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单词 Rule in
1, Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956.
2, Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
3, Teachers rule in classroom teaching.
4, Is this rule in operation yet?
5, They staged a rebellion against British rule in Ireland.
6, He established one-man rule in his country seven months ago.
7, One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.
8, Early marriage used to be the rule in that part of the world.
9, The golden rule in tennis is to keep your eye on the ball.
10, The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely.
11, Black majority rule in South Africa took many years to achieve.
12, The first/most important rule in life is always to appear confident.
13, A first rule in solving any mystery is to check the facts.
14, Each rule in the grammar was assigned a probability.
15, There is an unwritten rule in their crowd.
16, But reason did not rule in this kingdom.
17, Mandela fought to abolish white-only rule in South Africa.
18, This provides an exception to the no-costs rule in arbitration cases.
19, The first rule in choosing a vice-presidential candidate is to pick some one who does not undermine the campaign.
20, Centuries later remedies became available under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher in nuisance and in negligence.
21, Accordingly(),[http:///rule in.html] monitoring the churning rule in practice poses significant difficulties for regulators.
22, British rule in India came to an end in 1947.
23, But after the release of Mob Rule in 1980, Allen retreated from the scene and his books became increasingly collectable classics.
24, To improve the efficiency of the analysis each rule in the grammar is ordered based on its frequency of use.
25, It took many years of struggle to establish majority rule in South Africa.
26, We must, as I said, take care not to rule in or rule out any one solution.
27, We amended the Constitution in 1913 because we decided the people should rule in the Senate.
28, By midnight, there was no indication that Milosevic had imposed direct rule in the capital.
29, The law student is not expected to learn every single rule in every single legal topic.
30, The new government's policy document promised a new constitution to replace the one formulated under military rule in 1982.
1, Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956.
2, Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
31, It is therefore not unlikely that before long Parliament may abolish the ultravires rule in company law altogether.
32, For example this happened in 1972 when the Westminster Parliament reimposed direct rule in Northern Ireland.
33, The need-to-know rule in the covert world normally works admirably.
34, Partisan nomination of senior judges used to be the rule in Britain but has not really been so since the 1920s.
35, There was a rule in the Ackerman house that whoever was least busy had to answer the door and the phone.
36, The end of military rule in 1999 was cause for fresh optimism.
37, And also, there is a 10-run rule in effect after seven innings.
38, Moreover, children gave precedence to the matching rule in situations where it conflicted with another rule.
39, Whether that is true or not is all but irrelevant, for the cardinal rule in politics is that perception is reality.
40, Verney said the party is ready to challenge that rule in court.
41, The plaintiff's horse ate some leaves and died and the defendants were held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher.
42, These transitions are likely to differ from recent western transitions from other types of authoritarian rule in a number of key respects.
43, This justifies any discrepancy with the rigid treaty rule in favour of extending the rights and obligations under the treaties.
44, The Act does apply in negligence, nuisance, and actions under the rule in Rylands v Fletcher.
45, They exercised despotic rule in their country.
46, Biennial sessions used to be the rule in America.
47, He bore the unwritten rule in mind.
48, They exercised a despotic rule in their country.
49, Britain converted to a decimal currency rule in 1971.
50, He followed this rule in order to forestall rumors.
51, There is no uptick rule in the futures markets.
52, On the national scale, China also follows the phasic rule in the course of urbanization with the establishment of the socialist mar- ket economy system.
53, He claims that imperialists are trying to re-establish colonial rule in the country.
54, Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526.
55, The golden rule in any ballgame is to keep your eye on the ball.
56, Galilee was ruled by a son of Herod the Great,Herod Antipas, and different descendants of Herod would rule in different parts of Palestine for many years after that.
57, Shane was the most uncompromising opponent of English rule in Ireland that had yet appeared.
58, Additionally, DB2 requires that you follow a basic syntax rule in order to detect the potential application of a spatial predicate.
59, The evident rule in the evolution is that the top-out decision, different cultures and landscape ideology are generated and developed in the interrelationship and revolution.
60, Distribution rule of rock characters, geological structures and distribution condition of peneplain are analyzed understand karst distribution rule in depth.
61, A fundamental rule in the universe is that mass cannot be destroyed, so making something smaller doesn't mean it will be lighter in weight!
