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单词 Pardon
1. God will pardon me, it is his trade. 
2. Pardon me - I didn't hear what you said.
3. She asked him to pardon her rudeness.
4. I hope you will pardon me for that slip.
5. Pardon me for disturbing you.
6. The Pardon Board has no power to stop execution.
7. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
8. Pardon all men, but never thyself.
9. Please pardon me for not arriving soon.
10. The government offered a free pardon to the rebels.
11. He was granted a pardon after new evidence had proved his innocence.
12. He went there to ask her pardon(), but the words stuck in his throat.
13. I beg your pardon.
14. I entreated your pardon.
15. Pardon my asking, but is that your husband?
16. Beg pardon, but have you seen my ball-pen?
17. I must crave your pardon.
18. I hope you will pardon me for doing so.
19. I hope you'll pardon me saying so.
20. Pardon my ignorance,[http://] but what is a 'duplex'?
21. 'I beg your pardon?' she giggled.
22. Pardon me, I have to use the john.
23. He had actively sought a pardon from the president.
24. I was impolite and I do beg your pardon.
25. Pardon my ignorance, but what does OPEC stand for?
26. She asked for pardon for her crime.
27. We must pardon the young man his little faults.
28. A willful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon
29. If sb. says sth. that you do not hear, you can say "I beg your pardon?" or " Pardon?" so they will say it again.
30. A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon.
1. Pardon me - I didn't hear what you said.
2. Pardon me for disturbing you.
3. The Pardon Board has no power to stop execution.
4. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
5. The government offered a free pardon to the rebels.
6. If sb. says sth. that you do not hear, you can say "I beg your pardon?" or " Pardon?" so they will say it again.
7. I beg your pardon.
8. I entreated your pardon.
31. Pardon me for interrupting .
32. Please pardon me for not having answered your letter.
33. He craved the teacher's pardon.
34. He asked her pardon for having deceived her.
35. He begged her to pardon him .
36. Pardon me, are you finished, madam?
37. Pardon me, can you direct me to City Hall?
38. I earnestly pray for your pardon.
39. Pardon me for interrupting you.
40. Oh, pardon me, I didn't mean to disturb you.
41. At last, he obtained his father's pardon.
42. He was granted a presidential pardon.
43. It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression.
44. Pardon, I don't dig.
45. Tyler was convicted but was granted a royal pardon .
46. He could never pardon her for the things she had said.
47. Pardon me for saying so, but you don't look well.
48. He returned to beg her pardon for his sudden outburst.
49. That, if you'll pardon my saying so,[http://] is neither here nor there.
50. If you'll pardon my French, he's a complete bloody fool.
51. It was a bit of a cock-up, if you'll pardon the expression.
52. Walter begged her pardon for all the pain he had caused her.
53. I cry your pardon.
54. His pardon came through only three hours before he was due to be executed.
55. I beg your pardon, what you say is not exactly correct.
56. I beg your pardon I didn't hear what you said.
57. The place was, if you'll pardon the expression, a dump.
58. James, if you'll pardon me, you've got it all wrong.
59. I beg your pardon. I think you were next in the queue.
60. He's a pain in the butt, if you'll pardon the expression.
61. I beg your pardon but the woman you're insulting happens to be my wife.
62. I beg your pardon, I thought that was my coat.
63. After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.
64. The man doesn't know his arse from his elbow, if you'll pardon the expression.
65. The president used his executive discretion to pardon the two men.
66. Pardon me asking/Pardon my asking, but isn't that my hat you're wearing?
67. Oh, I beg your pardon. I thought you said 15 pence, not 50.
68. The new government is to grant a free pardon to all political prisoners.
69. I beg your pardon, Professors.
70. Pardon me, but I'd better answer that phone.
71. I do beg your pardon, sir.
72. I ask you to pardon me.
73. Pardon me, but that's not exactly what happened.
74. So why was a free pardon not granted?
75. Oh, I beg your pardon. Are you all right?
76. King: I beg thy pardon, Wapping.
77. Last November, after Mr Wahid denied a pardon request, the younger Suharto went into hiding.
78. I am so sorry about that,[] Mr Judd. Please pardon my daughter for her little outburst.
79. Pardon their asking, they said, but were they right in thinking that he was the celebrated Blondel?
80. Clinton limited his speech to development and relief issues, ignoring the controversy surrounding his pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.
