath our feet is alive and moving.
76. You can also take a walk through the virgin forest and appreciate the breath taking scenery.
77. This colorful garden throughout the year Coleus, especially in autumn when the walk through the gardens, that glowing red, glistening yellow fruit of the autumn leaf fall is even more beautiful.
78. While it could be amusing to walk through the heap, object reference by object reference, you're probably better served by doing some kind of automated analysis of the whole mess.
79. In this section, let's walk through the steps to set up advanced query statistics.
80. Visitors walk through the grounds of the Auschwitz - Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland.
81. The gardener answered, "Someone dressed in snow-white came from heaven and closed the head gate so the spirit could walk through the moat.
82. For the load balancer, scheduling modules implement iterators that are used to walk through all the tasks managed by that scheduling module to do load balancing.
83. 'If they don't recognize the brand, they don't walk through the door, ' agreed Linda Switzer, head of retail at Wynn Macau, a gambling resort on the island city-state.
84. And walk through this bumpiness road, in the solemn song of sorrow.
85. Walk through Huizhou In Huizhou, there are scattering ancient villages. Pink walls and black tiles, cornice and rake angle, leaning to rivers and mountains, which is worthy visiting.
86. This project presents you the famous corners around the New York City and bring you walk through the city by photographs and street sound recordings.
87. Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus.
88. This trip through Styx is not just a scenic walk through the park.
89. He was so confident he spent the last of his savings on a pair of shoes so that he wouldn't have to walk through the door of Skagit Valley College barefoot.
90. Then she kneeled down and, crying out to God the Lord, she prayed. Suddenly an angel appeared. He closed a head gate, so that the moat dried up, and she could walk through.
91. Alright, we are back so we just wrote a programming pseudocode or walk through a programming pseudocode.
92. He closed a head gate, so that the moat dried up, and she could walk through.
93. I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest.
94. "Jeremy is walk through a door rather than open it, Richard's massively accident prone and cheeky chappie, and James is a pedantic nerd, " says Wilman.
95. Then you should remove metal objects from your pockets and walk through a metal detector.
95. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
96. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because I am the baddest motherfucker in the goddamn valley.
97. Inside , a correctional officer barks out orders as new inmates walk through their welcoming process.
98. Strictly speaking, our next stop on the walk through time should have been a 3.4-million-year-old site called Maka, which had yielded a jaw and some other remains of Australopithecus afarensis.
99. We would walk through the forest in back of our school, trying to find the biggest stick we could feasibly wield as a weapon.
100. We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi.
101. Participants must walk through the shower bath and the footbath before entering the pool deck to upkeep your personal hygiene.
102. It also has the ability to walk through the polymorphic code of modern file infectors.
103. Members of the Japan Self Defence force walk through the snow-covered ruins of Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, days after the area was devastated by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami March 16, 2011.
104. I learned a lot of street smarts during the years when I had to walk through Times Square to my office everyday.
105. Walk through these dependencies by writing a recursive function that can find the latest version of a plug-in (in case duplicate plug-ins are in the same system) and all its dependencies.
106. In a dozen years, they say, when you enter many train stations, subways or airports, you will walk through built-in biohazard , bomb, and weapon detectors.
107. Next, you walk through the steps that portlet developers take to create the process initiation and task processing portlets.
108. On a recent walk through our development on Cape Cod with my grandniece, we found a dead turtle lying on its back. The head was a bit bloated.
109. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest.
110. They call upon arcane strikes, power words, and spells to unleash raging torrents of cold, fire, or lighting, confuse and enthrall the weak-minded , or even turn invisible or walk through walls.
111. Let's walk through full cycle what happens when a client connects to a generic network server over the load balancer, sends data, then receives data.
112. She would place a band with the Star of David on her arm, walk through gates of the Ghetto, and thus would begin her fight with the most powerful extermination machine in human history.
113. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi.




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