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单词 Bordered
(1) She bordered a skirt with lace.
(2) Meadows bordered the path to the woods.
(3) His confidence bordered on arrogance.
(4) The fields are bordered by tall trees.
(5) His dislike of women bordered on the psychotic.
(6) His words bordered on rudeness.
(7) The large garden is bordered by a stream.
(8) The seamstress bordered the dress with flowers.
(9) Tall trees bordered the road.
(10) Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream.
(11) Sometimes, the censorship bordered on the absurd.
(12) It has a secluded garden bordered by a stream.
(13) The large garden is bordered by two rivers.
(14) Willow trees bordered the river.
(15) With her blue-black qi-pao, they bordered on desperate pink.
(16) Beyond the hedge untidy maize was bordered on two sides by ploughed soil, speckled white with chalk.
(17) As her fears bordered upon obsession, she began deliberately re-dialling telephone numbers Charles had called.
(18) Here there was a natural beach, bordered by a thin band of scrub: beyond it was the council rubbish dump.
(19) He staggered across the wide path that bordered the pond and plunged into the water.
(20) Three sides of the Piazza were bordered by arched colonnades, tiers upon tiers of them, like a massive wedding cake.
(21) On this side of the Webi, undulating grasslands rose to distant hills, and strips of woodland bordered numerous streams.
(22) When his opportunity came to seize the party leadership, he proceeded with characteristic single-mindedness that bordered on ruthlessness.
(23) With three air-force pilots along for the ride, James flew along a railroad track bordered by tall trees.
(24) By common consent they stopped and leant on the oak fence that bordered the field of barley beyond.
(25) The last stretch of road is a narrow lane bordered by trees.
(26) Julie ambled happily down the long immaculate front lawn, bordered on each side by miniature fruit trees.
(27) Reichardt is currently experimenting with free-range ducks, which are raised in an open field bordered by nearby trees to provide shade.
(28) All this lowland country was covered in thick bush, and large trees bordered the river and streams.
(29) A strange band, they rode a jazzy musical offshoot which often bordered on directionless experimentalism.
(30) Just then, he saw some one walk out of the trees which bordered the far side of the pasture.
(1) She bordered a skirt with lace.
(31) The far edge of the acacia grove was bordered by a shoulder-high wall topped by woven millet stalks.
(32) The paths are bordered with many trees and shrubs as well as hydrangeas, agapanthus and belladonna lilies.
(33) Below the copse a track was bordered with grassland rich in flowering plants.
(34) Bordered designs were used throughout the remaining passageways with a Chlidema square for the entrance foyer inset in a marble surround.
(35) Most of the kids were a little older than Janir, and he watched them with a fascination that bordered on hunger.
(36) Their spokesman acknowledged the valuable role played by the Friends but argued the letters bordered on blackmail.
(37) The arched ceiling is bordered with a hand-painted, floral design.
(38) At first sight it looks almost perfectly balanced, fitting into the inter-war decades like a bordered picture into a frame.
(39) Word processing on the Macintosh has always bordered on the realm of page makeup and recent announcements here only serve that view.
(40) She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
(41) It bordered the much reduced archbishopric of Ohrid on the south, but Tetovo and Skopje were within its jurisdiction.
(42) At times she felt overwhelmed by his personality, which sometimes bordered on piety.
(43) The next alley led him to a bridge across a small canal that bordered a street.
(44) After climbing the ancient fence which bordered the pub's premises, he leaned back against the fence for another breather.http://
(45) The simple badge, a musket bordered by a wreath, signifies that an infantry or Special Forces soldier came under fire.
(46) Each park will be bordered by a buffer zone where environmentally friendly farming will be encouraged.
(47) They drove into a shaded parking area bordered by willows on one side and tall pines on the other.
(48) Although he had an unrivalled ability to motivate players, Docherty's approach often bordered on theatre of cruelty.
(49) There is a pool bordered by split-level sun terraces with deck-chairs and sun umbrellas and a small garden.
(50) Lumahai is a perfect cove of white sand bordered by black lava rock.
(51) The outside yard was about seven feet in width and bordered by the kitchen wall.
(52) Jackie from Marriage Lines takes us through day and evening invitations embossed with clinking champagne flutes and bordered in watered silk.
(53) Throughout the orchard bordered by stone walls, the forest was making a dramatic comeback.
(54) The walls were exquisitely panelled and bordered with carved scrolls and cornices decorated with gilded flowers.
(55) The pushing and grabbing at yesterday's sales bordered on mass hysteria.
(56) We crossed over heathland and passed ponds crowded with rushes and bordered by willows.
(57) The lane they were standing in was bordered by two rows of trees.
(58) It bordered a large plantation, some of which had been owned by Michelin.
(59) He had recently bought a huge house there with a garden which bordered on the river, directly opposite Botolph's Wharf.
(60) Jackson went to the road that bordered the gardens on the left.
(61) An autumnal garden bordered by shrubs ... a maid, Paula, trimming them.
(62) We watered the pots of white geraniums which bordered an improvised set of steps, boards on bricks, covered with sheets.
(63) A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars, on each pillar a lamp.
(64) European kinglet with a black bordered yellow crown patch.
