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单词 Meanings
1 Words often have several meanings.
2 We can distinguish five meanings of the word 'mad'.
3 True and False have opposite meanings.
4 A smile is the language has multiple meanings.
5 The same word can carry numerous meanings.
6 That word has many loose meanings.
7 You have confused the meanings of the two words.
8 The word has two meanings.
9 The expression has two very different meanings in English.
10 There are, of course, deeper meanings in the poem.
11 denotative and connotative meanings.
12 A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.
13 A learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
14 Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.
15 The word 'flight' has two different meanings : a plane journey, and the act of running away.
16 This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in.
17 We saw that meanings fail to qualify.
18 The word "bill" can have several different meanings.
19 It helps them negotiate meanings, both linguistic and social.
20 Second, the imagery suggests different meanings.
21 Her flag of meanings dimmed in puzzlement.
22 What other sports do you like besides football? You use except when you mention the only thing that is not included in a statement:I like all sports except football. You can use apart from with both these meanings:What other sports do you like apart from football?
23 Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.
24 These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.
25 It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear distinction between the meanings of different words.
26 I feel quite tired today . With adjectives that describe an extreme state it means 'completely' or 'absolutely':I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant:Your essay is quite good ; Your essay is quite good .
27 I became more aware of the symbols and their meanings.
28 Pictures of road signs are matched with their Highway Code meanings.
29 I'm sorry to say I can't understand him, do you hent his meanings?
30 She turned round/around when I came in. In AmE only around can be used in these meanings.
1 Words often have several meanings.
2 We can distinguish five meanings of the word 'mad'.
3 That word has many loose meanings.
4 Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.
5 A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.
6 A learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
31 English words can have several meanings depending on context.
32 This word 'spring' has several different meanings.
33 Meanings he argued are created by differences.
34 How do place advertisements create meanings for different localities?
35 And his meanings were hazed in a golden future.
36 Words carry meanings, and so do combinations of words.
37 For the purpose of this work it has two meanings, one musical and one socioeconomic.
38 Comprehension in the sense of understanding sentences is then a semantic matter of deciphering symbolic meanings.
39 Such a different environment for antislavery work gave different meanings to bodies which claimed national antislavery status.
40 Previously, Melville has illustrated how all things can assume multiple meanings.
41 The variant realizations of a linguistic variable do not encode different referential meanings.
42 If action stems from subjective meanings, it follows that the sociologist must discover those meanings in order to understand action.
43 The chapter by Eve Clark focuses on young children's acquisition of word meanings.
44 They are superficially similar but have very different underlying meanings - different people are doing the pleasing.
45 The same theory may take on quite different political, moral and even existential meanings according to particular circumstances of context and conjuncture.
46 New words are coined or borrowed or made out of combined parts from existing words; the meanings of old words gradually shift.
47 Use of acronyms is complicated by the fact that many now have multiple meanings.
48 In other words, a technological breakthrough supposedly ushered in new symbolic meanings.
49 By investing products with meanings from other sign systems, Williamson argues that receivers are caught up in an ideological bind.
50 Worse still, they unintentionally fostered negative, adverse meanings that equated Tesseract with a profit motive that people did not trust.
51 But then patterns begin to freeze,(http:///meanings.html) making relationships more explicit and meanings more precise.
52 The expression of modal meanings can take quite a different form in each language.
53 Nor are subjective meanings or rational choices independent of public social rules for doing the right or rational thing.
54 It is the counsellor's task to try to move the discussion to these underlying meanings of words used in anger.
55 A dictionary is useless unless one already knows the meanings of many words.
56 A full description of the meanings and uses of the status flag is given in the User's Guide.
57 As reading down the columns shows, the meanings of the phonetics, on the other hand, do not.
58 The variability of meanings of health and illness is due in a large degree to the negotiability of social order.
59 If it has a specific set of meanings, the semantic theory should specify them.
60 Distributes or displays to another person any writing, sign or other visible representation, should all be given their ordinary meanings.
61 Why should people deny the co-operative principle by being deviant, making their meanings less accessible, their transactions therefore less effective?
62 The meanings and purposes they attach to this behaviour are largely inconsequential.
63 The attraction of shells has often been enhanced by attributing to them symbolic meanings suggested by more or less fanciful resemblances.
64 There is no room for social, political or historical questions, just an individual free-for-all in choosing which meanings to make.
65 The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe.
66 All the descriptions used on Sainsbury's packs have specific meanings.
67 Children just beginning on their first language have to solve the problem of how forms map on to meanings.
68 Many phrases that we feel could logically be broken up still carry hidden meanings that pass unnoticed until some one misuses them.
69 Words differently arranged have different meanings, and meanings differently arranged have different effects. Blaise Pascal 
70 The disciplines are always on the move, generating new meanings and insights.
71 Definitions must be rejected as a fundamental procedure for establishing meanings.
72 A text would entail its interpretation only if meaning was exhausted by sense, the coded or literal meanings studied by semantics.
