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单词 Awaited
1, Her latest novel is eagerly awaited.
2, A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.
3, A stack of files awaited me on my desk.
4, A terrible disappointment awaited them.
5, A surprise awaited us on our arrival.
6, This is a keenly awaited project.
7, We avidly awaited news of him.
8, A nasty surprise awaited them in Rosemary Lane.
9, The long/eagerly awaited sequel is now available on video.
10, A princely welcome awaited them.
11, A terrible surprise awaited them at Mr Tumnus' house.
12, Tomorrow the children will receive their anxiously awaited presents.
13, The players anxiously awaited the verdict of the umpire.
14, Enough of fantasy,[http:///awaited.html] the workaday world awaited him.
15, The outcome of the appeal is awaited with interest.
16, The convicts awaited their fate in prison.
17, A marvellous reception awaited me on my first day at work.
18, They were warned of the dreadful fate that awaited them if ever they returned to their homes.
19, We knew that blizzard conditions awaited us in Boston.
20, What further nasty surprises awaited me that day?
21, A horrible fate awaited these young creatures.
22, Nodding(), Seton gave the awaited signal to fire.
23, Breakfast and the Pekinese awaited her in the dining-room.
24, A welcoming party of three juniors awaited them.
25, So he awaited his summons without impatience.
26, The findings will be eagerly awaited.
27, Long awaited e-commerce portals are also opening up.
28, But Michael Heseltine's autobiography has been awaited with optimism.
29, But an intriguing new project awaited him.
30, Spencer's father had died young, and he feared that the same fate awaited him.
1, Her latest novel is eagerly awaited.
2, A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.
3, A stack of files awaited me on my desk.
31, A whole untapped market awaited him.
32, Gascoigne laboriously made his way into the penalty area, more in hope than expectation as he awaited the free-kick.
33, Further honours awaited him at Bologna, where he applied for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica.
34, The eel fry, awaited impatiently each year, provided sport and income.
35, So my birth, as I was told, was awaited with great anticipation.
36, For about a month, while he awaited confirmation as Attorney General, Ed Meese was also on hand.
37, He went to fetch his wife and off to whatever fate awaited him, and Eddie and I resumed on the road.
38, The backlash is awaited with interest by everyone, even those with only a passing interest in the music scene.
39, The anxiously awaited invitations to the prestigious end-of-year dance began to arrive.
40, Salomon's radically different Adventure 7 boots, using even more ski boot technology, are still eagerly awaited for test.
41, I saw the Manor at Welshpool where a Class 37 and its passengers awaited its arrival.
42, A postmortem examination failed to establish a definite cause of death and the results of further forensic tests are awaited.
43, The two awaited her return in a kitchen redolent with the smell of home baking.
44, At the time of going to press the working party's document is still awaited.
45, Northern states did not enact legislation prohibiting discussion of slavery,[http:///awaited.html] but mob violence often awaited antislavery spokesmen.
46, Barneys says those stores marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship, a joint venture that only awaited a formal agreement.
47, It was then that I began to discover the fate that awaited me as a female.
48, The fact that, though they had been pared, no fewer than 13 charges still awaited Mr Nadir is discouraging.
49, We made it through, paddling to a quiet spot and awaited the others.
50, Only calamity and desolation awaited this continent, and he felt almost powerless against the evils.
51, The clean-up will continue for many months while the outcome of the official inquiry will be eagerly awaited.
52, This project has recently been entered for a Saltire Award, the outcome of which is awaited with interest.
53, At the time of the meeting publication of draft orders to be laid before parliament were awaited.
54, This experience deepened my dread of the five fillings which awaited me.
55, A response is awaited from Lothian Health Board regarding their possible involvement in distributing the packs.
56, Captain Shaker folded the roster sheet and put it under his arm and awaited inspection.
57, I wasn't in the best of shape to receive bad news and that was what awaited me in the byre.
58, For two years she had awaited the turn of events before deciding which side to join, while maintaining a mobilized army.
