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单词 Pass around
1 a road passing around the hill.
2 The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around.
3 Why doesn't he pass around the candies to the guests?
4 Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.
5 The word injudicious was passed around.
6 Infections can be passed around by airborne particles.
7 Enthroned, he would pass around cigarettes.
8 What was she, a communal slave to be passed around at their pleasure?
9 A card was passed around for those present to send their good wishes for a speedy recovery.
10 Pass around the jar of red cabbage water to see if the students can identify it.
11 One of my uncles used to suggest that it be fried and passed around to the guests.
12 Cheryl Carey said she was sometimes embarrassed to pass around order forms for merchandise.
13 But the multiple currents passing around and between the islands were treacherous.
14 Hours later she was being passed around the arms of her delighted mother and relatives.
15 The soldiers huddled under the oak tree, passing around a bottle.
16 Mayr passed around a still of the 6-year-old Herbert Halbik, who played the part so unforgettably.
17 There was only one copy and this was passed around the village for a farthing a read.
18 The attorneys approached the bench, assorted papers were passed around, and the prospective members of the jury were led in.
19 At about this time I read the first article about us in a worn copy of a news magazine being passed around.
20 There were litre bottles of unlabelled white wine passed around among the diners.
21 Could pass around the earth.
22 This next sample that I will pass around is a microline mineral, also called amazonite.
23 Want to pass around your well-worn, well-loved and highly recommended copy of The Illuminatus!
24 Serve the pudding, and pass around a bowl of yogurt to go with it.
25 Non - tracked flyweight objects are faster to pass around than refcounted ones.
26 Ahead of us, the hall split pass around a drop down to the lower shopping area.
27 After eating a scrumptious meal, we'll pass around the babies who were born this year.
28 We will see later how to pass around more complex variables like arrays and structures.
29 There are instances, however, where the engineer choice but to pass around or over the obstacle.
30 Unlike laser-based line-of-sight energy transmission, a magnetic field is not focused and so can pass around or through obstacles between the transmitter and receiver.
31 The use of a by - pass around a regulator permits maintenance or repairs without down the line.
32 This next sample I'll pass around is a microcline mineral, also called Amazon stone. You can identify it by its bright green colour.
33 Another solution used in some offices is to pass around an envelope.
34 Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer duck out of public sight to pass around a joint.




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