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单词 Solar system
1 Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
2 There are nine planets in the solar system.
3 The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
4 Having a solar system reflects that lifestyle.
5 That is, in all parts of the solar system accessible to close inspection..
6 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system, i.e. from interstellar space, the space between the stars.
7 The narrow confines of the inner solar system seem claustrophobic compared to the asteroid belt.
8 The search for smaller objects in the outer Solar System has only just started, however.
9 Neptune is one of the farthest planets of the solar system.
10 In days to come it may be possible to travel beyond the Solar System.
11 These spacecraft may send back data about the outermost reaches of the solar system.
12 The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.
13 The sun makes up 99.9% of the mass of our solar system.
14 The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.
15 Henceforth the whole cosmos or at least the whole solar system must be conceived as a process of constant historical change.
16 Not long ago I had read that each atom was a sort of solar system.
17 Comets are hunks of dirt and ice with elongated orbits that take them from the outer solar system to near the sun.
18 The time had not yet come when Man could leave his mark upon the Solar System.
19 In 1987 David Jewitt instituted a systematic search of the outer Solar System for faint, slow-moving objects.
20 We may visualise them as wavelengths and orbits about a nucleus - with some similarity to a miniature solar system.
21 The very asteroids that present the greatest danger to us are also the most accessible bodies in the solar system.
22 A less-contrived example involves the relation between Kepler's theory of the solar system and Newton's.
23 The luminosity of the Sun in the early history of the Solar System was probably only about 70% of the present value.
24 Television audiences, notably on the home video blooper shows, have to be from some other solar system.
25 The supposed permanent subsolar point would be the hottest place in the solar system outside the Sun.
26 Some astronomers have used these data to suggest that our solar system is unusual.
27 Their suggestion requires the presence of giant comets in the outer solar system.
28 But some, including Eros, wander out of the asteroid belt and into the inner solar system during each orbit.
29 Whose idea was it to set a haunted-house flick aboard a spaceship at the far reaches of the solar system?
30 More than a million life forms have developed on this unique spot in the solar system.
1 Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system.
2 There are nine planets in the solar system.
3 Neptune is one of the farthest planets of the solar system.
31 These bodies pass through the heavily trafficked inner solar system; many cross the orbits of three or four different planets.
32 Female speaker Can anyone one tell me about the solar system, or anything they know about it.
33 If the arrivals of comets in the inner Solar System were totally haphazard we would have little reason to believe such ideas.
34 It's mind-boggling to think that our solar system is only one among billions.
35 He went further and tied the distances between the sites in with the known distances between planets in the solar system.
36 Because spiderglass now webbed the Solar System and reached out to the stars.
37 Space probes operate in dark, cold, remote parts of the solar system.
37 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
38 The space race had broken clear of Earth and was spreading throughout the inner solar system.
39 Comet Shoemaker-Levy passed through our solar system and crashed into Jupiter July 16, 1994.
40 The maximum possible impact velocity for a solar system body striking Earth is a little more complicated to calculate.
41 All the heavy materials came from junk spinning somewhere around in the solar system.
42 But full acceptance of the importance of large impacts on Earth had to await the exploration of the solar system by spacecraft.
43 If the Solar System existed in total isolation, those comets would continue to orbit in perfectly stable fashion.
44 Perspective 6: People make themselves at home throughout the solar system.
45 Many probably pre-date the solar system, having perhaps been protected inside comets.
46 It recognized what was climbing up toward it from the warm heart of the Solar System.
47 Mars! The final pimple in our solar system!
48 Neptune is the eighth planet of our solar system.
49 Pluto is the furthest planet in the solar system.
50 Related: "NASA Finds Smallest Earthlike Planet Outside Solar System."
51 The two spacecraft are the most distant human-made objects, out at the edge of the heliosphere -- the bubble the sun creates around the solar system.
52 The orange red sun of Earth's solar system is more resonant with red blood.
53 THERE is a story about a science professor a public lecture on the solar system.
54 IBEX has also generated the first maps of neutral hydrogen and oxygen atoms entering the solar system from interstellar space.
55 The globe rotates while nested in its lizard skin case and has a map of the solar system inside the top of the case, right.
56 Relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.
57 The atomic structure is often compared to a miniature solar system.
58 When you see the zodiacal light , you are looking edgewise into our own solar system.
59 It was there, 18 centuries before the Copernican revolution, that Aristarchus posited a heliocentric solar system and Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth.