59, The appearance of a drug that promotes sleep without depressing the central nervous sys-tem has been long awaited.
60, Therese of Lisieux arrived right on schedule at the city's main Catholic seminary yesterday morning, where hundreds awaited the arrival.
61, Here, Brian Whittle, in his first major championships, awaited Kriss Akabussi.
62, I saw what a cold, lonely life awaited me in this country.
63, As Lord Westbourne stomped back in, in a thoroughly bad temper, one more shock awaited him.
64, She felt strangely restless, wanting to throw herself into every small task that awaited her throughout the house.
65, As for those who did not, it was too soon to contemplate the radically altered life that awaited them.
66, No collections were taken, but just next to the exit a small receptacle awaited contributions to help pay the rent.
67, A report is awaited on the entire electrical circuit and plans to improve sound amplification are in hand.
68, They are eagerly awaited, for even a partially effective vaccine could have a significant impact on the virus's spread.
69, When they returned, thousands awaited them at the airport with Yamamoto to the fore.
70, A night at Fort William gave me a long awaited opportunity of making the ascent.
71, Worse awaited the Vietminh leader two evenings later, at a farewell dinner organized by Zhou.
72, Ahead of him a whole spinney of the tree men awaited.
72, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
73, Over 250,000 former government soldiers awaited rehabilitation and 1,500,000 people had been displaced by the war.
74, I uneasily awaited his first question about my journalistic ambitions.
75, His lips were compressed into a thin line as he awaited some explanation.
76, Chilled fruit and scones awaited us in the tiny kitchen.
77, It was with much excitement that I awaited the recent release of Procomm Plus for Windows 3. 0.
78, The awarding of rehabilitation loans and grants still awaited council approval despite the sizable waiting lists.
79, As the eastern shore of the future United States became the new landscape, it awaited the new pilgrims.
80, The couples in this book all found creative alternatives to the family-nullifying lives that awaited nearly every one of them.
81, He winced in pain as he climbed down the staircase leading on to the tarmac, where an airline bus awaited him.
82, The two hapless groups of men now mostly hid, endured, and awaited their opportunity to fire back or escape.
83, Identification of the gene encoding s-ADH and the eventual search for polymorphisms are awaited with interest.
84, He rolled his window down and awaited the boy, still laughing.
85, Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime.
86, His reappearance as hamlet has been long awaited.
87, How anxiously she awaited my answer.
88, He awaited her answer with impatience.
89, They awaited an opportunity to counter-attack.
90, He awaited word from his man in Havana.
91, What awaited the politician was suspicion and unfriendliness from the local residents.
92, Herod in Jerusalem impatiently awaited the return of the wise men.
93, As a member of the Resistance she eagerly awaited the Allied counter-attack on the mainland.
94, He had a good friend, the wolf, and he crept out in the evening into the forest to him, and complained of the fate that awaited him. "Listen, kinsman , " said the wolf, "be of good cheer.
95, Their initial journey from villages into the portside towns of Amoy and Canton took up to three days of fast paced walking and was merely a taste of the trials that awaited them.
96, He took a seat, and quietly awaited the arrival of the notary.
97, Lulled into a false sense of security, we eagerly awaited their return.
98, Now the long awaited winter vacation is near at hand.
99, Factitious what is awaited in good a long time incontrollable oneself mood?
100, Unbound to Earth, our species could imagine that an age of spacefaring was truly under way, the Moon and Mars within reach, maybe even an asteroid where the Little Prince awaited our visit.
101, He awaited the propitious moment with the crafty patience of the sick.
102, A wise decision is being awaited, not just for the sake of job market per se,[] but for the sake of our nation in toto .
103, A Barman, a policeman, and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man's arrival after hiding Marvel.
104, Perhaps Blizzard needs to rethink their position on dealing with Korean authorities, otherwise the long awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of kinder-garden sandpit.
105, The illiterate were familiarised in this way with the horror which threatened the sinners and unfaithful, and the paradisiacal ecstasy which awaited the good Christian.