81. The appearance of a quid pro quo in the Hammer pardon is much more clear-cut than it is in the Rich case.
82. A free pardon should only be granted if moral as well as technical innocence can be established.
83. Pardon the mess -- I got home late last night and didn't have time to clean up.
84. I hope you'll pardon the state of the house - I haven't had time to clean it up.
85. Prosecutors are trying to determine whether Clinton was bribed to grant the pardon.
86. Has the Home Secretary considered exercising his powers of a posthumous pardon in this case?
87. He returned briefly to the Commonwealth's service, but retired when the Restoration became inevitable and procured a royal pardon.
88. Thinking back, he reasons that he expected Quinn also to send the petition to the Justice pardon attorney.
89. On more than one occasion she is known to have publicly asked pardon for the scandal she had given.
90. All he needs is a presidential pardon to restore his passport.
91. She's kind of a bitch, if you'll pardon the expression.
92. There was then apparently an offer of pardon to others who submitted willingly to the royal authority without delay.
93. I am ashamed of it myself, and for this reason I stoop to beg your pardon.
94. Juan is freed when a letter is discovered granting him pardon for his crime.
95. Podesta, according to sources, had seen earlier that the pardon process was heading for trouble.
96. Pardon me for asking, but where did you buy your shoes?
97. Pardon me for thinking they were important, pardon me for feeling beautiful and lyrical, pardon me for loving you.
98. I was, if you will pardon the expression, absolutely buggered.
99. In November, a commission lawyer told Marcial that prospects for a Christmas pardon looked good.
100. A pardon would allow Rich to return to the United States, and he wanted one badly.
101. He picked up a £142,000 payoff from wealthy businessman Braswell when Clinton granted him a pardon on his last day in office.
102. Then, in May 1823, the hoped-for pardon arrived and he was able to resume a normal life at Kinloch.
103. After Mortimer's condemnation Edward granted pardon and restitution to the families which had suffered at his hands in 1329 and 1330.
104. But he has now refused either to grant the long-expected pardon or refer the case back to the Court of Appeal.
105. With the promise of a pardon, Wynn was persuaded to give evidence.
106. The scrutiny has spread to encompass questions about how Clinton relatives and others with special access may have influenced the pardon process.
107. Pardon me, can you tell me how to get to the library?
108. He has rejected all the accusations and said he did not want to ask the president for pardon.
109. Thomas had received a royal pardon in the previous April, just one week after Barnet,[http:///pardon.html] which implies a Neville connection.
110. We gave her a free pardon, though, and she lives there freely, as merry as the rest of us.
111. Or is it, pardon me for being so vulgar but others will ask the same, her family?
112. It's time that guy got off his ass, if you'll pardon the expression.
113. Noah Claypole was given a free pardon for telling the police about Fagin.
114. It is surely better to pardon too much, than to condemn too much. George Eliot 
115. The London Government, sensitive to the disquiet, hastily granted a general pardon, but Cornwall was out for blood.
116. And can you pardon me for coming to such a conclusion as that in the last line of my verses?
117. Francis of Assisi wrote: Where there is injury, let me grant pardon.
118. Charges of child kidnapping are not covered by the presidential pardon.
119. It is the right of any convicted felon, great or small, to apply for a pardon.
120. Bentley's relatives are demanding a posthumous pardon from the government.
121. Before the pardon was granted, federal prosecutors began investigating new allegations of money laundering and tax evasion.