62, This paper was researched initially by GC on the residue of the tricyclazole compound and found out the degradation rule in rice frond , soil and water .
63, A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertainty in decision analysis and A.
64, "This breaks the major rule in the American belief system—that anyone can do anything," explains M. J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book This Year I Will...and Ms. Markova's business partner.
65, At last predicate logic is combined with production KR, as which a method to describe the warning rule in the knowledge base.
66, At last predicate logic is combined with production KR, as which a method to describe the reasoning rule in the knowledge base.
67, Former Argentine Gen Eduardo Cabanillas has been sentenced to life in prison for running a notorious detention centre during military rule in 1976-83.
68, The in-depth research found that the distribution of halophilic actinomycetes show apparent rule in different saline environment.
69, Where the Gold (Forwards) settlement date would fall (as predicted by the rule in the table) on a Friday or on the day before a US holiday, the contract will instead settle on the previous day.
70, If the software enterprises all follow the certain code rule in the code compilation period, this will do well to our software product quality.
71, Following the Campaigns of 1794 in the French Revolutionary Wars, the Low Countries were overrun by France, ending Spanish-Austrian rule in the region.
72, The rule in costume was the frilly tutu, the short , stiffly - projecting skirt worn by every ballerina.
73, At the same time, combines to the transmission coefficient among different voltage classes, through a series of simulations, does researches on the flicker transmission rule in the electrical network.
74, In this paper, the symmetry analysis method is used to compute and analyse the rotation inertia, polarizability, selection rule in mechanics, electricity, atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
75, Though millions of Soviets perished during Stalin's rule in Gulag labor camps or from famine, the dictator is still revered by many Russians for defeating the Nazis in World War Two.
76, There is no rule in our litigation and theory on whether the counterclaim against the divorcement suit could be request. The litigation practice denies it either.
77, A responsible government is related to republicanism, democracy, constitutionalism, and ruling of rule in value.
78, The difficulties of founding the rule in our country and the necessities of founding and perfecting the exceptionable rule of criminal illegal proof.
79, She opposed democratic elections in India and supported white supremacist rule in Rhodesia.
80, Judicial notice, which is also known as"judicial knowing",[] is an important rule in civil proceedings as well as a key issue in evidence act.
81, This cumbersome, artificial procedure is avoided by using the exception rule in guilty or nolo contendere plea cases where it is applicable.
82, On the problem of how to establish the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence, some scholars suggest to transplant American exclusionary rule in China.
83, The General Administration of Civil Aviation (CAAC) introduced the new rule in accordance with the recommendation by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
84, Judicial cognitive rule is an important evidential rule in evidential law, which has the force to relieve the deputy party of onus probandi.
85, In reality, the balkanization project in Sudan has been going on since the end of British colonial rule in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
86, My rule in international affairs is: do unto others as they would do unto you.
87, Judicial notice, which is also known as "judicial cognition", is an important rule in civil procedural law as well as a key issue in evidence act.
88, Because the distribution of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica cone has rule in the crown, we carry on the forecast to the output by using the method of fruiting information section.
89, There is a rule in psychophysics: "what is adaptable, exists".
90, A friend of mine has a rule in her house - word awesome reserved only for God.
91, Because of these advantages laminated orthotropic piezoelectric composite materials are expected to play a more important rule in self-diagnosis and self-adaption structures.
92, But chaos is a deterministic system determined by the nonlinear dynamical mechanism. There is a deterministic rule in the interior of the chaotic system which is seemed as a random move.
93, This paper explores the application of scene planning and experiencing design rule in the specific planning of Leigong Mountain Forest Park.
94, Montesqieu discussed and analyzed China's benevolent rule in On the Spirit of Law, but there were many improper or even self-contradictory points in the book.
95, We should construct the hearsay rule in China and accept some exception if no harm for the right to cross-examine.
96, A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying un...
97, Part III is about "nomological foundation and necessity of establishing the voluntary confession rule in our country".
98, Since eminent domain prevails the exclusivism of property right, the transaction rule in the market is hardly plausible to assess the fairness of the compensation.
99, Outside, a smooth article. But inside also smooth. None rule in mind. Always easy change plans.
100, Medical informed Consent ( MIC ) is a new rule in health care practice.
101, According to the classic fuzzy evaluation subsets and near rule in fuzzy mode identification , the safety state of falsework can be determined subsequently.
