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单词 self-absorbed
释义  ˌself-abˈsorbed adjective  SELFISHinterested only in yourself and the things that affect you 只顾自己的,专注于自我的 Teenagers always seem so self-absorbed. 青少年似乎总是只关心自己。 —self-absorption noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusself-absorbed• Simultaneously bold and innocent, neither abject nor objects of our gaze, they are self-absorbed and self-contained; available to each other.• Sometimes the self-absorbed child also shows little interest in his parents, ignoring them or seeming not to focus on them.• Sometimes a self-absorbed child is less sensitive visually as well.• It appeared that, like other self-absorbed children, Robbie had difficulties at a number of developmental levels.• He depicts his noisy, disordered, life-loving, quarrelsome, self-absorbed family with a historian's detachment.• His play may lack assertive or aggressive themes, and still has a self-absorbed quality.• Wholly self-absorbed, the tone benefits from this inward direction.• I was too self-absorbed to notice how unhappy she was.ˌself-abˈsorbed adjectiveChineseSyllable  you the affect that things Corpus only in and yourself interested




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