73 A closely related objective is to develop children's understanding of the different ways in which meanings are conveyed.
74 In mastering word meanings, children must learn the conventional meanings they carry within the speech community.
75 In a semantic network, concepts, which refer to word meanings, are represented by nodes.
76 Their meanings change continually to suit the circumstances in which they are used.
77 Their interpretability, however, must not be exaggerated; their meanings are not necessarily wholly predictable on first acquaintance.
78 Instead, from the spangled endless night that dimmed the hall, meanings shone.
79 Even the most unselfish people carry certain meanings in their eyes.
80 These quotations constitute the objective evidence for the existence and currency of the words, meanings, or phrases which they illustrate.
81 In representational behaviour, on the other hand, all the meanings are made explicit.
81 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
82 Even while acknowledging such visible community cues, family stories may cut across communal meanings.
83 The project is gathering information about the way understanding is achieved through the construction of shared meanings in primary classroom interactions.
84 Whether new words and new meanings are accepted can depend to some extent on what means exist to disseminate them.
85 The last great depression took Orwell out on to the road, on a quest for the meanings of mass poverty.
86 Do not let their meanings slip by, only vaguely perceived in your reading.
87 Even social gatherings in Workplace 2000 will take on special meanings.
88 Even variant pronunciations of the same word may on occasion be assigned contrasting meanings.
89 Words associated with women are sexualized so that apparently equivalent terms acquire very different meanings.
90 The meanings we attribute to apartment are not so far apart that we can not bargain away our biases.
91 The values of justice and equality would lead to the setting up of bureaucracies which would empty the world of sacred meanings.
92 How well she could keep control and use words and manipulate their meanings and score points.
93 Words are weapons, their meanings found in the government gazette, not in the dictionary.
94 We use language to talk about the meanings of linguistic expressions as well as about things that are not meanings.
95 For example, the word infer seems to have different meanings for different speakers.
96 There does not remain within the artist hidden meanings only known to himself.
97 The word can have completely different meanings depending on the context.
98 The ancient manuscript which sparks it all off is ingeniously devised to yield two possible meanings, one mystic, one mundane.
99 In this way, semantic markers decompose the meanings of words into more primitive elements.
100 To understand appearances we must therefore employ a method which gives us access to the underlying meanings, etc.
101 A crude comparison goes like this: Nature has things, language has words that code meanings corresponding to things.
102 The two meanings conflated.
103 At least there are the ghosts of meanings in there and I can dream in the space between electrons.
104 Literary theory, drawing on other disciplines, including semiotics and linguistics, seeks for underlying structures and meanings in literature.
105 Or words are preserved, perhaps through some occupational perversity, that mix totally inconsistent meanings.
106 The matter is further complicated when we note that meanings of words can vary across individual speakers within the same dialect.
107 Yet the shift in surroundings was also an indication of hidden meanings.
108 I should stress again that I am here concerned with meanings qua posited objective thought-contents of linguistic expressions.
109 Their meanings and their rules have priority in the scientific analysis of the phenomena.
110 The basis for making hypotheses about possible meanings is present.
111 The automatic recognition of word meanings has been demonstrated in a number of experimental investigations.
111 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
112 Another complication arises from the fact that the same term may have different meanings in different contexts.
113 Meanings are also created, developed, modified and changed within the actual process of interaction.
114 "Seven days without food makes one weak'' is a pun on the words "week'' and "weak'', and also on the different meanings of "one''.
115 Sniggers and the double meanings surrounded the subject which was one of the biggest taboos in our society.
116 As symbols, they may have different meanings for different people in different situations.
117 So, from a safe distance, he plucked meanings from the cosmos and wove them together in reassurance.
118 Instead, hesitantly, terribly afraid she was doing the wrong thing, she plucked meanings from the firmament.
119 Teachers who for years had planned in terms of appropriate actions could not overnight apply their minds to appropriate meanings as well.
120 The tendency toward enclosure and fixed meanings is thus political and personal, as well as discursive.
121 Knowledge of how word meanings combine at the sentence level can rule out grammatically correct, but semantically implausible sentences.
122 Phonic, phonetic Sometimes these words are used interchangeably, but they have very different meanings.
123 A dictionary, for example, does not record meanings which are within the competence of all language users.
124 Furthermore, the items selected will usually have rich meanings within specific cultural contexts.
125 This research explores the discourses of class in terms of the meanings clustering around the ideas of work and of community.
126 Certainly not a routine interpretation of certain symbols attached to specific meanings.
127 Sometimes they carry unexpected meanings and then are called idioms.
128 Terms may overlap in meaning, but they may not carry identical meanings.
129 Idiomatic meanings are not compositional in the sense of being determined from the meaning of the constituent words and their grammatical relations.
