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单词 New britain
1. New Britain is an irregularly shaped island that splits the Solomon and Bismarck Seas to point like at dagger at New Guinea.
2. On April 2, New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea had a magnitude 6.9 earthquake occurred, but caused no casualties.
3. Here, there is a island called New Britain, there is a Catholic mission station, where the Australian nurses to overcome the difficult conditions(http://), taking care in the hands of Australian soldiers.
4. I am sure he and Kate will be wonderful representatives of "New Britain" — swiftly superseding the likes of the Beckhams.
5. Our family caught games in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and New Britain, Connecticut.
6. January 1944: US Marines carry their weapons and ammunition overhead as they wade through a wetland area at Cape Gloucester, New Britain Island.
7. February 23, 1944: Captain Carter, upper center with map, briefs his men for amphibious assault operations at Arawe, New Britain aboard a troop transport ship.
8. Sydney, Oct. 18 Xinhua Xinhua News Port Moresby: Papua New Guinea, New Britain region 18, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake, there were no reports of casualties and property losses.
9. There was a time when the Japanese controlled the whole world. Well, if not the entire world then just that little corner of it around New Guinea and New Britain.
10. Xinhua News: According to the U. S. Geological Survey Earthquake Information Network news, Papua New Guinea, New Britain region 18, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake.
11. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the Allies (Not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain and the Solomon Islands.




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