(65) The blouse is decoratively bordered at neck and sleeves.
(66) His respect for the law bordered on veneration.
(67) Phillips Park was bordered by Pelee Boulevard and Elmhurst.
(68) Locally, the coast is bordered by lofty mountains.
(69) His remarks bordered on rudeness.
(70) Their support bordered on zealotry.
(71) This gorgeous pearl earrings bordered by a transparent crystal.
(72) She bordered a sheet a silk lace.
(73) The picture is bordered for free by the photographer.
(74) She bordered her dress with silk.
(75) Our garden is bordered on one side a stream.
(76) The walks were bordered with meticulous Set-in flowers.
(77) His humour Bordered on the edge of being vulgar.
(78) Studies on the structural types of bordered pits of gymnospermous woods in China.
(79) The Chasma is bordered by high-walled cliffs, most likely faults,[http:///bordered.html] that show spur-and-gully morphology and smooth sections.
(80) It is bordered by Powell Street and the Nob Hill District on the west.
(81) It was a dirt road bordered by a dry ditch.
(82) North Adelaide, which is chiefly residential , is bordered by more parklands, and contains two open squares.
(83) The vitreous body is a clear jelly that is much larger than the aqueous humor, and is bordered by the sclera, zonule, and lens.
(84) Costa Rica is in Latin America and is bordered by the Carribean and the Pacific oceans.
(85) Now a rash of scruffy little shops bordered one side of the street.
(86) For Zwingli, the belief that the bread and wine contained the physical body and blood of Christ bordered on idolatry.
(87) It is bordered to the north by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, to the east by Mozambique and Swaziland and encircles the kingdom of Lesotho.
(88) For five miles on end the road was bordered apple orchards.
(89) It is bordered by Iran in the west, Pakistan in the south and east, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the easternmost part of the country.
(90) His silk shirt is bordered with a cotton trip around the neck.
(91) They were standing in a country lane bordered by high, tangled hedgerows, beneath a summer sky as bright and blue as a forget-me-not .
(92) China and India are two bordered Oriental mouth big countries.
(93) I remember the shabby little clapboard house we all grew up in. But it had an enviable nice little plot with a kitchen garden bordered by lilac bushes.
(94) She was pointing down the road which lay like an ecru ribbon thrown down across the prairie grass, bordered beyond by the timber-grown bluffs of the Missouri.
(95) Bordered map area is about 19.75 x 13.5 and the map has sufficient margins for matting or framing.
(96) It is also one of the not-to-be-missed attractions of Oman, an oil-rich and peaceful sultanate, bordered by Saudi Arabia to the west, Yemen to the south and the United Arab Emirates to the north.
(97) As the cold season still lingered he had put on a moleskin shawl bordered with red.
(98) Torus (pl. tori) A disk-shaped structure formed from lignified primary cell-wall material on the middle lamella of a bordered pit.
(99) The crisp, slab-sided two-door first-gen Nomad like the '57 shown above gave way in 1958 to a four-door model that bordered on ugly.
(100) A carnation having pale petals bordered by a darker color.
(101) His press conference on Wednesday was full of conciliation that bordered on contrition.
(102) Bordered matrix has very wide applications in the matrix theory, many specialists and scholars had studied bordered matrices before.
(103) North Adelaide , which is chiefly residential bordered by more parklands, and contains two open squares.
(104) But the impact of a conflict over a storm-tossed and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching.
(105) The Qing territory extended to Lake Balkhash and the Pamirs in the west and bordered Siberia in the north. In the east was the Pacific,[] and in the south the frontier encompassed the Nansha Islands.
(106) The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles , on the right by high, neatly manicured hedge.
(107) The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a small, landlocked state in the north-west of continental Europe, bordered by France, Germany and Belgium.
(108) The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge.
(109) The waste land bordered by this wall communicated with the back yard of an ex-livery stable-keeper of bad repute, who had failed and who still kept a few old single-seated berlins under his sheds.
(110) Bordered by tidal rocks on the left and a tidal river on the right, this cottage and its surrounding sandy beach are my sanctuary.
(111) To the north it is bordered by the world's highest mountain chain, where foothill valleys cover the northernmost of the country's 26 states.
(112) This time, specially writes the bordered news second-class reporter intruded her life, therefore a multangular love contention started (three male female).
(113) Location: It is located in southwest Asia, bordered by the Russia to the north, Turkey ad Iraq to the west, Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east and Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the south.
(114) This one - hectare area is bordered by what is called the Shoulder Hedge.
(115) In type A, the warty layer is absent or rare in pit chamber and in type B, the warty layer is present, in this paper, the variation in phylogeny of the pit membrane in bordered pits is also discussed.
(116) When Zhou Enl ai's door opened theys aw a slender man of more th an aver age height with gleaming eyes and face so striking th at it bordered on the beautiful.
(117) It is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east and Iran (Persia), and the Nakhichevan exclave of Azerbaijan to the south.
(118) Surrey is bordered by Greater London to the east, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire to the north and Hampshire, Sussex and Kent to the south.
(119) The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge. The men's long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched.
(120) Lake Chad, which is bordered by 4 African nations: Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad, was once one of the world's largest.




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