122. Pardon us if we yawn, Chuck, but that hardly addresses the real problem.
123. If they agree on a pardon, it is passed on to the White House.
124. You must pardon me, by the way, for speaking to you in this vague way.
125. In spite of the negative stand of Carnogursky, Schuster can decide to grant the pardon.
126. A Justice Department official said there was no record of any formal request by Wynn for a pardon.
127. Of course ticket-of-leave is never full of pardon but it's not far off.
128. In 1182, he asked formally for pardon, prostrating himself before Barbarossa.
129. A pardon need not imply that a soldier did not desert, or show cowardice, or disobey orders.
130. The mistress, political fundraiser Linda Jones, was granted a pardon, too.
131. She has even declared her unwillingness to accept a presidential pardon because it carries an implicit concession of guilt.
132. "Pardon the pun, but we were all in the same boat," said Navy lieutenant Green.
133. He was granted a partial pardon by President Jacques Chirac in 1996 and was finally released in September 1998.
134. Rex, pardon me, but you don't seem to be shrugging helplessly or shaking your head.
135. They expect a pardon by course of law.
136. shouted the crowed ."Give him a free pardon!"
137. It's a death row pardon two minutes too late.
138. Pardon my strong language, please.
138. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
139. May God grant you pardon for your sins.
140. Please pardon my presumption in writing to you.
141. Decker: I beg your pardon, Colonel?
142. Madeline Ashton: I beg your pardon?
143. C. Meng Ke said shamefacedly, "Please pardon me, mother."
144. By course of law they expect a pardon.
145. Pardon me if I don't jump for joy.
146. For I can not pardon Geordie"."
147. Pardon me, sir, but couldn't we go after him?
148. He knelt before the king and asked for pardon.
149. " I beg your pardon,'said Rhett with mock humility.
150. Beg pardon, did I tread on your foot, miss?
151. I crave your pardon, Deerslayer.
152. I am a factory girl, won't you pardon me?
153. I beg your pardon? What's your name, airman?
154. Beg pardon, did I tread on your foot?
155. " I beg your pardon, I mean, Mrs. Wilkes.
156. A fault wilfully committed deserves no pardon.
157. Since the lion has spared you, I will for this time ratify your pardon.
158. "Let him go free! " shouted the crowed . "Give him a free pardon! "
159. Finally, he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him. "Pardon me, " she said, "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable.
160. Because a singleton, father fears him be being beaten dead, often crying to ask Aizi pardon.
161. Marilyn Walker, mother of convicted "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh, asking President Bush for a pardon to free her son.
162. But, if you be ashamed of your touchiness, you must ask pardon, mind, when she comes in.
163. He's leaving open the possibility of a pardon, but insists Libby is not getting off scot - free.
164. His family and supporters have campaigned for many years for a posthumous pardon.
165. " Hell's afire -- Well, I beg your pardon again.
166. A: Pardon , Madme, pouvez - vous me dire o ù est Notre Dame de Paris?
167. He received a pardon from the governor after eight years' imprisonment. In 1940, Williams created the M-1 carbine.
168. Former Czech President Vaclav Havel is listed on the letter to Mr. Medvedev as a supporter of a pardon.
168. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
169. "Madam, " I said severely, "pardon me if I suggest that you accept a resemblance too precipitately.
170. Only a large-hearted man can understand others and pardon (hold) others.
171. I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again.
172. What's the biggest number you can represent with three decimal digits? Pardon?
173. NOTE: If you have received a pardon under the Criminal Records Act (Canada) and it has not been revoked, you must disclose the pardoned offence in this PIF.
174. Pardon me my clumsiness.
175. Whenever we sin let us hasten to the mercy seat of our God, seeking pardon.
176. Lowry is accused of changing the date of the pardon from April 14, 1864 to April 14, 1865.
177. ON YOM KIPPUR[1] , the Day of Atonement and holiest festival in Judaism, worshippers beseech God’s pardon.
178. North Korean leader Kim Jong - il has issued a special pardon to two detained US journalists.
179. Begging your pardon, miss gracie, you've stabbed me twice already.
180. Bill Clinton faces criminal investigation over his pardon of a business man.
181. Park manager Marlo Acock said the farm-bred gobblers are overweight and less hardy than their wild counterparts, and do not live long after the pardon.
