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单词 Geographically
1 Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe, while Paris is at the heart of the continent.
2 It is geographically more diverse than any other continent.
3 The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
4 Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.
5 Voting behaviour varies geographically.
6 Friends may be spread geographically. Neighbours, by definition, are nearby.
7 To decentralise and geographically disperse political and economic power.
8 Geographically fluid C3 systems replaced fixed C3 systems.
9 He also chose to distance himself geographically.
10 Geographically distant sites are characterized by very different faunas.
11 GISs allow geographically oriented information about disease distribution and occurrence to be visually and analytically linked to images of the environment.
12 On the contrary, far-flung, geographically dispersed organizations may remain centralized for some important business functions.
13 Although the ranges of the two dolphins correspond geographically, the feeding ecology of the two species is more distinct.
14 Upper level managers need no longer be geographically close to production processes.
15 The population of the U.S. has become more geographically and socially mobile.
16 Geographically based organisations Geographically based organisations such as retail businesses readily spring to mind.
17 OpenVision's technology is aimed at managing large geographically dispersed networks of heterogeneous computers with controls similar to those found on mainframes.
18 It is argued that geographically constituted groups such as community organisations are not necessarily representative of socially diverse populations.
19 Geographically(), the selection would be limited to foreign artists who had emigrated to Paris.
20 Atkinson wanted the commands to be geographically predictable, the same place in every application.
21 Teams are likely to be geographically dispersed and culturally diverse.
22 This shift, however, has had a geographically uneven impact, both between and within the economic planning regions.
23 Geographically this runs from South Northumberland to Cleveland and extends inland to include all the coal field and former coal field areas.
24 The proximity, both geographically and chronologically, of such similar structural arrangements is, clearly, very significant.
25 Essex feel geographically rather remote from the Crystal Palace but have kindly offered to organise the 1982 event.
26 The evidence relating to these issues is not great, and it is unevenly distributed geographically.
27 A few luxuries have been smuggled in by canoe from the Solomons, which Bougainville is geographically and culturally close to.
28 There are obviously more overheads when the client group is geographically dispersed rather than grouped together in a home.
29 Some staff were offered employment in the sales offices which were geographically closest to their regional office.
30 This is the perfect marriage: a disease and a cure, both geographically specific.
1 Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe, while Paris is at the heart of the continent.
31 These services are usually geographically based and have a strong local connection.
32 Similar air temperatures are observed today in geographically equivalent temperate high latitudes.
33 The father or elder brother makes important decisions for the whole extended family even if members are widely separated geographically.
34 Regional networks evolved from networks that originally connected geographically proximate universities.
35 It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
36 A full scale sample, to be representative, may mean carrying out many interviews over a geographically dispersed area.
37 The grouping formalised the situation by creating four essentially geographically based companies, even though they did stray into one another's territories.
38 Accounting tends to supersede direct observation because the units to be controlled are usually many and they are also probably geographically dispersed.
39 Connect people who are proximate geographically.
40 Geographically, this country is located in the southern hemisphere.
41 Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe.
42 Geographically, this country 15 located in the northern hemisphere.
43 Geographically scattered nodes in a mesh topology.
44 There are no geographically delineated groups of artifacts.
45 At the heart of Europe, with all neighbors being member states of the European Union (E.U.), Germany is in a favorable position, geographically and politically.
46 Jang Bo-go also eliminated pirates by installing Cheong-Hae-Jin on Wando, which is a geographically important sea route.
47 A biome is "climatically and geographically defined areas of ecologically similar climatic conditions such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms."
48 Two - letter zone names are organized geographically, each zone corresponds to a country or Other Political Entity.
49 To appreciate Georgia's specialness, you need to realize that the housing bubble was a geographically uneven affair.
50 Adopt collaborative processes involving geographically diversified teams and complex value chain processes to drive KPIs.
51 Licensor desires to grant to the licensee for agreed sum of money as provided herein, and Licensee desires to obtain from Licensor, non-assignable, geographically restrictive license.
52 The American system of health care delivery is not evenly distributed geographically, and primary care or family practitioners are underrepresented among physician.
53 Grids have the ability to assemble diverse, geographically distributed resources, and can provide tremendous computing and resource management capabilities for constructive simulation application.
54 Additionally, the severity of the pandemic varied widely and idiosyncratically across states with little in common economically, demographically, climatically, or geographically.
55 In this paper, the distribution, type and geographically epidemic character of arsenism in China were reported.
56 How do you manage base nodes or Network Deployment cells that are geographically diverse, and connected possibly through a high latency, low bandwidth network?
57 The Yaha gas condensate field is located geographically in Kuqa county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and structurally in the central segment of Luntai faulted uplift in Tabei uplift.
58 Considering disaster recovery, it is a best practice to split two geographically separated data centers also into two logical domains.
59 If you simply need to provide geographically distributed users with access to ClearQuest for operations that do not require the local client, then ClearQuest Web is the way to go.
60 The publishing house reportedly retorted that geographically speaking, north China is correct.
61 All these events, however geographically remote, urgently affected Western financial centers.
62 When plants are geographically separated, overall transportation charges and warehouse requirements can be reduced by in-transit mixing.
63 Multiple Geographies -- Companies may organize geographically, each region operating independently yet synergistically in support of the company's global goals.
64 The collection of people, hardware, and software the multiaccess computer together with its local community of users will become a node in a geographically distributed computer network.
65 A geographically distributed organization should consider an enterprise architecture that distributes ownership of each major component (frameworks, databases, applications, ...) to a single location.
66 The collapse of the mine has helped pull together a geographically disparate, class-conscious, and often individualistic country.
67 The disease is endemic to Africa; two geographically isolated strains are known. Treatment for this disease includes using suramin or pentamidine; both are fairly toxic.
68 Korea, geographically near China, produced Sino-Korean words by adopting Chinese Characters as its own national characters early before Anno Domini.
69 Grid-oriented data visualization shares geographically distributed data sources, analysis facilities and visualization facilities, and also supplies transparent data access capabilities.
70 Works within a small geographically dispersed sales team of 30 members, working for a much larger firm of 500 employees. Has a face book account and is very familiar with the office suite of products.
71 Most of the country in the temperate zone, although geographically the country stretches from the tropical and subtropical zones in the south to the frigid zone in the north.
72 You also get to branch out geographically without spending money on overhead costs.
73 Now, we often hear how we're all too busy, too geographically dispersed, too careerist, too selfish, too something to move an elderly parent into our households. We berate ourselves for it.
74 When plants are geographically separated, overall transportation charges and warehouse requirements be reduced in - transit mixing.
75 Historically and geographically, Chongqing hardly seemed destined for greatness . Quite the contrary.
76 'We detected two geographically separated missile launch events with an exo-atmospheric collision also being observed by space-based sensors.
77 Also as an understatement, geographically, Binghamton is a beautiful place, mountainous and woodsy in all of its glory.
78 The species of Genus Taxus are more geographically than morphologically separable.
79 Manage branch servers that are geographically dispersed and reachable only through a low bandwidth, high latency network.
80 Frequency of interaction between senior management and operating management, particularly when operating from geographically removed locations.
81 The use of computers for simultaneous communication among geographically separated participants in a meeting.
82 Singapore was historically the capital of the Straits Settlement and geographically a part of the Malay Peninsula.
83 It is not too late to liquidate assets and move into precious metals, spreading out geographically.
84 They've encountered time travel, angry island inhabitants, man-eating black smoke and geographically misplaced polar bears.




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