60 But Mars is just a little nearby hunk of rock in our own solar system – while Aldebaran is a mighty star, located about 65-light years away.
61 At lower left is a diagram of the Ptolemaic view of the solar system and at the lower right is a chart to calculate the date of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar .
62 Mars's rapid formation might help explain why it is so small –the runt of the planetary litter among inner worlds in our solar system –say the study's co-authors.
63 A Nasa graphic which illustrates how the Oort Cloud surrounds our solar system.
64 In fact, we can describe as a material universe, our solar system is this kind of material an atom, our planet may be even smaller electronic.
65 Those new rules cast Pluto out, and put it in a new, and very exclusive, club of just five confirmed dwarfs in the solar system: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.
66 More provocatively, antiprotons in the belt might one day be harvested to fuel missions that would travel far beyond the solar system, Bickford says.
67 Geologically,() Mars is also one of the most interesting planets in the Solar System.
68 It is half the size of Earth, but home to what is probably the largest mountain in the solar system, the 16-mile-high Olympus Mons.
69 Mercury, the solar system innermost planet, never strays far from the sun.
70 And we're just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with five full planets orbiting a sunlike star." Our solar system has eight planets.
71 For the first time, ground-based telescopes spotted a tiny moonlet orbiting a mere asteroid in Earth's own solar system.
72 Meteorite strike is the broad and universal geological process of earth-like planet in solar system, the earth is no exception.
73 The Moon is a Rosetta Stone for solar system exploration and science.
74 The black mat also has turned up nanodiamonds, which are formed in the interstellar medium outside the solar system, by or by a high-explosive detonation.
75 In a solar system, each planet has its own sine wave.
76 The heliosphere shields the solar system from 90 percent of energetic cosmic rays — high-speed charged particles that would otherwise bombard the planets and harm life.
77 The space probe was designed to fly out of the solar system.
78 Olympus Mons is the largest known volcano in the solar system. It is three times taller than Earth's tallest mountain .
79 Uranus, the first planet in our solar system discovered in modern times, was discovered by William Herschel in 1781.
80 Here is how Copernicus summed up his picture of the solar system.
81 Line up a quadrillion pound coins, and they will take you outside our solar system.
82 Alpha Centauri as a solar system along with the Grays and Reptilians missed its opportunity to ascend and was left behind due to the extreme amount of electrical distortion.
83 To evolve into our current solar system, the original version probably had a fifth gas giant, computer simulations indicate.
84 Planetary differences between the celestial bodies in the Inner and Outer Solar System are observed.
85 Since Christiaan Huygens realized in 1655 that the planet Saturn is encircled by a ring, this "jewel of the Solar System" has defied researchers' best efforts to explain its origin.
86 If the solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus.
87 With a diameter of 5 , 268 kilometers ( 3.273 miles ) , Ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system.
88 Has the theory of the solar system been advanced by graceful manners and conversational tact?
89 Just as the sun is the central body of the solar system, so the nucleus is the core of the atom...
90 In the case of OUR sun and solar system, Our central star of Alcyone of Pleiades.
91 This is probably an indirect argument that no advanced civilization lives on Alpha Centauri, otherwise we should have seen manifestations of their technology visiting the solar system.
92 As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it.
93 Icy Callisto appears to be the most heavily cratered object in the solar system.
94 Eris is a Kuiper Belt Object, one of the most recent discoveries in the solar system.
95 Every so often a comet gets flung out of the Oort Cloud, a swarm of comets on the fringes of the solar system, and gets close enough to Earth for us to see it.
96 That matters because the asteroid is one of the oldest known objects in the solar system, having formed a mere 5 million years after the solar system started to congeal.
97 Then(/solar system.html), the earth's telemetric body will span the reaches of the solar system.
98 Brown had been finding similar objects in the Kuiper Belt — the massive band of comet-like bodies that circles the solar system — for years.
99 Because our solar system is situated within this disk, our galaxy appears to encircle us.
100 The Maya were well aware that a solar system is 365 days but chose to memorialize the number 360.
101 Physics of Solar System Plasmas provides a comprehensive introduction to the plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics that are needed to study the solar wind and magnetosphere.
