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单词 Cosmically
1. Our country have trained schoolmaster cosmically during the "eighth-five" and "ninth-five", and established normal system of training-curriculum, but there also have many problems.
2. The Distributed Calculation is used to deal with cosmically datas.
3. FGD(Flue Gas Desulfurization) is only cosmically commercial desulfuration type in the world. It is dominating technology measure to control acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution.
4. To the cosmically behavior to kill the stray animals, I do not agree.
5. The Original Planners knew that, cosmically speaking, this was a lesson for them in allowing, in understanding the creator gods who took their project.
6. FGD (Fume Gas Desulfuration) is only cosmically commercial desulfuration type in the world. It is dominating technology measure to control acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution.
7. Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge, full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore's development in our country is the most urgent situation.
8. A part of you is always cosmically inspired and from the level of your higher self or soul, you know and feel the meaning of all that happens to you.
9. Rural surplus labors flow into cities cosmically with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization is one common issue faced by every country in the growing phase of industrialization.
10. Now, the segment girders are used more and more. Guangzhou metro first use the segment girder technology cosmically in urban railway traffic, obtain primary fruit.
11. Compared with traditional ferment methods, the change of the amount of microorganism provides the theoretic basis to develop cosmically industrialized autoimmunization produce.
12. In the present paper the technology of officinal plant cell breeding and cosmically culture was reviewed the question and future work were also included.
13. The specialty of Chinese Communist's self construction determines that the Party should put up a cosmically centralized Marxism Education Movement all over the Party in a period of time.
14. After diaspora , Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically.
15. Among all the strengthening method, alloying method is an important way(http:///cosmically.html), especially suitable to cosmically industry production.
16. As far as I know, HPLC is recruiting employees cosmically . How would you think a company to attract people and keep them?
17. We fetched in and screened out several strains of the mushroom Clitocybe maxima adapted to the cosmically all-year cultivation in Fujian .
18. In the present stage, it is a very important feature that the surplus labor forces of off-farm workers were cosmically transferring to town and non-agricultural sectors.
19. But all these reform modes were washed out or could not be extended cosmically.
20. Its synthesis technology was simple and the equipment investment was little with little energy consumption and low cost, so it was completely suitable to use in cosmically industrial production.
21. At the present time the public health of our country has been seriously threatened after our country suffered cosmically foudroyant throe of the SARS, faced spreading of birds-flu virus.




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