130 A man needed special experience and insight to work true meanings out of certain murky remarks.
131 From this view any attempt to quantify or verify the meanings is misleading.
132 And then there are cases which do not seem to correspond with any of the given meanings.
133 Since then the assumptions underpinning, and the meanings attributed to, census data have changed a good deal.
134 With a mental sigh that dimmed her meanings, she turned her attention to what she should have been doing all along.
135 It has the effect too of keeping to the forefront the meanings recognized by participants.
136 There is an additional objective to listening carefully: it helps you discover which words and meanings have become assets.
137 And yet, symbolic meanings do not derive only from cultures.
138 In other words she herself is opening up avenues for all sorts of intuitive meanings.
139 All illnesses carry symbolic meanings as well as the purely physiological.
140 They work with the variability and contradictoriness of signs, without imposing single meanings on them.
141 These conditions include theories of pedagogy and practices of hegemony that help to determine the meanings of literacy for particular practitioners.
142 We have no conception of the interconnections that influence us in our associations of words and meanings.
143 What social meanings, if any,(http:///meanings.html) can be detected in the synchronized clapping and threats aggression?
144 Then there is the fact that two phrases that sound exactly alike can have different meanings depending on their context.
145 However, photography occupies a peculiar place among those activities, as pictures are themselves carriers of meanings and interpretations.
146 The meaning of the parable for today Both these meanings are seen as important to Christians today.
147 Atoms and molecules do not act in terms of meanings, they simply react to external stimuli.
148 The meanings and typifications of institutions are unquestioned in the course of everyday life for the people who use them.
149 There seems to be no place in successful socialization for creative interaction that produces new meanings.
150 He had no time to work out meanings, fall back on old attitudes and positions.
151 But in the course of doing this book, I saw over and over that family stories have collective meanings.
152 What specific meanings Dicey himself intended when writing the Law of the Constitution matters little.
153 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word.
154 To lose these meanings would be death, to unleash them would overwhelm.
155 In the meantime a brief reminder of their meanings may be helpful.
156 A reason makes its point by having resonances in such a wider set of meanings.
157 Mars was merely a sad story that somebody else had told her, but leaving the meanings was worse than unrequited love.
158 A reading that cancels out the contradictory and equally valid meanings the text yields does not do justice to its complexity.
159 Nevertheless serious misgivings may persist about the wisdom of ascribing identity to meanings.
160 All meanings, we know, depend on the key of interpretation. George Eliot 
161 Why go to all the effort of perceiving other hidden meanings, finding new interpretations, applying alternative readings?
162 More new meanings find expression this way than by almost any other process.
163 The captured instant often takes on meanings far more portentous than the actual event.
164 Furthermore, Ishmael is alive because he alone did not assign specific meanings to events.
165 The court is not allowed to peer inside at the meanings assigned to those elements, except to find a non-jurisdictional error.
166 A description which deals with abstract types will present linguistic forms and their meanings as constituents of the conventional code.
167 By its very nature, adjudication entails crucial decisions about the allocation of values and meanings for a society.
168 And it is the thematic meanings, of course, that allow the participants to enter fantasy or unfamiliar contexts.
169 A pronunciation is addressed either with or without the mediation of the semantic system - our store of word meanings.
170 But there are many cases where the merging of meanings are more and we have to be on our guard.
171 It demanded accelerated exaltation, accepted no instant without pregnant meanings as in epic, tragedy, comedy, or films.
171 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
172 Structural semantics refers to the way in which lexical meanings combine to produce complex semantic expressions.
173 Unframed slabs of spatter on the walls hinted at meanings it were safer not to pursue too closely.
174 It therefore follows that an understanding of action requires an interpretation of the meanings which the actors give to their activities.
175 Her meanings all but drowned in the immensity of it all.
176 The precise relationship between these two meanings of unreasonable is not absolutely clear.
177 Sometimes one partner suspects hidden meanings which were genuinely not intended.
178 I made some modest remarks about the social and political meanings encoded in works of art.
179 It reflects the tenor of discourse and can convey a whole range of rather subtle meanings.
180 Rehabilitation of prisoners may carry three distinct meanings.
181 Depreciation has two specific meanings ineconomics.
182 This dictionary tries to simplify the meanings of words.
183 Marxist economic cycle theory has more profundity meanings.
184 Although humanistic spirits has different meanings in different history phases, its common theme is to give publicity to humanity.
185 Hence, his characters'search for meanings in life is equated with the artist's creative processes.
186 Architecture design is to create " Genius Loci", to make our living form and meanings display in a definite and powerful way.
187 Collects a great number of English unit nouns and classifies them , by their characteristics, into three groups, namely, individual unit nouns, group unit nouns and unit nouns with extended meanings.