106, He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann's return anxiously.
107, On my bedside table awaited, with the compliments of the management, an appetizing breakfast.
108, Harold , eight miles away, awaited him in resolute array.
109, Treasuries, statues-even a gold-leafed palm tree-lined the Sacred Way, which pilgrims followed to the gleaming Temple of Apollo where the oracle awaited them.
110, With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative.
111, The two crews now tensely awaited the sound of gun.
112, She and her family are jetting off for a long - awaited island getaway.
113, They occasionally returned for the traditional balls, but the men who awaited them had lost their prestige and become unmarriageable.
114, All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.
115, He awaited each stroke with impatience and - he knew not why - apprehension.
116, A new bike awaited me at the Honda agency in Veracruz. I was confronted by the first official when registering the bike.
117, Kwame Brown made his long - awaited return to the lineup Friday night.
118, I had a range of blood tests including HIV, but I did not have a smear test and while we awaited the results we went shopping .
119, In the meantime, the Lakers will play the Boston Celtics today in the long- awaited Christmas Day game for all the marbles.
120, I awaited the result of the football match with trepidation.
121, Who would begrudge the Iraqi people their long - awaited liberation?
122, And when he heard this, his heart misgave him; for he thought of the awful enlightening, the terrible revulsion of feeling that awaited her in the morning.
123, Implicitly, the message to the students was that success awaited them if only they could sweep away the impediments to stardom, including S.P.s.
124, Because this expert points out, although the effect that autumn decorates is good, but should notice to because season is awaited compatibly , avoid to produce a problem likewise when decorate.
125, May's brougham awaited her at the door, and she was to drive Archer to Union Square, where he could pick up a Broadway car to carry him to the office.
126, He said he awaited a response from the Iranian government with optimism.
127, Chueh - hsin thought very little. He calmly awaited the advent of his bride.
128, She would lean both hands against my chest and throw them up at the last moment, as she gave a toneless sobbing cry that frightened me the first time, and that later I eagerly awaited.
129, Proudly lined up on a long bench , they stonily awaited their victims.
130, He awaited each new stroke with impatience and -- he knew not why -- apprehension.
131, More reporters and cameramen awaited them, but as soon as she'd been interviewed, Snoopy was back on the road for a 138-mile trip to Grand Island.
132, Nelson DeMille is one of America's most popular and bestselling authors,[http:///awaited.html] and a new book from him is a keenly awaited event.
133, The burdensome task of preparing her income tax return awaited her.
134, A Colonel Azizov, a swarthy, sardonic, pipe - smoking Tartar, awaited Levchenko.
135, Isareli commandos were under prepared for what awaited for them as they dropped from helicopters onto the deck of one vessel in Mavi Mamara.
136, The long awaited Mission Director ( MD ) mission development tool.
137, As the long awaited winter holidays arrive, Christmas spirit up.
138, You are awaited a bit, bagman says, you had needed.
139, Last month at the regional hospital in Dodoma, they awaited expert surgeons who would try to repair the damage.
140, If this was the awaited mellowing , it was not very pronounced.
141, Arriving home, it was those uncleaned breakfast dishes filling in the sink that awaited me.
142, A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status register until the device has reached the awaited state.
143, I awaited Christmas Eve, and the always exciting advent of fat Santa.
144, What of this chickling chicken is awaited can grow telegraph pole so big good.
145, He awaited impatiently the end, when they should go home alone.
146, Now at length Goering could give them the long - awaited signal.
147, Barman, a policeman, and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man's arrival after hiding Marvel.
148, Cathy entered by the casement window of the drawing-room, and glided noiselessly up to where I awaited her.
149, Immediately forgetting his worries and fatigue from the enervating day, Joran bounded forward, entering the beautiful fortress and ready to discover the treasure which awaited him.
150, Wall Street headed for a moderately lower open Monday as investors awaited key government readings on personal income and spending as well as a report on factory orders.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:54:09