102, There is no rule in our litigation and theory on whether the counterclaim against the divorcement suit could be request.
103, The rule of relevancy is a fundamental rule in Anglo-American Evidence law.
104, It is probably a smart legal move, given the court's clear tendency to rule in favor of corporations, particularly when big classes or discrimination claims are involved.
105, Lease contract purchase contract principle is a very important rule in civil law.
106, The group, which is fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, has denied involvement.
107, The standard of proof on a judgment of conviction is the most important problem of the research on criminal evidence rule in China.
108, By enforcing this rule in the sugroups attribute, the group names that have the NOT operator before the group name will be denied access to su to that account.
109, After the 16th National Congress of the CPC in 2002, it put forward new governing principles of "scientific and democratic rule and rule in accordance with law."
110, A known exception to the "no relatives" rule in the U. S. is wild cotton growing in Hawaii and southern Florida, which, by virtue of its unusual similarity to GM cotton, can accept the GM pollen.
111, Around 30,000 people were killed or made to disappear by the armed forces during military rule in Argentina, a period known as the "Dirty War."
112, India blames the 60-hour attack on the outlawed terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, believed to have been created by Pakistani intelligence agencies to fight Indian rule in the divided Kashmir region.
113, The cells of the scaffold grew normally in accordance with close-packed rule in the form of antenna or scalene triangle.
114, The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe.
115, About the exception of the hearsay rule in the United States criminal procedure, this article focuses on "the federal rules of evidence" related to the hearsay rule and its exceptions.
116, The usual rule in primaries is that voters flock to thew inning candidate.
117, According to the liquid flow characteristic of bubble column, we hope to decrease axial backmixing of the liquid by putting some baffles which have certain distribution rule in the bubble column.
118, It is a special investigating way to investigate in seducement, in which there isn't the relevant rule in law.
119, Petersburg, Va. -based Star Scientific said it would ask the district court judge to rule in its favor as a matter of law or for a new trial.
120, Anthony Reid , The Blood of People : Revolution and the End of Tradition Rule in Northern Sumatra, Oxford University Press, 1979 , pp .25 - 26.
121, How, the Court's defenders asked, could the Court not rule in the increasingly tolerant and cosmopolitan mid-20th century, that state-enforced racial segregation violated the Constitution?
122, The moral mechanism in the company administration, though a non-official rule in the system, is the internal requirement for the institutional stability of the company administration.
123, In their pursuit of higher profits, U.S. banks and other lending institutions forgot the most fundamental rule in lending: "Know your customer."
124, In order to define reasonable working rule in gas well, method of indicative curve about relationship between production and producing differential pressure is usually used.
125, Critics fear his return could lead to economic stagnation and bring back memories of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev's rule in the 70s and early 80s which preceded the collapse of the Soviet Union.
126, Firstly, the cost minimization and reasonable cost-sharing should be the Golden rule in the liquidation procedure.
127, Aiming at incorrectness data appeared in data source, the importance of business rule in data cleaning is analyzed, and an incorrectness data cleaning method based on business rule is proposed.
128, There's a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred.
129, Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 4th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 52'.
130, The result shows that it is more integrated and precise in calculating and analyzing the light's transmission rule in the BASIC mirror after taking boundary conditions into consideration.
130, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
131, There is no hearsay rule in China. The reason can be found from both the sides of opinion and system.
132, Affinity chromatography used to play important rule in the separation and purification of biomacromolecule.
133, The principle of information ethnics is the basic behavior rule in the interaction of information.
134, This controversy promoted the transformation of Spanish overseas policy from armed expansion and cruel rule in America to peaceful conquest through missionary in the Philippine islands.
135, In addition, in a bid to use them to undermine British rule in the Middle East, Himmler drafted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to oversee these divisions' religious practices.
136, William Oughtred , English mathematician who invented the slide rule in 1622 , died at Albury in Surrey.
137, During the first century of Islamic rule in Jerusalem, the Omayyad Dynasty ruled in the country.
138, Mutual exclusion is the rule in both discrete and contiguous selection.
139, It is accorded with polygene heredity rule in family vitiligo.
140, A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertai...
141, This paper puts forward a Tariffbased Interconnection Pricing Rule (TIPR) different from the rule in DT's model, and analyzes the competitive equilibrium within LRT framework.




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