102 The nearest star outside the solar system is called Alpha Centauri.
103 Perhaps at an early stage the solar system consisted of comet - sized objects.
104 Nemesis would have followed a highly elliptical orbit, perturbing comets in the Oort Cloud roughly every 26 million years and sending a shower of comets toward the inner solar system.
105 However, GD 362 started out as a star like the sun in our solar system. But when the star used up its fuel, it swelled up into a red giant and then ejected its outer shell.
106 Solar System Simulator - GO - view the universe from any point of view with this spyglass on the cosmos.
107 NASA officials also continue to spar with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle who say that the agency is balking at congressionally imposed plans for manned exploration of the solar system.
108 As they cool off, they transform into forsterite (see inset), a type of silicate crystal often found in comets in our solar system.
109 This planet, CoRoT-7b, was the first confirmed rocky world outside our solar system, but it doesn't look like a particularly pleasant place to live.
110 Carbon has two non-radioactive isotopes, and in material from the solar system, including most meteoritic minerals, these are mixed in a well-known ratio.
111 The Oort cloud is a vast belt of dust and ice that is believed to lie around one light year from the Sun and is the origin of many of the comets that pass through our solar system.
112 And one of the secondary planet of the jupiter, europa, is also the heavenly body which may have lives in solar system.
113 Only recently have researchers discovered an exoplanet that is similar to a planet in our own solar system, CoRoT-9b.
114 Our solar system lies in a suburb of a vast celestial city, a colossal community of stars, bound together by gravity the Milky Way galaxy.
115 Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
116 In the 16th century, Copernicus put forth his controversial concept of a heliocentric solar system, in which the planets revolved around the sun -- not the Earth.
117 Pockmarked with sulphurous pits, bathed in intense radiation and shaken by constant volcanic eruptions, Io is the fiery hell of the solar system.
118 Our Earth is part of a fascinating planetary family - eight planets and an odd bunch of solar system "cousins" - that spin, roll, tilt, blow and whirl around the Sun.
119 THERE is a story about a science professor giving a public lecture on the solar system.
120 During the early stages of planetary evolution they served to sweep the solar system.
121 Five years ago two of us whiled away a cloudy night on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii by placing bets on how many moons remained to be discovered in the solar system.
122 The meaning of the central - field approximation can be clarified by thinking about the solar system.
123 Mimas, one of the smaller round moons of Saturn, sports Herschel crater, one of the larger impact craters in the entire Solar System.
124 Still operational, both Voyagers are headed towards the outer boundary of the solar system, in search of the heliopause and the beginning of interstellar space.
125 The solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to combine and annihilate.
126 Epsilon Eridani is surrounded by not one but two asteroid belts, a possible sign that other, more Earth-like planets could be nearby on the inside of that belt, as Earth is in our solar system.
127 Tiny Mercury, the innermost planet in the solar system,(http:///solar system.html) appears to have a partially liquid core.
128 The inner asteroid belt be a virtual twin to the belt in our solar system.
129 Past that is the very edge of the solar system, the heliosphere, a vast, teardrop-shaped region of space containing electrically charged particles given off by the sun.
130 Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud.
131 Solar Consulting company in Latin America seeks experienced design engineers in PV solar system design on a per job basis.
132 Click here to read David Wilcock's and Richard Hoagland's comprehensive and detailed research into 'climate change' affecting every planet in our solar system.
133 By way of a series of movies about the Earth, animals, humanity, the solar system, the Milky Way system to explore the scientific secrets in Bible.
134 Normal comets fall into the inner regions of the solar system from icy reservoirs in the distant Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.
135 When you see the zodiacal light , you are looking edgewise view into our own solar system.
136 Astronomers' reclassification strips ninth planet of status in solar system.
137 Damian Peach, an electronic engineer from Selsey, West Sussex,[] has spent the last ten years documenting the changing face of our solar system.
138 Descriptions, of Bhu - mandala have features that identify it as a model of the solar system.
139 Prof Napier says a comet swooped into the inner solar system between 20, 000 and 30, 000 years ago and has been breaking apart ever since.
140 Such change is taking place throughout your solar system, which allows your scientists to observe at close quarters how zero-point energy and matter operate in the galaxy.
141 Customer need the complete solar lamp or only need solar system parts: solar panel, battery, controller, lamp house and connect cable?Is there a limited of lamp cost for the project?