188 It has two meanings : twice a week and every other week. The same bimonthly.
189 With the help of corpus, we can analyze the polysemous phenomenon of same-rooted words and find that in the category of same-rooted words, there are center meanings and peripheral meanings.
190 And Dostoevsky endows the kinds of children characters with different profound meanings.
191 The meanings and its establish foundation of the characteristic library are discussed in this paper. And then propose how to give good service as a characteristic library.
192 Set up a curvilineal equation of acid-base titration, and every pHysics meanings in the equation and factors of the effect its titrate suddenly jump range were discussed.
193 This result supports the authors viewpoint about kurtosis statistical meanings:kurtosis is a kind of measure of population datas degree of outlier.
194 The pragmatic meanings of English words are the deductive meanings based on the lexicographic meanings.
195 A stickler for meanings, he liked to be called not internationalist, but cosmopolitan.
196 Based on meanings of prefix code of EAN bar code, regulations of some concerned laws were expounded from structure of bar code and meanings of prefix code.
197 New words and meanings keep the English language in a state of flux.
198 In the aspects of pragmatic rules and meanings English social deictic words are greatly different from Chinese due to their different cultures.
199 This paper expounds the meanings of acceptability and unacceptability in general quality supervision and random inspection supervision.
200 Because of the specific mode of life, customs and environments, there are a lot of terms and expressions not easy to translate into other languages and render their meanings.
201 As there are in fact differences in their connotations, the selection of different conjunctions does result in significant changes in the connotative meanings and emphasis of the original sentence.
202 Japanese accessory word and auxiliary verb have obvious differences either in expressing meanings or practical language applications compared with nouns, verbs or, other words.
203 There is a rich fresh flower resource of the sweet-scented osmanthus in Jiangsu Province, so it has practical meanings to improve the products of the green tea made of the sweet-scented osmanthus.
204 You can use Chinese pinyin to express familiar meanings clearly and comprehensible.
205 It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings.
206 But whatever the answers, none of the above-mentioned definitions are the same as the dictionary definition; so the next obvious question is, where do these meanings come from?
207 The explorative study its semantic features and the changes of its derogative and appreciative meanings.
208 For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them.
209 This paper firstly presents the meanings, applications and recent developments of super-resolution reconstruction, and analyzes the algorithms such as IBP, POCS and MAP.
210 The non - developer user don't need to know the meanings and the programming procedure using computational verbs.
211 They help to solve the polysemous problem of language and understand the specific meanings of language in the specific settings.
212 Prescribed graphical shapes used to represent special meanings or functions in any computer program.
213 It has important guidance effect and actual meanings in determining the strip mining method for excavating deep coals under buildings.
214 It seems likely that the development of face preference reflects the development of infants' perceptional process and has important social meanings.
215 Chinese Colloquial words, those newly-born words or fully-grown ones with their meanings having changed, once prevailed among spoken languages of different social strata in history.
216 The grammar and structure of French are precise and the lexical meanings are affirmable. The significant world literatures all have French versions.
217 In addition to clinical and angiographic findings of the case, we also discuss the causes of myocardial ischemia in ventricular aneurysm and the meanings of systolic compression of coronary arteries.
218 Finally it systematically presents the clews of this thesis and analyzes the meanings of its studies.
219 In British English quite can have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence.
220 Using cursor hinting to dynamically show the meanings of meta - keys is a good idea.
221 Huang Baoju. "On the Symbolic Meanings of Horse and Moon in D. H. Lawrence Novels. " Foreign Literature Studies 2 (2003): 85-8.
222 The Chinese parasol image contains plentiful love meanings in Tang Poetry.
223 The special meanings of the network are different from any material medias in the past. It mainly lies in its fictitious situation, freedom and reciprocal exchange.
224 We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism . In the face of sustainable developmen...
225 The Law of Moses had a lot of symbolic meanings.
226 For law cognition or value judgement, history is endued with meanings by way of narration.
227 Therefore, to discuss how to cognize it has some realistic meanings for judicatory practice.
228 Studying and implementing management audit have very important meanings for perfecting corporate governance, improving enterprise managerial skill, and increasing enterprise value.
229 As a newly-emerging means of getting information, its existence has a lot of positive social meanings, which means we can not deny sweepingly.
230 This article discusses the problem from the following six aspects: polysemy, homonymy, collocations, commendatory and derogatory meanings, extended meanings and idioms.
231 Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings.
232 Use cursor hinting to show the meanings of meta - keys.
233 A combination of word meanings of ancient Chinese, the unearthed literature and handed-down literature provide a dependable clue to ascertain the time when a piece of literature was written.
234 Descending from the same Indo-European root there are a number of Greek words with meanings including "sweet" but also "pleasure" and "rejoicing."
235 Hence it had the important theoretical and practical meanings to discuss internal relation between dissolved oxygen and organic evolution.




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