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单词 self
释义  self /self/ ●●● S2 W3 noun (plural selves /selvz/)  1  [countable usually singular]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY the type of person you are, your character, your typical behaviour etc 自身,本身,自己,自我somebody’s usual/normal self Sid was not his usual smiling self. 锡德不是平常那个笑容满面的样子。be/look/feel (like) your old self (=be the way you usually are again, especially after having been ill, unhappy etc) 〔尤指生病或不愉快等之后〕复原,恢复老样子 Jim was beginning to feel like his old self again. 吉姆开始感觉自己又恢复老样子了。somebody’s true/real self (=what someone is really like, rather than what they pretend to be like) 某人真实的一面 Peter was the only one to whom she showed her true self. 彼得是唯一一个她愿意向其展现真实自我的人。2  somebody’s sense of self CHARACTER/PERSONALITYsomeone’s idea that they are a separate person, different from other people 某人的自我意识 a child’s developing sense of self 儿童逐渐形成的自我意识3. be a shadow/ghost of your former self CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTto not be as healthy, strong etc as you used to be 判若两人〔已不再像从前那样健康、强壮等〕4  [uncountable]B a word written in business letters, on cheques etc meaning yourself 本人〔用于商业函件、支票等〕 a cheque written to self 开给本人的一张支票5  [countable] used to refer to a person 〔指一个人〕自己,本人 a picture of a journalist and your good self (=you) 一位新闻记者和你本人的一张合影n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesyour normal/usual selfWhen she came home at Christmas she seemed very quiet and not her normal self.your old self (=the way you were before an illness or other change)He sounded more like his old self than the last time she had called.your true/real self (=your real character)At last he had revealed his true self.your inner self (=your real character or feelings that are usually hidden from other people)Over the years she had put up barriers to protect her inner self.Examples from the Corpusself• We have often a choice: self pity or spiritual power through suffering.• There he was with his cigar, a shadow of his former self.• He may be in danger of injuring self or others.• In contrast, figures outside the high cultural sphere often consciously try to abandon their sense of self.• His old self would have scorned such sentimentality.• I know I should be making an effort to follow what Neil is saying. trying to integrate the self.• Through metaphor Thoreau renders the self and nature in total interrelationship without slighting either half of the duality.somebody’s usual/normal self• Marcus wasn't his normal self today.self- /self/ prefix  1  XXby yourself or by itself 由[靠]自己的 a self-propelled vehicle 机动车2  XXof, to, with, or for yourself or itself 独自的;(对)自身的;为自己的 a self-portrait 自画像Examples from the Corpusself-• self-adhesive labels• self-restraint• He's self-taught.Origin self Old Englishself noun →n COLLOCATIONS1self- prefixLDOCE OnlineChinese  you your of Corpus the person are, type




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