142 Astronomy the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system.
143 Below is an image of the floor of a 600-mile long canyon called Ius Chasma, which is part of the Valles Marineris, the largest known canyon system in the solar system.
144 Notice that just prior to the point at which she states "there is nothing hazardous in the outer solar system, " she makes a very long eye blink.
145 Echus Chasma lies north of tremendous Valles Marineris, the largest canyon in the Solar System.
146 Asteroids is the same as the solar system and planetary motion around the sun, but the volume and quality of much smaller objects than planets.
147 The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are part of the mission's team.
148 They start out in the Oort Cloud, a vast collection of perhaps trillions of small, icy chunks that hover at the very outer edges of the Solar System.
149 The spinning disc of cosmic dust that collapsed 4.5 billion years ago to form our solar system would never have been.
150 We are investigating the possibility of a commercial venture, where a solar sail would conduct station-keeping at points in interplanetary space that are useful for monitoring in the solar system.
151 Indeed, the researchers hypothesise these objects were formed in a planetary disc, like the planets in our own Solar System, before gravitational forces ejected them from these systems.
152 NASA will continue to support the 11 planetary missionscurrently exploring our solar system, and will complete launch preparations forthe groundbreaking Mars Science Laboratory.
153 But it would play a big role in the way comets ' made their way' from their birth places in the planetary disc out to the Oort Cloud and on now they can return to the inner solar system.
154 They recorded the history of the solar system before any of the planets formed, and were the first solids to condense out of the gaseous nebula surrounding our protosun.
155 And unlike most near-Earth asteroids—whose eccentric, egg-shaped orbits take them straight through the solar system—this asteroid's orbit's almost circular.
156 The first observations of the phases of Venus, made byGalileo with his telescope in 1610, agreed with the predictions of the heliocentric Copernican model of the Solar System.
157 Sun bathing will bring one into communion with Earth and your solar system allowing soul to be re-anchored into the form.
158 Those reports remain controversial, but nevertheless, the ever growing list of long-lived microbes gives scientists hope that life may exist elsewhere in the solar system.
159 The orientation of those gravitationally bound pairs of galaxies should be completely random, as viewed from our vantage point within the solar system.
159 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
160 Planetologists believe comets are the oldest relics in the solar system.
161 The stability of the solar system would not be deranged in ages to come.
162 Vesta is like Earth and the other rocky planets of the inner solar system, while Ceres appears to be more similar to the icy moons of the distant planets.
163 And of course, no matter what you call it, many astronomers will continue to see Pluto as one of the most fascinating objects in solar system, the Minor Planet Center's Spahr said.
164 There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over from the formation of planets.
165 As one immunologist put it, such a shift "is not dissimilar philosophically from the recognition that the Earth is not the center of the solar system."
166 Scientists have discovered the first confirmed Earthlike planet outside our solar system, they announced Wednesday.
167 Discovered in 1930 by the American Clyde Tombaugh, the icy rock of Pluto has traditionally been considered the ninth planet, farthest from the sun in the solar system.
168 Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system.
169 Nasa's Kepler Space Telescope has detected its first five exoplanets, or planets beyond our Solar System.
170 The interplanetary medium is the material which fills the solar system and through which all the larger solar system bodies such as planets, asteroids and comets move.
171 The shape of the Milky Way as deduced from star counts by William Herschel in 1785; the Solar System was assumed near center.
172 The inner belt orbits at a distance of about 3 astronomical units from its star--or about the same position as the asteroid belt in our own solar system.
173 The ice on Themis 24 could be a sort of time capsule from the early solar system and could be similar to the ice that may have arrived on Earth from asteroids during the Heavy Bombardment.
174 Cosmochemistry is the study of the chemicals found within the Solar System , including the origins of the elements and variations in the isotope ratios.
175 It was generated by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, using data collected using the Deep Space Network's Goldstone Solar System Radar located in California's Mojave Desert.
176 Indeed, Ganymede is the largest moon in the whole solar system.
177 His focus is eco-hydrogeology, which includes the study of water on planets and moons of our solar system and how those could serve as a potential habitat for microbial life.
178 Telescopes made on the Moon will enable observatories to be established at distant points in the solar system to provide high-resolution images of objects throughout the universe.




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