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单词 boulder
释义  Related topics: Natureboul·der /ˈbəʊldə $ ˈboʊldər/ noun [countable]  DNa large round piece of rock 巨石,巨砾Examples from the Corpusboulder• My shin had struck a boulder on the river bottom during my spill.• A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.• Two huge boulders had to be moved out of the way before the trucks could get through.• In one of the passes they pulled off the paved highway and parked out of sight of it, among limestone boulders.• Pyrotechnics, a runaway boulder and a few animatronic Indys are along the way.• He sat down on a small boulder a few feet away, the rifles across his knees.• Stephen went back across the river again, clambering over the boulders.• With nervous steps, I crossed from one slippery wet boulder to the next whilst the water swirled and gurgled beneath.• What was I doing cavorting with boulders in the middle of nowhere?Origin boulder (1400-1500) From a Scandinavian languageboul·der nounChineseSyllable  piece round of large Corpus rock a




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