182. S : Pardon me. C : I want a telephoto lens.
183. My governess, who continued to be my fast friend, had tried to obtain a pardon.
184. God's free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
185. I strongly believe that Lord has expressed His Grace of forgivingness. But I also have to beg you, whom I have or might have sinned against, to pardon me.
186. Iyan hardly pardon his discarding the hardware andt cardbo 8779 ard in the harbour.
187. Eventually Blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning his crew and settling in the American colonies.
188. The first inkling of Cheney's disenchantment with Bush came in a long account in Time magazine of his failed attempt to win a presidential pardon for his aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
189. "This morn I am acknowledging a full statesmanly pardon so they tin live out their lives as safe as can be, lunette carrera, " the president announced.
190. Pardon, o ù se trouve le rayon des chaussures et des chapeaux?
191. Factory Girl I am a factory girl, won't you pardon me?
192. President George H.W. Bush was the first to officially pardon a turkey.
193. Pardon my abruptness, but precisely what are you driving at?
194. If a criminal of endangering national security commits the same crime again at any time after serving his sentence or receiving a pardon shall be dealt with as a recidivist.
195. Caption :Presidential Pardon:In 1868, President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional amnesty to all those who fought on the side of the south, like these Confederate soldiers, in the US Civil War.
196. Frunze in the legal system, despite the existence of"pardon"and"non-pardon"controversy, but in the history of most countries in different periods or complex or simple system to set up a pardon.
197. "I ask pardon, I am straying from the question" (Oliver Goldsmith).
198. " I beg your pardon, Mrs. Wilkes. I meant no disrespect.
198. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
199. God free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
200. As he is the first transgressor, he sees no hopes of pardon.
201. He on bended knees entreats: " Lilliputian is Chen Quan, ask grandpa pardon. "
202. I beg your pardon, but could you tell me where the Fleet Street is?
203. Simon Mann, a British mercenary jailed first in Zimbabwe in 2004 and then imprisoned since 2008 in Equatorial Guinea , flew to Britain after getting a presidential pardon.
204. I will grant you pardon, on condition that you help me solve a terrible problem.
205. Jason: Your hair, your house, your humiliation, well pardon me miss pudding head !
206. Their bloodguilt, which I have not pardoned, I will pardon.'The LORD dwells in Zion!
207. "Marquise," said Villefort, approaching his future mother-in-law, "I request your pardon for thus leaving you.
208. "Would you get undressed, please?"— 'I beg your pardon.' — 'Will you get undressed.'
209. Article 66 If a criminal of endangering national security commits the same crime again at any time after serving his sentence or receiving a pardon shall be dealt with as a recidivist.
210. Pardon , Monsieur, je voudrais envoyer un t é l é gramme ( un fax ).
211. Begging your pardon, miss gracie, you've never been on a horse.
212. Ludacris felt it was, and his Obama Is Here even boasted: "He said I handle my biz and I'm one of his favourite rappers/Well give Luda a special pardon if I'm ever in the slammer."
213. Offered a pardon by King George I when Captain Woodes Rogers came to the Bahamas to make the offer. Some pirates accepted this offer, but not Blackbeard.
214. The pattern of restorative judicature differs greatly from the pattern of traditional retributive justice, which takes great advantage of the criminal's penitence, repentance, and the victim's pardon.
215. One thing that surprised me was how hard he pushed me to pardon Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence analyst who had been convicted in 1986 of spying for Israel.
216. "We're meant to do it quarterly actually."— 'Oh quarterly. I beg your pardon. I thought it was monthly.'.




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